"In Preparation For Your Eternal Life, This Guide Is For Your Temporary Life In The Flesh. This Work Is Translated From The Manuscript Entitled: "The Duality of Human Nature"       "For A Truth The Lord Has Sent Me To Speak All These Words Into Your Ears." "They Who Hath Ears, Let Them Hear; They Who Hath Eyes, Let them See."
 Should there Be A Divine Act that Can Change The World Love  Is The Act; And May The Children Of The Universal Father Share In What The World Is Soon To Know As Agape Love. Aja
                   INTRODUCTION: To view any subject matter in the above section, left click on any given title and proceed.
                  This website is the formulated concept of my manuscript: "The Duality of Human Nature."
                  Grow with me in attaining God-consciousness; it is a blessing to share my growth with the children of
                  God's divine purpose. I pray your interpretation aligns with God's wisdom of TRUE Agape love.                  

                   The planet earth desperately needs healing; this living orb which we live upon is temporary for each living individual.
                   We must heal ourselves before we consider the planet earth, so the earth as a living organism will know our aim is true.
                   To heal the intelligent species on this planet will be the epochal beginning of mankind working with the divine family of God.
                   This planet belongs to our Creator-Father Jesus, who shared with us a beginning for our spiritual transformation.
                  However, as our tranformation needs a starting point, it must be a place where humanity can survive and thrive, as God
                  will join with us to begin our origin. My brethren, let us work together as one species so we may heal the planet with 
.                 intelligent love and hopeful achievement.
                  I seek nothing more than to bring about world unity through God-consciousness for the finality of a true Brotherhood.
                 There is much in this world for an inquisitive mind to cultivate; open your heart (mind) to it, God will do the rest.                   My purpose here is to complete the spiritual mission bequeathed upon me by my Creator-Father Michael (Jesus). For this                    purpose I am here; for this purpose I am.      
 This work is the inspiration of many a literature which I have embraced with divine guidence; however, The Urantia Book with consideration that it is written by man, is the most informative of any and all books I have studied with an open heart and 20th century intellect since 1978; one of four books in the Urantia Book: The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ: Part IV is supreme work in divine application at it's best. Of all the literature I have read, biasly I say the Urantia Book reigns supreme over all the rest. Spiritualism is a term I use for the purpose of my work, as God is spirit and our purpose is to become like Him. I pray that your soul is fed with the word of God as it is presented through this body of work. Moreover, my goal is not to re-write the Old and New Testament, rather to enlighten you to realities as presented through the eyes of Jesus and his purpose to bring about God-consciousness during his time here on earth. Moreso, my goal is to reveal the true Nature and Character of God to His children in this present era of religious conviction. Feel free to peruse the various catagories relative to the acts of life as they are here setforth for your interest. These websites are not presented in bookform format; read the topics within their structure as written, written from top to bottom like the Dead Sea Scrolls or any roll written with the knowledge presented to humanity; read on and peruse as they pertain to the generality of life. Moreover, in the overall fashion of human behavior, my subjective purpose is to shed light on the many lifestyles and the interpretation of humanity's achromatic reality with and without divine truth.
 I pray any and all personalities searching for truths from these manuscripts find clarity in their presentation as they are here set forth for your interpretation.

  The use of Him, His, or Father in a descriptive form is used to convey characteristic value of God as a Supreme personality; although He is pure spirit in energy disposition, Jesus used the Father as a figurehead in the example of the human family and the Father as the head representative. God has no gender, only His spirit of energy comprehension. Therefore, it is not wrong to think of God as anything other than our Father, not as a male figure of representation, moreover as the head of a family, as Jesus portrayed during his short visit here to introduce the Father's nature to the children of destiny, as we human beings think in inferential terms which apply to our way of thinking. My purpose is to bring consistent attention to God's Will and so I bold every upper case W in each word of "God's Will" so be it!  I must add this one initial factor about energy; the Universal law of God in the cosmos is the law of energy positive or negative. That of which you place into the wavelength of your existential environment will be returned to you, as is the law of the Universe. So please be conscious for your acts of accountability. This is the cosmic law of Karma...
  Any history of the Hebrew nation is the results of extensive research. None of what has been written is meant for disparagment in any way. The readers should view what is written as history, the way it is presented. There may be those who believe I cherry picked the history researched; I can assure you, I only present the qucikest way for information without extensive elaboration.

                                                                                      2004 Om

 Freely I have received this spiritual affirmation from God's divine truth and freely I shall give as Jesus instructed during his ministry mission to introduce the true nature and character of God our Heavenly Father to the mass of those who were fortunate to absorb his precious words and presence as a Divine spirit in a human body; the first expressed Duality on earth. I make this statement only once to account for any terms, words, or phrases that may relate to the Urantia Book; as I use the above mentioned for the illumination of any and all such revelations I myself have written as I am about the "Father's business." These works are 100% non-profit, and as such, I am giving the Urantia Foundation its proper due for any reference I use for enlightenment. So be it...

 I strongly suggest the use of Firefox to view both manuscripts, as I wrote them on a Firefox engine. A PC works for best results in regards the platform layout and the quality of contrast is best read in FireFox as the best browser for reading documents and the like. Reading this documant on any other browser will bring minimal satisfaction.

All rights reserved and protected under International Copyright Laws; Under the Copyright Act of 1790. Extends to the Copyright Act of 1891. No part of this manuscript may be copied or distributed without the expressed permission of the author. Notice of fixed revision process: 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2018,2019, 2020, 2021, 2023, 2024 and 2025 This will always be a work in progress, as I am in constant reflection of divine wisdom. "So be it"


© ® Om  2004
Final Version: 2025                                                                                                                                                IONOS WEBSITE BUILDER

A necessary condensed version first six sections                First Revelation- In Search of God                 

1. In the beginning of conscious recognition evolution was a universal activity within the mind of humanity as they began to question the unknown. This action was the first sign of purpose in the soul's cognitive state. The unifying global act was the birth of God-consciousness in the evolving soul for the introduction of humanity's mission and God's Will. When Genesis is read with spiritual discernment, it is incumbent upon the readers to search the many unanswered questions not clarified within the Old Testament of the Bible. The cultures of prominent religions accross the planet have all claimed God as a personal diety who have given their applicable names to the source of their salvation. However, after careful consideration and much internal thought, I believe Jesus once again has divided the reality of the harsh and mean God who was/is depicted as vengeful and jealous according to the Old Testament of the Bible. Who's demands are nothing short of do's and don'ts or expect the worst. The Hewbrew's ultimate name for God was Yahweh as the God whose name Moses used when emancipated from Egyptian bondage. Keep in mind this was/is still the name the Hebrew used, even after Moses was told by the burning bush "I am" Moses asked God "Who are you?" "I Am That I Am"

 The message here was/is very clear; it is not in the name or description of ones being; God is making a clear and divine stand "I am."
 Indicating the superior place of God's supreme status; there is nothing before, after, above, below or aside God by any definitive means.
 Melchizedek was/is the High Priest and King of Salem (now Jerusalem) who called the God he represented "El Elyon" which means "the most high" in the language he spoke. The New Testament reveals Jesus as a priest after the order of Melzhizedek. Jesus always called God if nothing else "The Father" or my Father. This is a relative term anywhere on the planet, as everyone in the world knows what the word "Father" means in any language or culture.
 In doing so, Jesus gave no personal claim to God for anyone other than everyone on the planet. His words are/were everyone in the world is a child of God the Father; giving no one any special place or being in God's mind. And, as Jesus bestowed himself on earth to introduce the reality of the one true God as he knew Him to be, in character and nature, this he did accordingly, to perfection, he expressed, "my Father is loving, forgiving, and a merciful God to all of His creation." Jesus never expressed in his entire ministry anything other than what he said about God's true spiritual being in the Heaven of Heaven's.
 It is also very important to understand the reality of the Bible as presented in the KJV or any Bible with Genesis. Readers should understand that every and all Bibles are attempting their presentation of God's creation in the 7 day abstract for the earth and the universe. However, there is much confusion with the creation of man and Adam and Eve who followed thereafter; (according to the Bible) I shall elaborate: In the first six days God creates the universe and this planet, mankind included. On the seventh day God rested and did not cause it to ^rain; but there went up a mist and watered the whole face of the ground, and there God planted a garden which was/is Eden and there He formed a man and called his name Adam, Eve was taken from Adams rib. My point here is the contrast of man being created, and Adam and Eve being formed and placed in the garden.
 Adam and Eve had two sons, ~Cain and Abel. Cain kills Abel and is sent to the land of Nod (maybe land of the Nodites). There Cain finds himself a wife; "where did his wife come from?" Cain and his wife had sons who also found wives; where did they all come from? Do you get where I am going with this?
 It makes no difference how many times you revise the Old and New Testament, these written things do not change.

 When reading the Old Testament the evidence at hand reveals the human imagination for that period in time. The writers envisioned a God with human attributes. Every concept contrived in the human imagination was the character of man applied to the Heavenly Father in how they perceived Him in the light of their day, reflecting the image of God in how they (man) truly perceived themselves.

 This continuance is what may have taken place with regards to our human evolution.

  The human species was now on their way towards self-realization and God-consciousness. God initiated spiritual contact through the Infinite Spirit's ministry. This process in universal connection through the spirit was/is the same for all evolutionary planets who become fertile with a species of moral capacity, who are then ready for spiritual realization as a whole. Humanitiy is addressed as a whole, however, we individually experience the Heavenly Father; every child of God throughout the Grand Universe receives this experience which is also known as "religion," the personal relationship you have with God is "True Religion."

 2. Thus, the amalgamation of the earliest races of humanity before the arrival of Adam and Eve on this planet partook in the up-step to improve the genetic quality of humankind as they recognized the benefits of breeding outside their clans. This process was/is a natural inclination for the evolving mind in the beginning of evolution for consistent progress, done from their own recognition and benefit of breeding. Adam and Eve were thus brought to this planet in full form to begin the spiritual uplifting through genetic inclusion for the evolution of mankind; it was/is the same for all evolutionary planets; as there are billions of planets with potential life forms in the Grand Universe.
 Humanity world-wide had almost universally become conscious of this indwelt presence of God; very much the same way the Spirit of Truth had entered into the minds of God's children upon the departure of Jesus on the day of Pentecost. Moreover, this would be the Spirit of God becoming at one with each of His creation, which would be the beginning of spirit inclusion for God's children with a conscious will and the potential for God-consciousness.

  Moreover, Adam and Eve were now ready for the Garden of Eden where they would reside to begin the procreation of their offspring. Adam and Eve along with their children and those who lived within the garden would partake from the Tree of Life for longevity along with grains and nuts for sustenance. Interestingly enough, the Tree of Life affected anyone who reside within the Garden of Eden.
  This particular would entail Adam and Eve take their place on this planet of evolutionary status to live for thousands of years and procreate; to produce offspring that would eventually breed with the lower species known as humankind; thus uplifting humanity through Adam and Eve's DNA. This genetic inclusion with just enough of Adam and Eve's spirit DNA would bring human beings to the level of spiritual consciousness as a whole to eventually prepare us for the final stage of Light and Life for the entire planet. Think of where we would be as a collective thousands of years later if it had gone God's way? Mankind had only the information derived from one another, as he believed early on we were the only living entities throughout the entire universe; which makes perfect sense if human eyes could not see past the sun or other planets in our local universe. World knowledge was fixed into religious history for this reason, as man found only what was sought; everything else was/is embellishemnt.
 However, Adam and Eve disrupted God's plan of Light and Life for the planet earth. The course of spirit realization did not take place until the arrival of one Melchizedek High priest of Salem. Melchizedek, who, thousands of years later would come to the rescue of our planet to teach Abram ( father of the Twelve Jewish Tribes) about life throughout the greater Universe. However, much of the damage had already set its course through human history; the Lucifer rebellion contaminated this planet with the darkness of his will in going against God's divine plan while attempting to quell the evolutionary plan of our Creators; as Lucifer's only job description was to watch over all evolutionary planets in Michael's sovereign universe. Michael's perfect creation defaulted under the weight of his own mind.

 It is imperative you view our evolution with a conscious attitude. There was a "Tree of Life" however, it was for the consumption of Adam and Eve and their offspring and everyone within the Garden of Eden; this is very interesting considering all our medications and major nutrients derive from plant life; mankind seeks cures for new and uncommon illness which open the door to the many possibilities in the medical field for those brilliant minds that follow thereafter. There is a passage in the New Testament of the Bible, and Jesus states: "Before Abraham was, I am" clearly indicating the preexistence of Jesus' spirit in attendance billions of years before this planet began its evolutionary stage. I thought this would help with an early introduction to our Creator-Father Jesus of Nazareth. There is so much more throughout both manuscripts written for your enlightenment, as he (Jesus) inspired both manuscripts for God's reality and humanities purpose with and for God once recognition of God-consciousness encompass the soul of mankind.
 3. If humanity weren't so narcissistic, we would be inclined to understand there are hundreds of billions of universes with evolving planets like ours following the same course as the planet earth in regards their orbiting path and cycle "like the planet earth." Jesus thus stated: "I have other sheep not of this fold" (other entities on other planets) clearly indicating Jesus tends to all planets within the parameter of his sovereign universe and those within other dimensions within our universe.
  Stop and consider Michael spiritually preexisted before his bestowal as Jesus; he became conscious of his preexistence at the age of twelve when a boy here on earth; Gabriel the Arch Angel kept abreast Jesus of his much needed knowledge. By the time Jesus was in his twenty's his knowledge was unsurpassed. Jesus, at the age of twenty-five, had billions of years of universe knowledge at his disposal, plain and simple. Michael (Jesus) is our sovereign ruler of this universe.

 Jesus rules with just cause because he is our Creator-Father. It was the intention of Michael (Jesus) to have Adam and Eve procreate future biological progeny to interbreed with the inferior species known as man. To bring about a new proactive-species of humanity who would welcome spirit realization and God-consciousness as a whole; which would have put this planet in a state of Light and Life. The incentive being the assurance of ascension for every soul survivor to ascend without life's cesssation (death). Perfecting the children of God and procuring our rightful place in Light and Life. This particular was to take place over thousands or millions of years of spiritual evolution (or more commonly known as "progression") not seven days (7) as is written by the simple mind of man and his understanding of creation. This particular confusion is what curved the belief in evolution, as it was easier to believe in the simple thought of a seven day creation than actually believing in the reality of evolution. As it was/is just to intricate in knowledge for man to encompass.

 Lucifer, the intelligent creature that he was/is took advantage of the human race in its early stage of evolution; we were at the threshold of becoming moral creatures. Lucifer was created perfect by Jesus until "iniquity was found in him;" he didn't respect Michael, but he acknowledged Michael (Jesus) as his Creator-Father. Adam and Eve defaulted with God's plan, however, it was their decision, and, it had nothing to do with casting the original sin over humanity to pay for. If just a hint of this were true "What would this say about our Creator's?" This whole scenario is an insult to the integrity of God as the primal personality of Agape Love.

 The Gods are contending with a Grand & Master Universe along with trillions of planets; it is not likely they have all the universe time to concentrate on our backward planet. The Gods gave mankind free will, so we could work it out according to our timeline; mankind is responsible for every single act on this planet. It is unfortunate humanity accepts the simplicity of man's mind in his expression of God being at fault for all the wrong on our planet and universe. Man was/is clearly displaying what was/is in his small mind of limited imagination. Everything written and or expressed derived from man's own inherent behavior; as all thoughts evolved around the narcissistic mind of mankinds self-centered reality. All concepts of God relative to behavior and nature are in fact what mankind thinks of himself, as he knows himself in all aspects of own behavior.

 God is Eternal, Perfect, Omnipotent, and the reality of true Agape love. God's character was exemplified to perfection by Jesus during his adult life to represent God; by his admission "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father, for the Father and I are one." Jesus revealed Mercy, Compassion, Love and unfathomable intelligence to those at hand as well as the universe of his creation; to understand the nature of God the Father, you must understand the "Life of the Master" so you may learn about the realistic character of God.

 Do not complicate the reality of Jesus' divine presence while trying to understand his religious cause. His spiritual nature was the character value of the Father; thus, you have to be God-conscious to comprehend his presence as God's emissary. Jesus bestowed himself on this planet for several reasons: To show us how to live by faith in God and each other; his words: "I came not to change, but to fulfill" and "The least you do unto your brethren, you have done unto me." So, in representing God; these are the words of God verbatim. Moreover, in fulfilling the Will of God here on earth and this universe, he also procured his position as Sovereign Creator of this universe, confirming his last words on the cross; "It is finished" these words were explicitly for our Father; his mission on earth was over, as he earned his sovereign title of God's Creator Son and the God of this universe with his last and final bestowal as a divine spirit in a human body for this bestowal to reveal the true character and nature of God the Father to this world and an onlooking universe.

 Melchizedek, the King of Salem and teacher of Abraham, was/is responsible for setting up the arrival of Jesus' ministry.
 Melchizedek is the only entity in the entire Bible that has neither genealogy nor any record of where he came from or went to, only that, Abraham paid tithes (making Melchizedek very important) to Melchizedek as a king and High Priest of Salem (now called  Jerusalem). Moreover, Jesus, according to the New Testament, was a priest after the order of Melchizedek. " In the same example the truths of Jesus had been altered, so were the words of Melchizedek.

4. One of the greatest blunders in Biblical history is the "chosen people theory" written throughout the Torah; the connection from Adam to King David is fascinating when you consider the source. The Jews were selected to carry the word of God Melchizedek taught to Abraham, to every nation, people, and tongue (this is what they were chosen for). Furthermore, every prophet sent to warn them of their shortcomings resulted in the death of that prophet by the people they were sent to inform of their misdirection.

  Melchizedek's truths were so distorted when presented by the Jews to their congregation, Michael (Jesus) saw fit to send forth prophets to warn the Jewish nation of their misdirection, as he still believed the Hebrews could be salvaged from their self destruction. Moreover all teachings in the beginning of delivery were taught through oral technique; the Jews through generations of verbal embellishment attempt the story of creation as a direct bloodline from Adam to King David; thus establishing the concept of being God's chosen people. Which is one of the reasons for so much revision of the Old Testament, until it's current state; only to bring the human mind in the direction of the writers who embellished their concepts of the inspired works already written by man. Keep in mind for beneficial reasons later in these manuscripts, the Old Testament was/is the inspired word of God. Jesus is/was the New Testimony of God made flesh to combine the human and divine nature of God for the revelation of God's truth. This is what the New Testament means: God's new, true and real Testimony in the actual life of His only begotten son Jesus; Jesus is God's new living testimony.

 The Hebrews devised a method for controlling the ignorant class by keeping the less informed with no direct insight to the word of God they received for free. This method was in the form of sacrificial rites the individual paid for at the altar along with the temple tax to receive God's word and blessing. Between the temple tax and the money for sacrifices, the Jews did very well for themselves; notwithstanding, they still managed to keep the ignorant class in a blissful state of confusion thru their traditional idealism.
  The Jewish nation began their history with the most precious wisdom in unrecorded history; the teachings of Melchizedek to the founding father of the Hebrew nation; Abraham, who in turn passed these teachings on to the twelve tribes. There is a strong possibility Melchizedek taught Abraham about human evolution and the progress of this planet; the idea that "man was formed from the ground" (evolution) can only be accredited to the interpretation handed down over hundreds of years of oral history. Notwithstanding, man's incessant hunger for sacrifice, you would think along with the Jewish priest who perpetuated these killings, the congregation would grow tired of it? not so, it is as if the Jewish congregation thrived on these sacrifices that meant NOTHING to God!

 The idea Abraham spent some undocumented time to learn these asdvanced truths are by far more credible than the seven-day theory of creation "for this planet and the host of them" this planet and all the others created in seven days according to the Torah. The Jews had one principal factor of truth in their Torah, God was/is a Supreme Force and Father figure responsible for everything in creation, and "without Him, nothing was made."

5. The Jews knew and accepted God to be a Father figure, which is how they acknowledged Him in their worship. The Hebrew knew God to be a changeless God; however, the incorporation of various beliefs added to the Torah about God's reality, confused many of God's children seeking spiritual freedom. The writers of those particular Canons in the "Books of Moses" attributed human attributes to God which makes perfect sense in that period of history. However, Jesus came to displace the confusion with providing humanity with a true revelation of God's true nature and character. Jesus also taught about the farce of prosperity which the Jews concentrated on more than the spirit of God in regards to their goal; God does not grant prosperity, because it has nothing to do with the spirit or soul of humanity. In fact, God does not grant prosperity for the sake of granting it; "Why would God give so much to some and nothing to others?" This is all man's greedy self help theory to protect their historical monetary interest. When you put out positive energy, positive energy is returned; in all facets of it's known.

 One thing is certainly evident in the teaching's of the Master; God did not create good and evil; this concept is contradictory to God's nature and once again implies of humanities idea of God when these stories were and or created. Unfortunately, the Hebrews who had now become the Jewish nation had created confusion among the people searching for God. Women of Jewish descent were treated terribly in this period of history as the Jewish male once quoted: "I thank God I was not born a woman" and "Better the words of the Law be burned than to be held by a woman." To date women in the Middle East are treated without regard, without any personal rights, or the right to educate themselves, "how is this the Will of God?" As is the so-called mind of the Middle Eastern man with "it is God's will" as they honestly believe. Which is why they continue to treat women with such disdain...

 Jesus never went against the commoner with their thought's about God's kingdom, he merely enhanced the knowledge of the "Kingdom of God" being within the soul (mind) of the believer and the Father in the center of this kingdom; John the Baptist preached: "repent and be saved, through the baptism of water." Jesus taught: "believe and be saved, through the baptism of the spirit and the rebirth of the soul."These two particular sayings were told by Jesus and John who were in fact second cousins. As you can see here John was bound by the Old Testament Laws of the Torah; Jesus as the New Testament, offered a much clearer path to God our Father for our true salvation. John preached about repentance for the salvation of the soul thru the baptism of water, where as many a peculiar tradition and laws controlled the simple mind of that time frame. Jesus offered "believe and be saved through the baptism of the spirit" the spirit and soul occupy the center of the mind where all discernment of wisdom and knowledge are procured for the perfection of human totality. Jesus' only solution was to follow the Will of God; how perfect was/is this?
 Melchizedek taught Abraham, God is spirit and His entire domain is on a spiritual plane; which means God's universe home has a physical constitution, moreover the entities thereon are strictly spiritual energy on a higher frequency.
 When reading the Old Testament, its continuity is the evidence of man's interpretation for God in the light of their day and nothing more.

 The Old Testament left so much in quandry without clarity. Take into consideration if only for much-needed reason, thousands of scrolls were omitted because they did not coincide with the Hebrew Nations personal agenda. Notwithstanding the 600 plus laws that were established by the Hebrew nation for God; this, of course, was their counter offer after Moses was given 10 Commandments on Mt. Sinai; ten simple principles to live by. The Hebrews after their emancipation, devised 613 laws that could not be kept by the people who inspired them, all He gave them were ten laws to be placed into the Tabernacles of men's heart (mind).

 The confusion in the Old Testament is what spawned so many religions to create their own version of doctrines in terms of God's salvation. There is only one religion that is to the point and how it is designed to augment the highest concept of religious truths: This would be the religion of Jesus Christ. It was/is pure in its platform and beliefs; "follow the Will of God, to love God with all your heart and soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself" on these two simple Commandments fall all the rest (Ten Commandments conglomerated by two). The belief in the religion of Jesus is the actual route to salvation, and it is simple in it's delivery.

6. Except for the early Chinese, Tibetan, and cultured Indian religions in the Eastern hemisphere, most beliefs are remnants of the Old and New Testament. For example, your Islamic religion, was clearly taken from the Old and New Testament colored to suit its believers by Mohammad, the father of the Islamic faith, who created this religion over "500 years after the departure of Jesus Christ?"
  Jesus came here to represent the one true God as he knew Him to be; there was/were no form of sacrifice in his salvation, there was no retribution for following your own heart, there was no killing of innocent lives for your personal belief in God. There was/is no tradition or crystallized forms of truth in his religion or crazy beliefs of an afterlife filled with man's basic desires, as in the abundance of women; there is only the belief and worship of God, and the service and love for one another thru a true brotherhood. God's Will is God's way; God's way is God's Agape love for the ultimate expression of God our Father is "Agape love."

 Notation: The Jews of this day should not be held accountable for their forefathers behavior. The Jews today are acting according to their beliefs. Although the Sanhedrin court system of the past did in fact arrest, judge, try, convict and sentence Jesus to be crucified for their own personal whims, which they considered the laws of Moses. They themselves are responsible for creating the laws of Moses they made up after their emancipation from Egyptian bondage. Which goes without to say, God never gave land to anyone on this planet. All wars over land anywhere on this planet are illegal and very much against the laws of God... This is fact! Also, "God wasn't a real estate agent?

 ~ Cain was obviously the negative one, which stands to reason why Cain would have never been chosen to carry God's words to people around the planet. Notwithstanding Cain no longer lived within the Garden to partake from the tree of life for longivity or the word and practice of God.

 ^ If there was rain there was mud. The rain which came down created "mud" on the face of the earth, which would have made it easier to form a man...

 *  One of the most interesting thoughts about the Old Testament of the Bible, is no one on this planet knows who wrote the Old Testament or any part of the Torah; the first five books of the Old Testament. Moses is given credit for the Torah, however, he was not at all educated in the Judean way, as he was raised by Phararoh's daughters who taught him Egyptian wisdom and the culture he was raised within; so he would have only known their language and writing techniques. In fact his brother Aaron was by far more intelligent than Moses in the Hebrew culture and education, which is indicated in the Old Testament of the Bible.


FAITH a Multi Dimensional Reality 

7 "Faith is truly the acceptance of things unseen." God's presence is accepted through the experience of consciousness in mind value. We question this existence as it is in our innate nature to examine the known and unknown in our search for truth. By any means God will connect with His cause, His purpose, His reason to perfect with "His creation" through His revelatory truths. Your experience with God is your reality to be shared with all who seek wisdom and Agape love in preparation for ascension. Be as it may, there will always be those of skeptical performance who will rage at any potential value in the existence of God. I shall state first and foremost, those who lack spiritual insight are those lost to the world of mankind; God is nothing less than your total experience with a Supreme Godhead Who thus reveals Himself through a spiritual insight derived from a personal conviction and experience like no other.

There is only one approach to our Heavenly Father and that is faith! Faith is the first step in transforming your will as a child of destiny to the Will of God. Why faith? Well, if you could physically see God, there would be no reason for this particular Jesus spent his entire teaching ministry demonstrating as the importance of the Father's Will as an experience through faith. Moreover, God does exist; it is your faith in Him which qualifies your salvation for your eternal career in the ascension path of the Father. Faith is animal inherent in our gene structure fashioned to communicate passivity in preparation for our ultimate engagement with the parent (vehicle) as the first trimester avails all chemical value which becomes inclusively vital for the fetal's demand as a parasite which continues it's journey communicating multidirectional instructions as designed. Thus, life begins as instructed by our Heavenly Father to intrust His Creator-Sons with His most prized creation in prepairing the human vechicle for "the Soul." Think of the complexity in prepairing the human body for the soul and spirit to reside within the construct of the brain, for the evolutionary creature known as mankind.

 Jesus forever used the analogy of a child's faith when expounding on personal religion in general for the confidence of a child in a parent-child relationship who depends on the credibility of their relationship. In other words, children within their safe environment are relying on their parents for everything a child requires while temporarily in the flesh, which is complete dependence on their parents in the physical realm in which they exist. When viewing children in their natural environment the consensus is simple, children are free of bigotry, hate, or immoral acts children observe in adult behavior. The example Jesus referred to, were children who are just at the age of abstract decision; children who are not easily influenced externally by the outside world of their environmental habitat; moreover, children are learning from their adult counters, which is where they learn about deception and the lies adults are quick to inadvertently share.

 The Absolute of faith should be a universal affair for the unity of a true brotherhood. To expound, "If you have faith in God whom you cannot see, why would you not have faith in your brethren who you can see?" Jesus taught this example for the world to follow; this he did as the Son of Man. His standard was in the service he provided to his creation, revealing one crucial aspect of his life; the servant was not above his master. Jesus was/is our Creator, and yet, he humbled himself to an onlooking crowd, by an onlooking world, to an onlooking universe for all generations of time to witness in all acts performed by his divine spirit in a human body.
8. Your attitude seen through the eyes of a child is the acknowledgment of a child's concept in life from their view and the relationship shared with their parents. The value in the parent-child relationship is the reference Jesus used. The child is entirely unrestricted and lives without doubt within their family structure. So, in essence, when you submit your will to the Will of God, you too are sharing in God's eternal love and more importantly His eternal plan for you as His child of destiny. Not until you attain a personal relationship in your experience with God as your Father, will you understand your true purpose in the physical realm of this world. Like a child who feels the assurance of their parents love in absentee, it is the faith of the child that is the point of this analogy. Unless you accept this divine gift of God the Father you will never know the possibilities of God's unconditional Agape love and how it is eternally becoming one with His destiny child as you endeavor to fuse your spirit with the energy of the Heavenly Father in your Eternal Quest.

 Jesus came to this planet to reveal the nature of the Father's divine character by expressing his everlasting love to a temporal world; thus sharing God's nature and character to his created children. Jesus stated: "The Father gave humanity to me as a gift, and no one shall pluck them from His hand." These are the words of our Creator-Father Michael (Jesus Christ) whence he revealed to this world, to this universe, that every action and every thought was predicated on the Will of the Father, this is irrefutable!
  In his physical life Jesus lived by complete faith in the Father; this faith was the established cause of a God-knowing man who experienced the Father first hand in the Father-Son relationship. Trusting in God is a faith commitment in preparation for your ascension; your belief in Him awakens a spiritual response from the spirit fragment of God Who indwells you.

 In the total act of a faith commitment, the experience of the child (you) and the parent (God the Father) presents itself as the potential. The potential present in this relationship derives from a complete submission of the child of God who wants to experience the totality of God's presence here on earth as it was meant to be. You are to become a candidate for ascension status and spirit perfection along with your potential among your breathren who are also on the Divine Path of perfecting the spirit; this includes all of our celestial brethren.

 This experience begins with "faith." Jesus was/is the author and finisher of real living faith; he was/is the supreme example of how to live by faith and faith alone. As you grow in your faith with the Father, the Father expects nothing less than 100% of your dependency upon Him; with this said, the soul is left unhindered in spiritual inception with a selfless lifestyle in what we now know as "purpose."

 As you focus on the Will of God, you are learning how to sever yourself from the material realm which potentially entraps the living soul from its original cause to transcend the physical plane. In effect, being a part of the world shuns you from the light of spiritual realization and knowledge. It is the darkness of these souls (individual minds) who reside in the world who realistically create this negative energy by such actions as hate, war and instilled prejudice (carefully disguised as politics). Moreover, the exploitation of the poor and ignorant is a great part of this negativity created by the human species and the human species alone preventing "universal truth" from taking root in the heart of the destiny children of God who are seeking God's truth and spiritual liberty as a whole, and, to gain a spiritual cohesive for the enlightenment of humanity in the attainment of a true brotherhood. If you are preventing any person or child of God from education, you are in a sense impeding them from the word of God in whatever platform it is delivered.

9. Belief is a wide range in the spectrum of discernment and can easily be scrutinized by non-believers when it comes to the nature of God-consciousness. In truth, when one believes in an understanding, you are making a sole commitment to this understanding. Therefore, when I say, "I believe in God," I am making a conscious commitment to Him in totality. This analogy based on life's experience is just that; now it goes without to say many Agnostics and atheists will refute this. However, I stand firm in my belief in stating: "If you have never tasted the bitterness of life, you can never know the sweetness of it." You cannot merely expound on anything you have no knowledge of or experience in; this is an irrefutable fact of life, and is applicable to all life in general.

 The focus of your belief in God begins with faith; faith is what grounds you in that unique relationship with the Universal Father and the experience you derive in that relationship as well as your growth in spiritual development. This transformation is spiritually fruitful and can be very infectious as you are transcending and coming closer to your ascension status.

 Bear in mind: All change is the process affected by the individual and his or her experience once divested of their lower nature. The key to a realistic experience with God is the actual submission of one's self to the Will of God. The fruition of this experience is the aspiration of sharing this knowledge with your brethren as intended by our Creator's as it is written in the Bible, "you must share the fruit of your learning or your gained experience will be tossed as the chaff from the wheat off the threshing floor." You must provide your understanding to other truth seekers or you are wasting God's truth as Jesus expressed to all concerned. All of Jesus' parables of the "talents" "coins" and the "seeds" of the birds were all about God's words being used by His children seeking truth and bestowing these truths on to your brethren seeking truth.

 Sharing your experience is a form of service to those children of potential destiny cause who are seeking spiritual liberty. Your purpose in the flesh is to abide by the Will and love of God and disseminate your spiritual experience with those who are seeking religious freedom in God's truth; to bring spiritual freedom to those who are spiritually blinded by Dogma and crystallized doctrines from various religions created over centuries who have taken the religion of Jesus and created a religion about Jesus; who obviously deterred from the real life of Jesus' living truths.

 These religions have inverted the actual lifestyle of the Master and have created confusion in the minds of truth seekers; various religions with uncertain doctrines in literary paths who have created more questions than providing answers. Books written by entities who have no idea who God is, as witnessed by His son Jesus who described the Father to perfection, revealing the reality of the One True God to all the worlds in his universe for all generations of time who would emulate Jesus' act of faith in the God he forever addressed as "the Father."

 Jesus exemplified the most important aspects of faith by merely displaying his actions in God's Will from the minute to the most extreme. All his ministries of work, were works of his faith in God (faith and works). Jesus was/is a living example of God's personality for this world and universe to witness for the right and only reason to emulate. To be as perfect as God, you must understand the nature of God's Son Michael. Michael in his physical state as Jesus proved to the world and universe of his making, his faith was/is the key to a religious lifestyle in the exemplification of living for God now and after your ascension. If you should choose to survive the spiritual quest of attaining all that God has to offer in your eternal life with Him, it must begin here now in the present state of your physical being as a potential child of God.

 I say potential as we were all created for all intent as the children of God as stated by Jesus' testimony; however, it is entirely up to you, whether you survive the spiritual quest ahead. Again, it is a divine virtue or suicidal prerogative of your own choice whether you ascend or not. Your choice becomes the potential.

 Your reality is more than the physical presence of you and every entity on this planet; your personal existence coincides with God's presence in your life for the preparation of your true life in spirit; a spiritual quest beyond words or any language which would suffice your curious nature. This adventure is yours for the taking and has been sanctioned by God for every will creature with the capacity to love and be loved in the Agape fashion Jesus displayed during his time on earth to reveal the true nature and character of our Heavenly Father.

  With great anticipation, it has been instilled in your spiritual nature to want to know more of what life is and what will follow the physical status of your temporary existence in the flesh after your cessation (your death). The spark of curiosity our Creators have placed within our souls, to search for those everlasting truths that will lead you to the Providence of God, is part of our creative nature in purpose to find our Heavenly Father and eventually fuse with Him; this is truly the perfect union of Father and child. This action is important and must be acted upon as the world around you suffers without justification. It has been written by those writers who have copied the Masters warnings to be heeded for today's cause. Because history has thus verified this one fact!

 It is not merely a prophecy in history; it is history verifying prophecy!

                                                                                       Of  Human Nature

10. The duality of human nature exemplifies the overall behavior of humanity in general. The fact that we are in constant battle with moral decisions is testimony to this exhibited behavior.
  Moreover, the duality of human nature is evident in the quality of choices made in the commonplace of life. For example: When a decision is made for personal gratification of the flesh, we succumb to the lower nature of our animal inheritance. Hence: The urge to propagate is an instinct to survive the continuum of our species; this behavior is basic animal instinct preserved over millions of years of procreative drive fixed in our animal DNA of evolution.

 However, it is the morality of choice in the procreative drive which determines the nature of mind value in the human species when allowance is made for existential consideration. Thus, as you continue your existence in sharing your thoughts with your mate (wife or husband) be as creative as your imagination allows, however, let your experience with the partner you choose be a God-conscious union; your creativity will become illuminated by the "human senses" when you allow God to work through you as a couple who share the spiritual oneness of God when you cleave on to eachother, as written in scripture.

 When mind functions on a spiritual plane the innocuous attitude and state of selfless modes are actions incurred through moral judgment. This human act is predicated on a higher cause, and yes, our desire is there for the purpose of our continuum as a species, a needed stimulus for a man and woman in the copulation experience for the life contimuum of our species; however, this is the great part of mutual gratification in the love we share with a partner, with the possibility of adding to the family complex. Have you ever pondered on why the "orgasmic state" is such a great feeling of pleasure? I honestly feel we as the human speices on the highest level of the food chain, would ever continue to procreate if there wasn't a pay off at the end of each intimate session; as all life in any specie have this one unique design for the continuance of life. Just a small thought to consider when questioning our purpose in creation and the intelligence it took to design our evolving species; we are without doubt the most complex of any living organic species on this planet, created by a superior intelligence who formulated our intelligence to begin and perfect our being in all aspects of existentialism...

 The human choice in gratification is done in love or lust. This is where the dual natures display their true values as existential entities or adhere to the lower nature of animal inheritance. Again, the sexual performance between a married couple is the full on desire of both parties without limitation or hinderence from social taboos created by the small minds outside of any couples marriage. It is written in scripture: "When a man cleaves on to his woman, they are as one." There are no side line additives as to how they may enjoy eachothers company, because God never made any! Man is the only creature to have imposed upon the union of marriage with their dubious thoughts as to how a married couple should perform behind closed doors, generally dictated from the dark minds of religious sectors; again revealing their ignorance in latency with the progressing nature of humanity as if their drab opinion really matters.

 The lower nature of the non-spiriutal personality responds to environmental desires in what the eyes behold that have no spiritual value; this is ego participation for self-gratification. However, the intentional motive of your physical nature is in the balance of moral decisions. Moral decision to equate judgment as a spiritual cause is the transcending value of spirit cognizance. In other words, you will know your action from the experience itself; the value in your decision making is transcending when the influence of God is descending from God to humanity.

 Humanity overall has nurtured it's primal nature of the flesh all through history; this is a learned process which becomes increasingly difficult when attempting to liberate our lower nature from the reality of our spiritual one. As with any expression of the human species in an evolutionary society, we learn negative behavior under the same premise as we do a positive one. In short: "It begins with a new generation and a new direction for spiritual growth, 'a child will inherently recognize truth as a positive force' from observational judgement." This is the true beginning of tapping into the consciousness of a child's potential, to allow their growth with the individual capacity of each child who God will transform accordingly; a learned process when taught to a child in the frame of a positive reinforcement, as a child will accept what they see when the adult whom they admire provides a righteous path children eventually adopt in life as a normality.

 The inclusion of moral judgment by the common species in general is the acknowledgment of a spiritual nature that is driven by divine influence. In other words, when the individual rises above their lower nature, moral decisions are recognized as divine influence channeled through the spiritual recipient receiving ministry meant for the uplifting of the individual and or humanity.

11. Our spiritual nature remains consistent with the creation of our species in the transitional state of intended design. The art of progress for humanity is in the positive values of morality humanity will embrace for the uplifting of mankind, which we then apply to the generality of life. To wit: The birth of altruism as a genesis for a benevolent society.
 When awakened to a state of spiritual illumination you succumb to the recognition of your dual natures; you are becoming at one with the spirit of God which indwells you, while the Spirit of Truth (Spirit of Jesus) nurtures your understanding of God's plan and purpose for you. When you become conscious of the indwelling spirit of God you interject a direct line via the Spirit of Truth (spirit of Jesus) to the Father for the unification of your spiritual oneness. Think of the complexity involved in the creation of mankind as we individually come to know and understand God through the relatonship designed by Jesus for each one of God's children. Jesus came to this planet to show us who we are as individual entities in relation to God as our Father through his (Jesus') "Life and Teachings."

 A necessitous, yet, prime reason Jesus poured his Spirit of Truth upon his creation immediately upon his departure on the day of Pentecost was to activate "The Spirit of Truth" within each child of God (regardless of their belief) for the spiritual presence of Jesus (Michael) who will be assisting you in discerning moral value in a divine context. In other words, the spirit fragment of God Who indwells you is responding to spiritual direction provided by the spirit of Jesus as if he were physically here himself. Jesus made this proclamation for all generations of time: "I must leave, so the comforter may comfort you," the New Teacher "The Spirit of Truth"  Jesus sent in place of himself. If this were not so, he would have stated otherwise.

 The spirit fragment of God who indwells you is here for your unifying experience with God. You will always be you in personality expression; your personality is your cosmic identification in God's Grand and Master Universe. However, the "Spirit of Truth" Jesus poured upon humanity when he ascended, is here to lead you to the special fragment of God within you, so God may begin His process of what He does best, "perfect your spirit and soul survival" while you are preparing to ascend into the Father's true and most perfect reality.

 The Supreme Being is currently becoming forthwith; He is escaping through every personality in the Grand Universe; He is eventuating along with His will creatures who will share in this wonderful complexity; the difference being, we are eventuating as fragments of the Supreme Being; He is eventuating as and with the whole of His creation. He is becoming complete in His transformation; we are becoming a part of this transformation through His completion. A primary reason God is not affected by time or space; His ubiquity allows Him to be everywhere at the same or any given time the Father so Wills; which is also to say He can be a thousand years into the future and a thousand years into the past simultaneously "A day is as a thousand years to the Heavenly Father, and a thousand years is as a day." i.e., there is no difference in time for either one, as time does not exist for the Universal Father. Moreover, the primacy of the Universal Father begins in the Paradise Isle, where there is no motion in revolution; the Paradise Isle is stationary in the center of all universes, all revolves around the Paradise Isle. "Again, no motion, no time."

  The commonality of God's spirit binds with the universal cohesion of humanity's spirit on all evolutionary planets. God becomes a complete reality for humankind when humanity accepts His love in totality, thus, validating  humanity as a true "Brotherhood." There is no other way for God's children to become a family unless there is a disregard of the human ego and a change in the acceptance and love for each other. This proclamation is the significant factor which ties all of God's will creatures as one, as well as those planets of God's creatures created perfect.

  The Father's nature is revealed through His children of destiny promise when they perform in the spiritual image intended by their Creators, which is the Father's divine reality, an attribute of God. Jesus taught the attributes of love, compassion, mercy, and selflessness; which are all joined in the act of service. Love was/is the supreme premise of Jesus' teachings for all his children, evolutionary or perfect; our Father is a respecter of no one, meaning we are all created on equal footing, all evolutionary entities in all universes with a fraction of God's spirit "no chosen people."

  It is challenging to fathom one's reason of existence when you have given way to your lower nature. The individual who succumbs to their animal or lower nature is merely responding to their innate behavioral pattern driven by ego. The ego responds to the material realm, that comfort zone exemplified by human behavior in the propensity as a need "of self-gratification" and, placing ego in the center of  your environment or more commonly known as the world.

  Life as we know it to be is temporal, so what you do with this life will determine your outcome in the next eternal spiritual life, "if you should spiritually choose to survive at all." This provision is free for each personality provided by the Gods in our creation; so that in our free will, we learn the value of faith prescribed by Jesus who taught the true meaning of personal conviction in his livelihood to represent God in his faith commitment. Our creation with free will implies of purpose in experiential causation. We were/are created to experience God and all He has to offer; this is truly a transitional experience in the face of provisional transcendence.

12. The Universal Father and our Co-Creator Jesus have mapped out and planned for our purpose long before the foundation of this planet. It is evident life in it's most detailed creation is no accident; accidents do not have purpose, they are the law of probability.
  As for those enthralled with the material values of life in the physical realm; it is challenging to grasp a marginal concept of any relationship with the unseen force that exists, if only for our sakes as His creative cause, because we are that cause.

 The only agenda Jesus had for this planet of chaos was to reveal the true nature and character of our Heavenly Father, and above all, His plan for you as His destiny child of spiritual eventuation. Moreover, he attained full sovereignty of this universe after his bestowal as Jesus Christ as per the request of the Father's Will. This Jesus did, in completion without ever thinking of himself, despite his sovereign position of this planet, of the very universe in which we have our existence.

 Only love in the purest form of an expressed ideal could have motivated Jesus to give of himself so selflessly in all acts of service to his creation, knowing full well of his impending doom and the suffering he would entail before, during and after crucifixion. How bold, yet humble, how courageous, yet reserved; so complicated in nature, yet simple in ministry.
  Jesus did all of this and more within the parameter of God's Will, revealing to his creation as well as his universe the Absolute position of the Universal Father and His divine Will as it pertains to all of His will creatures, perfected and evolving; as well as the Grand and Master Universe He upholds. Jesus did all of this while trusting in the Will of God, so he would be the definitive example for all generations forever in time.

  Bear in mind, along with his divine nature, he was still born of flesh. The key to his existence as the Son of Man was his dual nature as a Son of God for the revelation of God's truth. "For this cause, he came into the world." To live the exemplary life as a Son of God; a sinless, religious, yet human by all accounts, who by the very temptations he overcame, revealed to all of God's children that we are all human, yet, potentially prone towards perfection in the transcending experience of ascension back to the Father who thus gave you the life you live. Now it will be completely in the hands of mankind as to how our affairs will carry on with the conscious mind of mankind for the planet earth and all it's impending doom...

 The defeat over Jesus' temptations was one of his earthly battles; however, Jesus laid as an example for all to follow, how to defeat this temptation by following the Will of the Father in faith; this was/is the ultimate example of God's Will in action. It was this experience in the flesh that led him to become the perfecter of faith as a Son of God in his temporary human form (Jesus) as the Son of Man.

 There is clear indication for those who misconstrue the life of Mary the mother of Jesus; she conceived like any other woman on this planet, Isaiah 7:14 "And a man child was born unto this maiden" (changed from maiden to 'virgin') in the same fashion women have had children for centuries. It was the spirit of Jesus Christ that was preeminent in the period of his earthly mission. In other words, it was his spirit that preexisted, not his body of the flesh; this is why the Master had two natures as you and I; however, his spiritual life was already familiar with the God of Heaven, which is why he addressed God as our Father, because he has always known the complexity God's presence as a Father.
  Moreover, he slowly became aware of his spiritual nature in his twelfth year as a Son of God. The temple episode where he spoke at the age of twelve to all who were enthralled with his young expressive knowledge should be a clue to his awakening (becoming conscious of his spiritual preexistence). Jesus was discovering his spiritual awakening as a divine entity of God at this point in his life, as Gabriel the Arch-Angel of Michael's vast Angelic Empire kept (Michael) as Jesus informed of his purpose and mission of our Heavenly Father.

13. Jesus came to share an understanding of what otherwise would have never been revealed to date. He expressed God's love through his selfless act of service and ministry to his creation and stating "The least you have done unto my brethren, you have done unto me" revealing one of the most momentous passages in Biblical history; He was/is clearly conveying the spirit of our Father in each and every child of destiny; this is what the passage implies in doing less than nothing for your brethren, as you would for God who's spirit is within all His children.

  Jesus had a lower nature as you and I, however, he overcame it, he mastered the spiritual plane of his consciousness. His focus on the Will of the Father exhausted his physical-self leaving only the Will of God. This accomplishment was/is the accolade of his life.
  It was this experience of the human side of Jesus which was the onset of his cause in the flesh. His recognition of divinity may have come early in his life, however, it is evident that he focused on his human nature if he was to be the example for all generations of evolutionary planets throughout his sovereign universe who are still evolving. The attribute of reading people and seeing the end from beginning was spiritually inherent in the conscious mind of Jesus; he merely availed the nature of God in this performance to read the conscious mind of people.         

 By his example we become perfected in our faith of the Father; by his example we become the children of God through the brotherhood of men; by his example we learn that perfection is the Will of God, and by this account it is God's Will that we become perfect, as perfect as God's divine being.

 Recognition compels your experience in the Father's Will; recognition instills spiritual realization; spiritual realization is the sum total of our cosmology while in the flesh. The duality of human nature takes place in the experience of self-realization while in the state of recognition. Recognizing your lower nature in contrast to your spiritual life will augment a definitive cause in spiritual attainment and mind value in that recognition.
 Humanity is evolving in the material realm for the virtue of transformation and spiritual transcendence; transformation is the key to understanding the change in your attitude for transcendence. Moreover, when you feel the essence of God moving through you, He is connecting to His evolutionary child of spirit presence to enlighten you with knowledge, so, be prepared when this action comes, as it is a once in a life time opportunity for every child of God to serve.

14. The material realm will serve it's purpose in the individual life span, however, the individual should only live and learn in the material world, not become an integral part of it.
 We will, through the course of destiny, discover the purpose of God's Will as He unfolds His mysteries of interaction with His creation perfected and evolutionary. We will come to understand the full glory of God as we transform from state to state, plane to plane, and life to life; becoming more at one with our divine parentage in the scope of spiritual perfection as intended since the inception of the Spirit of Truth.

  The common factor in cosmic relativity is the principle nature of The First Source and Universal Center. The First Source and Universal Center of all creation in His volition creates an energy ripple which carries His intelligence and source of self-existence from the center core of His Being throughout His expressed purpose in universe expanse as kinetic energy; the essence of pure, pristine energy pervading in universal direction for His Grand Universe, created from original thought, from its original energy source; a frequency in the existing ethers only the Gods can identify and explain.

 This existing energy pattern is the Master Blue Print of life which the Father initiates in manifestation through every life force with will. This life force provision is distributed to all universes which contain intelligent life forms. God pervades all space manifesting His Will as part of His exclusive nature. In this ripple of intelligent pervasion is encoded the Father's supreme expression of creative cause and cosmic effect; this energy is sent out and returned to it's source through the creative will creatures of the Universal Father; you and I assist the Universal Father in His transformation of becoming the Supreme Being through a complete transformation in our mutual evolution.

15. Moreover, in this process, we conquer the flesh as Jesus instructed his followers and the like. Rising above your lower nature is relative to recognition in which we acknowledge our behavior through reflective cause as we observe our own behavior in oneanother.
  As man endeavors self-discovery in a world of temporary existence, the perplexity of humanity stands firm and unresolved. Human beings busy themselves for the answers of the unexplained everywhere, except the right place. There is but one place to seek for the answers that have eluded men for centuries, "Seek ye the *kingdom within" as the kingdom of God is within our human consciousness; this is the reality of purpose for the God-seeking individual in search of answers. Your center of thought coincides spirit, soul, and mind activity which formulate your personality; again, your cosmic identification; the "I AM" factor...

 The soul is the citadel of consciousness and spirit intergration, the total cosmogony of human expression. Our spiritual nature was/is created to search for the principal cause and spiritual effect of spirit realization. The design of the human soul is Gods unfathomable work for the sole purpose of His residential status i.e., where He occupies His space (our souls) for relative cause. The soul is the center of Gods origin for humankind." God walks with us so we may learn to walk with Him." This walk is encumbered when we reverse our understanding of purpose. i.e., we create our own confusion, when going outside the soul and conscious mind for answers that can only be found within.
 The mind is responsive to material environment, therefore, it becomes imperative to seek God within. You cannot become acquainted with your Creator if you block all possible communication with Him. The simplicity of your desire to know God is in your conviction. The soul is invisible to the human eye and so is the spirit which connects you to the Father of life. These two operate on a frequency which coincide supreme spirit communicating with God's energy presence.
Humanities divine principle creates total cosmic stability while in spiritual concert which works with the Father's Grand Universe for the orchestration of harmonic balance. Cosmic order is the Absolute position of the Universal Father created within His thought manifestation; however, the evolutionary creature is subject to only one thing, "The Will of God." Your compliance is derived through the art and act of faith; applied through your works of life towards your brethren.

 Your submission to your faith in the Father is your first step in bridging a gap between you and the Father of all creation. "The Universal Father of life" is your only driving faith. This invisible force that is in all of God's children awaits recognition of God's presence, to reveal the possibility of son-ship status and transcending value towards your state of spiritual perfection and the Providence of God. It is the unfortunate state of human participation and negative lifestyles which creates the ambiguity around this planet with all that is potentialy good. There is so much confusion throughout the world which makes it hard to focus on God's Will, while people are dying, starving, warring, and dealing with the so-called natural calamities we are at fault for. When considering all the aforementioned, how can you compete with the ignorance of man in his desparate attempts to keep the world in turmoil. In essence "we are to blame for all that is negavtivley going on inadvertent or otherwise."
16. The human will by various degrees display cause and effect in human behavior when regarded as experiential. However, the innate aspect of the evolving soul is within the spirits need to transcend. In other words, your mind is designed to advance in truth and all elements which surround the reality of truth. The higher nature of the individual is in the performance of emulation; that is to emulate the character of God through a spiritual enactment; to be as perfect as God in serving your brethren as Jesus instructed in his exemplary lifestyle.

  In the material realm, a battle of these two (lower and upper) natures becomes apparent to the God-seeking recipient, when then and only then, recognition ensues for the triumph of the ultimate purpose in transcending the individual, thus, revealing the duality of the evolving soul. Recognizing your spirit nature will help imbue moral value and spiritual realization, which in turn will help suppress your physical or lower state; the physical desires which want to control it's master, you!
 This will not mean instant success for the mortal being in a prompt fashion; life was never meant to be one long blissful experience, but, it was meant to be experienced. Negative behavior is a learned process that must be unlearned in the adult through the art of life's experience and true selflessness. There will always be an ongoing battle of wills within the human soul. The vicissitudes of life are what help shape the human character in accepting failure as a tool to persevere through life's adversities.

 What ensues for some personalities is the confusion of purpose and lack of spiritual reception; a division of the divine and human condition in reflective cause, continually displayed by the act of egotism. "Self-hood will always be a deception masquerading in the falsehood of one's personal glory." The continual battle of our dual nature does suffice in one particular cause, and from the sheer experience of our duality, we become tempered by the results of our own acts.
 Today in our world of temporary existence, social-religious sects continue to balance or attempt to balance the will of man with the Will of God. There is not! "Nor will there ever be a compromise with God and humanity's desires that have nothing to do with the transcending value of their spirits towards the Providence of God." God created humanity, we did not create God. When children are brought into this world accordingly, in the precept of a good respecting lifestyle, it is only natural for adults to guide and teach children about life; children do not come into this world teaching the adult; this example goes without to say, God created us with the intention of us guiding our children; as the God's teach and guide their creation. (the parallel)

 Once again, we rely on recognition for purpose; recognition germinates a progressive path in divine direction towards the Paradise Isle, where all of God's creatures are destined to go, perfected and evolving. God's Will is His superlative right of sovereignty; through His creative force exists His Will of certainty; a rule of unquestionable right! What transpires from submitting to God's Will is the personal experience you establish with the Universal Father. God is a respecter of no one! This personal experience offered by the Father portrays a loving Omnipotent presence that genuinely loves His children of destiny, revealing how important we are by the individual experience we share with Him on a personal basis.

17. By rising above your lower nature to that of your higher qualitive nature you have sanctioned the acceptance of God's 
Will. You will thus begin the experience of the Father's purpose for you as a child of destiny. The destiny children of the Father are fragmented with the spirit of God to portray self-expression in the art of living a benevolent and altruistic lifestyle in total service to humanity.
 Our existence is God including His vast creation to partake within the crystalline fabric of space throughout time in the warp and weft of life's intricately spun patterns of destiny. Transcending the physical nature of humanity to become ever-so illumniated by the intensity of God's spiritual nature; thus, we come upon that hour of fusion for the child of our Father who has traversed accross the episode of God's silent dream, who now falls into the arms of God's whisper "It is your time" the anticipation of what was, is now a flash; no words of lament, no time, no suspense, all replaced with divine intensity, brightly removing the sight of lives past; it is only in that moment you find the calm that is now "The Agape of God's Love" moreover, it is your experience, "your faith has made you whole, see to it you tell no man." "The supreme attributes of God imbued within His creation for the ultimate cause of God-consciousness is revealing God's defining moment for His children; God remains as always, there with and for you." Attaining God-consciousness is synonymous to your personality becoming God's personality which is a shared process of God and you. In essence, your spirit is in collaboration with God in preparing your soul and spirit for the quest of spiritual perfection and ascension status.

 This is the request of our Creator-Father Jesus "The Christ Man" who lived amongst his creation; to share in our experience as potential will creatures; to be an example to the world and universe of his making in fulfilling God's Will; who ultimately requires that we be perfect, as perfect as the Heavenly Father. If this were not so, Jesus would have taught otherwise.

 Also, as a Son of God, Jesus set the pace for all humanity, as he humbly served his creation, revealing his unique divinity as a God who served his creation; yet, with more wisdom than any person before his bestowal mission or after his departure in the flesh. "Jesus left his enigmatic footprint of spirit perfection within his words and idiosyncratic performance as no other to date."  "Thus I have learned the purity of true love, like no other in this human existence; you fill the void in saturate among galactic measure; left with soliloquies by decree, I am lost with no desire nor want; you have fulfilled the promise of Heaven times seven; I will worship, I will honor, I will serve, I now know what love is." Thank You Father

* The kingdom within in this phrase would be the source of life; God is the source as our Creator and giver of life.

 Notation: The Duality of Human Nature defines the lower and upper (spiritual) nature of our creation in evolution from the animal stage to that of a transcending value for our true spiritual life. All animal species do not possess spirits; though they do have minds of intelligence that allow them to learn from repetition; they do not have the vision to bring them to that stage of consciousness. Only a Will creature of God has a spirit, the same spirit which works within the mind, which is how we make choices and convey information to one another. Animals have brains that allow them to learn from repetitive action, (this example would be like a child who is slow to learn; so they learn from repetition) enabling their learning ability. Thus, animals will never reach the stage of spirit status to have a God-conscious personality. So when I speak of Duality, it is in this general sense that I am referring to, that we have two natures, lower and higher. The lower is the animal nature, and the higher is the spiritual nature with a potential divine destiny; I say potential because it requires a choice to ascend to the Universal Father's Providence. This option is what gives us the prerogative decision to ascend or not ascend? Our choice...



                                                       INTELLIGENCE of the SOUL  

18. The creation of our species was a careful consideration from the very *start. Jesus thus phrased multiple times, our Father is Spirit, and God wants that we should be as perfect as Him. Now consider we were/are created here on this planet as physical human beings. Knowing we are created as physical beings to eventualy become one with our spiritual capacity is without doubt creative and complex thinking in our design. Our bodies were/are designed to eventually die as the carbon fades due to our environment; thus the human body despite all it's wonderment and abilities will expire. We have within our mind's structure a self preservative drive designed into our evolutionary status, a want with a need to survive.
 There is no doubt in my mind humanity has much to learn for the purpose of extreme survival; the spirit, mind and soul are inherent values to connect with the Creators who have structured us with purpose. Now given all that is written by mankind as individual experiences have now come to light in our evolution, evolution has a profound purpose in the design of mankind as"We now know."
 Moreover, our Creators have given us much to consider as a species who realize our relation to the animal species we have a direct relation with, i.e., the physical and biochemical effect relative to all animal species who are in the mammalian family. Our DNA sequence is the only key to a relative marker to signify identity within the individual species. The spirit, soul and intellectual faculties have carried humanity accross the questionable boundries we have sought within our search for cause and effect to exact our purpose.

  If you can take a moment to factor in the spiritual concept of our Creators, we know from descriptive design, Angels are close to human beings which allow their invisible nature to acquire a form of energy which allows them to appear and disappear at their convenience; which can only identify with the science of logic for an energy field which surrounds the Angel with the capacity to adjust frequency for visual manipulation. Humanity understands the science of man as they are just now realizing these abilities in our existentialism. We know Jesus could not have professed such advanced knowledge about energy according to the Apostles time frame, however, in the acts performed by Jesus with his healing, water into wine and multiplying the food source, it requires no less than common sense to understand what those people saw as miracles were nothing less than Jesus' abilities to manipulate the environment at hand. Bear in mind, when Jesus states: "Before Abraham was, I am" and "In the beginning was the word" Jesus was/is the word. This is clearly indicating he is billions of years old as a personality of God. Notwithstanding he created our universe, as he is Sovereign ruler of this universe and the planets therein.

 We as God's children were designed to progress in every sense of the term. Now given the limited understanding of man's creation in the beginning of time, it's pretty self explanatory our Creators wanted us to discover who and why we are from and through the histories of time. This of course would be cause and effect and what we discover by trial and error. Our history is chalked with very much of who we are, we just have to piece it together as expected; unfortunately mankind lives in a very controlled environment, in what we as a whole are responsible for creating. Mankind is very primitive in his way of thinking, as we would have come so much farther as a planet of species had we worked together for the inprovement of life. Medically, scientifically, economically, spiritually and above all peacefully. A simple process in life Jesus tried so hard to teach us individually.

Humanity need consider, if only for the enlightenment of limited perception, the human intellect has always been in a progressive state, this is irrefutable! The human mind (as analogy) is but a shadow of the spiritual aspect of the soul created for experiential transcendence. Our souls were/are divinely created to benevolently perform before and after death. Transcendence is the intended purpose of the soul's occupation, always on the progressive path eventuating while ascending inwards to the Universal Father for the final state of fusion (God's eternal embrace).
  Your transcendence is your evolvolutionary soul and spirit working in tandem within mind value through energy circuits you use on a daily basis; this is the perfect collaborative act for the will-creature of God, with God as your guide. An attributive design by our Creators for the physical progression in the material as a precept for the spiritual; the perfect gift for our emulated cause. A reflection of God's intention for all evolutionary creatures; this is the reality of progression. It is completely ASININE to think God has created the Grand & Master Universe and all within 7 days as if God were in a hurry to get things done. All life is on a progressive scale, whether progresing towards the positive or the negative, it is still a progressive mode; time does not exist without motion, which is the movement of progression; if per se something is digressing, the clock does not move backwards; it is still progressing toward a negative value...

19. With the conception of our Creator's from the doctrines of historical perspective, our 21st-century minds have been confused with probing questions and answers these ancient Biblical doctrines have left behind in the archives of history for us to peruse and literally ponder. In our state of confusion with these answers that are/were never clear for one who seeks divine truths, we are left to contend with nothing more than our culpable act of confusing humanity, such is our nature.
  The human intellect is the offspring of supreme intelligence; we are using the value of God's knowledge fragmented in our spirit to process behavior within the construct of our source "our soul." We were/are created for a transcending experience, to unite once again with the source of our intelligence who thus created us for our unique experience with Him. This is the basis of our excogitated reality in our find for the Supreme Being; the answers to our questions are within the soul, God's dwelling place awaiting our search for His existential reality in our eventuated quest as a shared experience of Creator and creation.
  The human intellect is the essence of mind value for the discernment of God's presence and the application of this presence in your brief life on earth as in your potential quest across eternity.
This action constitutes your sonship status with God from the experience you share with your earthly brethren and your celestial family to be.

 Although God may be ancient text by today's modern standards, He remains in this Biblical state because we cannot discern or comprehend the full gamut of God's eternal and ubiquitous existence. Also, never dismiss for one moment, God is anything other than supreme intelligence with an Omnipotent energy level beyond human comprehension. Our reason for spiritual transcendence is to come to the full understanding of God's reality and how He relates to His creation as we come to know His true cosmogony with the Grand and Master Universe He upholds through the experience we share in His totality.
  God transcends time and space and No intelligence in the Grand Universe has this unique ability to transcend time and space except the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit, as well as those designated by the Trinity sanctioned for such cause.

 The Universal Father is geographically static in universe position at the center of all universes which surround the Paradise Isle; The Father, Eternal Son and Infinite Spirit have this Omnipotent energy level which pervades every part of the Grand Universe from the center of the Universal Father's location to wherever there is an abundance of life force with will creature status. Where-ever there is a life force, there you will find energy presence.

  We have a very long way to go before the complete understanding of ourselves and our purpose in life, yet, the answers that we  search for are locked in the consciousness of humanity's spirit. You need not search outwardly for the essence of what awaits in the center of your citadel; the soul, mind, and spirit personality God has provided you with is for the sole purpose of discovering His residency within the center of your being and sharing this find with your brethren until you ascend your next stop for your first spiritual upgrade.

20. Unfortunately, this civilization has truly evolved past their understanding of purpose and spirit realization as a whole. Modern science has only recently conceded to the possibility of intelligent design, moreover, their idea of intelligent design is a total mechanistic concept; this of course is the result of exhausting all avenues of searching outwardly for the value of that which resides inwardly i.e., the soul, which science will never come to terms with as it would require the exclusion of ego.

  The exact nature of humanity's Godly perception forever holds true, we have separated God from the intellect of man. From a human standpoint, all knowledge of the Universal Father is purely spiritual in function and deity attribute. However, there should never be any doubt that our intellectual creation derives from the most complex of all intelligence: The Original Blue Print, the First Source, and Center, the I Am is volitional force inherent from His own existential prowess.

 Again, God may appear ancient in the standard of Biblical text, however, in this reality He is the begining of all universe knowledge. Our intelligence begins with the Blue Print of spirit data, where the soul and spirit of humanity along with the wisdom of God become one in unified experience. The importance of the human soul is in the recognition of your source. God's spirit is encoded in the genus of humanity; this is how we become a living soul, through the recognition of the source and identifying with the source of relative cause.
  The divine qualities we derive from God as an evolutionary species is the ability to separate spiritual and physical realities; notwithstanding thought-form manifestation contributed by our Creators, we have the innate ability "to know."

 The Universal Father is the voice (analogy) Who manipulates matter from sheer thought pattern; this same voice initiates the most complex creation in-universe manifestation, the creation of life. When one considers the commonality of human nature, it is necessary to ponder on the simplicity of the human drive; all created beings with God's power of will, share the common factor of thought form manifestation. There is nothing around you at this very moment that was not, is not, will not be a thought form manifested into material creation, absolutely nothing! Inclusive of God's creation, all things created on this planet are made from thought-form manifestation (the ideas of humankind manifested into reality). The basic elements of human creation from the minds of our Creators; thus it becomes self-explanatory by the concept of creation.

 Our created state is, in fact, the most intelligent and predetermined formulation of life, our Creators should receive a Nobel Prize for the concept alone. We are evolutionary life forms on this planet, all life considered; however, we are evolutionary life forms with a soul, purpose, and spiritual destination to perfect our existence. This definitive action reveals value in the ascension scheme of the Gods, which proves there is a God who has separated humankind from the lessor animal with the application of the human soul and spirit to search for the God of supreme intelligence who created our intelligence with and for a purpose.

21. Your spirit is circuited thru mind and soul as God's energy uplifts the essence of who you are. Therefore, every step incurred by your intentional drive is a process within the value of mind and spirit, for instant evaluation of the soul; in essence, the brain is merely responding to the indwelt spirit source of God.

  In viewing our planet from any distant point in space, we come upon a world of complete symbiotic service as it reveals intelligent design for the cohesion of life. This excellent foresight in our creation reveals a unique pattern of purpose in the evolutionary scheme we call life; all living experience is interactive and predetermined as value in the minds of our Creators to create life with self-sustaining abilities. Consider every complex notion of creation from conception to our present state; now consider what we have done with this wonderful gift of life? With all being said, we should take a good long look at our accomplishments and consider where we are going in life? And, have we given our children a possible future? "With these great accomplishments and failures, will there be a future for our species?"

 With the gift of life via our Creators, derives the responsibility to govern all truths that reveal God's true nature and character. In reality, we shall/should express God to one another as intended since the birth of God-consciousness. God's verity should be the aspiration of every child of God who wants to ascend into the Father. Truth is the essence of any child of God marked for ascension,  also anticipating the grand moment of Light and Liffor any given planet with perfected or evolutionary will creatures. Jesus stated God's true and only intention for His creation is to become as perfect as Him, and He has given all living will creatures an outlet to do just that/this.

  God is combining humanity together into one spirit. Humanity must acknowledge the supreme goal of God's Will for the greater good of His universe expanse and all His created will creatures perfected and evolving who reside within these evolving and perfected universes.
 This unity created by the Gods is for our benefit and must work with our cooperation as a species for total symbiosis, as with any perfect alliance in a sustaining relationship to work within harmonic balance, it is vital accessibility for divine purpose.
God will assist us in our spiritual journey when committing to His Will as part of His essential plan for spiritual realization and Agape love; "When we seek for positive change it will become apparent." This is not only for humanity, but more importantly for the Grand Universe and all home planets; "home" being the key word.
22. The unfortunate position for our planet at present is the on going negative energy created by individual occupants whose self-indulgence have fostered a primacy for the dark forces that indeed exist, practiced by individuals who are clueless to their actions. This negative behavior of the human will is stealth deception of the individual ego, which inherently creates this dark force projected over humanity; inadvertenly creating an external wave of negative energy throughout our atmosphere.

  Humanity believes this dark force to be an existing evil in the world as an outside influence, and to some degree it is; however, it is the collective negativity of the self-willed creatures that are mammon minded and practicing the art of self-indulgence throughout the world, creating this negative charge through their own deceptive acts created by the human ego. Philosophically, this primitive behavior reflects the intelligence we possess as a progressing species, who continually create this negative energy while we await for the salvation of God's light. However, God is not responsible for anything close to the negative field humanity has created out of choice. Free will, means exactly that, free will. "Our will, our choice. This is one of those acts which sadden our Creators, as we are doing this out of free will. We cannot worship God on Monday and drop bombs on other parts of the planet on Tuesday as it all becomes quite redundantly contradictive; such is the unresolved issue in a vacuum.

 Before this planet can come into the proximity of Lighand Life, we must all acknowledge the path laid by our Creator-Father Jesus, who taught the value of unification in the brotherhood of humanity through the art of selfless love and service in the most benevolent act we as humans can perform for one another.
  Jesus portrayed the perfect experience of God's love through his undeniable service to humankind. His service is unsurpassed by anyone in the antecedent of or subsequent life of Jesus here on earth.

 Thus, the breath of life is the intelligence of the soul, as in the state of recognition; recognize the source, and you have begun your right path of spiritual realization and soul survival in the evolutionary ascent of God's perfect Will. The brain necessitates oxygen for it to perform accordingly; thus, the bio-chemistry the body incorporates is a clear respondent to the clean energy of our oxygen source. In essence, it is by sheer recognition we acknowledge our existential being in totality; an act performed by the brain incurred by the itelligent mind which houses our spirit and soul!

  The breath of life is written analogy for humanity to recognize as source and cause for existentialism. The air we breathe sustains all life forms on this planet reciprocally with earth's vegetation and sea plankton which provides oxygen, which in turn use our carbon dioxide and a fraction of COthat we exhale to sustain themselves; this is a perfect state of symbiosis. I believe the early writers of the Biblical Canons incorporated their limited knowledge presented by Melchizedek about the breath of life as an afterthought in their revision.

23. However, what is fundamentally important about the story of creation are the fragments of sporadic truth sprinkled throughout it's presentation. The story of creation should always have God at the center of it's revelation; however, mankind in that period of history made no qualm to curve his thoughts during his presentation of creation. What sets us apart as the
will creatures of God from the lesser animal is our ability to extricate our presence overall. We have the genetic blueprint of "spirit acquisition." The evolutionary process of any planet is progressively long but certain to attain divine results. This is God's plan of universe evolution; He was never in a hurry for the universe to evolve; perfection is part of the progressing act towards our threshold. Think of humankind like fermentation, like wine that needs time to become it's best.

  Yes, our Heavenly Father is the intelligence of pure energy; moreover, He is supreme unfathomable intelligence. In addition, we are created to experience God's knowledge throughout our careers of perfecting our spirit. Our evolutionary stage is the first phase of attaining God through spiritual realization. God's intelligence is the achievement of a Grand Universe in the making while revealing our participation, we facilitate growth with God's master plan.

  We are minute as the individual children of God in the grand schematics of evolution, yet, in our minute state, we are all accounted for wherever the personality of a single soul is in unity with God's relativity.

  The Heavenly Father offers the continued transition of the life cycle continuum, with the ultimate ascension plan at the end of our physical evolution. The growth of spiritual perfection through the course of our eventuation reveals our state of perfecting as we transform from state to state revealing the reality of the Father who has completed our spiritual transition as value in His ascension plan for this cause. This plan is unconditional Agape love from the center of God's being; to refuse this offer is a prerogative of the self-willed creature, of course, this would be spiritual suicide when you consider there is no place for you in the entire Grand Universe of Gods perfect plan. Which is why, "you would become as though you never were." If you didn't exist, no one would think about you because you are not in the ether as an existing personality to fill a void.

  The cosmic over-control of Our Father is for the most significant outcome of the Grand Universe. We have reason enough to understand why God imposes His Will upon His will creatures, perfected, and evolving. When you consider the behavior of humanity throughout history, it makes perfect sense. We will creatures of God have never taken responsibilty to care for ourselves or this planet. To date this holds true! Of course this does not pertain to every planet of evolutionary will creatures. We need the Universal Father to guide His children accordingly, or we will implode from sheer ignorance as proven throughout human history. Considering our current status in the scheme of life, we need more than anything short of air, "God's presence" for every personality on earth.
24. There is always a battle for the human soul which ensues through the ignorance of self-hood that is driven by ego; the spirit of God drives the divine led creature towards His Providence; the human ego drives the self-led being towards self-destruction. Hence, the soul will always be in the evolutionary path of spiritual progression as it attains perfection, insomuch as you remain in God's 
Will. The battleground of morality will have the human soul at the center with one exception, we have at liberty the ability to choose the right path. The choices we make ultimately shape our destiny in the truths we seek for the paths we take. The options before us, from point A to point B; we are born with a predetermined destiny, to get from point A to point B. However, how we get from one point to the other is self-determined. Because it requires a choice in your path to get from point A to point B; every soul on this planet is born with a predetermined destiny controlled by the choice you make for the final outcome. Your faith in God's Will, will provide you with the choice you need, to make the right call for your true destiny outcome, by the essence of your faith.

 This factor created by the Gods is the natural path within to search for principal cause back to it's source. Mind value is relative for the spirit or ego. The human ego has always been, will always be, God's adversary because it is in direct contrast to the Will of God. The human ego will not accept anything more significant than itself. As for those who ponder on the unrealistic notion of life without purpose, you too fall into this category of serving God's adversary known as the ego. Your ill will to follow your Creator is another form of denial.

 The material world is the physical realm in which we live; however, you cannot serve two masters, mammon and the Will of God. Your soul is in the center of all spiritual discernment; spiritual realization is essential to your existence as you gain the capacity to expand and expound on God's universal wisdom. We were/are designed to make our own choice; God does not coerce anyone for any purpose.

 The interaction of life displays an intelligent design that reveals the cohesion of life's function in the evolutionary plan of a divine concept, which we call "life in action." What began as the focus and product of a holy experiment, is the finished biological properties we have become; children of destiny, with divine potential, godlike attributes, deity goals, and self-realization for divine transcendence.

 Moreover, with complete service to humanity, our Creator-Father Jesus the Christ-Man, expressed his action in performing God's Will in purpose and our living function as his creation. The critical recognition here is to know the derivative of your service; is it out of self-aggrandizement? Or does it stem from the love of the Father? The choice you make in your decisions to reflect reason is the inherent value in the mind of divinity; it is the morality of choice which the soul discerns in equating fair and lucid judgement for God's Will to become a true and valid choice in life.

* Our creation as an evolutionary species is merely the indication for the start of something uniquely made for the beginning of our planets occupants; as we were created to evolve in every sense of the term, meaning: we are far from complete as a species. So much potential for a species with a relative nature like our animal cousins who exist in the same dimension as ourselves. We have mind and souls within our cranial cavity specifcally for self discovery; and, more than anything else, to discover the God within the spirit of our souls, designed for the ultimate goal of energy fusion with the Godhead, Who eventuating as the Supreme Being awaits His children of destiny for the ultimate moment of fusion.

"If the doubting person must rely on his or her intelligence to equate self-existence within the Grand Universe, let them do so with a complete unbiased position of any and all possibility while grasping a comprehensive understanding of the many facets in life and their meaning to whatever degree they may serve in whatever capacity they're subjectively delivered to your unencumbered reception of thought value." Aja


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25. There is a true sense of sadness for those entities left upon a planet of non-spiritual darkness; entities who are unaware of divine truths overshadowed by inept behavior
carefully crafted by world propaganda with ill intent of keeping you the truth seeker from your true destiny; separating you from your Creator, thus, leaving you in non-spiritual darkness.

 Throughout centuries men have become adept in placing a scientific gap between God and the ultimate influence of creation, while deluding themselves without any clear reason (or motive without reason). What men of science and the secular world fail to understand is for our tiny and backward planet of evolutionary status, when it comes to seeking truth "There is nothing new under the sun." There are billions of evolutionary planets that have evolved perfectly, who have started out on a positive path, only to perfect on a positive note; which are all around us in the uncalculated space throughout the Grand Universe...

  Take into consideration all evolutionary planets which are on course with God's Will of Light and Life who are influenced on all spiritual levels by the associates of their respective Sovereign Creator-Sons i.e., Michael-Sons (or Jesus the Christ-man). Humanity has always been in the watch care of God's ubiquitous presence when providing universal consciousness to a planet of evolutionary species; a species which seeks truth outside of what lay within the soul of consciousness.

 Science and the secular world of mankind fail to produce an adequate measure in common interest for a global consciousness in purpose for a universal brotherhood subject to the Will of God.
 Those who may attempt to enlighten men and women of science with spiritual truth must consider one thing, and this is undeniably  certain; men and women of science are stringent to fact-finding, relying on the discovery of the tangible through their ardent research, for results in what they consider truth. So it seems more than reasonable to use the scientific approach when bringing God into the spiritual equation of life for men and women of science and the secular world who want nothing more than an intelligent answer to their probing questions.

26. Faith is the common ground all
destiny children share with their Creators for the greater good of a Grand Universe. Now a secular and spiritual fact of intelligent life!
 Many of earths religious forums will partake in dogmas and traditional variables to reach a platform in translating personal views of scriptural information. You as an individual must personally find rationale within their interpretations; this is your responsibility as a God-conscious personality if you are seeking truth within a document, book or Bible, Old or New. The common factors of religious leaders and renowned scientists is the faith they hold on to for their personal convictions. The act for research sought from Science and the Secular world is fortified by the personal conviction in the existential art of life; conviction formulates truth through the most relative form of interpretation, as truth is the only driving force availed from our Creator-Father Jesus.

 Scientist are rewarded for their discoveries as they advance all life in helping humanities needs; pure science is only pure when humanity gains from it's find. Inasmuch as religious leaders who actually help individuals with the key to salvation; who are rewarded with hungry sheep (congregation) who are searching for answers in spiritual direction. Faith is the common trait shared by science and religious leaders whose personal convictions lead them to search for truth.
e However, you as an individual child of God must weigh the information received through your conscious objective. We are only human and thus subject to the inadequacies for interpreting what we see and hear. These are the problems humanity faces every day when their faith is in question; faith is attenuated by negative value when your personal experience of God is left out of the equation.

 The Spirit of Truth which Jesus poured over his creation on the day of Pentecost was/is for the recognition of our unified experience with the spirit of Jesus Christ. The Spirit of Truth does not regulate the Father's revelations to temper human understanding; the Spirit of Truth reveals the nature of God as Jesus knew/knows Him to be from his personal experience with the Universal Father.

 The ultimate goal for the Spirit of Truth is to guide you with divine influence in your endeavor to seek truth prescribed by Jesus during his lifetime on earth; to teach you how to live by God's Will as you relate to every other child of God; to help you become a potential ascendant in your progressive stages towards the Providence of God.

  The reality present in the Spirit of Truth is the actual experience derived from the Father's glory within the soul of the believer. As the children of destiny become dependent on the Universal Father they have now become a part of the Absolute. The Absolute is not science; the Absolute is not the passive answer to life; the Absolute is the Nucleus of living energy we use to acquaint the spirit within to God's spirit energy throughout and beyond our existence.

God by no means becomes a stumbling block to impede our human endeavors when seeking truth. The effective nature of this universal affair is testimony to the cosmic over-control of an Intelligent Being to evince His realistic cause and your realistic effect with purpose in all aspects of His (God's) Will for the most significant outcome of a Grand & Master Universe.
 The Supreme Intelligence who bequeathed our insight of intelligent purpose has implanted the spiritual seed of curiosity in the human soul (this, of course, is analogy). In this particular, the Spirit of Truth waters the seed of universe wisdom, incorporating God's wisdom for the sole purpose of advancing the God-conscious child to that level of ascension status in God's perfect image i.e., His spiritual attributes needed for His created will creatures to continue their perfection.

 You will never see God in your own reflection; however, you can witness God's image in the attitude and expression of another individual who emulates God's nature and character, manifesting purpose in human relations in the fashion of service, selflessness, and ministry thru the art of life for "God's perfect love." Science accounts for the quantitative action of humanity, the observation of the mind at work "where value is a commodity." Religion embraces the qualitative works of anticipated hope and faith, found only in the destiny children of God who are sharing God's gift of life with one another in the simplest act of faith, service and Agape love.

 Your spirit and mind value within the soul reveal identity when in alliance with the Will of God, as you advance in spirit realization and soul transcendence in preparation for ascension and the ultimate act of fusion with the spirit of God. The soul discerns all spiritual activity in tandem with mind value; it may be as simple as the expression of love in service to your brethren in the flesh; however, it is the ongoing expression of the soul.

28. To science human emotion displays visible response from the soul's credibility of joy or sorrow but does not explain the value in that emotion. Science may interject of the brains chemical influx as stimulus source, and to some degree this is true; however, there have been cases of individual's in a comatose state which have clearly shown emotional response incommunicado; which then becomes an anomaly to medical science; "what is truly going on within the mind of a person in a comatose state?" They are not dead or physically active, yet the mind is continuing on its individual journey leaving the medical industry to ply it's practice of searching and ultimately questioning how or why? as they dig into the human brain with instruments which cannot measure the spirits activity; a consistency in the spiritual nature at it's core of the human soul...
 If science and religion are ever to agree on any given point they must evolve past the idioms of human terminology which interpret life as mechanistic in a material world. The temporary life (human species) provision of and for this planet is testament to something far more significant and eternal in the next spiritual plane of our existence. Life begets life; the continuation of our species is for a much greater cause and purpose of divine reality, not a science fiction script for a movie.

 When the God-conscious children of the Heavenly Father stand spiritually still and search the inner windows of the soul, what transpires is a connection between Creator and creation that is provisional for every person on this planet who is looking to become as perfect as God (His request) according to the Life and Teaching's of Jesus.

 Truth is the living experience of your faith in God; your faith is actualizing purpose in spiritual realization as you become perfect in God's expressed Will. However you choose to reflect your performance in God's Will is up to you, as long as you are performing in the art of service to your brethren with the same act of faith you have in God, as Jesus taught his desciples.
 Science is the math of existentialism, while religion is the hope of eternal truth's. Scientist are God's children bequeathed with brilliant minds of discovery who venture the progressive path of evolution, whilst improving methods of survival through the art of physics and chemistry and their application to life; spiritualism is the avenue of the unknown whose source we share in the word of God to become known. The science of man belongs to man; the mystery of life belongs to God!

29. We are all a part of this enigmatic pantomime known as life; few understand the director's purpose in arranging each actor's fate, yet, in this analogy, when the actor submits their will to that of the director, the visualization of the play comes into full swing in expressing the vision of its creative narrative.
 In addition to this analogy, there remains one definitive factor in our commonality; we all share in this unique character trait known as personality. "Personality" the only trait which separates the human species in human behavior and individuality. The individual character becomes an anomaly for science to understand the specifics of unique characteristic and genetic traits passed down through generations, which remain the building blocks of individualism, which to this day science cannot grasp; clearly a defining moment in human spiritualism.

 The human personality derives value from concepts placed into perspective when using our ability to evaluate human judgment; as we preconceive and manifest reality, we know from this act that: "we are." We conceptualize thought patterns from predetermined mind value; setting us apart from our animal cousins from this fact alone.
 This behavior in the human character is testimony to the living energy that indwells us all; it is what unites us with God in a spiritual cohesion. When searching within the human consciousness for our purpose of being we augment the highest possible ideals of truth Via the Spirit of Truth for the divine path and spiritual enlightenment; always leading us inward to the Heavenly Father.

 When we circumvent the Spirit of Truth, we derive understanding from a shallow ideology. Many cultures and religions rely on ideologies for the premise of their truth. The soul's right to transcend in God-consciousness to that of God's absolute truth, can only come from the source itself which is the word of the Father. Human ideologies point the searching spirit in the wrong direction and weave it into the commonplace of modern living; which becomes the onslaught to confusion. The human ego has never been a safeguard for itself, "It is lost to the mechanical world we have created." Humanity continues to advance in evolution incorporating every aspect of life's potential, in hopes of progressing, yet, they wield God's truth without any responsibility or spiritual confirmation needed for this technological age of information, as it disregards humanity's true purpose in it's cause for a true "Brotherhood" as living in this current age becomes more complex as we move thru time.

 The more complex society becomes, the further they are driven from their real purpose of spiritual realization and divine direction. Society is now in the perfect state of human degradation in its endeavor to excel in technological prosperity.
 Humanity must realize it's achievements come with a price when it surpasses the actual cause of spiritual realization and God-consciousness. This misconceived reality of humankind to use his brethren for the sole purpose of good fortune, have shown their true standing with God in their plight to excel, "all in the name of hightech progress"  some of the riches men of this planet are lost to the ignorance of ego; which is the only presence they comprehend; the delusional state of self...

 There is no doubt humanity is evolving on a structured path; however, in this day of such rapid progress, we must take gradual steps with accurate foresight, without the deceit of misdirected trust from those entities or the 1% of self-aggrandizement, for an act of insensible greed, placing humanity on the fringe of self-destruction. "For the soul is worth more than all" words have never been more accurate.

 Human progress is merely the timeline for advancing humanity in its progressive nature to do what humanity does as a species, advance. However, there must always be some restraint in humanity's plight to progress. Organic nature (this planet) has functioned on this same principle for millions of years; "and this is a living organism." Strangely, humanity cannot correlate these existing factors that have a synergistic relationship with humankind. The entire earth "is responding to man's insensible actions' that produce what we are now experiencing' in the imbalance of our ecosystem, climate change, or for a better term" "Global warming." A cause humanity can no longer escape.

The eco-system will eventually fight back, as it only wants to do what we as a specie take for granted, and that is "to survive!!!" If it means plunging us back into the ice age, then so be it; at least the earth will survive at the cost of human ignorance. "God will help us, if we help the earth, help itself." In a survival sense, this planet is more important than the human species that temporarily reside on it for the sole purpose of life continuance. In the larger picture of our purpose here on this planet; without our care for keeping this planet in perfect surviving order, it is all useless. It is synonymous to buying a brand new car and driving it without service untill it completely brakes down, or raising a child on a diet of complete junk food. It is simply like mankind to wait for the last minute to attempt a corrective course to get back on track with our orbiting planet. Notwithstanding, the system of planets around our sun, are working like a clock which all parts are needed to properly fucntion. Now, if the earth malfunctions as it is now doing, "how will it effect our solar system?"  This foresight has long been overlooked, and now we sit on the precipice of a pendulum hanging from an invisible line; it takes no less than time to reveal our fimal outcome... Scientist to this day are clueless, as to what would happen to our solar system if the earths orbit were to go off line as a back lash to our ecosystem failure. "They truly do not know" in fact, "they know absolutely nothing about our solar system in regards a catastrophe if it should occur" This is a fact!!!

30. The essence of technological progress should never supersede purpose in human development. Humanities growth should always be consistent with the overall development of global affairs. In other words, improvement should apply to the enhancement of humanity as a whole."What good is technological progress, if it does not uplift humanity as a whole in a benevolent way?" I do not have the answer as to what should be done about the earth now. I am truthfully sorry to say, "it's over." I am only here to help with your surviving soul. That is if you care about your soul at all. As Jesus said: "it is worth more than all."

 Humanity is revealing it's primal nature by the propensity to cling to the material realm at present. We are in the 21st century by calendar date, yet, the universal attitude of humanity as a whole is no different than the Roman Empire at the height of it's prosperity.
 Human intelligence must come to a supreme reality in regards to life in general; every person is an evolving soul of God, irrespective of that soul's gender, age, creed, or geographical location. We must all refrain from taking the love of God away from each other, for if you are not giving God's love to one another, then you are taking it away! You're either hot or cold for God's love; there is no fine line between both. You cannot be lukewarm for the love of God, "For I will spew you from my mouth, sayeth the Lord." There is no compromise with the Will of God; God can forever exist without us, however, we can never, ever exist without God!

 The human spirit was designed in creation to excel in spirit realization and spirit transcendence, not material encumbrance, and world disorder. The Spirit of Truth is the only acquisition for the path to God. (once again) Jesus thus stated: "I must depart so the 'Spirit of Truth' may enter the heart's of the Father's children." These are the souls of destiny promise for the children of God with divine potential to ascend the spiritual path to perfection.

 Moreover, in coordinating God's truth for revelation, purpose will continue to augment service for the destiny children of God in the overall plan of our existence for one another. In other words, the Spirit of Truth is for the whole world, for every child of God to unite in one spirit. The definitive act of the Spirit of Truth which Jesus poured upon the earth is for the spirit of Jesus to abide therein; to unite humanity with the Spirit of God, this means everyone! Scientists and the secular world alike are all included in this spectacular extravaganza.

31. Truth is the cosmic insight of divine law; divine law is the primary sequitur of God's supreme Will; the Will of God will not or cannot be interrupted by any opposing force anywhere in the universe of time or space; being the first equalizer of cosmic stability, God's Will is Agape Love expressed through pure energy at it's highest frequency distribution. 
 The Will of the Universal Father is the cosmic energy balance for the universe which hangs in transition until which time the Universal Father has completed the Age of Light and Life for the Grand Universe. When His completion takes place, all will creatures throughout the greater universes will be in one accord with the Will of God, and as the Supreme Being, He will have completed His evolutionary state to Eventuate, and become forthwith in preparation for the New Expressed Universe Expanse.

 This action constitutes the Universal Father's divine plan and purpose for all of His created will creatures. All of the Father's activities are coordinated from the center-core of His divine being throughout universal direction. The Universal Father is a static in-universe position; therefore, central and pervading all parts of the universe through His creative volition. Every action the Creator expresses has  purpose and Deity function. Every expression is for His creation through His merciful Agape love.
 Do not mistake this as science fiction or the secular world of religious zeal; this is the reality of divine truth for the Father's everlasting Will in His Grand and Master Universe, which He upholds through His own volition for the sake of His creation.
 Be conscious or Be gone!!!

                                         SYNCHRONIZING HUMANITY  with  THE WILL of GOD  

32. The 
Will of God is profound in our existential reality. Jesus spent his entire life ministry abiding by the Will of God, while teaching his Apostles, disciples and followers about the importance of God's Will in relation to the Grand and Master Universe and all it pertains to. God's Will is the totality of His presence to uphold the Grand and Master universe with His expressed nature. Everything and everyone in the Grand and Master Universe is subject to the Will of God. Jesus incorporated this factor whence he wrote the Lord's Prayer; "thy kingdom come, thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven." Revealing two essential facts: 1. God's kingdom is in your soul where God becomes a totality in residence, where His Will becomes your purpose in life: 2. As everything and all universe realities revolve around the Father's Paradise Isle; Heaven is inward through deductive process of space or alternate dimensions.

  It is unfortunate the Apostles and disciples of Jesus did not take to heart the Master's life as he lived it day by day within their presence. Even so, Jesus never chastised his Apostles and disciples for not conceding to his lifestyle because he knew their hearts and true intentions; notwithstanding the time frame in the period of history in which the Apostles lived, while trying to adopt to a new way of living with their Master, their teacher, their only real connection to God and their relevance to God's Will.

 Jesus revealed the importance of God's Will which he portrayed to perfection, as every generation who preceeded him would come to know the magnitude of God's Will as relative to their lives and the Grand Universe our Father fills on all existing levels. Purpose is the ultimate cause for human existence; your purpose reveals actuality in unconditional love whence applied towards your brethren in your daily life. Non-spiritual humanity may behave gregariously at times as they mill about in their own Godless world; however, never dismiss for one moment we are anything less than God's will creatures with a divine destiny which is offered to each individual personality who accepts in faith the Will of God. Again I reiterate: Jesus thus stated: "No one shall get into the Father's kingdom, except through me." His words for all concerned.

 Jesus spoke of God's will creatures in the realm of this universe when he spoke of other sheep, not of this fold (this planet). He implied of the other life forms in our universe. Human nature will always search for the whole of that something it belongs to [As man continues to search the stars for other life forms]. Jesus revealed to humanity a living purpose in the lifestyle he led here on this planet, following the Will of God and searching within your soul for your start.
 Bear in mind, again; God is static in-universe position, His divine Will is principle cause through His expressed reality; moreover, His ubiquity will come to fruition within the reality of your lifetime if your conviction is true. God is divine love in the essence of Agape character. Meaning: His love is unconditional, pure, pristine, and the primal expression of true love; moreover, God's Will is "His purpose in the avenue of creative expression to be emulated by His children." You should focus on this act, so you may become at one with your purpose, in God emulation.

  Life is the ultimate gift of the Paradise Father who extends Himself for an interactive experience with the child of a progressing intellect. In other words, God is escaping from His stationary position in character value through every personality in the Grand Universe; this is the Supreme Being eventuating in universal direction, becoming One with the universe expanse. Moreover, the Supreme Being is becoming complete in His Ultimate Expression through His creation; His creation is becoming one with His divine expression. In essence, He is becoming a New Expression through the process of eventuation. As I have expressed, the evolutionary process begins with the Universal Father and everything expressed in His progressing act.

33. Jesus, the "living word of God" expressed everything within the parameter of God's 
Will so we would come to know the importance of the Father's Will in our purpose. The mission of Jesus was in play before the creation of this planet; "did he know he would bestow himself on this planet as a helpless babe?" Maybe, the Father knew; moreover, the Father knows the beginning through the end for all  evolutionary planets and perfected worlds where His subordinates serve or reside; as Jesus did/does with his creation, as a Creator Son of God he uses all of the Father's attributes in expressed value. You as the ascending child of God will know all there is to know for your curious mind within the time allotted you to absorb what you will as you ascend your destiny path; God will withhold nothing for the uplift of your totality.

 Jesus' only mission here on earth was to become as one of his creations and reveal the true nature of God to mankind; and in this revelation, he would state that we should become perfect "as perfect as God" in the spiritual growth of our evolution [physical, spiritual and intellectual]. God and Jesus want us to be perfect will creatures as God intended for all His creation. Bear in mind, the union of God and man was an action fortified by God and (Michael). Jesus awaited his hour to conjoin his spirit and body for God's perfect plan when Jesus became His emmissary. God and man become one through Jesus, the potential was always there, as we are created by Michael with the spirit fragment of God; however, it took the ministry of Jesus to awaken the spirit within mankind. The physical mind of Jesus before his twelfth birth year was not yet conscious of his position as God's bestowal; Jesus had to go through a lifetime (from birth to his God-conscious point) to learn about humanity from the experience itself. God was now Spiritually present through His Creator-Son Jesus of Nazareth, when Jesus became God-conscious at the age of twelve, or rather when he was informed by Gabriel the Arch Angel of Michael; Jesus would now be apraised of everything asked for and much more...
 As Michael, Jesus created this universe of evolutionary and perfected creature status with the help of his spirit partner the Holy Spirit and associate subordinates; he does so through the perfection of God's Will. The Universal Father creates in thought form manifestation with the exception, God performs in a flash fixed process. In other words, God's creative ability flashes into existence from sheer thought pattern; manipulating energy and mass into existence from a completed thought. 

 We as an evolutionary species in a material world have the same ability to think in manifest thought patterns, with the exception that we do not have God's ability to manipulate matter and energy from sheer thought pattern. However, we do have the ability to think and manifest from preconceived thought form. Thus, the reality of creation is a supernal expression of thought form manifestation brought forth through energy. The God's create, as do we create. The God's process a concept of flash energy and bring forth manifested creation; we process through thought concepts; however, our abilities in creation are less dramatic, as we cannot get around using a method that has been used throughout human history, placing our ideas into a visable format in whatever medium before the idea is manifested into a physical reality.
 Moreover is our ability to emulate our Creators in moral, ethical, and conscious expression. We can impart love, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, and selflessness to oneanother, as these are divine attributes found only in God's will creatures of perfection and evolutionary status. The quality in our ability to manifest thought form is inherent mind value; we reflect conscious choice in the capacity of preconceived ideas and equate the importance of these ideas in the processing center of the soul.
  To science, this is mind operating in quantitative action; the sum total of chemical response for the influx of brain function in the ability to preconceive original thought patterns. To religion, it is qualitative; a talent in human behavior in how we experience, ideally in a conscious formula from spiritual inception. Now, given these attributes of human abilities, there is within the reflection of purpose for the evolutionary species to express the attributes of God in relative cause.

 The ability to know right from wrong and equate fair judgment through moral choice is, in fact, a divine attribute experienced in the soul (mind, spirit, and personality) of God's children. Acknowledge this, and the human species falls into a category all to themselves, notwithstanding our ability to manifest preconceived thought pattern.

  It is imperative to understand it took a much more complex and supernal intelligence to create our intelligence. The only missing link in human evolution is the distance between you and your Creator. God-consciousness is in our innate ability to seek for cause as you find purpose in that cause. Your bridge to the Universal Father is your gateway to spiritual realization and infinte goal in your "Eternal Quest."

34.  "I think, therefore I am." Our Creators through their divine application of God's Will, have passed on a somewhat innate ability to understand the purpose of God and His universe, although humanity continues to explore meaning from a finite view (hypothetically speaking). Organized religious dogma interprets their religious beliefs from the external process of the conscious mind. All the while missing point in the purpose of the human aspect for the "Christ revelation" in the life he lived as an example for all generations of time to examine and emulate in his subservience to the Will of God the Father.

 There are world religions who have prostituted the Will of God by sheer interpretation; this action is derived from tradition and non-evolving institutions stagnating human behavior in search for truth; as if we are/were anything other than an evolving species. Hence, the analysis of Scriptures by various individual groups who feel they have the exclusive answers for salvation, are doing nothing more than creating confusion and dissension amongst the people of this planet who are merely seeking the correct path to salvation as spoken by the Creator-Son of God "Jesus of Nazareth."

 Jesus thus stated: "The truth shall set you free." When you are free of fear and apprehension, your spirit is receptive to the leading of the Spirit of Truth who leads you on the path to salvation; in the same fashion Jesus would have led if he were physically here himself. These were his words while presenting God's truth in the flesh. Therefore, it would be to your complete advantage to follow the Spirit of Truth, as you would be following the Spirit of Jesus Christ himself; these were his words before departing. These are some of the facts you should take from this; Jesus was not a complex person to say the least, he told us what he wanted us to know without any sacrificial acts, or anything that would confuse human kind. His ministry was more simple and moderate than any complex way of serving God through traditional and sacrificial acts that meant/mean nothing to God.

 Truth is a certainty in the reality of profound conviction; the essence of truth is in the moral fiber of a just human being whose principles are enhanced by their faith in God; whose belief in God transcends the child of destiny to the perfect state of existence. Jesus expressed these truths during his purpose on this planet to do what he came here to do, reveal the true reality of God the Father to His children.
 There was never complexity in the "Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ" his truth is what it was/is; a complete revelation of God. He never confused the issue of purpose in his ministry; he expressed that we lean towards the Will of God and that our actions reflect our behavior towards our brethren, thus revealing in God our true intentions.
 Seeking truth should be one of human need; truth will exalt all that is good, expose all that is righteous, and reveal all that is divine in the God concerning you and the universe He upholds. In seeking and finding your truth, you have discovered your purpose.

 The simplicity of spiritual truth is synonymous to the expression of an innocent child i.e., two to four years of age. When observing a child who has never been mentally tainted by their environment, their behavior reflects purity in the attitude of their innocence. There is no malicious behavior in a child's action or understanding; their dependence in this world is based on sheer faith. A child's love is pure, pristine, and unquestionable in it's nature; nor is there any false optimism within their innocence. When witnessing any negative behavior in a child, you can be positively sure, it was a learned process adopted through a visual encounter of an adult; as children are the true observers of our world environment created by humanity.

35. Having the faith of a child in accepting God's Will, love and existence, is preventing any possible obstruction within the soul of the believer. The capacity for understanding God has no boundaries in this mortal life when you have mastered the indwelt spirit.
 God served you by giving you your life; Jesus served you by giving you God's spirit; you must emulate this act of service by serving all others in this life and the next, following God's Will through the act of Agape love. Jesus served humanity without reservation; this example was setforth for all generations of time to acknowledge and emulate. Jesus thus spent his entire ministry serving as a living example, this is irrefutable! To help your brothers and sisters in the flesh, is to serve the emulated cause of Jesus. Jesus used his service in the flesh as an example of serving God in spirit; God's spirit is in every will creature on the planet; so, when you serve your brethren in the flesh you are also serving the spirit of God within.

 To harness this energy pattern of God's nature you must first elimanate the human ego to that of God's Will and purpose for you in God-consciousness; thus, transcending your spirit in divine action as intended since the inception of the Spirit of Truth which Jesus poured upon his creation on the day of Pentecost.
When you have submitted  yourself entirely over to God's Will, He will enfold you with divine wisdom; the same wisdom many religions search for in light of their teachings; the same knowledge many prophets in the Old Testament used to reveal God's undeniable truth to the extent and degree of their understanding.

 Divine wisdom has always been accessible to mankind as a whole for spiritual unity, God knows we are in dire need of it. Unfortunately, we have superseded the global benefit of God's way for the immediate interest of our own. This conflict of human interest vs. spirit purpose is the real and current condition of humanity in the overall behavior of humankind "globally speaking."

 History has revealed a pattern of self-indulgence which has separated humankind from the divine Will of the Father in our unrealistic behavior worldwide. We are moral creatures through the recognition of immorality; in other words, we place value on positive behavior from the deduction of negative behavior; we weigh the outcome of human behavior from cause and effect and the personal insight of definitive results.

 If there is ever to be a transformation in our lives, we must make allowance for the Spirit of Truth to guide our morals, standards, and convictions for the greater good of humanity in general. With the guidance of the Spirit of Truth society can and will eventually gain the  leverage that was/is intended for humanity to become a spiritual cohesive as a God-conscious society.
  It is morally imperative we begin a global transformation through a new generation. Our youths have strayed from God's intended path and purpose and have been estranged from the way of truth. Thus we only have ourselves to blame for the direction in which today's young generation have chosen. As we have left them no other course in life to choose from.

36. If this generation is to survive their spiritual future, we must guide their path in the direction needed for survival status in this age of great confusion and potential enlightenment (the contrast is self evident). The unfortunate position today's youth have dealt with the intensity of technology, which has procured a double-edged sword in the use of the information highway computers, tablets, cell-phones, radio, and television.

       1. It has provided a high-tech highway that extends to the four corners of the world. This within itself is wonderful when you think of third world countries who have been in the dark and kept from spiritual liberty and world-wide news, who now have universal knowledge at the click of a button; who also share in this 21st century technology the world has embraced, never to sit in spiritual darkness again; or kept from universal truths.

       2. On the other side of this technological equation, the same information highway has caused, is causing a degeneracy with today's youth and adults who are caught up with the violent and provocative nature available at the click of the same button used for good. The violence modern technology has focused on for self-aggrandizement and profit is entirely out of control, at the cost of human ethics, "why?"

 Have we sold our youth out for the sake of profit without any clue to the backlash and ramifications or any serious thought of an eventual outcome? This generation is a by-product of it's predecessors; the children of this century are not to blame for their behavior as a whole.
 Modern technology has catapult today's youth into the decadence of the 21st century without any real foresight. Does this appear to be our purpose for the measure of human dignity? Does this seem like God's divine Will in His overall plan to advance humanity in the path of spiritual realization through what humanity considers progress?

 How strange history becomes an educational tool for the enlightenment of a progressing generation, yet, what is missing from this simple observation is how to use our mistakes as principle guidelines for advancing civilization into the realistic goal of human altruism, omitting the very errors which have kept humanity from becoming a spiritual cohesive.

 Moreover, within the scope of cosmic wisdom and universal truth, technology should never be used in the disharmony of human value; life is too precious to render as a commodity. Rest assures all action is reciprocal to it's source in the universe; this is the karmic law of the greater universe and our world! And forever bear in mind we are moving faster than anyone can truly accept the blame for; pointing your finger at whomever you wish to place the blame on, does not remove you from personal judgement. Whether you participate in this gastly act or give orders to do so; resposibility is resposibility, it is the cosmic law of karma. "All energy put into the universe is returned" Positive or negative.

37. In addition to those personalities mentioned above; for those who create instruments of immorality for the sole purpose of profit, it should be considered, your manifestations of warped concepts indeed have their effect on the young mind's you prey upon, if only for your ill-gotten gains.

 In the words of the Master himself, Jesus of Nazareth: "It would be better to tie a millstone around your neck, and cast yourself into the sea, than to defile one of these little ones, as Angel's do behold the Spirit of God within." How vulnerable are young minds to impressive suggestions? Consider two of our five senses "sight and sound." These are the prevalent factors targeted to influence the minds of our youths; this is a fact! If technology can be used to create havoc in the young imagination, "would it not suffice to guide these youths in harnessing their spirit's energy by the same techniques and technological advancements used to corrupt these young minds?" The only reality behind this overall illusion is the wealth in which those behind this madness have cultivated; and for what, to push the 1% into a 2% margin? As it seems more than enough people are joining the band wagon in seeking their fortunes.

 There can only be a worldwide transformation with the start of a new generation; to instill direction on a spiritual level with a fresh mind is to assist that mind in God-consciousness; moreover, guiding our future generation in the mastering of the indwelt spirit in complete spiritual realization, is the overall answer to a much needed solution. Helping a young mind develop through positive affirmation with God-consciouness is in fact the beginning of a new start.
  It is imperative we teach our children to master the spiritual aspect of their true nature; while temporarily here in the material realm, in preparation for ascension status for their true destiny, beginning with God-consciousness. This purpose for all intent is the transitioning of the evolving soul, from state to state, plane to plane, until we have reached our perfected status in the Father for fusion.

 There is no other way to begin an actual harmonious future on a global basis without concentrating on today's children; they are, in effect, the hope of our planets future. If there is any hope at all, it must begin with the preparation of future generations.
  The preparation for their real life, their eternal life, is the primary goal of the God-concious child. However we may struggle with the desirable pleasures of everyday life; we should take time to fathom the difference between a temporal and eternal existence. Also, with this comparative we learn of a much greater meaning in terms of "existence" as related to our continual goal for the life continuum.

38. Our Creator has promised us an eternity with him if we so desire; this offer is a gift from our Creator-Father Michael (Jesus).   There is no price for admission to the Paradise Isle, except to be reborn of the spirit and to follow the Will of God, and of course your faith in Him and all of your brethren. This gift is the beginning of your transformation towards perfection, which, when attained will bring the fruition of spiritual insight for the sole purpose of advancing you to the Father for eventual fusion.

 Our destination is the Paradise Isle of the Heavenly Father and becoming at one with; while accepting the spirit of Christ known as the "Spirit of Truth." It also recognizes that our Creator, Jesus, came from a preexisted spiritual entity to live amongst his creation in the form of flesh. "God's New Testament" to experience humanity in every sense of the term. Temporarily relinquishing his divine sovereign status to reveal the true nature and character of God here on earth, and to show us how to live amongst ourselves by following God's Will in complete faith during his short visit. The same principle he was subject to; in other words, "God became as a man so that man could become spiritually like God."

 What Jesus Christ taught in his mission of divine ministry as the Living Word, in effect, is our purpose in life; showing purpose to the child of destiny as he demonstrated in his living example as a human being; this is what he was/is, a complete living example, then, now and forevermore. God's Creator-Son Jesus displayed the perfection of God's Will in every act. Jesus qualified his son-ship status by the revelation of God's true nature and character in his living example for all generations of time to follow in that example, so that we would come to be the children of God in the revelation of Jesus' testamony. "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father, for the Father and I are one." So every word Jesus spoke in context was of God literally! He wanted nothing more than humanity to become the Brotherhood who is potentially viable in a spiritual lifestyle here on earth which was the original idea for mankinds progress; this was the original concept for human design; to serve oneanother, to respect oneanother, to love oneanother in a sibling fashion, so in this act we would become the definitive cause of a true "Brotherhood, from the conceptual creative act of God's true Fatherhood" we cannot consciously be a brotherhood without the Fatherhood of God. "How does God feel at this time knowing that we lack in the complete status of a true Brotherhood to qualify His being the Father of His creation?"
 "If we are in fact a progressing species designed to emulate our creators in the nature of a family unit, to what avail is our truth which contradicts our celestial breathren, who are in fact doing the Will of God in word and action at this very moment?"



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                                                   Progress: The evolution of GOD and Man

39. Humanities evolutionary structure without the employment of God's ubiquitous presence and influence has been a controversial topic along the last five centuries (philosophically speaking). This of course is coming from the human standpoint as to how we see ourselves.

 Given the biological arrangement of humanities evolution, we as the progressive species should acknowledge the evolutionary path we have cut through time in our space. Our evolutionary accomplishments have reached the summit of man's inherent nature to move forward in time, if only to prove we are emulating our Creators in our progressive nature in doing just that, moving forward.

 When humankind speculates on creation from a scientific point of view, the consensus of purpose loses value for the reality of our true nature as a progressive species without the intended purpose in divine reality. When considering creation without spiritual reason, the obvious is quite simple, we are validating the ego's cause to reject something more significant than itself.
 When viewing evolution objectively, the progressive nature of humanity reveals a definitive volition to move in forward mode; the sequential pattern of events through the evidence of time is presenting history in the making. No matter how much knowledge we accumulate or how intelligent we become as a superior species within the realm of our planet, we will always ask ourselves, is there something more than what we now know about our existential being as a species?

 The mystery and wonders of life have been in question since the dawn of man's curious nature when he began to display a progressive nature. Or, when he began thinking outside the box of the unknown for answers, when he started asking questions he could not answer; questions which are still unknown to date. With one divine exception, we now have something to build on; Jesus has taught us in the early part of our historical evolution about faith and human conviction. Hope is the only logical answer to the many misconstrued ideas behind the invisible force that upholds all that is. Jesus thus stated: "The Father will reveal all within time" Jesus spoke of this passage indicating God's infinite reality being revealed to us according to His actuality and our progressing nature as we become more conscious of who we are as God's ideal species "His children." Hope is the indicator for the optimistic value in the soul of humanity as we release the imcumbent for the spiritual extraction of our reality.

 Idealism is the underscore for the thinking individual; it gives humanity more than one direction to search within their inquisitive minds. When man discovered morality as a choice between right and wrong, a new path of consciousness was born in the religious mind who began to exercise spirit value within their conscious attitude. The soul who sought God as an outlet for the many thoughts that probed his or her imagination was now on the divine path for transcendence as a new course to chart toward his or her God.

 "God is Alpha and Omega" the "First and the Last" without "Beginning or End." These passages allow us to speculate on the evolutionary process of God's involvement when it is God doing the creating (metaphysically speaking). In the scientific concept of human evolution as a chemical conglomeration of derivatives from the planet earth, the intelligent energy of God is the vector for conception; we can extrapolate cosmic wisdom in the progressive path and timeline in conjunction with the universe expanse and God's Agape love for this wonderful creation of life; God is perfect, and we are the apex of intelligent design. The potentiality of creation to become as perfect as it's Creator is umbued in the spirit of humanity.

40. Therefore, it is safe to regard evolution as part of our spiritual programming for all humanity within the parameter of divine influence and cosmic response. Understanding the importance of God's associative subordinates to intervene in the progressive nature of God's will creatures will always be strictly spiritual in nature. The intervention of God has always and only to do with the spirits of all individual will creatures of God throughout the Grand Universe for planets of perfection or those who are evoloving.  (physical will creatures like ourselves) Never dismiss the most important fact of the above mentioned; we are designed for a purpose and reason of purpose.

 In other words, we as an evolutionary species are emulating the very nature of God and His subordinates to move in the progressive path of time and space. In the same way God is forever creating in His continuous path; we are designed to emulate this progressive action. Unfortunately, we currently are not "one in cohesive spirit" moving at the speed of God, so we may implement this action God has gifted His creation. He wants nothing more of us, other than to use the avenue of love He has instilled within humanity to perfect our spirits through His divine Will; which would be the inclusion of everyone on this planet, all men, women, and children who live on this diverse planet for the potential quest in spiritual perfection.

 We will never become what God has intended for humanity if we cannot follow the most straightforward method of His second greatest Commandment; and that my beloved is to " love one another as He has done since our creation." We become integrally God-conscious when we as a collective have given ourselves over to God's Will; everyone on this planet has this right! When humankind begins the attempt to change God's Will to control God's children, you are asking God to erase your existence upon your death. Moreover, you are leaving yourself wide open to universal karma, instantaneous, latent, or otherwise. Bear in mind, the energy you put out is the energy returned.

 The human soul continues to evolve, separating your duality as you are now conscious of your dual nature; your recognition is affirming your duality. Once you have mastered your conscious state in full earthly status, you will accept God's eternal Will as the Supreme Force of Divine reality through your experiential cause (your experience with God). You shall rise above your animal nature as you self-realize in God-consciousness; this is the total reason in purpose for trandscendence "to know thyself."

  Your mission begins with the consciousness of God's Will. Your objective thought augments the reality of divine influence when you are in search of "truth." In truth, we shall become as one in spiritual unity; a finalized version of a "True Brotherhood" as was intended since our initial contact with the Infinite Spirit's ministry. The greatest inception that has taken place on earth aside from Jesus' bestowal is the introduction of the "Spirit of Truth" (the Spirit of Jesus) here for all to follow, as you would follow Jesus Christ if he were here in person. Moreover, all is done through the evolving process as we were created to do.
41. The evolutionary process in the physical realm is mechanistic to the non-spiritual individual because we are material beings and respond to the forces of nature in their natural order. In essence, because we are material beings, we also respond to the adverse effects  we create as a whole. People create evil, this in turn creates negative energy we perpetuate through the atmospehere in the world we live in today.
 I believe our mechanical behavior derives from our birthplace, the planet earth; we have a synergistic tie to this planet for reciprocal service, which within itself is an excellent reason to take care of our temporary home planet. We are in evolutionary status, but, we are no longer in the unconscious stage of self-existence in search of a cause. As humanity now knows, God is the Cause for our purpose in life. When seen through the eyes of intelligent energy, expressed by intelligent energy.

 History has revealed the commonality humanity shares in their search for a principal cause throughout this planet. Our transcendence is part of our evolutionary growth as we search. Moreover, is the shadow of the spirits need to transcend as part of our universal growth. We are will creatures by creation; we are will creatures with a divine destiny by potential!

 Here are the three most asked questions regarding the human species: Who are we? Why are we here? Where are we going when we are done here on earth?
    First: In retrospect to who we are, keeping in line with divine cause and spirit purpose, we are the expressed will of divine objectivity; we are the full expression of a completed thought form, the First Great Source and Center, the Original Blue Print of creation; an influence of force energy creating in the path of it's expressed cause. We are God's most valued concept of temporary existence in the physical realm, preparing for the eternal goal, designed for the ultimate experience in transformation from the flesh to the gradual spirit of complete perfection; the created image of the Original Thought. Think of the incredible foresight it took for God to realize His creation as an evolutionary collective, which in tandem along with God transcends Him as the Supreme Being to Light and Life; here to expand with Him in a complete act of Creator and creation; the ultimate state of fusion.

  God has given all His children the ability to transcend to an infinite level of perfection. This process of perfecting the indwelt spirit begins here in the evolutionary stage of your primal beginning. "Let us make man in our image." This statement has been the imperceptible vision in humanity's mind throughout history. However, the image of the Gods mentioned in the Book of Genesis is not the physical properties we through our narcissism are led to believe, but, in fact, divine attributes. Divine attributes such as the ability to love and be loved, to forgive and be forgiven; to reveal compassion, mercy, kindness, and goodness towards your earthly brethren. 
  The capacity of these innate attributes are abounding in reflective imagery; characteristic of the human heart (mind). These are the unique traits we are imaged in, reflective image. The connotation of being created "in our image" transcends the simple point of physical properties when creation is in question; and not after a physical likeness.

42. God's attribute of Agape love speaks volumes in this character of God's revelation, His complete nature reveals His reality. His love rules the universes in all pervaded points; His love is law to every living will creature where-ever the Spirit of God is present!

  God's cosmic law hangs in the balance of His unfathomable stature until He is complete in His evolutionary cause as the Supreme Being and God The Ultimate. As a will creature of God evolves on any given planet of experiential origin, the individual soul begins a unified process of evolution for the Creator and His creation, evolving towards perfection in reciprocal destiny once identity between Father and child is established.  So, in answer to who we are: "you are a freewill creature of God with destiny potential, by the faith instilled through our Creator-Father Jesus, who revealed that 'we are in fact children of God' performing in character image; serving your brethren in the benevolent pattern Jesus set-forth for all generations of time to emulate." You should reflect God's nature towards your brethren, so, God may reveal Himself through you.

 In other words, God is evolving through His will creatures; He is escaping in creative expression through every child of destiny who is abiding by the Will of God, while perfecting back to the Father, who is perfection. He walks with us, so we may learn to walk with Him. We are the children of God; candidates of perfection and spirit quest, with the ability to transcend in spiritual energy to the Father for fusion. Thus, the creative energy the Father puts out returns to Him through His will creatures who go through these energy transformations until you become a perfect spiritual will creature, where you will fuse with God who is pure spirit energy; vibrating at such an intense frequency, it is invisible to mortal eyes. All energy is occupied energy and never lost or wasted; it transforms into a new time and space or dimension.

   Second: Perhaps the most important of the three. In your submission to the Will of God, as His will creature of spirit realization, God wants nothing less than your surrender to Him, so He may express Himself through you. It is our purpose in the present state to find God and allow Him to work through us, so we are perfected in His cause.
 The quest for God begins within the citadel of your soul so your spirit communicates with God's spirit. The Father has willingly given a fragment of His divine personality so that we may become like Him in nature and character image. We are here to share these attributes with our brethren in the full character aspect of Agape love. The image of God is what we recognize in each other, in essence, we are here to share God's love through the most definitive act of service.
 The First Cause has willingly given a fragment of what He contains so we may become a part of what we find. We are here to emulate God's nature to one another in the same fashion Jesus displayed to his creation.

43 Third: With the evidence of God's presence in your life and your primary goal to express Him; we are preparing ourselves for the transitional state in transformation from the material to that of our spiritual existence. To wit: Terrestrial escape for the ascension process where there is eternal life as our Creator Father Michael (Jesus) has promised us. Think of it as an upgrade for a spiritual processor and your soul being the mother board.
 We are a continuing form of energy designed to transform from state to state, plane to plane to complete our transformation. We will grow in manifestation to manifestation until we have reached spirit perfection in God's perfect Will and Agape love. We as true potential spiritual beings are/were created for the continual quest of perfection. We will pass through many energy transformations; each more perfect than the former, while serving in God's vast universe. Each manifestation brings you closer to comprehending God's full nature and character with you and the Grand and Master Universe He upholds.

 Eternity can never be measured, nor can it be contained in the human imagination; however, time is non-existent to God. Moreover, if you were to measure the experience you've attained with the Father, you will find no end to the adventure in perfecting your consciousness in the Father's presence, again for your purpose, His cause, for His sake; why? because God is evolving with each of His children indvidualy and wants you to achieve all He can offer, as you prime for FUSION with our Heavenly Father, He prepares for the continuation as the Supreme Being.

 The progressive stages of life should at least pique your interest in how evolution is tantamount to your spiritual development; which is why you will see the parallel between your mortal state and spiritual quest. Our purpose is profound when considered as a significant cause for the outcome of humanity's unified collective. Thus, every will creature who becomes conscious of their purpose in a divine context is merely bringing humankind closer as a cohesive; in short, a family structured under the faith of a true Brotherhood who can verify the validity of a true Fatherhood.

 "Our faith in the Will of God opens the floodgates of divine truth that wash away any divergence which besets humanity's cause for a spiritual unity; allowing the shades of doubt that cloud divine realities to dissipate into the backdrop of life." Aja
44. The recognition of truth will always reveal the volitional force of God's supreme purpose in the continuum of life, even to the far flung reaches of space where the Father's energy continues to create new universes from His divine thought pattern who continues creating; and continues to create through His will creatures of perfection and evolutionary worlds who know the Father's wonderful news of divine reflectivity.
 As we follow our faith and trust in the Spirit of Truth, what may be unanswered at present will soon be unveiled in the knowledge we encompass in our walk with God. What we endeavor to understand about creation will eventually reveal itself through the understanding of purpose in the Will of God. "God is good this way, because Jesus told us so" "and he does hold the perfect record for his truth."

 The walk of life is a meticulous stratum revealing how we move through time; each answer to life's question is a layer of information we have formulated through the understanding of what we may, or may not comprehend. God and His Grand Universe are concepts derived from personal conviction and the experience of His will creatures faith. The personal philosophy of each entity in humanity is necessary for the revelation of a larger voice, thus revealing our individuality; this significant factor of existentialism is the inevitable mind emulating the character value of it's Creator for the existing soul, as the spirit begins its path towards perfection; God awaits that perfection. Thus we come together as the manifold expression of our Father's ultimate act in His cause; how perfect is this, when seen through God's creative eyes?
 This qualitative behavior is God reaching for you through His defined creations. The simplicity of faith is as easy as recognizing at face value what we accept thru the illumination of understanding. In other words, the quality of an answer should equal that of its question; however, if the question excels the answer, then one must assume a new region for the answer in question.  Aja

 The full exposition of God and man will present itself with a clear revelation when examined through the scope of spiritual context; thus, the individual who seeks within the citadel of mind value is already on the path to spiritual enlightenment and is now in divine alignment with the Spirit of Truth.
 What then becomes clear is nothing is impossible and "all things are possible with God." When you begin your relationship with God through His living word Jesus, the obscurity of the human mind unveils this fragment of God who indwells you for a clear unified experience. However, this begins with you and your faith in God, as prescribed by our Creator-Father Jesus.

 The evolution of God in man is the perfect union with relative inspiration for mankind to encompass. God's Will undeniably prevails for the most exceptional outcome of a Grand Universe in the watch-care of our Heavenly Father. The evolutionary state of God and mankind is by no doubt the infusion of the Father's perfect Will. We all eventually share God's presence when the Father has completed His Ultimate state of Light and Life for His Grand Universe. Remember, this is all God's process, for His children, perfected and evolving, and must be followed through for the purpose of Light and Life until completed, exactly as God so Wills.

USE FIREFOX BROWSER FOR BEST RESULTS                                               THIRD  REVELATION
                                                           The Ascension Path to our Heavenly Father
                                                                      The Truth We Claim For The Truth We Hold

45. There is unique behavior in a child's innocence which reflects their ability to have a complete submissive attitude in true faith; a child's ability to trust without question is inherent within their existing nature. The highest institution on this planet is the "family unit." Children through their natural learning abilities, learn to emulate of those they have the most reverence; however, their act of trust is in the innate trait in which they are born into. This instinctive behavior is in all animal life forms, homo sapien and the lessor animal species as well. Coming into an environment from a frest start gives no less credibility to the one in question,

 What separates the lower animal species from humankind is their natural ability to continue this instinctive level of trust in the animal kingdom through their entire life cycle. However, (homo-sapien) children begin their journey through life out of the birth canal into a new world quite different than the warm haven of their deliverance. Their trust level begins to diminish as they become conscious of the adult behavior within and around their new environment. Children are quick to learn the deceptive ways of the adult as they become consciously perceptive of adult behavior. Most parents inadvertently create this trust issue with children because they forget children are just smaller versions of themselves with the ability to understand adult behavior from the parent they unfortunately revere. Children have no need for outside influence of their home environment when it concerns adult habits; children are much more perceptive than the average adult because their minds are not yet corrupted. The value in the childs perception derives from the simple point of observation. Children are truly gifted with the element of truth; there is no division in a child's mind concerning adult behavior, they merely respond to the deductive observation in a black and white situation. Adults are the only people on this planet who create grey subject matter, as a means to fracture truth...

 In effect, even the slightest deviation of truth is a breach of trust when you have created doubt in the mind of the child you have an established relationship with, because children have minds of purity and generally remember everything that is collectivley important to them. Adults have a hard time trying to give these little ones their proper due, as they only see a child as is, not the potential within the child as a person. Children have minds that are constantly growing non-stop, so it stands to reason they would have excellent cognition when memory comes into play; not so with the average adult who will lie at the drop of a hat without any just cause, and forget the lie they've told, because it's a condition in human nature to forget insignificant things in the adult mind which are of little importance to that particular individual. So, lying comes very easy to the average adult; unfortunately, lying is a cruel attempt at deception (grey matter) when having to remember the order of established lies told which have no credibility to ones true sense of being. Notwithstanding, the Ninth Commandment is "Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor."In other words, do not implicate anyone in your lies, as you would be braking the Ninth Commandment." Considering this behavior is as old as man himself, it makes one wonder of our true ignorance developed throughout history...

 Children have complete reliance on their parent's trust as a responsive action. This line of credibility becomes violated when children are lied to, thus, creating the very first engagement of deceit. When Jesus used the analogy of a child's faith, it was the faith of a child who is on the threshold of abstract decision i.e., children who are just learning the difference between right and wrong. Your faith in God should fall under the same faith reliance Jesus used in this example.

 You should trust in the credibility of God's presence with the faith reliance of an untainted child who would believe in the words of an honest parent. Jesus forever ascribed to the Will of the Father in his word and deeds. The human side of Jesus was the example of his living faith in God; the divine side of Jesus was the expression of that faith; in other words, Jesus experienced the full presence of God in his former spiritual life as a Creator-Son of God. No one else on this planet could ever make this proclamation other than Jesus!

 As Jesus of Nazareth, he grappled with the vicissitudes of life which helped shape his character in the flesh. Jesus' childhood was like any other child in the realm of earth; moreover, the parents of Jesus prepared him in every conceivable way for his destiny as told to Mary by the Arch Angel Gabriel, however, it was Jesus' discovery of his relationship with God which perfected his ministry as part of his true destiny in preparation of his earthly life and mission.
 Moreover, never doubt for one minute Jesus was anything less than human in the flesh of his body. It was the indwelt spirit of Jesus, who, once cognizance of his spiritual preexistence, led him to reveal the full measure of God's glory in character and nature to all humanity and the universe of his (Jesus') making.

46. Jesus did not introduce the concept of God as our Father, he merely enhanced the reality of son-ship status from the experience of knowing God as our Father and the Father to all creation. Furthermore, in this reality he justified his faith in the Father by the life he lived in the flesh as a living example; this was done for all to witness and for all generations of time; for this world and those throughout his created universe.

 Every outcome that affects the cosmos and the Grand Universe is dependent on the Will of God, as well as the faith held by His will creatures of perfection and or those evolving. God would never force His Will on anyone, as it would remove the personal experience of knowing Him as a loving personality by the faith held in your conviction. The Old Testament used many scare tactics of believing in and worshiping God because that is how they perceived God in the light of their day, notwithstanding, Jesus was not yet physically present to introduce the true God of all creation. When Jesus expounded on God's character and of course His nature during his brief period here on earth, it was only to reveal the God within yourself and the purpose of your being here in the example he used in his every day living and testimonial engagement.

 Jesus is the new living testimony of God's presence as spoken by the prophets in the Old Testament. The divine attributes of Jesus are what qualified his ministry as the "living word of God made flesh for all generations of time." Faith attainment is key to God's presence in your life. To reveal the moral attitude within your soul you must have a spiritual alignment with Christ that he had/has with the Father. Your faith in Christ is crucial to your salvation in preparation of your ascension towards the Providence of God's domain.

 Faith in God's presence requires one's submission without question of validity. Jesus taught of a living trust through the spiritual activity within the soul. However, living faith is not only about having faith in God, but, it's also how you live your life in the flesh of service towards others which displays the veracity of your faith in God. How you treat another personality is how you are treating God Himself. To quote: "The least you have done unto my brethren, you have done unto me." These are the words of Jesus Christ in representing God in the flesh. In expressing the presence of God in the flesh, Jesus thus states, "what you do for another, is what you do for God" as God's spirit is within each child of God; "it is this simple."

 God's Will is not questioning the wrong in your life, as you learn from your actions; it has to do with what you do right! Having the mind of Christ is having complete submission to the Will of God, which is how you become a child of God by serving His children (your brethren) as Jesus professed throughout his ministry. With your focus on a righteous life, your negative lifestyle will slowly diminish. When Jesus spoke on behalf of God, I believe he was addressing all ages in every generation preparing them for an understanding of what was, what is, and what is to come in the believers overall life, their true and eternal life with God's interactive presence.

 Jesus is the Christ-Man who is a Creator-Son of God who existed before the foundation of this world. His presence here was a testament to the Father's glory, as our Father is concerned with all His will creatures of creation; the knowledge of Jesus was/is in his words and deeds; his love is the portrayal of God's divine presence in his performance. His action in uplifting humanity could only come from one with a selfless attitude, who wanted nothing more than to express the reality of the one true God as a Father to all humanity. In this action alone, he would define the brotherhood of humanity in one fell swoop, by proclaiming "I am the Son of God, I am the Son of man, I am your brethren" indicating his presence here as an act of God in joining humanity together in the cohesive nature of a true spiritual family in the " brotherhood of mankind." Again, there cannot be a fatherhood without the children of said father to establish and affirm a Fatherhood of God for all humanity.

47. Your significant presence here on this planet is of profound importance, if only
to verify the words of Christ. God has a plan for every single person on this planet who survives the quest of life. The beginning of your eternity begins here in the flesh; however, your continued survival is based solely on your faith in God and each other. Your faith in God at the very least should display your confidence in your brethren whom you identify with in the flesh. You cannot see God, who is in fact, a part of you, but, you can see your brethren who physically exist in the same realm and dimension as yourself. In other words, as stated before, "If you love and have faith in God whom you do not see, why would you not love and have faith in your brethren whom you can see?" These are the words of Christ when comparing your actual love for God, which is truth in the overall conclusion.

 One of the essential factors in Jesus' teaching was/is about faith and the application of his faith towards your brothers and sisters in the flesh. He taught the importance of love and respect for one another in his testimony to reveal God's truth. Since his departure played such a profound role in the implementation of the Spirit of Truth for all generations of time; the Spirit of Truth spiritually picks up where Jesus Christ physically leaves off. He stated: "I must leave, so the Spirit of Truth may come and enter the hearts (minds) of God's children" this of course was predicated on the faith of the individual child of God.
 Notwithstanding the time frame for all that took place on this planet, there was no technology or fast pace lifestyle that could impede humanity's quest for their spiritual plight to transcend their physical being in ascending to their Creator. God's true plan was/is without doubt a perfect plan for humanity overall, without the fluff of man's credulous ignorance...

 Once again, God would demonstrate His impeccable timing with the perfection of His wisdom for His Creator-Son Jesus to coincide his presence with the timeline of humanities evolution. To date, there has never been another human being on this planet to equal or surpass what Jesus Christ accomplished in his historical mission in presenting advanced truths to a people who were "spiritually and morally bankrupt."
 Moreover, in his accomplishment there was absolutely nothing Jesus would do without his faith in the Father's Will; faith is key in his earthly ministry. Jesus taught about a living faith, a faith to remain throughout the believer's life; this faith would become the pinnacle of spiritual transcendence for the child of God. "To believe as 'Jesus believed,' to live as 'Jesus lived,' would be for your preparation in perfecting your indwelt spirit for the ascension status Jesus prepared us for."

48. Jesus, in his ministry, taught about the kingdom within; this kingdom is the consciousness of your soul. In the "Lord's prayer," the phrase: "Thy kingdom come, thy 
Will be done" is the apparent reference to your conscious state of mind. It is in your conscious state that you discern the Will of God; God becomes a totality of presence in your soul when you become God-conscious in prayer by revealing to God "Thy kingdom come, Your Will be done 'on earth in my soul' As it is in Heaven." Jesus wrote this as a precept to his ministry; this was the first prayer Jesus taught to his Apostles, disciples and those who were there to grasp his teachings; this was in response to those that asked Jesus to teach them a model prayer.

 In grasping the Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ, we have indeed come to understand the purpose of God's Will concerning ourselves and the universe He upholds. We should use our time to learn about the life of and the teaching's of  the Master, as opposed to the life about the Master, which takes you away from his actual cause and your purpose in his message.

 In his endeavor to reveal the Father by his acts of service to his creation; the love, compassion, and selfless acts for his creation are what drove Jesus to perform the miracles that he manifests to those God believing children. It was never his intention to perform these miracles in his effort to reveal the power of God; however, the faith he taught his creation to have in God, was the same faith he perceived in these children of God who sought freedom from their infirmities.

 Thus, it was by sheer compassion and perception of faith that moved Jesus to act accordingly; because of the faith which he witnessed in those who were sick. When you come to understand faith in the degree of its wholeness, you will discover the peace in which Jesus revealed to God's children. True Faith is in the heart that has given itself entirely over to God's Will. Jesus thus stated after every cure, "Go in peace, your faith has made you whole, and see to it you tell no man." Jesus had subjectively put the thought of peace within the mind of the person with faith in God to make them whole; tranquility and peace was the aftermath of the cure performed by Jesus, which is why he said "go in peace, your faith has made you whole." Without their faith in God, there would have never been a cure... Hence: "Your faith has made you whole"

 As your spirit illuminates the soul with purpose, you will find comfort in knowing God has an excellent plan for your eternal future as you discover the Spirit of Truth mutually working with the spirit of God within you. As you continue to grow in faith and spiritual knowledge you will evolve towards your spiritual destiny and participate in the Father's plan of Light and Life in the conclusion of a divine balance for the growing Grand and Master Universe. God's supreme Will balances the Grand & Master Universe in love, compassion, mercy, goodness, and beatitude which are just a few of the Fathers divine and universal attributes Jesus himself taught God's children to emulate.

49. Skeptics need not entertain themselves with a brief insight into God's infinite grace; the motive of the heart along with it's desires are dealt with accordingly. We suffer our demise through the fruits of our own affordable deeds.

 Allowing faith to guide you along the path of spiritual certainties will bring profitable results without hindrance when your convictions are firmly in place. Your faith must work within the parameters of the soul in mind value where all receptive fruition takes place.

 Jesus used many illustrative parables which would reflect our natural environment when he wanted to make a parabolic point of the spiritual plane. Many of you may have heard the term "mind over matter" in your lifetime. With this particular thought, "if you can think it, you can manifest it." When Jesus said: "with faith, you can move mountains" this wasn't just a metaphor but an exact truth. If you wish to move a mountain, you need only sit and formulate a process to accomplish this feat. Jesus did not mean moving an entire mountain at one time; taking the time to accomplish this feat means devising a plan to do so. The faith Jesus referred to in this analogy was the faith in your ability to perform anything, as "all things are possible with God." However you must use the intelligence God has given you to do so. Consider everything on this planet that was made by man or woman; as it was all a thought in the preconceived mind of the person who invented or created it, this is a fact!

 We are thought form creatures created in the same thought process by a higher form of energy vibrating at a frequency beyond human comprehension. A power that is static in the center of the Grand Universe; energy so intense, that if you were there before this presence in your current physical state, it would appear invisible to your human eyes and incomprehensible to your rational mind and senses; notwithstanding you would probably disintegrate in less than a nanosecond in God's presence from such intense energy, which is why we go through so many transformations perfecting the spirit in preparedness for the ultimate act of "Fusion" with our Heavenly Father.

 The intensity of the Universal Father is pervading all points of space, known and unknown. His creative ability is in the conscious-will of His creation; He has left the pattern of His Blue Print encoded in the genus of His creation. In other words, we are the by-product of our Creators by creative intent, manifesting in thought form concepts.
 In this physical life we may be somewhat complicated in nature, but, visualize if you will, energy and power so great, it upholds everything in the cosmic universe realm by sheer volition. This force has no beginning, no end, yet, He keeps this energy in check at all times even as He continues to create and provide life where-ever the Father so chooses to invoke His Will; providing new personalities to a growing universe. He does this of His own Will in the act of Agape love that is consistent with His character.

"How is this questioned?" Well, it can and always will be. These questions that arise from our skeptics, atheist, and agnostics have unwittingly paved the way for the answers in the grand scheme of it all. I thank God for these skeptics and their never-ending questions who attempt to quell the zeal of Christianity; these are the same people Jesus once spoke of in scripture whence he said to "test the spirit." Because our spirit resides in the temple of the soul, this is where all discernment of human intelligence is centered. It's in the soul where moral judgment weighs the significance of value in the faith of any one person with spirit cognizance.
 With the faith of a child, you can develop the supreme relationship with God Jesus spoke of for this planet and the host of them (other planets). Truly worthy of God's attention when attaining a personal relationship with the Father; you as the child and God as your Father, how supreme, "how perfect!"

                                                                   SACRIFICE and ATONEMENT: 
                                                                   "Insult to the integrity of God"

50. In the earliest years of man's sinful nature they sought freedom for their guilt-ridden soul's as the recognition of immorality came early in the evolving (soul) mind of humankind. Many systems of various sacrifices were developed to atone for the primitive behavior of humanity as an outlet for offending their god; their prognosis was universal in attitude, belief, and redemption for the offending people who wanted to escape from guilt. Depending on the geographical location and the nature of the offense for the deity offended, the High Priest for any given culture developed many systems of atonement for the people causing the offense; which was a step up from the primitive character of mankind to oversee his misdeeds until it came back and bit him; a prolonged cause for the recognition of Karma, which the high priest would eventually explain the Gods being upset for their (peoples) bad behavior in general. The high priest was generally looked upon as the man of knowledge because he was in constant observance of the stars. Observation of the celestial heavens was in fact mans original enetrtainment, when explained by someone who accredited themselves with the unexplained knowledge everyone considered a God send.
 In other words, depending on the belief of their unknown god, the status of their God comprehension generally dictated the process of their atonement. People all over this planet have evolved past the concept of offending a deity when their moral compass registered as a negative. This particular wasn't limited to one culture. Humanity in general have different viewpoints of deity concepts; this is one of the finer points of individuality.

 About Biblical atonement for more obvious reasons; the Hebrew were the first people in the earliest records of sacrificial atonement who looked forward to their sacrifices as is recorded in the O.T. The use of Scriptures from the Bible's "Old Testament" will be used as a reference for this purpose.

 In the earliest period of religious evolution the human concept of God was crude at best. Human sacrifice was thought to win divine favor from the Gods for such particulars as protection from evil spirits, rain for the harvest, and of course the all-time universal atonement for the misdeeds of human behavior. Pantheism was a primitive practice that is still practiced to date by many third world people who have not caught up with religious or social progress; a belief God is in nature and vice versa; it is quite more extensive than this brief synopsis, but you get the point. I need to clarify one thought: God's energy sustains nature, however, His spirit was nowhere to be found in a tree or stone wall, or any inanimate object; its a matter of practicality, as it would serve no purpose for a spirit to be within any nonliving object.

 The fact some or all cultures at some point in time used human beings (of all ages) as a sacrifice to atone their immoral behavior was a clear indication of man recognizing the more sensitive point of his mortality. The shedding of blood was a prevalent act amongst the earliest cultures on this planet. One thing is significantly clear in their understanding of the human anatomy, it was anything but deficient. The importance of blood in all sacrifices was the acknowledgment of the vital lifeline that ran through all life forms; the shedding of blood to appease the Gods, was an " offering of life, for life." Although contradictory in it's infamous act, it revealed the  quality of insight, yet, somewhat childlike in the non-comprehensive level of a primative lifestyle.

 The Hebrew were perhaps the most notorious for sacrificial rites as is recorded all through their Torah, the first five Books of Moses. There is no doubt their practice of human sacrifice has been completely removed and or omitted at some point in their revision, thereby changing the historical outlook of the Hebrews true history in that period in time when this practice was universally rampant and accepted worldwide in its primitive stage. Although the Jewish Kings of Judah in Jerusalem did in fact sacrifice their children by fire;  (especially if it was a new born female) it was the first real ommision in Jewish recorded history or so one would think.
51. Bear in mind human sacrifice was widely accepted and universally rampant in the early stages of human-evolution when trying to appease the gods they reverenced, for whatever reason these rites took place. Moreover is the omitted history of babies used in the cornerstone for the building of temples; a very old but accepted practice in its time.

 As the evolution of religion developed, so did the approach to God. Human sacrifice slowly gave way to animal sacrifice until there was no reason to sacrifice any living thing. In the Old Testament of the Torah, animal sacrifice was an extreme practice. The details in which many Biblical passages refer to is astonishing; the Hebrews perfected the art of sacrifice, meticulously developing methods of dissecting any animal part for it's proper offering.
 The Hebrew practiced sacrifice all through their history, antecedent to and on the subsequent day of Jesus' departure despite the introduction of his New Gospel to reveal God's true nature and character for the purpose of eliminating sacrifice altogether. This sacrificial behavior was the reflective nature of the human mind, plain and simple. The Hebrew had no less than four transgressional types of sins of atonement in their sacrificial rites; the bottom line in the Leviticus ceremonial practice, was the interest of blood sacrifice, plain and simple...

  Spiritual examination has always been a behavioral reflection for the sinful nature of humankind; Atonement merely relieved the (valve) of one's conscience, a safety mechanism for the contrite soul. Atonement was the earliest acknowledgment of immorality. The fact humanity acknowledged their immoral behavior somewhere in the path of evolution reveals the progressive nature of humankind to accept some responsibility for their actions which can now be called into play for the solution to thier many peculiar acts in life.

 It is impossible to reflect on one's behavior without human relation. It is easier to observe the external action of someone other than your own, because it is a direct effect on your judgment.
 When considering reciprocal actions in human relations there is a profound revelation which we all take for granted, which is the commonality we share as a species. All behavior in human expression is a learned process that we see in each other; this relative fact in human behavior is inescapable. The idea we want to atone for our misdeeds (in a religious forum anyway) is a spiritual reflection in human behavior because we know we are doing wrong through observational judgment.

 Although history has revealed atonement as a practice for the forgiveness of human transgression, it has not evolved past the external view of a forgiving God. Jesus made it very clear in his teachings, the kingdom of God is spiritual; it is in the indwelt spirit of the soul that reflects immorality as being wrong. Thus, the indwelt soul is reflecting God to the personality who is seeking atonement from their immoral act of trying to appease God for their transgressions.

52. Spiritual examination should reflect your minds contemplative act for the souls recourse. The rational analysis of human behavior should be one of transcending values, seeking potential possibilities for your brethren in true Agape love. Your actions reveal your behavior towards other spirit indwelt children of God. By redirecting your energy pattern through your conscious will, you are actually leaving room for your celestial breathren to assist you in your time of need so the entity you are attempting to guide stands a better chance at receiving the full benefit of God's work.

 Your performance as an individual child of God is testimony to your convictions. In other words, if you believe so strongly in God that His presence is reflecting your lifestyle, you should reflect this presence to every other person in your life. Now your spiritual examination is an open book for all to witness, as you perform in God's spiritual reflective image with the same attributes Jesus expressed in his efforts to reveal the Father's true nature and character value to everyone within his range of contact.

 There should never be any atonement in your life if you are following the Will of God. However, If you feel you must atone for your transgressing nature, then pray to our Heavenly Father to forgive you and ask for His guidance in living a better lifestyle, to become a better person. God will never abandon you in your hour of need, this is His specialty. Furthermore, and I couldn't elaborate any more on this; asking God to help you and guide your spirit towards your potential perfection is what He wants of you; thank Him everyday thereafter, which will show Him your true conviction in having total faith in Him, showing Him you have no reason in asking Him more than once for an answer to your prayer. (This is true faith)

 Also, you should remember, as a child of God, there is no need for confession to anyone under the sun; God is a part of you and is aware of all your needs and deeds. You need only ask for forgiveness, and He will forgive you. However, this can only be reciprocated in you forgiving your neighbor (a brother or sister in our world); this is what Jesus taught in his ministry, and he incorporated this into the Lord's prayer "forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtor’s" Jesus who is our Lord God, wrote this into the Lord's prayer; it doesn't get any more clear than what is written; and of course this was written years before he set out to choose his Apostles.

 In light of the aforementioned, if you decide to sacrifice something for the uplifting of your spirit or your neighbor's spirit, make sure you understand the difference between relinquishment and sacrifice. A relinquishment is mechanistic with a premeditated thought and motive which is not a spiritual gesture within itself. On the other hand, if you are sacrificing out of love, as Jesus did in his example of living in the fashion of selflessness, then you are reflecting a divine attribute and you are acting without thought or motive. Sacrificing out of love is a divine attribute because there is no motive or agenda and it is within the parameter of God's Will that you employ service without reciprocation. Jesus made this perfectly clear whence he said: "no greater love can one have, than to give their life for a breathren."

53. The safest and most reliable method of spiritual examination is for you to ask yourself, what would God want of you, your words, and actions? Moreover, how would Jesus apply them to his way of living in his time frame without the technology we possess today?

 Many religions teach the practice of self-examination for the cleansing of the soul. To become introspective for the sole purpose of examining your behavior defeats the purpose of action in doing God's Will as Jesus taught his followers to do. In other words, if all of your creative efforts were being set forth as an altruistic person there would be no room for self-examination as you are justifying your position as a faithful servant of God.

 When an individual sets out to do the Will of God, there is no room for an adverse lifestyle, there is only room for spiritual growth. There is no need for introspection if you are following the Will of God because you are now participating in the reality of purpose. Jesus spent his entire ministry showing humanity the meaning of life through the expression of love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, and service to his creation. By living the experience of benevolence there is never any need for introspection of one's behavior, as you are now experiencing faith and works.

 Introspection falls under the precept of a psychological evaluation, which would suffice for the interpretation of human behavior and mental keep, but it has no bearing on your spiritual being. Spiritual reflection is God's influence working through the individual child of faith who reveals love through the highest act of altruism and religious idealism in what we know as benevolence.

 God's love rules supreme in that child of destiny who has attained God-consciousness for spiritual perfection. You cannot examine the spiritual presence of God; however, you can experience the spiritual presence of God. God is evolving through you as an individual personality in spiritual perfection, and, you are developing through God in spirit comprehension; in effect, a perfect union. This unified experience is your preparation for an eternal affair which begins right here on earth in the flesh of your temporary assignment.

54. The reflection of your spirit should to all intent emulate the attributes of God towards your brethren here on earth. It is contrary to God's nature to treat individuals indifferent because of race, gender, creeds, or personal convictions.
 The brotherhood of humanity validates the Fatherhood of God. Jesus confirmed this validation by expressing that all human beings are the children of God through creative intent. Again, God has NO chosen people! We are all chosen to follow God's Will! "And my brothers and sisters, this is a fact!"

 In the passage written in the New Testament, Jesus makes an all-time statement which humanity should come to heed; "The least you do unto my brethren, you have done unto me." Bear in mind firstly that, Jesus was/is the "living word of God made flesh" in essence; this is God saying: "however you treat my children, is how you are treating me." This statement is irrefutable; we are all God's children connected by one spirit, the Spirit of God. Moreover, we all have a fragment of God's spirit within us, so how you treat a person is how you are treating God!

 Thus, in this action of humanity, the cohesion of life is revealed through the art of altruistic living. If you are spending time dwelling on your problems, you cannot possibly be following God's Will, because God knows of your needs and knows of your problems. So if you were to spend your time yielding to the Spirit of Truth, you would come closer to becoming godlike in your nature and character and facilitating this act towards your brethren in the flesh. Now your focus is on God and what He wants for and of you; as you have made a conscious decision to follow God's Will and serve Him, by helping to serve your earthly brothers and sisters.

 Without your submission to the Will of God you are merely going through the motions as a free will creature, which would coincide with the evolutionary behavior of a nonspiritual entity. Thus, in rendering your free will to the deception of its capture "your ego," the balance shifts towards the iniquitous behavior of the flesh.
 To attain full-on God-consciousness, you must rise above the ego. There must be a conscious sacrifice to sever those things in the material realm which impedes the spirits right to transcend. This action is considered "circumcision of the heart" a complete cutting away of those things that encumber the mind from God-consciousness and spiritual realization. 

55. The circumcised heart was/is the inauguration of Jesus' mission in the flesh. By his lifestyle we learn sacrifice, a true sacrifice, is transcending any atonement which humanity practiced in the early stages of spiritual development. The practice of penance in the first stage of humankind is their acknowledging some form of immorality in their behavior; atonement was an act of hope for the escape of retribution.

 The early deployment and practice of sacrifice were of various ceremonies designed to offset the moral guilt from the populace. The overall consensus was the belief in the use of a mediator who had personal contact with and was privy to the offended deity. This particular was practiced worldwide in the mind of man in his early stage to attempt communication with the unknown; since controlling the mass with the idea they (the high priest) were the only entities who could communicate with the gods; the mediator used the main distraction from the populace who seemed to have very little to consider with minimum capacity of thought, because all of their problems were now in the hands of God's personal secretary, the mediator.

 Also, this practice was not in the least restricted to the Eastern hemisphere; various cultures from the Eastern region to the Native American Indians in the Western hemisphere were all utilizing some form of sacrifice with a mediator for multiple reasons. Sacrificial atonement varied in each culture based on the deity concept of that culture.

 Jesus displaced any form of sacrifice by simple prayer; in asking God for forgiveness, you are foregoing any sacrifice that does not in any sense please God and in reality, is an insult to the integrity and intelligence of God as a loving personality. Jesus became God's full-on realization as the "living word." Thus, a New Dawn of consciousness was accrued by divine influence in this God-Man Jesus, who, as the living word removed all forms of unnecessary sacrifice for the forgiveness of human frailty. If this were not so, Jesus would not have been born of a woman to experience the reality of human weakness, so he would in effect, know his creation from the experience of his bestowal.

 No prophet, clergy, priest, nun, or Pope has ever had the noble act of representing God in full power and glory, not one! Jesus Christ was/is by no doubt, a true Son of God and Creator of this universe. Who took the time to empty himself of supreme authority, to become as one of his creations, for one purpose and one purpose only; to reveal the true nature and character of God as he knew/knows Him to be, our Heavenly Father. Jesus never displayed anything other than a positive affirmation in all of his actions as a Son of God, to reveal the true character and nature of our Heavenly Father. If per se you understand all of this about our Creator-Father Jesus and his cause in the flesh, you have found your purpose in life.

 USE FIREFOX BROWSER FOR BEST RESULTS                                       PERSONALITY: After the gift of life, comes the 
                                                                 great gift of personality from The Universal Father.

56. There is much complexity in comprehending God as a personality when we understand Him to be more than ubiquitous with a qualifying state of Absoluteness; however, God does have personality; I shall elaborate on this mystical part of our Heavenly Father.

 As God, He is Universal, Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent; this and much more represents His ubiquitous nature and His grand stature. As Spirit, He is space-time transcendent, fragmenting His spirit frequency to every personality in the Grand Universe which He evolves through when accepted by His recipient. As Personality, He is our loving Father; the primal expression of Agape love extending His creative nature throughout universal direction; pervading every part of the known and unknown, doing so through the act of infinite energy; a frequency level beyond human comprehension, which we come to understand over time while evolving with Him and His act of indescribable Agape love or in the expression thereof. It requires a personality to reveal and express Agape love and all it's components to another personality, or there would be no connection for such understanding. We as the spiritual constituents of our Heavenly Father reveal these acts to each other every second of every day, without question. With this being said: God is the ultimate provider of personalities to every one of His creative expressions (will creatures) through creative intent...

 God is the First Source and Universe Center of spirit fragmentation and personality provision; it requires a person to acknowledge another person in our immediate realm and physical dimension. You are more importantly a part of Him, and He a part of you. Thus it is stated by Jesus: "The Father wants that 'none should perish,' no, not one." In other words, it is essential to God that you survive along your spiritual journey in your quest for spiritual perfection. Nothing is ever lost in the universe when it concerns living energy, all residing power in each potential will creature is destined to transform from its original state to the complete status of God's presence in the Paradise Isle where God's existence is pure, untainted, and infinite in spirit energy; of course this is all contingent upon your acceptance of God's Will, so you may witness God's full vibraint being in all His undeniable glory.

 The Over Soul of God absorbs all the positive aspects of those who do not survive ascension status. In other words, if you fail to assimilate the spiritual path to the Paradise Isle, your spirit will become as though it never were. However, all the positive aspects of your life experience become obsorbed by the Over-Soul of The Supreme Being. No positive experience of yours is ever lost, if you choose not to survive your spiritual quest. As stated before, God is evolving with your personality through your soul, mind and spirit; as He too seeks Supreme reality as a perfect God through His will creatures of spirit status. He wants you to remain flawless, as you become as perfect as Him. As you and the Father fuse you become the perfected union of energy. The importance of you being perfect in spiritual energy presence when you ascend is for the children of God to retain their beautiful energy, to keep the universe operating at pure energy status in perfect systemic form.

 The Universal Father is primal energy expressing personality through His creative nature. If there is a will creature of life five hundred billion light years away, God is in that life force. Moreover, God is static in-universe position, however, He is pervading space in universal direction. He assigns these gifts of personality provision throughout the Grand and Master Universe, and this same spirit energy is returned to Him to complete the cycle of reciprocated intelligent energy between Father and child. The spirit energy the Father sends out to His recepient who accepts the Father's Will, returns to Him in a state of complete perfection to join with the Father for the union of fusion. The Final Embrace of Father and child; Creator and creation of the expressed cause.

 The attainment of God's nature and character for the ascension candidate is the Father providing all the individual reipient is capable of receiving. Thereafter spirit perfection is attained by His potential will creatures in it's entirety of becoming perfect while working towards becoming as one with our Father. God provides the avenue, you provide the effort.
The Universal Father is expressing infinite intelligence to His children of destiny attainment. The receptivity of value in the mind of God's potential child of spiritual perfection is not limited to God's expression; the receptive level of any child of God is available by the degree inherent in each child of God; in short, "God will never give you more than you can handle." Bear in mind that He is sharing His knowledge and energy "with all" His will creatures simultaneously. This would be one of the universal attributes of God.

 The creative action of the Universal Father is predetermined by definitive cause to express life to an expanding universe. The fact that God can see the beginning through the end of every individual character's life anywhere at anytime is beyond human comprehension. The Father expressed life in creative thought pattern; His children of destiny attainment emulate this same (thought pattern) energy source. God is a primal personality through thought concept in the expression of life and love, and as the First Great Source and Center of life and love, "it all begins with Him."

 The recognition of identity source is indeed the basis for purpose in the individual personality who wants to know who they are, why they are, and what is the next phase in life transition; these questions are the onset towards the final outcome in this life for ascension quest. As you search for meaning, you are a part becoming the whole of your source (Our Father). God may be considered a somewhat alter personality evolving with the individual's soul in a unified experience; thus, God is becoming at-one with you, and you are becoming one with God; this perfect union has been God's original concept since the inception of the first embrace with His will creature of spiritual perfection.

 When you as the individual personality become conscious of the indwelt spirit, your search for existential purpose is in your relationship towards your neighbors as you reflect the nature and character of God's personality; reflecting intention in the spirit's need to transcend for relative cause.

 God is not stagnant in personality expression; systematically revealing the continuity of a cosmic display in true steller fashion with the perfected cause His children on destiny course now aware consume intensifying energy for the acknowlegmnet of a new transition (a small reminder of God's Intense Agape Love.) In addition, your spirit and soul remain as a constant in the union of truth; you are reflecting God's character as a transcendent personality. This reveals purpose as a constant energy cycle while ascending the Father's energy path to eternity.  Aja

58 The evolutionary will creature is time conscious and must work within the parameters of this law. We are restricted by the laws of the universe as evolutionary creatures while we are temporarily in the flesh. With this being said, our modification for this enhacement is neccessary as time appears less restrictive and space more expansive, as we ascend into the Paradise Isle. In other words, as we become less physical in nature we become more spiritual in Paradise response; every transition is relieving you of your physical nature; in addition, the closer you get to the Universal Father, the higher and cleaner your frequency becomes, becoming more like your Creator in energy response.

 This process of transcending space is an attribute of God's spiritual nature; as God and you evolve towards becoming as one, you are adjusting to the qualitative attributes of God's spiritual nature. As God and you become one personality, God reveals His systemic value in coordinating all His will creatures in one definitive direction, the divine pathway to the Paradise Isle, where you will have obtained God's universal presence; now a part of your perfect spiritual nature as a personality of God.

 Personality is not a chemical reaction operating in a myriad of brain cells; it is the original expression of the indwelt spirit expressing God's emulated cause to expand in universal direction; working in conjunction with with your soul and God's spirit personality, in ultimately attaining divine knowledge and God's wisdom. You are, in effect, becoming like God in your endeavor to perfect your spirit. Character attribute is the expressed nature of the will creature of survival status that potentially attains cause to become as perfect as its source, through the transformation cycles of time.

 Only the created will creatures of God have this potential to be Godlike in personality provision. Our created spiritual image of the Gods gives us this opportunity to perfect from that fragment of God that resides in every evolving soul. He is the Blue Print, the Original Pattern of which we are the potential copies. It is only by the Will of God that we become perfect in the likeness of our Father; it is only by His Will in whom we have our existence. We are potential ascendant candidates through the efforts of our own choice; this is free will; we can accept or deny God's Will, there is no coercion of choice; your acceptance is on sheer faith and spiritual hope, in the promise our Creator Father Michael made to his children when in the flesh as Jesus the Christ man of God.

 How strange that we take for granted such existing possibilities when the human personality is the carbon copy of the original. The idea that we can discern value and reflect on morality is not a chemical delusion; this factor merely reveals the spiritual nature of God's will creature to reflect the conscious use of mind value, which signifies purpose within itself.

59. Humanity's faith stands on the foundation of hope, which can only be possible by the indwelt spirit in compliance with its designated cause. Furthermore, the union of God and His potential will creature brings the Supreme Being one step closer to becoming complete in   deity expression. Every one of God's children with will whose choice to ascend brings the Supreme Being closer to completion in His evolutionary status. Personality is the individual expression combining mind value and spirit integration within the evolving soul to create distinction for relative choice. 

 The only thing separating man from his animal cousin (inclusive of the obvious) is his unique ability to evaluate and communicate moral objective; revealing a spiritual attribute in human judgment. Morality may display a quantifying action from a psychological point of view, measuring a mechanical response in mind activity; however, it is spiritual when the experience of quality is understood by the degree of reception, as a moral personality with a spiritual objective will comprehend God in His true image.

 Your mind, spirit, and soul are the cosmic identifications of your personality in the Grand and Master Universe; the "I AM" factor

 The designation of human creation is within the status of soul survival and spirit quest. The human spirit is driven for self-expression, which is the creative factor behind the Creator. The individual need only be still long enough to allow this driving force of the soul to lead the mind in divine direction for the recognition of God's Will; God will do the rest.

 Your actions in expressing God can only be a "fruition" in life when applied towards the uplifting of your brethren. Expressing God to your brothers and sisters in the flesh is the intended goal for humanity with purpose. There is no other way for humanity to become a cohesive unit in family structure other than the way intended by God and associate subordinates in a divine and spiritual narrative.

 You should by all intent perform as our Creator Father Jesus instructed and taught in his selfless behavior when time and space allowed, learning the exalted ways, as benevolent as possible with your brothers and sisters in the flesh; reflecting the true nature of our Creator's.

60. God's 
Will is the natural flow of His perfect expression; a complete revelation of His true reality. Jesus exemplified this personality in the form of Agape love, which is to say, God is the perfection of love, and His love transcends the human concept of love in a divine and universal medium.
The human interpretation of love is unfortunately conditional, even in its purest sense, because it is a form of Eros, which is a self-love; which is the love many humans give and expect in return, a recipical action. God's love is pure, pristine, unconditional, and unchanging; what we now know as "Agape love." A supreme love from the personification of love, from the primal gesture of love in the "First Great Source and Center" of love.

 In all of your efforts to express love to your fellow human beings, you must first learn the expressed value of real love as shown by our Creator and Heavenly Father, the Original personality of love. His love reveals the perfect pattern of compassion, mercy, goodness, and benevolence in the character set forth for emulation by His created will creatures. Emulation: to copy with expressed admiration.

 Let your personality aspire to be like God's nature, and then, and only then, can we secure our position for ascension status and soul survival, for the transformation of life in the preexisting spirit of God that resides in every soul.
 The soul and spirit are pre-existent because they are a fragment of God Himself. In other words, we have always been in existence within the Father until our expression; just as you have always genetically existed in your parents DNA until conception; you have always preexisted, or you would not be here.

 In Biblical terms, man becomes a living soul by the breath of God" life." In this analogy, the breath signifies consciousness in our creation to recognize the existential presence bestowed upon creation through the cognizance of spiritual affirmation. "The breath of life" is the knowledge of God-consciousness in the full spectrum of existence.
When you become conscious of your Creator through the spirit indwelt, you have evolved your soul to transition level, where the Spirit of Truth augments son-ship status with God as your Father.

 Complete consciousness is personality recognition in yourself to undertsand God's glorious plan; your spirit is incorporating with mind value to transcend your soul to personality status in God. The Father sends out fragments of Himself to indwell His will creatures as they manifest personality expression, becoming a unified experience of God and you until you are returned to Him in your ascension process to have completeled His energy cycle as The Supreme Being.

 Your spirit is your perfect vehicle, housing the potential soul and personality for survival quest to God's perfect presence. Your spirit will progress the soul through the process of spiritual growth, as you transform from state to state, never to modify the personality; in other words, your character along with identity continues spiritual growth as you will always retain your personality status as your identification. You will augment spiritual purpose in divine direction as you perfect in spiritual transition, retaining every aspect of spiritual growth, which serves the intended use of perfecting your spiritual eventuation.

 Faith is the key to the Providence of God; belief is the precept of that faith, and truth is the inheritance of your hope in God's Will. These are the qualities in the spiritual child of God who has found their position in the Father. Both spirit and personality constitute properties of the Universal Father; His divine character is the Master Blue Print forever expressed outwardly creating as He proceeds to express life where ever the Father so chooses, to express His supreme and divine Will.


                                                                          FOURTH REVELATION
                                          "Jesus promised us a new heart and body upon ascension"          

61. Jesus made a profound statement during his short visit here, whilst revealing his cause and our purpose upon ascension. "I go to prepare a place for you, 'where I will receive you unto myself ' where you will receive a new heart and body.” Now bear in mind Jesus was fond of using nature like parables when making a point in mixed company. However, "this was not a parable of confusion, but an exact truth as expressed by our Creator-Father Jesus." When Jesus used parables, they would create the confusion of those who were in attendance who were there to either spy or mock the testimony of Jesus.

 This new heart Jesus spoke of in future tense was the analogy of your consciousness in a perfect medium upon arrival to your new locaton. When Jesus rose from his death three days after he was murdered, he was in a semi-spirit form. Moreover, his body was in an ethereal state between worlds, which is why again, he spoke to Mary about his physical state, she would not have recognized the constitution of his body that was between the material and the spiritual. He came back this way to show God's children there is in fact, life after death from the physical realm. This of course was only a temporary action to complete an overall spiritual example needed for the true believers of Jesus. One would think the resurrection of Lazarus would be enough for those doubtful minds who still questioned the power of God.

 However, Jesus never presented himself to any of the miracle-minded Jews or those who spurned his salvation before his resurrection. His appearance was for the benefit of all his followers, who by now were in the thousands; a reason to bid them peace and affirmation of life after death (he appeared and disappeared to everyone who believed and for his followers who were still in question about eternal life) appearing only to those who had true faith.

 When studied in depth, the allegorical term of the heart within Biblical reference is consciousness; which is relative to mind value. The mind is a binary part of the spirit operating within the soul, which facilitates consciousness and spirit realization through your acceptance of your God-conscious attitude in becoming like your Creator for the "Christ Mind." The parable of which Jesus used was in his presentation of consciousness in his immediate finite state. Your spirit and will are the combined force of spirit cognizance. Jesus presented as much knowledge as those recipents were capable of comprehending of God's true self; Jesus was asking God to open the conscious minds of His children to serve their purpose as ministers of God's truth
 I believe the soul to be within the pineal gland as it is so aptly protected within the housing of the brain in the center of both halves of the brains hemispheres; as it is shown in many hieroglyphs without any indepth information as to what or why. Which brings to mind; "who were the enities revealing such intricate knowledge to mankind at that point in time when so much enlightment was at the height of divine history?" Pictographs revealing pinecone glyphs resembling the pineal gland.

 There should never be any doubt about the nature and character of God which Jesus revealed to those children thirsting for divine truth. What Jesus told about himself was that of a loving, mild, intelligent, diligent, and above all, benevolent character in all aspects of his approach to any given situation. In the phrase Jesus used "to love your enemy" is an undisclosed mystery of God's true nature. To love your enemy does not mean to humble yourself before your enemy for the sake of righteousness in showing goodwill; it means earnestly rising above the level of your ego in complete selflessness; you are sacrificing for the greater good of a defininitive outcome. Indeed giving a small part of yourself for the larger gift of God throughout eternity.

 By submitting yourself to the Will of God, you sacrifice ego for transcendence; in your action of transcendence, the realization of love plays a significant role in a conscious decision to forgive. So now the heart is emulating God-consciousness in the true nature of God as Jesus taught and revealed through his actions.

62. True forgiveness
transcends the actual thought of the act; as a seed germinating love in the heart of consciousness. To love your enemy now becomes a conscious thought of goodwill to all people, regardless of what they feel towards you. In this way you have subjected yourself to God's Will in that your motive is selfless and pure with God's intention.
 The heart of Jesus then and now was/is predicated on God's Will. The mind of the destiny child of God is also the spirit affirmation of cosmic energy. This energy is the natural force of God that flows through all life forms; these are the will creatures of God along with all lower life forms without will.
 Physical termination, or death, for all life forms is inescapable. There is an unfortunate factor behind religions who dogmatically insist on disinformation who misguide their audience or congregation. Stated: they utilize scare tactics handed down from generation to generation of misdirected information. The Old Testament has been inundated with scare tactics, contrary to Gods true divine nature and loving character; which basically means most religions teach misdirected information as part of their regurgetated learning, not because they truly believe in what they are preaching. It is all regurgitated information mankind has been adopting for centuries, as they obviously lack the intelligence for individualism and or introspective foresight. As no one really took the time to analyze all which transpired for the true and right opportunity to teach God's truth as Jesus displayed it in his format. Had those in ecclesiastcal power taken the time to reveal the truth set before them; the world would have been re-set. Or re-booted...

 Some religions teach of a hell or Hades and to some extent a limbo where souls are caught between planes. These are teachings taken from many ancient cultures and added into the early works of Christianity. Many of these later teachings from the Old Testament were slowly added into Islamic teachings and what is now known as later Christianity? Christianity in some church congregations accepted this ridiculous notion about hell from the Old Testament, which reflects the mind of man in the light of his day of that point in history. Many of these teachings of hell or Hades derive from ancient Mithraism, Zoroastrianism, Egyptian to Hebrew theology; all formulated in the mind of early man before the arrival of Christ. For general information: Jesus never used the term "hell" and mankind in the same expression, under any circumstance. This is fact!

 Jesus came to restore the insanity that has infiltrated man's ridiculous notions of the Father's true nature and character. One of the most prominent facts Jesus revealed about the Father was/is God is a loving Father to all of His children, perfected or evolving; thus, removing all doubt as to the so-called hell in reserve for those rebellious children of God who refuse salvation. Once again, Jesus said: "If you refuse the Will of God and His perfect salvation, you will become as though you never were.”No matter what century this was quoted; the meaning is clearly defined for any and all generations of time to understand and adhere. Notwithstanding, the Lord's prayer clearly stating that "God will forgive you by you forgiving your neigbor." Which completely negates any sense of a hell or retribution for the questioning mind who is seeking God's forgiveness.
 The 21st-century personality who is questioning their existentialism is confused about the reality of God, because of what has been written in the Old and New Testaments. Any one person in this day and age is going to question what was written over five thousand years ago (regarding the Old Testament). Think of the evolving stage of humankind from that point in history, or ten to twenty thousand years ago?

63. Do you as an individual think a Supreme God who created this Grand Universe, who is without beginning or end, would consider us less important fifty thousand or a million years later? God is a changeless God; the Hebrews knew this back when they worshiped God as a Father figure. Refusing God's salvation will bring you to that finite state after death, and will be your judgement by your own decree, If so chosen; on judgement day "you will become as though you never were;" this means instantaneous banishment, poof, no pain, no sorrow, no memory of you; however, just knowing God has an eternal plan that entails forever perfecting your spirit to become as perfect as God, well, "present your own conclusions."
 We are given a new heart (consciousness) upon ascension for one reason: There is no darkness in this new heart (mind); only the light of knowledge along with the positive memory of your past for your new and unique body, which cannot possibly contain darkness in your new environment, because it would be in direct contrast to God's perfect wisdom and state of existence. Michael's unique gift to you as promised when he was incarnate as Joshua Ben Joseph (Jesus of Nazareth) is a new heart and body. The acceptance of this gift entails only one thing, your continued faith in God's Will and your performance with the Will of God towards your brethren here on earth and after you ascend to begin working with all of God's children throughout the universes.

 As far as a hell, the human imagination through its own darkness creates the atmosphere of its choice from the hell that exists in the heart (mind) of the individual. Moreover, what kind of father would it take to create a place of eternal torture and then expect you to love him unconditionally? God is our Father who understands our fickle nature because His Son came in the character likeness of his creation to experience humanity throughout his temporary life in the flesh; to understand why we defaulted. This was the first dulaity of man and God, God in man. In regards the actual phase of duality for mankind, Jesus took this time to reveal this action of duality to humanity.

 Jesus portrayed the Father's character flawlessly in serving his creation with the act of unselfish Agape love. It was this personality in Jesus who portrayed the incomprehensible character of God. Jesus' life was unchanged since the inception of our planet and its evolving will creatures.
 The evolution of sin was very much consistent with the progressive nature of humanity. In other words, as humanity progressed in the evolutionary world of the material realm, they unconsciously created a spiritual gap between God and themselves. Adversities have always been our own choice in the evolutionary process, adversaries created by the human ego who go against God's Will.

 The default of the human race was/is the acceptance of the human ego in place of God's Will. Jesus' only mission was to bring humanity back on its original course of "spiritual realization" through the brotherhood of one spirit, the Spirit of God. He, in fact, set the standard of a real society through the altruistic purpose of your temporary life in the flesh; this standard is for all time and subsequent generations; this would entail the acceptance of God's Will through the art of faith and the application of God's Will (again) towards your brethren on earth and when you ascend.

64. In accepting God’s 
Will you are securing your future of spirit and soul survival by the application of His Will towards your brethren. To refuse this provision is a will creature prerogative, which of course would be your demise from your own conscious choice.

 Jesus revealed the example of doing the Father’s Will in the purity of his character in his unmatched service provided to humanity. It is through the assistance for your brethren here on earth your transformation begins to take on the personification of the “Christ Mind” which reflects the Will of God; thus, preparing you for your new heart and body as promised by God’s Creator-Son Michael (Jesus of Nazareth) upon your acsension; something exclusively wonderful to look forward to.

 Our transformation is the ultimate purpose in God's divine plan for perfecting our spirit. This new heart and body can never harbor iniquity because it is now a part of the divine family of the Heavenly Father. His design is perfect with spiritual cause for a definitive outcome. This new heart (mind) will be similar to the of heart (mind) of Jesus while he was in the flesh; during his life performance to bring spiritual consciousness to a morally and spiritually bankrupt planet.
 It is complicated for a person who has no understanding of the living God to accept this view when their existence is void of spirit realization. The Spirit of Truth cannot enter into the heart (mind) of an individual who has no faith in God; in effect, you are inadvertently creating this block which prevents the spirit of “Christ” aka “the Spirit of Truth” from entering your soul.

 To be “Christ-like” is as Jesus lived in the form of complete submissiveness to the Will of God. Our submission to the Will of God is in alliance with the universe as a cosmic perpetuity, a pattern of energy distribution controlled by the Father’s subordinates who allocate these energies accordingly. The Father is an extension of the Trinity or vice versa; He is the “First Source and Center,*” the “Eternal Son*” is the “Second Source and Center,” the “Infinite Spirit*” is the “Third Source and Center.*” These three personalities are the original Triune at the center of the Paradise Isle; a combined unit of energy  creating before its path all that represents perfection in the Grand and Master Universe.

 The Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit can and may operate independently of the Universal Father. However, nothing is done without the expressed cause of the Universal Father's Will. All perfected will creatures are the direct or indirect creation of the Trinity; moreover, the Associates and subordinates of the Trinity all play an exclusive part in divine function throughout the Grand Universe. Every single will creature of the Trinity has a divine function that is purposed in their creation on behalf of the Gods and their Associates, as well as all living will creatures of God's divine plan. Questions about the Gods? Christ Michael is a God; They are the Creator-Sons of God the Father; The Ancients of Days are Gods; as they are the Supreme rulers of the Universes; The Trinity are Gods. However, they are Gods in the creative sense, but, the are not the "God" As in the Universal Father, the First and last of creative expression. My beloved the Universe home of the Father is the Grand and Master Universe; the aforementioned is the totality of the Universal Father. So it would stand to reason our Father would need assistance in all of His work. He is still the Center of it all on the Paradise Isle at the Center of the Universes; all life revolves around our Father and will continue to evolve around our Heavenly Father nonstop... Amen

 We on earth are evolutionary will creatures of God, meaning: we are experiential will creatures with free will and a soul; in essence, we are always in a state of development; we were/are created exclusively for this purpose to experience life in all aspects of our evolutionary growth. Our physical bodies are merely the material components that carry the actual value of their intended purpose, which is the soul, spirit, and mind that comprise the personality who you are at present. This is why we live such short lives in the material realm; we are merely here to discover purpose and apply that purpose in life to prepare you for your future and eternal life with the Universal Father. As well as meet our Creator-Father Michael as he promised, before sending us off on our glorious journey for spiritual perfection. Once you grasp the full meaning of Our Father in presence and Deified purpose, you will forego the trivial questions within thought; "how"is it all possible? Only a mind who is stuck on the simplicity, will cause it's own impedance.

65. Our brains are powerful and creative organs; every facet of human creation in the material realm is a manifested thought form; a pattern of the Original Blue Print (A hypothetical allegory) in how we process creativity of thought. In touching upon this line of thought form manifestation, we can somehow imagine the unfathomable work of our Creator-Father Michael, in the work he thus manifested in creating his universe and the inhabitants that reside on various evolutionary planets within his sovereign universe. Of course there were/are many associate and subordinates of Michael who provided their wonderful touch to Michael's creation; he takes no credit from his subordinates for the help they provide, afterall, this is one huge habitat of will creatures throughout our universe, Michael's sovereign creation. As Jesus once stated: "The Father has given mankind to me as a gift, and no one shall pluck them from His hand." Simply put Jesus thus states the obvious; the Father has provided these souls to Michael, and NO ONE will or can take this from Michael (Jesus); as these spirits come directly from the Father to Michael for designated purpose; of course it was the soul of humankind the Father gave to Michael (Jesus) not the physical being, which is why the breath mankind received was/is the soul from God for each individual given to Jesus to become a "Living Soul"...

 Moreover, we are created with a fragment of the Heavenly Father Himself in the innate spirit that indwells every child of God. Perfecting towards the Father of life after cessation as we receive a new heart (mind) and body in the transformation cycles that we partake in until we have reached the final stage in the presence of God's most perfect Providence, where we will fuse with the God-Head of personality provision. In other words, we begin here in the flesh as a unique personality of God; where we then proceed through many transformations until God has perfected us for Himself.

 The reality of these transformations for the divine children of God's ascension plan is to complete our spiritual perfection through the progressive cycles of eternity. For example, if it were possible for you to die at this very moment and be placed on the Paradise Isle, you would be clueless to your surrounding environment much less being in God's presence. In other words, you would be lacking in all the spiritual necessities required to comprehend the full presence of the Universal God as a Supreme Spiritual Being and His relation to you and the universe He upholds. Again, this is one of the reasons we are individually evolving with God for the completion of our spiritual nature. In reality, if you were to be placed into God's presence before you ascend, as in right now, you would disintergrate in a nanosecond or faster I'm not sure (this is strictly a presumption). Reason: God is intense, clean, and pure energy, who can only be in the presence of an equal energy; which is why we go through so many manifestations, as we need to be pure energy spirits in the presence of Our Father and His true self and not be found wanting.

 The purity of God's energy level is so incorrupted and pristine, that it is impossible to acquire a remote hint of God's actual presence in a single lifetime; which is why we go through so many transformation cycles until we have become perfect in spiritual completeness; where upon our transformation we will qualify our presence in God's perfection for our final transitional phase. Jesus himself stated: "The Father wants that you should be perfect, as perfect as Him." If this were not so, Jesus would have said otherwise.

 The inherent energy of God's Spirit is transforming through His creation; in other words, God is eventuating in spirit value through each of His potential will creatures, which is why "He wants that none should perish." He is eventuating as the "Supreme Being" through His creation. These are the words spoken by our Creator Father Michael (Jesus) during his precious life to represent God in the flesh; however painful truths may be to comprehend; when you are locked into traditional thought patterns i.e., certain beliefs that deprive your potential consciousness from eventuating; it all becomes clear as you perfect through the energy cycles which await your longing heart. Nothing will ever become more clear to you as your shades of doubt breaking away to reveal your true path to our Father.
 Thus, as we transcend through the cycles of infinite value, the mind becomes in perfect unison with spirit personality, as complete as it's creative source. Therefore, we know that God became a man, (Jesus) so that man^ could become like God.

 The principal purpose of Michael (Jesus the Christ-Man) was/is to manifest the possibilities of perfection through the Will of the Father. He revealed the relationship between God and man and the inherent traits humanity attains through the art of spiritual inception and God-consciousness. As every thought is centered within the mind, so it is finalized in the heart and soul (the full consciousness of mind value).
 In your preparation for a new heart and body, you will find spirit realization as a significant cause; the transitionary path for the ultimate state of fusion with the Heavenly Father, as all life with will eventually partake in the finality of Light and Life on any given planet of will creatures who are evolving.
 The Father's perfect Will is intended for the perfection of His will creatures with a spirit and soul; who anticipate a new heart and body; God's most exceptional provision to humanity; a divine vehicle to carry your provision throughout all dimensions and universes.

^The connotation of the word man should apply to humanity; inclusive of everyone; men, women, and children.    
*Excerpt from The Urantia Book



                               THE COHESION of LIFE: The INTERRELATED PATTERN of HUMAN BEHAVIOR   
               A PREVALENT ACT on all INHABITED  PLANETS (evolutionary/or perfect) in GRAND & MASTER UNIVERSE

66. The innate aspect for human coexistence appears gregarious in the function of animal evolution. The commonality all  animal species share on this planet is the cohesive family structure indicative in survival and adaptation with their natural environment.
 The need to coexist may be gregarious in the early development of the human species, however, as with any other discovery in our progressive state, we know extending our borders of friendship creates opportunity of various enterprise for all parties of interest.

 Our need to coexist has always been animal trait within our nature; but the distinction of that need is spiritual within the receptive soul. In other words, human relation in progressive mode is essential for creating a social structure for one of the greatest needs in a system that works for the greater good. Incorporating values and morality as a civic duty is a universal responsibility when creating a conscious society in preparation for the full measure of God-consciousness; which is the precept for creating spiritual unity, the beginning of a unified "brotherhood" for the inclusion of all humankind.

 The interrelated pattern of human behavior is inherent in the biologic cause of effect since time immemorial; it is reflecting divine cause for the uplifting of humanity in the pattern of progression. The cosmic universe balanced by this same interrelated pattern is reflecting  it's source. This interrelative action is manifest in the Trinity foundation of: The Universal Father, The Eternal Son, and The Infinite Spirit; which create all of these respective universes and subordinate offspring in a conjoint act for the specific purpose of interrelation. It is in our physical and spiritual DNA plain and simple.

 The coordinate actions of divine creation set the pattern for cosmic cause and spiritual effect. This pattern remains consistent throughout the universe as it reflects definitive causation. Interrelated behavior can best be described in the simple example of human bonding on the planet earth; the connection between mother and newborn infant reveals the first stage of initial bonding in the human affair. The extrapolation of chemical activity from the modification of flesh and blood and ultimately revealing the divine expression of humanities love in the attenuated version of God's Agape love. "And God rested from His work, because He saw that it was good."

 Science, through their extensive research, reveals a cohesive relation between mother and child that begins in the womb. This biological connection is animal inherent in all species; hence, the specifics of the chromosomes primary function to begin DNA activity. What separates the primitive stage between species is in our ability to formulate concepts of nurturing and deploying the most suitable technique in rearing offspring.
 The connection between newborn infants and mothers continue to reveal prevalent acts of relative affinity, instinctive yet divinely inspired. It is entirely possible for a newborn infant to survive without maternal or paternal contact; however, survival probability is less viable without either of these connections needed for a child to grow in preparation for social inclusion when considering the longivity of survival.

 Humankind have a genetic inclination for bonding that transcends the initial understanding of physical contact. The mother-infant connection displays parasitic charateristics for the embryo in the gestation period for months of growth without mother's knowledge of said action. The parasitic activity is needed for the contribution of nutrients derived from DNA instructions. The twofold application of the embryonic stage is developing nutrients and cell communication for the progressing stage of said fetus; emotion displays the sensitive nature of a mothers first and second trimester in her stage of pregnancy as she begins to feel her fetus develop; this activity starts the chemical makeup of mother and child, the onset to mothers complex emotinal roller-coaster.

Moreover, mother begins to develop a symbiotic relationship with her baby addressing him or her with a helpful dialogue, which is gernerally one sided; however this communication from mother to fetus helps the unborn with voice pattern recognition, which may be responsive through the vibration signals the unborn attains through chemical development. This sentiment is best displayed after birth from mother to newborn. After birth the child remains in complete survival mode communicating all its needs through contact and body movement; the breast crawl is the perfect example of infant in survival mode, as mothers should allow infant to gain momentum on their own without mother's touch, as to not confuse the infant who is now reacting to chemical response between mother and child. All marsupials follow this same exact pattern of baby survival without the help of mother. During pregnancy there is a symbiotic factor where mother instinctively knows of her infant's need when her focus is on the child's survival; this, of course, is a developed response through time as mother and child become more at one with one another through the biological connection while gestation period occurs. This connection which begins in the womb is extremely important for a mother who wants to have that special connection with her baby; her infant is 100% dependent on it's mother and continues on throughout their development. This example is like the child of destiny becoming at one with the Father through spiritual inception.

67. Infants cannot display a spiritually inherent nature because they cannot communicate thought patterns; which is why all infants without a spirit and soul are under the watchful care of those celestial personalities or if you prefer the term (Angels). When a child is of age and procures conscious decision; about the age of five or six when abstract behavior ensues, the spiritual nature of God's child will slowly adopt the spiritual quality in the developing mind which is now the soul in relevance.

 When conscious decision develops in a child's mind for the affirmation of truth, and the child distinguishes between right and wrong, the discernment which takes place in the human soul (mind value) is now qualifying the child for spiritual inception (The spiritual personality of God) the age between 5-7. Thus a child's progress is now in it's new stage of communicating thought pattern; who is now learning to think from inferential and deductive process. Keep in mind all of the aforementioned pertains to the healthy development of the infant; children who are born healthy, thanks be to a mother who is attentive to her child's well being, who wants her baby to remain healthy as they grow attentively within the realm of their environment. For interested parties whose children are born with birth defects; this has nothing to do with spiritual aftermath, moreover, it is highly biological from either of two parents genetic background; however, there is always the possibilities of mother acquiring influential cause from environmental effect during gestation; as this period of growth is chemically induced through DNA directives i.e., continued instructions; the body is producing what DNA instructions call for; this is where instructions may falter creating the possibilities of a birth defect.

Human emotion is a primal characteristic which can be voluntary or involuntary by the degree of human response. However, it is the spirit of the evolving soul that discerns the value of that response when a moral issue is in question. With the developing soul in a child-parent relationship, environment can play a profound role in both lives.
 When a child develops in a loving and balanced environment, their survival status is significantly more substantial than a child in a contrary or imbalanced atmosphere. Environment plays a pivotal role in the interrelated process of parent and child.
  Then and there the Universal Father begins collaborating with His child of destiny, when a child has become ready for the fragmented spirit of our Father to begin his or her religious experience with God. Thus, the very fiber of human relation is in the structured path of humanity that occurs in the Universal Father's
weave of cosmic consciousness.

 The individual of God-consciousness is well on their way towards ascension status when recognizing the one spiritual factor that holds the universe together; the spiritual energy of God is the essential bond of life. Spirit survival should embody the growth and values of healthy living, one that will embrace the morality of a religious lifestyle.

68. We should focus on the eternal concept of ascension cause, yet, maintain existential priority in our current state of temporal status. The general process of reflecting God's Will takes precedence in the life of the individual who lives a true religious lifestyle.

 Our temporary status is preparatory towards the eventuality of God's greater plan in the life forms that exist for His cause, our purpose. The cohesion of life is in the spirit of God as He moves through us in joint venture for the perfection of the individual soul.
 To live a Godly life is exemplary in your current position of the Father to portray His nature and character to every other child of God. To reflect your place in God you must become a living example to all of your brethren i.e., the newer generation of God's children who become the perpetual drive for the continuing word of God in a world of spiritual development and divine placement.

 We in the 20th and 21st century have been swept across technology at such an alarming rate, humanity has been completely caught off guard, which besets everything and anything that acknowledges a proper scope of living. When the experience of interrelation is sublime at best, the children of God learn the reality of coexisting in a universal understanding of God's supreme Will and the application of God's Will to one another; which would become the zenith of humanity's achievement in propagating universal harmony in the act of Agape love and the spirit of joy.

 When one considers how the mind is in constant reflection, we may, and can, touch upon the mystery of God's presence in the evolving soul. To be still is to focus on God's presence in the spirit of mind value and refrain from all outside interference; interference which would only create confusion in the mind of the destiny child who is trying to be Godlike in a complete state of spiritual cognizance.

 Children are the perfect example of the active mind in paradoxical behavior as referenced with the human adult; this is a complete contrast of experience and innocence. When children relate to one another, the ultimate display of innocence reveals their true nature in behavior; this behavior is free of fear, it knows no boundaries of hate or restrictions of prejudice or thoughts of malice; stated: "There is no ego in the child who has not been tainted by their adult counters." Remember, ego is the selfish seed in the average adult who knows right from wrong; the child of abstract behavior is just learning these deceptive behavioral patterns from their human counterparts "the adult."

 Ego is what is found unfortunately in the grown adult (ironic as it sounds, grown adult?) who has walked the walk and talked the talk. In observing adult behavior, we see the connection of interrelation in all aspects of human contact. It is only when this interrelation becomes adequately objective in purpose do we find divine favor in God's plan for His children of destiny.

69. Humans may reveal the ego's cause to express self-hood, but it won't grant the answers you've been searching for. God's 
Will becomes the central focus of His divine plan when it pertains to all of His created personalities, perfected and evolving; which explains why God is eventuating as the Supreme Being in His evolutionary stage with His creation for His ultimate expression i.e., Light and Life for the Grand Universe.

 The pattern of interrelation begins in the cosmic realm of God's ubiquitous nature. Moreover, God is volitional force energy manifesting divine pattern through His creation. There is interrelated action going on between Michael (Jesus) and his associates with the Universal Father's plan in creating this universe and the life thereof.
 On this planet of multiplicity, only human relation can manifest God's Will and purpose to one another; thus, if there is no one to ask and no one to answer, then to what effect?

 Our dual nature becomes apparent when human behavior reveals moral doubt in the observation of other entities, unveiling the recognition of our lower animal nature. Thus, we are now in the position to correct our behavior that we see in different individuals, and, in this fashion, you can assist and help guide your brothers and sisters in elevating their nature and spirit drive, a precursor to interrelation.

 When we become conscious of our lower nature we learn to harness the spiritual energy that flows through the cosmic cycle of life. Thus, the interrelation of humanity becomes the exchange of energy created between the personalities of God; what benefits the individual character is the recognition of that energy working within your spirit. It is by the grace of God that we are allowed to serve our brethren in this cause; ever since Jesus first served his creation by the Will of God and becoming a living example for all generations on every planet of evolutionary will creatures within his sovereign universe to encompass.

70. To understand the nature of the Father you must familiarize the life 
of the Son; the portrayal of Jesus was/is the word of God made flesh for all generations of time for the planet earth, as well as the universe of his (Jesus') creation, to wit: "Interrelation." The expression of the Father's nature in the life of Jesus is one of supreme example. His Life and Teaching's were/are the emergence of a New Age in spiritual enlightenment. Which was/is the ultimate purpose in preparation for this planets eventual goal of Light and Life.

 Light is the infinite presence of knowledge within the Universal Father; in spiritual knowledge and wisdom we become as one with our Heavenly Father as expressed by Jesus. The ascending pilgrim spends his or her eternal career achieving spiritual perfection within mind value for the full attainment of God's totality known as fusion; this is, when each child of God proceeds to the Paradise Isle for the Father-child embrace, hence, "Fusion." Moreover, the luminosity of Paradise is self-contained by the intensity of the Father's vast energy presence throughout existence. We shall reside there until our future assignments, in God's expanding universe. In the aforementioned, God is always creating, and "It's in His nature to do so."

 Life is the vital energy we are in universal direction; as you experience transition upon transition in the process of spiritual perfection, you will become complete in the presence of God. You begin here on this planet of service, where you will remain a part of God for the rest of your eternal career throughout the cosmos; you are that child of God that is to become as perfect as the Father. Thus, the attainment of Light and Life is a reality for all ascending children of God who traverse the portals of time and space as they perfect towards the infinite personality of God for fusion and God-creature comprehension "your eternal career." The Grand and Master Universe for this process of Light and Life work in complete unity with God's infinite plan which remain in accordance with the Father's Will.

 Let us endeavor to seek truth in a Son of God our Creator-Father Michael (Jesus the Son of man) who in the flesh expressed the Will of God in every facet of service within the parameter of love, not a reciprocal human love, but, an Agape love. In Agape love, Jesus revealed exclusivity of spiritual status with the Heavenly Father through His eternal Will.

 The inception of service through the interrelation of God's will creatures is the elevating factor behind a true brotherhood. Service should be the altruistic motive of the spirit; the same spirit Jesus portrayed in expressing the Father. Let your mind be like the mind of Christ, in effect, let your transformation secure your infinite goal of Light and Life as you portray purpose in your act of service through the interrelated act and art of Agape love.
 When viewd objectively, we can see the process of evolution unfold throughout the Universes and how we as a collective are affected by this progressive mode of universal harmony; all life begins with God's energy presence. Once we have recognized this, it becomes an open invitation for God's creation to interrelate, to initiate the energy frequency which begins in the Universal Father.
 It is vitally important to recognize communication between our species as a form of energy interplay to broaden our spectrum of communication outide our frequency i.e., other universes teamed with life.


                                                                       RELIGION and the human EGO       

71. Spiritualism has always been an external affair for the searching soul seeking closure for purpose in life, through various beliefs offered by man and his searching spirit. Moreover, historical religion as a whole has never really defined itself outside the general understanding of what we as a species accept or deny within the scope of our true understanding for religion. Most religions on the overall have been organized idealism of certain beliefs and when placed into perspective, this is what they are. Almost all aspect of religion now in the 21st century have been dogmatic and crystallized into a nonspiritual platform. The only difference between the calendar date of (100A.D.) and now for comprehensive knowledge in religion is NOTHING! In reference to behavior for the generality of religion as pertains humanity.
 The reality is, true religion is the full on expression of your personal experience with God our Heavenly Father; it's an experience of a lifetime that should continue on throughout your entire career as a child of God towards the perfection of your spiritual path. Moreover, because it is a personal experience, the ego will at times interfere with the experience, which then disqualifies the experience as personal.

 Today many religions are founded on a modern-day prophet or miraculous accounts within the church as witnessed from human eyes. If Jesus had preached the same message today, as he did 2000 yrs. ago, he would have been accepted as another modern-day magician with a spiritual message and enlightening path. Which is why you should consider the time element along with his repetitive, moreover, spiritual message he came to minister. His miracles (again) were for those who had faith and believed strongly in God. Which is why Jesus would say "Go your way, your faith has made you whole" and "See to it, you tell no man."

 He had no intention of showing off the power he innately had when he only came to reveal the nature and character of God's true self. He would always ask those he healed to "tell no one." He healed the afflicted because of their faith in God he taught them to have. No religion to date has ever tried to pick up where Jesus left off. They are either hung up on his return, his death and resurrection, or build a shrine around the ideal of both. Some religions will pick a prophet that is thought to have communicated with God, to start a new church as an ideal for their religious belief, oversimplifying the experience of the prophet or completely missing the point in deliverance.

 If religious faith today were compared to the faith in the day Jesus made his testimonial debut, there would be an irrefutable contrast with the concept of true religion as Jesus presented. Jesus lived a very religious life within the frame of true religion. Jesus lived in the flesh as a human being by complete faith; this was the human side of Jesus. Jesus set the bar in the example of his lifestyle while expressing the true nature and character of God amongst the people of that time frame; this was the divine side of Jesus. Jesus would go off by himself to pray unto the Father for his needed strength in ministering to the Father's children on a daily basis, which I'm sure was very taxing on his body. Notwithstanding he wanted to make sure his supplication on behalf of God's children, would not overlap with God's busy plan as He watches over His Grand Universe. Many of Gods children cannot grasp the enormity of God's busy schedule, moreover He continues on as a watchful parent who oversees His responsibility, because it is His choice to do so as He is becoming forthwith the Supreme Being through the process of Eventuality, evolving along with His creation.

 Jesus' mission on earth was simple; he came to a planet of complete and utter chaos to reveal the true nature of God to a backward people through the application of God's Will in his version of true religion; in effect, he acknowledged God as he knew Him to be because of his personal experience with God in the context of true religion. No one in the history of this planet has ever been able to make that/this proclamation other than Jesus.

 The religion of Jesus was/is the total experience of his life in the pre-spiritual experience with God and his life in the flesh; to wit: "The word of God made flesh, as the new living testimony of God." Jesus revealed that all children are the sons and daughters of the Living God; augmenting the reality of a personal relationship with God. Whether humanity wants to face this or not, our ego's were born before our search for God, this is a spiritual and human fact!

 The religion of Jesus was presented in his words and deeds. The doctrine of Jesus was never dogmatic in the display of redundant traditions to win favor of the Living God. He detested the folly of customs and traditions as a detachment of a real and personal experience attained through the act of living faith. His religion revealed the kingdom of God as being in the very soul of any individual who accepts God's Will on faith, and faith alone. Moreover was the simple application of one important step, that of being reborn of the spirit.

 Jesus' relation to God's children is what instigated the true religion of Jesus. The fact that he went about doing good and serving his brothers and sisters in need was the pinnacle of his testimony in living a religious life in the flesh. In his fervency to reveal God, Jesus expressed, "The least you have done unto my brethren, you have done unto me." Revealing one of the most important aspects of his life in the flesh "The Living word of God, 'God's word' as a new testimony in the presence of His Son." Moreover, what you do to or for another person, is what you are doing to or for God whose spirit indwells the individual as well. Also, as the living word of God made flesh, God was/is literally speaking through Jesus in spirit.

72. This revelation
of Jesus was/is a substantial announcement; more than just going through the motions of believing in God for the sake of personal convictons. When an individual goes through life believing in God without the application of Jesus' experience in the flesh, you are participating in religious ego.
Allow me to elaborate: Jesus revealed to his children of destiny potential his religion was/is the expression of his personal experience with God; you are in effect applying your knowledge of God in your life towards your brethren and any situation around you when needed. Now true religion becomes the application of God's Will to His children because He indwells all of His children; "your brethren." Which is now a universal edification for all who are following the Will of God, after you have completely removed your ego from the spiritual equation.

 There is no edification for the indwelt spirit when contrary to the personal life of the Master, who, in the perfection of his faith, revealed his divine faith in God as an example for all generations of time to emulate. The personal religion of Jesus embraced the complete virtue of human possibility by merely going about doing good. There was never any room for error or bad judgment; Jesus never saw the negative in humanity, only the potential.
 Jesus' religion transcends the human attitude of belief by living the experience of that belief. In other words, he not only believed in God, he believed as God!
 There will never be a reality of transcendence for the individual who is trying to attain God-consciousness unless the act of pure selflessness has replaced the pious attitude of the individual's ego.

 The highlight of Jesus' ministry was his serving his brethren in words and deeds. The religious ego believes in God but serve themselves. The human ego has always been the real nemesis of God because it revolves around the individual personality and not God. We are, and always have been, detrimental to ourselves by the ignorance of reluctance; we conquer ourselves by the simple act of denying God's Will. This truly is the Ego's defense mechanism of not accepting anything greater than itself.

 God is nothing like the fearful apprehensive picture those men of the Old Testament describe, as they only describe what they think, not what they know. God's Will is the living experience of God in your life; a full, vibrant, enlightenment of God's supreme wisdom for the benefit of perfecting every single person who accepts God's eternal gift of life through His precious and divine Will. God's Will once again, is His complete revelation expressed in the Grand Universe He so graciously upholds through the act of Agape love. God does all of this and more in the act of Agape love; unifying His Grand Universe through the strength His spirit. God loves as a Father because He is our Father; Jesus thus revealed this in his presentation to show the love of God to God's children; "in which he portrayed so well, to the world and universe of his making."

 Jesus maintained this character of God's love throughout his adult life. The correct interpretation of Jesus' experience in the flesh was his complete act of self-respect and selflessness in his actions of respecting and serving others.
 The human side of Jesus faced temptation and the vicissitudes of life's adversities, however, the divine side of Jesus used this experience to help shape and define his attitude towards humanity in his act to divinely express the Will of God in his performance. The fact that he had a human nature was his unique status as a divine soul and spirit in a human body. "The first true duality."

73. Who better than Jesus to express God's true nature, who led such an extraordinary life as an example of God for all humanity? After all, he was/is the word of God made flesh for all generations of time. His words were "Before Abraham, I am."
 The incorporation of these two natures of God and man for the sole purpose of uplifting humanity is beyond human comprehension. However, never doubt for one second, the human side of Jesus was impervious to iniquity and sin, as noted: "He was human and divine" thus, his life in the flesh was a constant fight against temptation.

 What the human attitude of Jesus revealed to humanity as the Son of Man, was his ability to have real and complete faith in God. What the divine attitude of Jesus revealed to humanity was/is how to live by this faith in God. What living faith does for the human soul is bridge the gap between you and God in the total experience of life. The experience of this faith can only be subjective by your relationship with your fellow brethren. It is by God's divine Will that your faith becomes the action of His Will in your life applicably expressed towards your brothers and sisters in the flesh as purpose.
 This is true religion, a religion that reflects purpose concerning God's children, whose convictions are shaped by the experience with oneanother in the act of service and benevolence. The true doctrine of the heart is sharing this spiritual discernment of God with those who are seeking religious liberty; every child of God who is seeking spiritual hope, will always find God at the end of this search. This spiritual discernment is God's truth; nothing can, nor will it impede the Spirit of Truth, except of course, non-belief and a non-living faith.

 The importance of faith is in the heart of the truth seeker; God knows your heart, which is the key to your spiritual survival. This growing factor of a living trust is the immediate cause of true religion, because you are sharing in son-ship status with your brothers and sisters in one spirit, which is the opposite of religious ego.

 The promise of the Universal Father through Jesus the Living Word is "eternal life;" There are no secrets God will not reveal to you, short of His divine mysteries. However, what will be revealed to you is your potential son-ship and spiritual purpose with Him while you are perfecting your spirit in a spiritual medium towards His Providence.

 This is the promise our Creator Father Michael (Jesus) made to his creation, who, by the Will of God procured our place in the Heaven of Heavens as stated by his words whence he said: "I go to prepare a place for you, where I will receive you unto myself, where you will receive a new heart and body." Jesus' belief was in his conviction as the Son of Man; as a Son of God, it was in his truth to reveal God as he knew Him to be; to prepare you for your eternal salvation. This is the religion of Jesus' faith here on earth, for all to witness and experience, a living example for all to follow. Accept these words on trust and living faith and you have already begun to release your ego, and to trust the words of Christ as if he were here in person. Bear in mind your ego of self import is your developed you, only without any hope of eternal life, as your ego is self manufactured and remains behind with all of those who deny God's salvation.


                                                       The true  intent of "The Sabbath" and it's meaning

74. While revealing purpose behind the Sabbath, there isn't any way around the Ten Commandments. Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mt. Sinai in the Book of Exodus, also reveals emancipation of the enslaved Hebrews from the nefarious act of Egyptian bondage; allowing the Hebrew to "initiate the inauguration of a new beginning." These Ten Commandments outlined a perfect way to begin mankinds true spiritual evolution; showing humanity how to live and love for the purpose of God's Will through the lives of His children. As the Hebrew were already ahead of the game with the knowledge of spreading the word of God to all people, to every tongue and nation; had they retain these Ten Commandments and applied their use, well, "I guess it would have worked out for every ones interest." Notwithstanding the ignorance of 21rst century people who believe "slavery" was/is a decree from God because it is in the Bible; again revealing man's complicitous behavior due to his credulous nature, forgetting the obvious (the source) about information. Man has to be without doubt the most stupid animal on the planet, never failing to reveal his dubious thinking throughout history.

 These Commandments given to Moses are Gods words to be written in the hearts of humankind i.e. (the soul of mind value). "Remember to keep the Sabbath holy" was and is the Fourth Commandment; The Ten Commandments received by Moses always had/have the same principles in regards you and God and all of your earthly brethren.

 Jesus, through his own admission, revealed: "the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath" indicating Michael, being the Lord God, (Jesus) gave this Commandment to mankind thousands of years before he would come to fulfill these books written of him and spoken by the prophets in the Old Testament. The Sabbath was/is designed so humanity can recognize their purpose concerning God and His children; the Sabbath is a clear indication of a day to be set aside to contemplate your existence in the presence of God along with your earth brethren and the Grand and Master universe He upholds. Notice the line "of a day." Never indicating what day, specifically; "for man shall work six days, but shall rest on the seventh." For the purpose of enlightenment; "The Son of Man" has/was always referred to Jesus, as he took the title from the book of Enoch, so in reference to himself, (as in third person) he only used the title in the context for himself as the Son of Man. FACT! He very well may have been the first person to use the third person identity while speaking of himself.

 Ten Commandments imparted to Moses on Mt. Sinai were ten simple principles to live and abide by through your faith in God. "To honor, worship and love God with all your heart and soul" "To love your neighbor as yourself" and, "on these two Commandments, hang all the rest." In other words, all of the Commandments are indicative of you and your brethren and the respect you reveal through your loving service to one another. The essential guidelines of the Ten Commandments are so exact, that, you can neither add nor subtract from these principles to make them any better than they are in point and simplicity to date. However, there were 18 Commandments initially written before the final Ten Commandments given to Moses. These 18 Commandments appear to have been inspired by God, however it is clearly evident of man's contributing thoughts in the establishment of these 18 Commandments. The initial laws written throughout the Old Testament have been viewed as Commandments, which they are not, because they have been established at different periods of time throughout the Old Testament. And what is important to acknowledge is the calendar dates and how and when they were established as per the Julian calendar and or the Gregorian calendar; as both show an affinity of leaving a mark in history that would reveal the power of one man in it's wake. The timing of Michael (Jesus) to give Moses these New Commandments on the day of emancipation for the Hebrew, speaks a new history! Moreover, "what did the Hebrew do on the first day of their freedom?" Make a new attempt in creating a statue of a "golden calf." It appears 'pharaoh' was not the only one with a harden heart." "You can take a thirsty man to a drinking pond of water, but you cannot make him drink."

 Bear in mind, Jesus is our Creator Father, who decrees all such mandates that are in his sovereign universe before enactment. Jesus established these 10 Commandments thousands of years before he would come and expound on the simplicity of each and how they pertain to your everyday life. His words were: "I came not to change, but to fulfill." Now consider the revelation involved here; Michael (Jesus) decreed a set of Ten Commandments given to Moses; new laws to be written in the hearts of humanity, and then come years later to fulfill his own words. The fulfillment of prophecy in regards to Jesus, is his coming as the word of God in the flesh, to introduce a new doctrine of God's true personality and God's actual divine and finite laws applicable to all His evolutionary creatures. People should really learn to think for themselves outside the box of norm; Jesus had one mission set before him, and that was/is to introduce the true God to all of God's children in that period, which he successfully did without doubt. That is to show the reality of the Father's nature and character to God's children; no less and much more...

 In the so-called forty years the Hebrew spent traversing the desert to find the land of "milk and honey" they developed 613 new laws to honor God; laws that could not be kept by the actual people who inspired them. These laws were nothing more than the mind of man in that day when he understood God to have human attributes; over six hundred man-made laws were enacted by these people to honor God, after they were given 10. Notwithstanding the Hebrews did not take a straight line to Canaan as they wanderd around the desert for 40 years, why? were they confused? Did they have a really good plan after Exodus? According to the world atlas they traveled just under 380.901 miles to get to a place they could reach in less than one year. As they would have reached Canaan with all things considered in less than 9 months tralveling on foot; Like nost of the Old Testament, I don't believe this was thought all the way thru...

75. The Hebrew spent countless years developing laws and traditions that edified the human ego, not the spirit of God's children. After all, forty years is a long time to be wandering around in the desert, or so it is written. Of course, this was all recorded after the fact in regards to the Hebrews traversing the desert for forty years.

 Meanwhile, Moses was trying to impress the singular God concept of "El Elyon the Most High"  taught by Melchizedek to Abraham to be passed along to the Hebrews people. The Judean people had incorporated different philosophies into their earlier O.T. The first five books of the Torah. Rodan and Philo of Alexandria were a perfect example; Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato all found their way into the Old and New Testaments, after their revision over and over. Philosophy has always promoted religion through intellectual idealism. The ascetic practice of self-denial was an introduction from the East; from Asia to India, ascetics were the prime example of a discipline that only an Eastern culture could manifest. Self-denial which the Jews practiced was a form of asceticism that was practiced by fasting once a week or more depending on the day of instruction, as well as other abstract denials of the flesh that coincided with many of their peculiar traditions.

 Jesus did not practice ascetics or any form of denial; he governed the spiritual capacity by fulfilling the Will of God and living by very moderate means, which was a transcending experience that had nothing to do with self-denial. It was strictly spirit inception and the application of that inception which he incorporated into his daily lifestyle; this was a mainstream factor of the Christ mind Jesus revealed to humanity, to this world, to this universe. I believe Jesus was more into moderation than any form of denial, as he once stated: "It is not what goes into you that defiles the body, it's what comes out of you that defiles you." In other words: You are judged by what you say and do as a person; however, we judge ourselves by these actions incurred over a lifetime; in essence Jesus was more concerned with what came out of your human attitude, than what went into you. What you do and say as an individual reveals who you are as a personality; this is what Jesus meant. And in regards the overall topic of moderation, Jesus partook in meals when hungry, not because it was part of a regimented diet; in other words, he ate when he was hungry. Which should be the common factor for everyone who wants to engage in a moderate to healthy lifestyle.

 Also, Michael saw a very concise future in his plan to bring God-consciousness to a planet that defaulted in God's plan. One of his Ten Commandments was to keep the Sabbath holy; this would seem to be an elementary precept at the time of its establishment. To the Jewish mind the seventh day shall be (Saturday) the Sabbath, because God had completed the earth and Adam and Eve on the seventh day or so it is written; and the number seven signifies completion according to Hebrew belief. The Hebrews had their work cut out for them trying to ease in these acts that would fit like a puzzle into their Torah. Notwithstanding the Hebrew played into numerology as is witnessed throughout the Old Testament. Moreover, how was the seventh day accounted for? Was it the seventh day according to your personal work history, i.e., Monday, Thursday or Saturday? As the saying goes, "six days shall you work and you shall rest on the seventh."

 The Ten Commandments, that is, the Ten Commandments which were given to Moses on Mt. Sinai, had a concise plan of divine foresight in its provisional application. These are simple principles to live by, no more or any less. Is it possible that mankind misconstrued this instruction given to him for the purpose of bringing God and humankind together for one day of the week to worship?   Afterall these instructions were also in the previous Commandments. When Jesus stated: "The Son of man is Lord of the Sabbath" and "the Sabbath was made for man, man was not made for the Sabbath" What exactly does he imply here? If Jesus went out of his way to do good on the Sabbath day to heal someone, is he not trying to send a message in this action within itself? After all, this was one of his crimes established by the Sanhedrin high court of the Jews. He healed on the Sabbath day, thus transgressing the Jewish law. What if this Commandment was intended for the reader? If in fact were directed at the reader, it would make perfect sense if Michael is asking you to work six of your days and rest on the seventh day? The reader is to rest in "Christ" for the worship of God the Father. This would make perfect sense as to why Jesus insisted on doing things of import on Sabbath. He didn't break his Sabbath he broke the Jewish Sabbath?

 However, when considering the Sabbath; (again) keeping the Sabbath holy is not speaking of a specific day of the week itself. The citadel of consciousness is in the center of your mind value. Keeping the Sabbath holy is about your experience with God. When you are focusing on God's Will and allowing His presence to lead you, this becomes a holy occasion, where God becomes a totality in your soul. In essence, keeping the Sabbath holy refers to the sustaining love you share with God in your temple (mind). So in keeping the Sabbath holy, you are keeping the total experience between you and God eternal, and as such,"holy." Would it not seem practicle the Sabbath would pertain to your schedule, in how you would work six days a week and rest on the seventh? This Commandment was established for all time, throughout history, for humanity; you don't think Michael (Jesus) would have considered 1950-2020? As he knew the future of humanity and how these lives would have translated to the modern workforce. Again, consider there are millions of planets in our universe; how many have evolving planets thousands of years more advanced for Michael to reference? His words were: "I have other sheep, not of this fold, I looks after"...

 The Hebrews used Saturday as a Sabbath because of their practice and tradition and nothing more. Notwithsatnding, everything they did was in accordance to how they thought and operated, according to their lifestyle, which is why their Sabbath started at six o'clock Friday evening. The Jews made their Sabbath to fall on a Saturday because of their calender understanding. Keeping the Sabbath holy never implied of a Saturday anywhere in scripture; this is a fact! I believe this is why Jesus never made a qualm about healing on the Sabbath, when he emphasized the "Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath" clearly indicating to any intelligent person who read scripture with spirit comprehension, that Jesus was/is Lord of the Sabbath by his own addmission. In this simple phrase: "Before Abraham was, I am" Jesus told the world, he was/is the God who created all that is in our universe. Where written in scripture of Jesus preaching in the synagogue on the Sabbath which was on a Sat. this Jesus keeping with the Jewish tradition because Jesus was Jewish by birth.

76. However, there are still people all over this planet who continue to worship inanimate objects or places, believing they are holy, even after the 1rst and 3rd Commandments of the O.T. from the tablets given to Moses imply otherwise. Our planet and everything material on it is part of our existential environment. We are temporary creatures with an eternal destiny; if this planet should self-destruct and all was lost, God's children of fortune who are following God's Will would spiritually survive.
Being in good standing with our Heavenly Father will save you, it doesn't matter what should happen to this world or your body, because you are on the ascension path to the Paradise Isle; where God and His holy presence reside and await you.

 The term holy is overused in the veneration of locations, inanimate objects, and even some people, no one is holy anywhere on this planet; Jesus thus said: "why do you call me good, no one is good, only God is good" and that is contrary to God's Will and your purpose. The only thing holy on this planet is the true word of God and your relationship with God in the reciprocal act of faith between you and Him. That is it! Its only my belief, however, if studied carefully, the Jews applied their laws to all because of their thinking they are God's chosen people, who are responsible for setting up all rules and regulations, for God's laws for everyone on the planet...

 Your relationship with God is personal; by putting aside one day of the week in communicating with the Heavenly Father, you are sanctioning His presence by your faith in Him. So, in the reality of keeping the Sabbath holy, keep in mind, that it is the experience that you share with God that is holy; holy because it is sanctioned by God to have you as His child of destiny promise. Which can be any day of the week; the reflection of this relationship is on your schedule; which is why the "Sabbath was made for man" not the other way around. Keeping the Sabbath holy refers to the experience, not the day. God indeed wants the Sabbath to be blessed because this is the day you choose to focus on Him and only Him. Now considering your whole purpose while in the flesh is to prepare yourself for your initial ascension, there is no doubt in my mind, having one day a week with God will most likely help you prepare for this glorious opportunity.

 Again, Jesus himself stated: "The Sabbath was made for man; man was not made for the Sabbath." Michael (Jesus) is our Co-Creator and maker of this planet and the universe of his sovereignty. Jesus gave this commandment as a provision for humanity, which reflects the intentions the God's had with their creation. Notwithstanding all the different beliefs from various cultures on the planet. Which was/is the foresight Michael had providing these commandments many years before he would come to fulfill them teaching us how to live amongst ourselves through the simple gesture of mutual respect. The majority of the Ten Commandments have to do with complete and total respect for your neighbor, your earthly brethren.
 Please understand, there are millions of other planets with evolutionary creatures within and outside of our universe; who are living in perfection of God's laws, which of course we are not; which may account for so much misery which mankind has created. Our Creators know of their creation and how we will eventually turn out before we continue on, because of their foresight; however, they do not control the outcome of their creation, which is why they give us free will. They are constantly sending messengers and Angels to assist us, as we continue with free will. When not abiding by God's divine plan, we are violating God's laws because of our reluctance to follow His Will, plain and simple...
 Glory is the Majestic presence of the Father in all He manifests Himself through; Jesus taught that God's glory is in the pleasure of His creation. The Sabbath gives us a reflective reason to consider our relationship with our Creator's. The primary theme of our introspection is sheer and absolute dependence; we are utterly dependent on the Will of God for everything we need to perfect our spiritual status within the ascension plan of God's perfect Will for His divine Providence.

 The Father reaches out to you so you may find spiritual realization through the Spirit of Truth, the ultimate supreme path of His Son Jesus. In doing so, the Father will glorify Himself through you, as your experience with the Father becomes a unified experience of Creator and creature evolution. God created us for this purpose; nothing is left to chance; you and God will share in your finite mission for an infinite possibility of perfecting your spirit, completing God's glory and perfected expression towards His Providence.

77. We honor Michael (Jesus) through the glory of God because he created us by the Will of God and bestowed upon us the most precious gift of God's spiritual fragment in life, the spirit of God Himself. His glory is that presence that is in His creation, His universal spirit.
Every creative factor is a form of glory to the Father. The Universal Father is the Original Blue Print of every pattern expressed after Him; He created us in a fashion that would please Him through our remarkable and memorable experience with Him.

 Michael is indeed our Creator-Father; however, it is the spirit of God that we have within our evolving souls; a fragment of God's personality expressing Himself through us. When you become God-conscious, you are reflecting God's true nature, which is now the citadel and spiritual center of the Father; moreover, you are following the Spirit of Michael, known as the Spirit of Truth! This was the act of Jesus before his departure, to give his spirit "As the Spirit of Truth" to humanity so they may continue to follow Jesus in spirit towards the Providence of God.

 What is essential in your relationship with God is the recognition of your dependence on God. The Universal Father is undeniably the upholder of all, and putting aside a day of rest, is resting in our Creator-Father Jesus, who thus leads you to God. Jesus emptied himself of his divine status to become as one of his creation, to experience our humanity so he would understand our mortal nature; which is why we rest in Christ to reflect on our Father.

 Consider our Lord and Creator-Father, Jesus the Christ (Michael) who had foreseen all that played out in our human history, even before the foundation of this planet. In knowing what would befall him in the flesh, he bestowed himself as a helpless babe, in a world of complete and utter chaos to restore the natural order of the Father's Will.

78. The Sabbath was emphasized throughout history; preordained before the dawn of man, humanity should reflect on the Universal Father and their purpose with The Father. Yes, Michael is our Creator Father and "A God" to whom we pay homage and eternal respect; however, it is the Paradise Father "The God" whom we worship, it is our Paradise Father that we aspire to be like in perfection as stated by Jesus when he taught his followers of our real purpose and goal. If you wish to worship Jesus in his true self now as the Spirit of Truth, go right ahead, it will not interfere with the goal of your spiritual perfection. It will only reveal to Jesus how much you love,  respect, and honor him.

 Michael's bestowal was to become as one of us so he would experience the temptations of humanity; to be tempted in all points as you and I; so in essence, he understands our weakness. These are some of the things to reflect on, on your Sabbath day; God knows our faults first hand; after all, it was His Son, who shared in humanities experience of that nature in the flesh; since the Father experienced the Son through his life on earth.

 The Sabbath is a covenant Michael made with his creation; this vow or contract was signed and sealed (hypothetically speaking) by the Universal Father as part of His promise to fulfill whatever His Son promised to his creation. The Father will always support His Son's request, as long as it is within the parameters of God's Divine Will. This contract was signed by an unchanging God who was the same yesterday, as He is today, who will be forever more the same personality in divine expression. In line of this understanding, God promises to be a loving Father and provider for all of His living will creatures of perfect and evolutionary status.

 Jesus came in the character likeness of the Father to exemplify this likeness to all of God's children for all generations of time; to minister to a fallen race that was/is morally and spiritually bankrupt. Yes, God will provide as long as we follow His Will; please do not place your blame on God when nothing goes right; it is all up to us, as to how we treat one another, which determines the outcome of your life in the flesh. Remember, we cause all the negative reality in this world; the path you choose in life will ultimately bring you where you want to be, or where God wants you to be. God does not cause the negative reality in our lives, but He does allow it for our own correction. It is all humanities fault for the things that go wrong in the world, follow your common sense...

 Ten Commandments are simple guidelines to a righteous life in the flesh; divinely drafted by common sense and handed down to us in Agape love. I sincerely believe Jesus spoke a universal truth whence he stated: "To love the Father with all your heart and soul" and to "Love your neighbor as yourself" and that, "on these two simple Commandments, fall all the rest." In other words, these two Commandments are the umbrella of continuity for all of the Commandments in general.

79. The sustenance of life is in the Universal Father provided to every will creature who wants to ascend to the Father. When we manifest with the knowledge of doing God'sWill, we are automatically glorifying God. God's glory is what pleases Him through His creative will creatures.

 God's ultimate expression is in His creation; thus, all creation proceeds His divine thought pattern; encoded in the genus of energy that flows through every life form throughout the universes. God's glory is reflecting design to His will creatures fashioned in the likeness of His character.
 The pattern of creation was/is designed to emulate the Master Blue Print of life through conscious will. When the children of destiny emulate the Father's creative level of expression, God is glorified in the co-creative process. God's Agape love is unconditional and is to be emulated by His creation throughout the greater universes.

 Learn the true meaning of unconditional love in the Agape sense, and you will transcend to the Father's perfect Will, understanding  God's desire in all its infinite purpose truly transcends all that is; Agape love is the endowment of the Father pervading every point of space with His presence.

 By loving your brethren in the flesh, you are glorifying God and His most excellent gift of life and love in the spirit; the very nature of God that is inherent in every child of God who is potentially qualified to ascend to the Father by His Will. These are just some of the things you may want to reflect on, on your Sabbath day with God; Jesus prepared a journey for each soul who is ready to perfect their spirit for God's glory.

 The Will of God is the way of God; the creative method of God is the love God has for His creation. Reflect on this, and you are on your way towards the Paradise Isle, where your destiny awaits you, to continue your perfection in all God's glory.

Footnote: The seven day tradition, was exactly that, a tradition. If there were six, five or four days in a week, Michael would have still required you to keep the Sabbath holy; because the Sabbath is a day of instruction you choose to spend with God. Keep the Sabbath holy, not the day! Remember the Sabbath is your experience with God on the day you choose to do so... Also, by resting in Christ, you will rest in the Father. These are the words of Jesus, when asking you to keep the Sabbath Holy. I have prayed profoundly on this; the Father has answered my prayer for such cause, as it is not agaisnt His Will and so it is...


                                                                           FIFTH   REVELATION
                                               TRANSGRESSION,  SIN,  and  ALL of the  BELOW?
80. Sin has never been the culmination of humanity's participation with the so-called sins of the fathers as is taught in the Old Testament. However, it is and always will be about the individual who rejects the light of spiritual knowledge, while acting upon an iniquitous thought manifested in the mind, which becomes a sin within itself. Jesus hated the sin but loved the sinner. So it must be brought to the attention of the conscious mind, it is your choice to accept or negate a negative act. As God should not be blamed or held accountable for our inept actions; for any and all acts of hardships, be they brutal or simply mind attending, it is not God's fault!.
  There has never been! Nor will there ever be sin in the Universal Father. The Universal Father cannot sin as He is perfect in nature and character. The Father knows of sin, but, He has never experienced sin. God is unchangeable and forever consistent in His character. *Darkness cannot be found in light, *light cannot support darkness, it is the law of cause and effect, moreover, it is the law of God's Agape love. Though they may contrast off each other, they can never bring forth one from the other. You cannot bring forth light from darkeness, nor can you bring darkness from light; light is the absence of darkness, darkness is the absence of light.

 The Father's presence is the total Cosmogony of His supreme nature in the spectrum of love and all that supports this act. It is completely asinine to think of God as having conceived good and evil; these two natures are in direct contrast to each other and exist only in the minds of rebel will creatures such as ours. Anytime you have an experiential world of God's will creatures; there is going to be the potential of evil. The creation of this planet earth was intended to manifest the constitution of Paradise, so therefore the potential of negative energy is an existing factor that allows us choice of ignorance or enlighenment. As experiential will creatures of cosmic existence, we will always be subject to the negative energy within our atmosphere, of which we bring upon ourselves through the conscious act of choice.

 Paradise is the perfect state of existence for the Universal Father and all of His associates and subordinates; in the expression of God, the beginning of all thought manifestation is paramount for flashed indelibel existence. His energy is dispersed from the center of His universe on the Paradise Isle in equal amplification for universal distribution. All evolutionary planets within any universe are patterned after Paradise in the premise of their constitutional nature with regards to the design of their Creator-Sons personal expression; hence, all worlds of evolutionary will creatures are in the direct energy path of God's Divine Will and designed for the preparation of Light and Life which will be akin to the perfection of the Paradise Isle.

 Bear in mind, we are free will creatures with the ability to choose from preconceived thoughtform; no other animal on this planet has this ability. "Thus, light had come into the world, but the darkness comprehended it not." Disclosure: the truth had been brought to this fallen world, but the darkness of humankind could not understand or accept this new revelation of God's knowledge and wisdom of light (truth). Jesus was/is that light! Which the dark forces could not, or would not comprehend, or accept!

 The Will of God is the way of God, which is the Agape love and law of God. His perfection stands unquestioned because He has always been. It is not surprising that so much confusion arises from our historical concepts of God from a Biblical point of view; "just one huge qustion mark?" When considered in hindsight, the entire Old Testament is an excellent compilation of man's ideas of God in that period of history when written; "notwithstanding, these are only the Canons that were chosen by the Ecclesiastical powers to represent God's word."

81. There were hundreds or perhaps thousands of Canons written and or omitted because they did not fit into the Hebrew history of God's chosen people. What is more baffling than the omissions made to complete the chosen people theory? There are those who readily accept these writings without any question of their validity, which is the reason for so much confusion and dissension among religions throughout the world. This fact has never been considered by those who refuse God's true word..,

 It is God's will creature of free will status who have embraced evil by merely refusing God's Will; these are the individuals who harbor the iniquity that is contrary to God's perfect Will. It is challenging to understand this when "you are" the participant who is opposing God's Will, because you are that nature you remain in darkness, practicing a learned process in the scheme of life. There will always be potential negative thought processing when we live as experiential will creatures with freewill. This my beloved is truth.

 The inevitable history of an archived religious system have birthed the emergence of a prejudicial society, cascading down through the histories in the purest form of denial; what we now know as opposition. What one religion may accept as a negative taboo in life, is the exact opposite for another faith that may consider some behavior taboo "unacceptable" however, the prohibiting acts of certain behavior are the very fiber of all evolving religions who accept change as the essence of infrastructure evolution. Some restrictions are nececcitous for restructuring the mores of social rehabilitation; by revealing the oppositions we see as necessary guidelines, we see the evolution for change; thus, regulating those individual proclivities in human behavior that help shape society into a cohesive ideal.

 Religion has always been the social opiate of the mass when tempering imbalanced disputes, if only for temporary harmony; moreover, it is the onset to developing mores for understanding the new age of social equality. Religion is, in effect, a necessity for the harmony of truth and the fairness of humanity's social order. This of course pertains to the existential reality of humanities overall need for social change in light of worldly affairs.

 The cosmic order displaced on this planet started in the mind of Michael's perfect creation, "Lucifer," who tested humanity by introducing his ego. What began as a liberating act of one, soon turned into the fiasco of rebellion for those that were ignorant enough to follow.  Lucifer's influence on Adam and Eve had become more complicated than what is written in the archives of religious history. The idea of a talking snake is completely asinine, and, "what is more crazy than those who actually believe this to be true?" I cannot, or will not accept storybook fables written in days of lore, which are nothing more than the imagination of those writers who wanted to pass on stories to put children to sleep; does not this tradition carry on to this day? In the synagogue school for children they are taught through oral repetition. This has remained the same process for the passing of information when these stories were first formulated.

 Adam and Eve defaulted in the Father's plan to up-step the human race, however in light of this, Lucifer presented his grand enticement, "his ego." With the help of his subordinates, Lucifer partook in the first nightmare for this planet; Eve was enticed by her dark suitor and sin began. Unfortunately, the Book of Genesis in the Torah paints a distorted look about Adam and Eve, which reflects the writers responsible for history and subject to "great and many manifolds" and "colored to suit whomever."

82. Adam and Eve played a pivotal role in our history of religion, which is why they were used as a historical backdrop for the Hebrew lineage of their continued bloodline as is noted in the Book of Genesis. It is imperative you read with spiritual discernment, to understand the real history of Adam and Eve's default.

 The story of the "original sin" was developed by the same culture and religious source that also developed its remedy through the bloody sacrifices that were offered up for their peculiar behavior and traditions carried over all through the early Hebrew history. The Hebrew's believed the sins of the father could be passed on from generation to generation; which is how the whole atonement process developed. These are the same minds who developed the theory of Adam and Eve creating the entire human race of people and leaving a debt of sin to be paid for by the whole world for their so-called original sin (as if the entire population of earth were populated by two people). This concept of one generation passing on guilt from generation to generation was not in the least restricted to Asia or European belief; this concept was practiced by the Aztec culture 15,000 to 20,000 years ago in the Western hemisphere; as they also believed in ancestor worship.

 Adam and Eve may have gone contrary to the Will of God, but these were individual decisions that did not affect you or me. Many people believe humanity is being punished for the wrongdoings of two particular people and that we are born into sin. What would this say about our Creator's if even a hint of this were true?

 This ridiculous notion was the creative thought of those writers who also believed God had human attributes. This isn't too far-fetched when you consider the time frame these ideas were incorporated into the mind's of early man in his search for the Living God; after all, any notion with a sound approach of that time period was a consideration for inclusion of early scriptures. Moreover, in our time frame now in the 21st century, the descendants of those writers of Biblical scrolls (notably the Jews) are those currently still at war over real-estate (God's chosen?). Also, the compilation of these religious Cannons were created throughout past history until an authority figure in the church procured their exact proportion in the order they were comprised to suit their cause. In the early years of religion, it was used as a controlling tool by those who believed they had the power to wield it's use as they saw fit.
 The English Parliment refused the church as a structure of power over the ruling class at some point in it's history, which followed to the America's when church and state were divided. Afterall the anglo did settle here in America in God's name as it is known as historical fact! As I have mentioned, using God as a real estate agent was a long but efficient practice when it came to procuring land for free; it was a practice that would go on untill every piece of prize real estate was/is consumed on this planet or another bubble blows up.

 Jesus came to reveal God's true character identity to the world. We know from historical accounts Jesus was the most lovable, compassionate person in the history of this planet; antecedent to, or in the subsequent time of his life on earth. Does it make any sense  Jesus would come to reflect God's true nature and at the same time become a sacrificial stand-in for humanity at the behest of a loving God he came to represent?
 The evolution of sin began with the rejection of truth and light. Truth is the path to knowledge; moreover, in rejecting truth, you reject the light which is in God. Sin is the individual experience of rejected knowledge and iniquitous action. i.e., the participation of negative action.  

83. The conscious efforts of humankind to atone for their iniquitous actions display these discernments of those actions they so quickly attempt to forget. The Hebrew history with their practice of sacrificial rites all through the Old Testament is the perfect example of excess. This practice survived the antecedent presence of Jesus until his subsequent departure. This ritual practice is evidence of a people who were very conscious of their actions, which is why they developed a system, which in their eyes would atone for their sinful nature. The fact they acknowledged some form of retribution for their behavior was a clear indication of lucid judgment. They looked forward to the onslaught of sacrifices to atone for their misdeeds, very much like the Catholic culture who looked forward to going to confession to start a clean slate, which in their eyes was the answer to repeat their sinful nature over and again. The parallel between these two cultures is not so different when considering their true behavior, after the fact...

 Throughout history man has applied some form of punishment for himself for the sake of his iniquitous actions; in the early Catholic system many priests who found themselves in quandary with God whipped themselves for so much as an evil thought. The dedication of some religions created many forms of retributions to the extent of inventing a hell or limbo through their religious activity and inept beliefs.
 Through his creative imagination and artistic endeavors man has formulated his concepts of what he thinks God's idea is in regards to proper punishment as reciprocation for his sin. God does not require retribution for man’s impenitence; God is a forgiving personality; and with this said, I would think God would understand your asking His forgiveness as you would forgive your child or another individual as Jesus instructed in the "Lord’s prayer." Also, asking God for forgivness would not be like asking a priest to hear your sinful nature; which I think is just a ploy for someone to invade your inner sanctity. If the Catholic Church did one thing almost in a clandestine act, it was changing human behavior through the simple application of religious conviction.

 There is no doubt each religious sect has created its own doctrine of sin issues when it comes to these matters of sin and the desires of the flesh. No set religion has the answers to sin and human desires. However, it requires no less than common sense and moral virtue to distinguish the reality of right and wrong and the standard deduction used to weigh the difference. If taken in a literal sense, the first part of the Old Testament reads to subdue and multiply; consider what this means if humanity were to take this as an exact truth and suggestion. We would have a world of overpopulation and a world pretty close to self-destruction (sound familiar?) or are we already close to being there?

Moreover, when it comes to the nature of sin, the individual of the act itself must at least acknowledge one irrefutable fact, what's done is done, and no one, and I repeat, no one on this planet can absolve you from any sin, except of course our Heavenly Father or Jesus. What is in the Old and New Testaments should be read with intelligence and careful consideration? Including confessing your sins to a total stranger. "This writes like a soap T.V. opera."

 If you must confess your sins to someone, confess them to God; after all, He's no further than the kingdom within your soul. Moreover, if you feel it absolutely necessary to express your inner most thoughts, speak to a therapist, and reveal half truths for a dime a word. Jesus once stated: "If you look upon someone with lust in your heart (mind) you are transgressing" because you are retaining the thought; however, if you act upon the thought, then you have sinned. Which is to say, your actions are contingent on the choices you make that begin in your mind; hence, we have the power of choice derived from the human will.

 Iniquity cannot harbor itself where there is the power of God. The preventive measure of evil is the inception of spiritual light (Divine Knowledge). Where light dwells darkness is void. Perhaps the history of sin on this planet dates back to the father of pride, Lucifer, which is quite ironic, considering his name means light. He was a Brilliant Morning Star created by Michael, "who was perfect until iniquity was found in him." Pride was his supreme downfall; because pride is centered around ego, it goes against the Will of God and is void of spiritual realization. As well as one of the deadly sins...
What Lucifer lost sight of in his act to rebel against the First Source and Center of all things, is all things are subject to His divine Will which surrounds His holy presence.

84. No one understood the nature of human transgression like Jesus of Nazareth. His occupation in the flesh defied the principalities at work which invoked every temptation possible to the human flesh and mind of Jesus.
Jesus gave humanity the key to overcoming sin in the simplicity of forgiveness; his effort to reveal the power of forgiveness was a genuine act of emulating the Father. He acknowledged the correlation of mercy by the Father for the transgressing child. Thus, he taught the art within the statute of forgiveness by the individual being transgressed. Remember, Jesus told the dying man on the cross who asked Jesus to remember him; **"I 'say to you on this day,' you will sometime be with me in Paradise." This man no doubt did something very bad if he was being crucified; crucifixion was a reservation for crimes against the state or it's people. And because Jesus had such deep insight to people, he knew the man's circumstances; so it was not out of his character to forgive the man of his sins.

 Perhaps in the grand scheme of it all, sin has been permitted all down through the histories of human evolution so that in forgiveness, God reveals His true nature to a backward people who, as a whole cannot focus on God's supreme purpose towards His creation.

 Bear in mind sin is the practiced cause that defeats the true calling of the individual child of destiny. Wisdom is safe when in proper scope for the application of Agape love as understood before it is applied for the uplifting of your brethren, in all universes that contain will creatures perfected or evolving; it is God's nature instilled in His creation.

 The Universal Father is by no doubt the author of mercy; however, His mercy is neverending for the outcome of a Grand Universe; in other words, don't ask God for forgiveness and then turn and spurn this forgiveness as a whim in a child's behavior. Moreover, there is very much activity going on throughout the universes with other life forms, perfected, and evolving; God is very, very busy! Notwithstanding, God is continually creating and expanding with new personalities, developed, and or changing for improvement. Although God may be a part of you, He is there to perfect and advance with you upon ascension, there to be a perfect spirit presence; you will both continue this adjacent evolution without any physical inturruption, as it will all take place in the spiritual realm with a complete different dynamic, as the energy will be akin to oneanother.

 The Father displayed His mercy by allowing His Creator Son Michael (Jesus) to bestow himself on a planet where transgression beset His creation, blindsided by an offender (Lucifer) whose only agenda was to upset the cosmic balance of God's Will.

 What is important about understanding transgression and sin, is the Universal Father will forgive you. Which is the only action  He can offer His children as a loving Father could and would; however, for this to be an effective forgiveness plan of God, you must, by all means, be in the same frame of mind to forgive your neighbors in the flesh; or it is entirely void in the eyes of God (hypothetically) speaking; Jesus wrote this in the "Lord's prayer" for this exclusive purpose.
 Remember, real transgression is the conscious act the individual partakes in when they know right from wrong; thus, watering the potential iniquity that is in the heart (mind) and eventually committing the act of sin, which is entirely up to you by the choice you make; it will always be contingent on your choice.

85. Self-annihilation is the outcome of the individual who refuses to repent of their sinful nature. To be as though you never were, does not entail burning in some torturing hell. However, on this thought alone, one should endeavor to understand, life here on earth is the beginning of something far greater than any human conception of what is to be. Because you now exist in the full expression of life, and what could potentially be an eternity if you have the faith Jesus taught this world and universe to have. Of course there is so much confusion and fear about an after life; we see what our planet is like now with disease, starvation and wars of total ignorance. It is of no surprise when millions of people live without remorse or apathy for the millions of children and women in third world countries who are the direct results of human non-affect.

 The beauty of God's Will is "His cosmic law will always prevail for the interest of His creation, perfected, or evolving." Therefore, no matter where transgression and sin partake in their evil nature, the Father's Will of Agape love shall permeate every facet of sin until completely vanquished; this is the Will and law of the cosmic universe.
 My beloved, please bear this in mind over anything which does not substantiate the Supreme intelligence of Our Heavenly Father. God has been forever, no beginning and without end. Why would He even consider creating a hell specifically for His creation knowing we would be prone to weakness, as we are in our evolutionary state? What good would this barbaric state contribute to humanity now? Please correct me if I am wrong, do we not have penal systems set in place for this very purpose of corrections? I see only the growth of convict population, I see absolutely nothing less than recidivism at it best; "one would think it was designed this way?" Of course this is all mans doing, God has absolutely nothing to do with man's ignorant way of how he treats his brothers and sisters. After all the penal system is the true devil in disguise. (hypothetical devil in disguise).

 It is mankind who wrote about God's discriminate nature, because that's what he knew about his own nature, to create this hell that he found deserving of his own sinful nature. Jesus clearly stated God is a forgiving God in all aspects of forgiveness except for the ultimate sin, of placing yourself above God in attribute and action from the egotistical mind of man's primitive behavior. If you choose not the way of God, you will be as though you never were upon cessation! There is no more explanation, again, this is your choice for your final outcome!

*Natural darkness, *Natural light
** There is much confusion concerning the words spoken while Jesus was on the cross; when the thief to the right of Jesus asked Jesus to remember him when Jesus enters his kingdom, Jesus stated: "I say to you on this day, you will sometime be with me in Paradise." Jesus never said "I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise" Jesus did not ascend at the crucifixion; he presented himself within a 35 to 40 day period to many people who believed in him; who by now were in the thousands. "He never presented himself to any of the non-believing Jews."


  FOR BEST RESULTS USE FIREFOX BROWSER     BROTHERHOOD: The Necessity of Fellowship for Worldwide Spiritual Unification

86. Unity is the action of the Father bringing His children together in one collaboration for spirit purpose, in that we as His children derive totality in His cause and our effect as His children of destiny. The Gods collaborate while creating their respective worlds working in relative nature for divine unity; in essence, we are designed to emulate the collective cognizance of the Gods in regards their collaborating technique. We now have ability to analyze intelligent design, i.e., Humanity as a species should work in response to purpose in the overall function as a species and for God's spiritual presence in our search for supreme truth, and apply this truth for the final resolution.

 The Triune factor that begins in the Universal Father is the Master Blue Print for this creative unity: God the Father, God the Eternal Son, and God the Infinite Spirit are collaborative in this universal affair for creating the Grand Universe and the life there-in. However, for the universes outside the Paradise Isle, The Creator Sons of God i.e., Michael (Jesus the Christ man of our universe) on each of their Sovereign Local Universe are responsible for creating their own expressed nature according to their universe design and plans. Each Creator-Son along with their Spiritual associate creates their universe according to their original concept in design which reveals the unique quality of God's creative outlet through His Creator Sons, down through His children of evolution with the attenuated concepts for potential destiny, a choice left completely up to you.

 Each planet of will creature status is either a planet of perfected spiritual beings with selected endowments of the Gods, i.e., angels and other associate subordinates of our Creators, or, evolutionary in their design and make-up like ours, with the potential endowment of the Gods.
The worlds of perfect spirit status created with some attributes of the Gods (except for universe creative ability; which the Creator-Sons reserve unto themselves) are subordinate to the Gods for the growth and development of the Universal Father's Grand and Master Universe. Some of these perfect creatures are subordinate to The Universal Father, The Eternal Son, and The Infinite Spirit's cosmic cause. Celestial personalities too numerous to name, watch and care for the evolutionary development of earth like planets in their respective universe; to assist with spiritual growth and moral direction, as well as attending to the universes of perfected entities for the inclusion of The Father's cause.

87. The unity of fellowship in the early stage of our evolutionary planet is to prepare these entities for their real and true calling. In other words: all incentive help that is provided to these lower species known on all evolutionary planets as will creatures, is strictly spiritual in nature for divine direction and spiritual uplifting and nothing more. Moreover, the human mind through positive affirmation will lean towards creating in thought form manifestation for self sustaining cause as we were designed to do as God's creation.
 Unity in fellowship is for spiritual structure, for the guidance of true worship. Spiritual direction is needed to prepare humanity for  a universal brotherhood in the divine family of the Eternal. Religious unification is the precept for the widespread presence of God to work within the minds of God's children as a value for true worship and to help instill spirit realization for eventual purpose of the entire planet's participation.

 The unfortunate mishap of Lucifer's rebellion has left our planet with an intolerable situation that has grown out of control since it's negative incipiency. Moreover, humanity is on the right track as they attempt to worship God in a unified experience; however, the dissension among peoples religious beliefs have caused a multiplicity of religious sects to continue in competitive venues of interpreting God's word as the word; which is why we have so many religions with personal convictions contrary to God's Will. They are all truly on the right track as far as seeking and worshiping a diety of creatorship, but, should yield to the most practicle concept without residual confusion for a solution most beneficial with a positive outcome needed for the planet as a whole.

 The true religion of Jesus Christ practiced fellowship in the unity of one spirit, the Spirit of God the Father. It is vitally important we acknowledge this one spirit Jesus portrayed to the world. This was/is his religion, a religion of truth in the Universal Father; it was/is the fellowship and gathering of a unified experience Jesus taught his Apostles and disciples to minister unto God's children for the experience itself.  And this, my brothers and sisters, will be the only way to correct the Lucifer confusion that in fact had an impact on our evolutionary status for the entire planet; as it has carried on up to date, with no illusions of slowing down.

 Forever bear in mind, "God has no chosen people!" We are all His selected children by potential. In other words, it is by the Will of God and only the Will of God that we become perfected in our spiritual status while ascending back to the Father for this eternal affair in eventuation and timeless fusion. God would never sanctify any single religious cause because they practice a ritualistic act to give God praise. Faith is the personal experience of you and God; the church is the gathering of individuals who have accepted God's Will and spirit for it's application towards their brethren and praising God in that universal spirit. Almost every single religion that claims to have the path to salvation is merely edifying their ego, even if they are on the right path, it must be the path of the Christ mind; it's a long and time consuming path for the spirit of God's children, however, it is a path of certainty. God's spirit is universal, and so is His word. The unity of universal altruism and brotherhood must begin with communication and the benevolence of the selfless child of God.

. Religion is a personal experience of the Father and His child; however, the spirit of God is universal and presides in all of His children of spirit realization. Which was/is the intended purpose of creating humanity with a fragment of God. We are all individually a part attempting to connect with the whole of it's source.

 Thus, the departure of Jesus from this world set his universal truth in motion with the bestowal of the Spirit of Truth. Jesus sent the Spirit of Truth to enter into the hearts (minds) of God's children; this is where the discernment of God is; "that fragmented spirit within the child of God, who feels God's presence as a living spirit within the human soul," is God.

 So it is written: "where-ever two or more, who are gathered in my name, (Jesus Christ) there you will find my spirit," a promise made by our Creator-father Jesus Christ upon his departure. "I must leave so the Comforter may come and abound in the hearts of the Father's children."
 Jesus knew the importance of fellowship; he knew it was/is the form of this interaction that would bring humanity into a cohesive unit if followed as a precept. Association extends beyond just knowing the Spirit of Michael (Jesus) is present. It is the encompassment of God  in all aspects of His totality.

 Our fellowship is the most prolific form of church gathering and Father Worship as you are incorporating God's spirit into a unified cause. Religion is by far an individual experience; however, fellowship is the embodiment of this experience. It embodies God's presence and different personalities who set out to mark the inauguration of God's divine expression as the universes abound, witness God's gift shared with His will creatures at the beginning of the will creature's holy calling. It is the essence of a true Jubilee, (not necessarily a 50 year one) one that partakes in the experience and celebration of the Father and His children of potential perfection: God's Glory now being expressed as a reality for future will creatures who may witness God's Agape love in action. How supreme? Nothing less than perfect!

 There is no mystery for the need of human dependency; we were born into the world as individual personalities of and with God; however, inherent in our need for one another is in the general sense of living and belonging. The full consensus of dependency is innate in our genetic disposition. The physical evolution of the mammalian species is testimony to this very fact since the progressive nature of our species began its long journey in becoming domesticated and civilized. (Evolution at its best!)

 When the spirit led child of God is in search of truth and finds that truth, there is a profound, yet, peculiar desire for the need to share  the value and quality of these truths; this would be good reason to form a church of fellowship; to experience these revelations of God's divine self. There is completeness in the children of destiny who unite in God-consciousness. This state of God-consciousness is the value in the human cause for divine truth within the scope of cosmic wisdom.

89. Cosmic wisdom is the universal truth of our Heavenly Father that is garnered by the Grand Universe of God's will creatures who share in God's Agape love. His wisdom extends to the farthest reaches of space, where ever there is life with a conscious attitude of Agape love. Love is universal in all languages on any given planet for God's will creatures; there is an inherent need to share this gift of love bestowed by God within the spirit of His children, perfected and evolving, to become a part of God as God becomes a part of you, His created will creatures.

 Humanity could and would benefit in joining their hearts in a unified experience for the praise and worship of our Universal Father. He is our Creator and deserves our worshipful praise and much more. The entire cosmic system survives on the dependency of God, and  God's inter-relation with His creatures for the system to work according to God's divine plan; the Paradise Isle is where the first synergistic activity was enacted, in the center of it all, The Father's Home. Emulating our Creator's in the essence of service to one another is as close as you are going to get in becoming Godlike. By serving your neighbors in the flesh, you are serving God in spirit, emulating God's nature and character as does the entire Grand and Master Universe of God's will creatures who aspire to this one devout truth.

 The fellowship we partake in is for the unification of our souls to become as one in spiritual direction with God. Fellowship transcends the simple communicative path that is used to convey the typical ideas we use on a daily basis. Moreover, we are communicating through the spirit; an energy pattern directed from the mind of God that is in every one of us. God is pure intelligent energy; a pristine form of intelligent energy perfecting your spiritual power through the communication of the indwelt spirit in a divine medium. The Mind of God in this context, is the reality of God's totality, the full vibrant intelligent energy that He is our Supreme personality...

 A supreme example (again) of fellowship in energetic display, is the joyful play and laughter of little children who are in mixed company; this is the purest form of friendship because there is a common bond of acceptance in company. Children are pure and innocent without boundaries of hate, bigotry, or prejudice of indifference that is taught by the misleading adult. Moreover, what ensues is divine favor by the Gods for these little ones. Humanity as a whole is neither far from divine favor, nor anywhere in the proximity of said status, out of choice. Jesus had an exclusive affinity towards children, moreover because children start off on equal footing, with no negative fault in their nature. This is why the God's have an authentic kinship with children who are inder the age of abstract thought.

 Fellowship would be a step towards universal harmony; harmony creates a perfect balance in the perception of values, morals, and the conviction of self-worth. Humanity has the logical reasoning for world unification; however, it requires the exclusion of ego and participant unity. Jesus came to reveal the possibility of son-ship with God through the unification of a real and true brotherhood; the only possible way of verifying the Fatherhood of God is through the association of humanity in becoming a true brotherhood. What validates fatherhood within the status of humankind are the children God bequeathed with spirits to form a brotherhood to verify His Fatherhood status.

 The commonality of world religions is in the conviction of their beliefs; they have all accepted something greater than themselves. However, with this said, if world religions are unified in one spirit, they would not be giving up their ideas or concepts of God, they would be incorporating the Spirit of God as was/is intended in the creation of humanity and the inception of the Infinite Spirit, the precept to true brotherhood.

 Fellowship is indeed the remedy for bigotry, hate, and spiritual imbalance. We should all aspire to remove the obstacles which create the ignorance and delusion of social incompetence so the indwelt spirit of God can work without hindrance. The spirit within is God tuned, not ego tuned. The soul cannot function in the direction of ego mode; ego frequency is tuned to the wave of the material realm; therefore, it responds to the material realm. God personality will seek God personality; this is the cosmic nature of man's destiny; it is the law of attraction in kindred spirits.

90. Remember, mind and soul have no gender; we are one in the Spirit of God, hence, making us a spiritual family. However, the term family in any context signifies a cohesive structure within the nature of the act. In other words, there cannot be a Fatherhood of God without a brotherhood of humanity because it is utterly contrary to the life of a family unit. Jesus taught within his ministry of unifying God's children, for the purpose of spiritual unity.

 The ascension plan is a narrow path in the physical realm; however, the road is broad within the spectrum of the spiritual realm; thus, making it the ultimate way to the Father of life with endless possibilities. When God-conscious children share in God's purpose, as in fellowship, we become one in that understanding, for the ultimate spiritual goal provided to all evolutionary planets who share in the fruits of divine labor as intended for all evolutionary worlds with moral will creatures in spiritual direction.

 No child of God is deprived of spiritual survival. The quest for survival is inherent in all life forms for this evolutionary sphere; however, only the children of God on earth are qualified to survive their spiritual perfection. In other words, if you are a human being, you have a part of God who wants to evolve with you spiritually, to perfect your spirit as you traverse time and space until you have fused with the Father. You are the only life candidate on this planet with this potential; no other life forms on this planet have this opportunity except the children of God.

 When destiny children of God familiarize the God-conscious realm, their expressed purpose will deploy itself through the individual personality, now becoming God's personality. Which should be the aspiration of every supreme soul; to emulate our Creators through this process known as God-consciousness.

 Our fellowship is essential because we are unifying in spiritual oneness and exemplifying purpose in propagating the fruit of the spirit in serving one another, even as Jesus served his creation in his exemplifying lifestyle. 
 Human interaction may be revealed on a day to day basis if you take the time to see it as such. What we fail at times to see in human interaction is the simplicity of our commonality. Human beings tend to separate each other because of culture, skin color, creed, and indeed language and personal convictions. However, there is a failed realization in the conventional biological factors we all share as a species; flesh, blood, bone, and the spirit of mind value within a soul; All comprise personalities. This is our DNA birthmarker upon the world for identification throughout your life, all the way through your ascension if you so choose to ascend with the Father for the ultimate act of Fusion with the Father; to become as perfect as Him, because Jesus told us so; this is all contingent upon your faith in God!

 History and the evolutionary development of humanity have played a very profound role in human emancipation, and to a certain degree, this can be a very good thing; there is nothing wrong with wanting individual space to move and grow; however, it does become a problem when we employ the thought of separating humanity from humanity through our bigoted behavior, because of a learned action we call hate!

91. Jesus never separated individuals into a class when he introduced the Fatherhood of God; moreover, it was the class of individuals who separated themselves from each other in that time period when man's mind was even more shallow than it is now. Jesus always employed fellowship in his ministry, in fact, he emphasized it in his teaching's when he sent his Apostles and disciples out two and two to preach God's good news. His fellowship consisted of all people being the children of God as brothers and sisters in the spirit of God. This passage in Christ indicates that we are all related, as stated by our Creator Father Jesus, the Christ man of God.
 Therefore, when we gather in the name of Christ, it is for the invitation of the Spirit of Truth Jesus sent upon his departure; the same spirit in Michael (Jesus). The spirit within every child of God is responding to the Spirit of Truth, which was/is the intention of Jesus when he ascended back to the Father's right hand.

 We can only become at one with the spirit within when we allow the mind of Christ to lead. Thus, the spirit-indwelt is doing what the soul was created to do, lead you to those personalities who express God-consciousness; and together you will find the path that ultimately leads you back to the Creator who gave you, your life; The Universal Father.
 Your endeavor as a child of destiny is to reach your state of perfection where you will fuse with the God of perfection and destiny provision.
"Remember" there is no Fatherhood without a brotherhood; this is the Will of the Father here on earth as your purpose unfolds; you will find service to your brethren is the selfless act, as God, Jesus, and all of their associates are doing at this very moment. It is the law and way of the universe, "it is the love and way of God." I feel the intities who are visiting our planet who want to know about the Universal Father, are missing something among their species they see in ours. I can assure you it is anything but physical; in fact the Spirit of God which reside in His children for divine reason is there for the preparation and hope of a better life that proceeds this one; it requires more than your understanding of His presence. God is an experience to everyone of His faithful children. Jesus came to reveal the nature of God, as God bestowed Jesus here for this reason, to show mankind the reality of Agape love, a love given without expectation for everyone on this planet and local universe; Agape love is the opposite of erros, which most of humanity shared for centuries; in truth, the love of God is the way of God, this can only be attained through a personal relationship with Our Heavenly Father who is essence of Agape Love, the Original Personality of Love.

 Perhaps evolving to an extreme level of intelligence, may have taken the essence of love out of the evolutionary creatures that are out amomg the stars, who are now living without emotion or love on a humanistic level. It is possible for this to happen, especially if your race has been around for millions of years? Evolution is the process of progress, but also the intelligence of any species so far advanced they could lose the one affect needed for emotional contact. This is the reason why we as an evolutionary species ssek for the ultimate cause in our evolutionary beginning; it is an experience of which we continue to seek, or allow to escape in our search for truth; it is the spirit within reaching for you, wanting to meet you half way. Once you have found God within, it will prove God has found you. Not withstanding, it is possible to lose our humanity in the act which we face in our common behavior to destroy eachother. This may very well be the reason why so many narrow minded people do not want God spoken of in a child's school; they have the dark mind of Lucifer within their souls...


92.  The expressive personality (the artist) use the indwelt spirit as an outlet for their guiding muse, one within the consciousness of self, which is important as God is for the individual (artist). Art is God's gift to our human senses in a literal sense. Art can and may be appreciative on many levels that can also be responsive to one of our five senses.

 It has never ceased to amaze me; 24 different DNA molecules in the human genome, which every single entity on the planet shares in terms of mutual creation. Which reveals 24 paths to over over seven billion entities that are separated by one immutable fact, which is personality! No two personalities are the same; even identical twins have unique personalities. This to me proves there is a God; Jesus' whole ministry was based on the individual experience with God. God is a Creator like the individuals who share in His creative ability to express art.

 The expressed creativity of the artist is manifesting God's exclusive nature to do what He does best, "create." The dominant feature of art rest solely on the perceptive value of the mind. What we may visually incorporate into our minds as value is what sets us apart from our animal cousins in perceiving these artistic values as value. Moreover, art can be visually compelling by the degree it is received from a genuinely perspicuous mind; the interpretation of the artist is sometimes lost in translation at best when perceiving art by the so-called evaluation of the art critic.

 Herein lies this unique trait of the human mind; the ability to express self in the purest sense; a qualitative character of God being represented by His creation in their ability to communicate through expressed art. There is no form of creativity where there is no expression of it's creator. Every kind of creativity is a manifested thought form; proving once again, the unique basis of our creation. Our creativity reflects the creative attributes of our Creator's in the overall consensus of true expression.

 In viewing the material composition of this planet, the Divine Architects who worked with Michael in their display of spiritual influence, used their divine powers to instigate the chemical activity which brought about this composite beauty in which we now exist. Nature and all of her grandeur is the full display of a Divine Architectural disposition; which is a pattern of the original Isle of Paradise in reference to the shape, color, and certain ascetics to emulate a semblance of Paradise in it's natural setting.

 Color is the unlimited spectrum in nature that is more than expressed art; it is the unlimited chemical range used to convey the vision of the artist. In viewing all the natural wonders of the world that are not influenced by the hand of mankind, it is almost astounding to see nature and the purity of God's work without seeing beauty. "There is nothing!" Nothing that isn't beautiful to some degree of its natural wonder. In every facet of human creativity lies the essence of the true artist, God! And in all of the Father's supernal work, He took the time to create some of His most exceptional work, "humanity." As each individual is created with a soul to eventuate with our Creator; you are created to express yourselves through whatever medium becomes your muse.

 The expressive nature of art is in the creative acts of humanity who are manifesting personality; the essence of God expressing through you. In every active form of art, there is the nature of expression. Whether the songwriter who acquires the Grammy for their perfect songwriting ability. The actor whose convincing role solidifies the Oscar, or Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni's masterpiece conveying emotion from a simple glance of one's observation; the "Creation of Adam" in the "Sistine Chapel;" it is all the expression of God's creative attribute within His artist to reveal their creative work thru the expression of art. I firmly believe as with a few others that Michelangelo deliberately painted the framing background of God and Adam within a cloud shape resemblance of the human brain, showing his audience the beginning of humanity within God's consciousness. He thought, and we became; the same process of human creation which starts in the mind; you think and manifest. A process that has been going on for eons in God's Grand Universe.

93. God's creative will creature is continually expressing creative activity throughout the universes in the pattern of thought form manifestation, which is an emulated factor of the Original, the Universal Father. God is originality manifesting Himself throughout the worlds of His creation. His nature is expressing creative purpose in reflectivity. In other words, the offspring of the Father's spirit is emulating one of God's characteristic traits. The ability to create from thought pattern is significant to the evolutionary species that design in the fashion of their Creators. In this manner of creation, we are building from a predetermined thought concept; the same way the Gods manifest from predetermined thought concept without their ability to flash fix into an absolute state. (instant thought manifestation)

 The Trinity however, utilize a flash fixed process in creation to help expedite the perfect outcome of the exact same creation from concept to creation. In other words, The Universal Father, The Eternal Son, and The Infinite Spirit do not formulate a blueprint plan in their creative ability; they merely will it into existence. A flash process in their creative nature no other entity can do. This significant fact of the Gods puts them in an absolute state of being, perfect in their creative ability, this is recognized as a true form of glory from God's creative will creatures.

 The progressive nature of humanity in each unique universe is to move forward as a collective whole; If this act were to be taken into consideration on this planet the entire world would cure famine, cures for any and all known disease, virtually all of humanity would become a universal solution to their own problems; this cure-all attribute is in the spirit of humanity's cause to evolve. God's ubiquitous nature displays purpose in the larger picture of the Grand and Master Universe, which is why it is of the up-most importance that we embrace God's character for discovering meaning in our evolutionary process. We are created to transcend all aspects of spiritual realization and the complexity of survival. Total God-consciousness is the divine mapping of our Creators for the individuals who grasp the ultimate reality of God in all facets of life; in other words, the individual of complete God-consciousness has a direct line of God's influence in every mien of the believers life through the genuine faith received by God, God knows your heart; so love God for who He was, is, for who He will continue to be in your life as He helps you develop your spirit in your divine goal towards perfection. This my beloved is what it is all about; your advancing in spiritual progress to become as perfect as your Creator! Christ did in fact reveal this while being about the Father's business.

 When we attain the full level of God-consciousness within our souls, God's purpose begins to unfold in our spiritual nature in all that we do as human entities; this includes expressing yourself through your creative ability. God created us for Himself so that He could reveal Himself through you. All the more reason to glorify God for the beautiful and natural art that exists all around you.

 As analogy we have the creative gene of our Creator's in our spiritual nature, which will present itself through the expression of creativity when the Universal Father begins his revelations through each of His will creature to perform in His stead and not a moment sooner. This may (and please do not quote me on this) be the Father's way of allowing the wheat to separate from the chaff from amongst itself. We wait upon our Father for this action because it has been part of Universe history to individualize the expressed personality of God's will creature to create and emulate. However, I believe God is giving mankind his chance to prove himself before the threshing floor. May I remind you, this is all analogy; as Jesus advised the use of nature when making a direct point in life, because it is the earth of whence we come, so the use of mother nature is the perfect illustration for presenting your analogy, exactly as Jesus did in his time to reveal God's truth.

94. However, there is an artistic expression the eyes cannot behold, (expressively speaking) which we can discern audibly-through our sense of hearing which would be music; all music corresponds to the energy wave of vibration. The soul interprets the energy cycle of sound recognized by the auditory value of hearing. The personality creating music is expressing God's nature to create through vibration; thus, a perfect gesture in God as He works through His will creature who allow Him and His gift of creativity to be a part of their creative nature in God's artistic universe.

 It is a known fact, deaf people are more acute to vibration than those with auditory value. Thus, the sound wave in vibration is key to the outlet of music. Music can be a form of therapy as well. For example, Don McLean's song: "Vincent" a song used with a collage of Vincent Van Gogh's work ultimately shaped by "Starry starry night" which is used for mental recovery, as the mind responds to the vibrant influx of color and pure melodic sound; a song without doubt structured in complete beauty sometimes used for this therapy. I should mention the song "Vincent" is used only as an example because of the melodic sound; the lyrics themselves are not relevant to one who is incapable of diagnosing lyrics while in a abnormal state. Though the song is about Vincent Van Gogh.

 Music is, always has been, always will be, the most influential art in existence; in this world, and without doubt many others. The art of music can ascribe to the color tones of the human imagination when used to alter the perceptive value of the mind i.e., the usage of subliminal suggestions in the craft of a musical interlude. Music is the only art to have changed the course of human history with the 60's generation, through the act of consciousness in the art of music, "as a singer songwriter of that era, I was there as a testament." Proving the sensitivity and fickle state of humanity when seeking social change; this was/is the perfect example of the empowerment of music and the message written therein. This was a social fact and my personal experience!

 Any form of creative expression can be art; however, music (once again) perhaps best describes the purest form of skill in the interpretation of individualism. Music on any creative level is universal in the language of art. Our sense of hearing is responding to the degree of sound that is filtered by our auditory system; this proven fact can be witnessed world wide in every culture, which clearly shows every and any intelligent entity anywhere in our Grand universe the power of a sound wave to reach into the depth of God's creation for the reception a musical response. i.e., children in the adolescent stage between one and three, will respond physically to the sound of music, as it is in our DNA to do so.

 To comprehend the spiritual expression of art is to grasp the reality of creation as an expressed vision within the human imagination. Everything humanity creates is a thought-form manifestation; what better way to understand the mystery of creation? We are indeed an intelligent design by creative source, potentially prone towards perfection, inclusive of our evolutionary status. We are a process in life, day by day, glory by glory, moment to moment; we are the perfect creatures of evolution that God has intended us to be; the full experience of life's transition towards the Providence of God's most perfect presence. This is only applicable to the reception of energy.
 Art is the essence of that presence that is revealing the inner mind of creativity and expressing individuality in thought form manifestation. Moreover, it is God's personality expressing through the expressed vision of the individual artist's personality. In revealing God's nature, you are glorifying God in your artistic endeavor to express God's divine vision in your act of creativity.

95. Our Heavenly Father and the Gods have spiritually implanted a resonant key that humans respond to whether conscious of this or not. In the Eastern hemisphere, some Buddhist Monks will practice the art of chanting the Om sound; which is significant to the molecular structure of the human body. When the chant is in unison by several people (the more people, the higher the vibration) the Om chant creates a vibrant wave in the perfect key of E in the third tone of the C major scale; harmonizing the molecular structure of the human body's chemical response. Synonymous to using a tuning fork to tune a musical instrument to perfect a pitch in sound quality. Stevie Wonder was well aware of this, being born blind, and yet in his life of creating music, discovers the key to God; as he writes the album title:"Songs in the key of life."

 In other words; spiritually, we are tuned to a key that vibrates to our spirit frequency. The spirit indwelt is tuned to the Creator Source whose resonant key is the very life force He emits to His creation; thus, all life force vibrates at its frequency because we are the living energy of God that indwells us. Everything on this planet responds to a specific frequency. All matter is affected by vibration, either by absorption or reflection.

 Art is the full culmination of expression; and the degree to express artistic value conveys the capacity of the individual's desire to create and reveal personality as intended by our Creators. It is inherent in our spiritual nature from our Creator Source. It is imperative for the individual's creativeness to tap into this source of God's personality to align with His creative energy. Through mental cognizance you can reflect the supreme energy level of the First Source and Center of God-consciousness. Become the reflection of God's creative Will and you will reflect His nature through artistic creativity in your endeavor to express your creative nature through art.

 Thus, the eyes that behold the artistic realm have learned to see through spiritual reception when you have attained God-consciousness. These eyes have now become the perfect outlet for the purity of what is-in reaching for new heights of consciousness through artistic endeavors. The gift of creativity through the expression of art is the crowning achievement in the evolution of human exchange; as humanity evolves it's concepts of beauty and value that illuminate the soul in artistic poetry, the spirit within is responding to our biological/physiological design by the Gods.

96. Humanities admiration for art has developed the human imagination to spring forth with various forms of expressed art for the entertainment of humankind (from a human standpoint anyway). What seems to be missing from these proposed artistic endeavors is the original personality concept of creativity, which would be the First Great Source and Center, God, the ultimate artist of all creation.   How can His work ever be fathomed or grasped in adoration with human eyes without comprehending the artist?

 Art can never be scrutinized or interpreted by anyone other than the artist. The brush stroke of an artist is synonymous to a note played by a musician when composing. Only the artist can truly convey the accurate interpretation of their work; anyone attempting to interpret the artistic work of another is merely deluding their self indulged fantasy of God's gift. Anyone can learn the mathematical aesthetic values of various crafts, but only God can give you the artistic ability to create; this wonderful attribute is genuinely a gift from God. Being a critic of any art form merely reveals the inability of one to create on any level; to express themselves through God's wonderful gift of creativity. I have often wondered if one had the ability to create any form of art that can be appreciated by humanity, would they still criticize the artistic world?

 Art is shared individualism for self-satisfaction and human admiration — a gift for the world's creative outlet. To share in God's most considerable influence on humankind is without doubt the gift of creativity.

 The seed of appreciation lies within the soul of humanity. No one ever ponders on why we react to beauty or the things that provoke an emotion from a visual encounter. However, we know beauty triggers a chemical response known as Dopamine, a natural high wired into the synthetic template the brain remembers as a reward from something we enjoy feeling, listening to, or merely gazing upon, as in a colorful work of art. We are conscious of this natural wonder by the experience itself. However, in the larger picture of this mental activity and receptive value, there is no chemical reaction that can deduce the spiritual discernment of creativity? This is strictly the area of the soul and its divine inception predicated on supreme intelligence; the intelligence of God who has given us a part of His nature to create; that we as a species take for granted " because we can." However, it does not imply we should; this is where the God-Conscious attitude of human kind weighs the reality of the souls response; basically it is wisdom vs. egotism. This is where being humble illuminates God's true nature and spiritual character within the contrite personality.

 In regards to art in it's purest form, even the thought of appreciation should invoke our curiosity as to the Artist behind the artist. Art is the purest form of expression; we are that expression, as expressed by a supreme intelligence.

 We are God's unfinished masterpiece, created with a potential destiny, a destiny we can either accept or deny. An opportunity to perfect our spirit through the transition cycles towards the finalization of Light and Life. We are becoming the finished product of God's most excellent work. So, in viewing the roses, mountains, landscapes, oceans, and the heavens, which are just a fraction of God's work in the example of creativity; remember, all of this was a thought in God's supernal mind, the Original Thought, The Master Blue Print: "The Original Artist of Agape love & Life..."


97. One of the greatest gifts received by humanity from the Gods is the gift of Agape love expressed within the nature and character of God. The creation of will creatures throughout the Grand Universe is the revealed cause of God's Agape love.
 There are human entities who may concede to love as being an emotional response received from one another through a chemical reaction. A chemical reaction may play a large part in the preconceived sentimental value of human exchange, however, consider the innocent hug of a child; a child (two to four years of age) does not hesitate before running up to a loved one to perform this action; they do so from the involuntary act of faith. This display from a child to a loved one is based on sheer faith. A child's love is pure and innocent, unhindered, and without motive. A child functions on genuine trust and innocence as they are growing in a family unit; this would be the result of the parent’s direct line of credibility when parental communication is devoid of any deception; a child learns to function on faith from the love instilled by that family for the first cause of unity in family ties.

 Love may very well be a spectrum in the rainbow of life which will vary by the degree of human emotion in this relation. Moreover, whenever the actual term or word "love" played into the human equation, one thing is certainly clear, humanity has a long way to go before adopting God's Agape love into universal living. His presence remains in a perfect state of "Agape love." The same Agape love Jesus displayed to his Apostles, disciples, followers, the world, as well as the universe of his making.

 Agape love is what Jesus shared with everyone he came into contact with, no matter who or what the circumstance. Humanity knows very little of Agape love in a universal sense because it is not performed or shared globally. Jesus used Agape love as a means to describe the character value and intelligent nature of God's being. There was a time many years ago in the Middle East when all men greeted each other with a kiss on both sides of the cheek; this was a form of brotherly love which they practiced for centuries, and continue to do with some cultures in the Middle Eastern family as well as other parts of Europe.
 However you wish to apply the semantics of the term love, in whatever language you wish to use, unless it is applied unconditionally and selflessly, it is meaningless. Moreover, in the larger scale of human relations, love is displaced by social antagonism (negative behavior) as it is now viewed through current affairs world-wide. Love is now at the bottom of the totem when not expressed for the greater good of human relations. Our current worldwide interest is testament to this overall behavior.

 Human reproduction eventually introduced love into the panorama of life as the focus of sharing procreation enhanced mutual understanding of a cohesive unit, "the family;" thus, advancing humanity into social consciousness. Moreover, the evolution of prolific societies began to subside, as love, now being the leverage of human development, morphed its way into social responsibility and civic duty.
 However, this behavioral development in human characteristics is the benefit for progressing human nature. Society inducts values from the infrastructure of the family household, the home. This particular is the beginning of modern civilization in the making;  recognition of this behavior is placed into perspective as humanity realizes moral values as the very fiber for social growth in the progressive stages of human development. Moreover, what must be realized is the mass growth of human population in regards to people now living in concentrated areas; this will soon cause a very serious effect to the worlds output in demand for providing a growing population with the essentials of life's necessary provisions for these populations.

98. The great benefit of a growing population is the realization of relationships which can and will extend to the population growth.   Recognizing values in the arena of marriage creates a principal driving force for purpose in that marriage. Common standards are the infrastructure of any culture which recognize morals and values as guidelines for the inception of family structure. Marriage is the first real institution of mores regarding a society that is on their way towards civic obligation.

 When love is at the core of any family household, the families behavioral structure bleeds into society, inadvertently creating values for the greater good, which is a clear reflection of social repercussion for the infrastructure of societies positive growth. The behavioral pattern of family values begins morphing into society for the common bond of a fraternal brotherhood. Humanity is now coinciding a commonality for the greater good of social standing. This action is all well and fraternal but must yield to the restraint of population control for the universal comfort of a society seeking longevity in the cycle of life. If only to procure a space in life for the future of ones family.

 History has revealed the oscillation of economic pressures that affect the family in household communication; the latter resulting in producing offspring with little or no comprehensive values in applicable living for harmonic balance within the home environment.
 This significant factor stems from an improper solidarity in any household. Consider the vicissitudes of life in any home that become the building blocks to any strong character within the family, specifically a family instilled with religious convictions as the foundation of a family whose faith in God becomes a priority. The family character now shares the repercussions of life, positive and negative, as true building blocks to persevere through life as should be.

 However, it is the essence of love that balance the traits of religious conviction in any character. The institution of marriage will always remain the principal breeding ground for values and morals as they are set-forth for the inclusion in social benefit. The venture of this responsibility is a shared process of man and woman for the results of unity in the art of living; the precept to True Agape love in this temporary adventure we call life.

 Unfortunately sexism has been an age long practice of man's contribution to humanity. The principle of it's narrow ethics derive from man's primitive character, his aggressive nature, and above all his dominant behavior; systematically abusing women throughout history. It should be of no surprise that man has kept close to his bellicose behavior stemming from a primitive lifestyle.
 One cannot acknowledge abuse when one is the abuser. Throughout history, men, more so than women, have abused sex in one form or the other, all in the name of self-gratification and menial control. This behavior is the decadence of modern love and the breakdown and discord of human values. This 21st century has found a shift in women now playing the abusive character in today's contemporary affairs, as is witnessed in today's courtrooms.
 Love is wholly estranged when the act of love becomes a sterile process. Generations of this day would profit from the example history is certain to denote, as the sands of time run through the hour glass revealing the grains of human darkness in history-past and the possibility of a real relationship derived from a respectable courtship, like those introduced in the late 1800's, which was the beginning of the end for true courtship.

99. The institution of marriage since the inception of God's word is the bond between man and woman and the consummation thereof for the continuum of life as was the example set before Adam and Eve.
Adam and Eve were/are the living example of a marital legacy. However, there is very little Biblical information to expound upon. Adam and Eve were meant to be humanity's living example as the monogamous couple that unfortunately never transpired. However, they did create an onslaught of questions for later generations who were thus curious about what took place in that time frame with the infamous couple. Which brings to mind, "learning from your mistakes;" which doesn't have to be your mistakes to learn from?

 The supreme benefit of marriage is the ability to modify the persona to take on multi-responsibilities; this engagement can only mature  willing individuals as life deploys the unexpected.
 Marriage is a full-time lifestyle that should be shared with extreme insight from all aspects by any couple. The consensus of marriage is usually single-minded; approached from the individuals of either side without foresight. "If marriage is an institution and the cohabitation of two, 'should not the foundation of this institution be based on the augmentation of values' for this union and supported by this standard alone?"

 Your entrance upon marriage is a sacrifice whether the individual's are conscious of this or not, this is a fact! Marriage is a cohabitation of individuals who are willingly giving up each other's space, which is a sacrifice; "which begins as a small sacrifice, until it isn't." This is just one of many considerations to be made. Many mistakes are made because of "failed foresight;" of course there are no magic talents that allow us to forecast a marital failure; however, consider the individual goals, needs, desires, etc. of each others being, before venturing into such a prominent and permanent lifestyle of human love, for all concerned; you, your partner and the children you will potentially bring into the world. You should consider 5, 10, 15 to 20 years ahead for practical reference, of a life that will be shared by all; not only for love, moreover, every factor of life considered.

 The over-all willingness to grow in a mutual bond is significant in any marriage of couples young or old. To accept and begin a relationship of mutual respect is the true value of that friendship, resulting in a successful cohabitation of life for the many vicissitudes which help shape marriage into harmonic reality as you become what God intended. "What may be considered within the  fragility of a wholesome marriage?" Is the understanding of the Ten Commandments; the Ten Commandments that are centered around one word "respect." A cordiality in two individual's learning to becoming as one, through the simple concept of two words"Mutual Respect."

 A great asset in the institution of marriage is the ability to develop mutual respect for the nurturing art of love in a growing bond between two people, as you prepare yourselves for a family; learning from the act of parenting on how to be a parent. Unfortunately children do not come with an instruction manual that would make life much easier; however, this is the great part of learning from trial and error; you become a good parent by failing once and failing again, only better. Children are beautiful little people, because they can teach us so much if you take the time to listen. "How about an instruction manual for adults who are considering marriage?"
100. Although the status of marriage has changed considerably through the progression of time, the ideals have declined by a significant degree. The legalities and economic pressures of domestic life have impinged upon the values of modern marriage as is witnessed in today's courtroom antics, where our judicial system deals with the anomalies society so readily accept in the act of divorce.

 The evidence of any contemporary divorce court cries out for a silent release from the negative energy produced by two individuals; the same individuals who display sheer ignorance in promoting any excuse that validates "their easy way out." Divorce has always been an instrument of death because it is contrary to the true nature of marriage. Any Judge or Magistrate of law knows a family is disemboweled when two people with children enter their courtroom to sever the very thing created out of love. "And no!" children cannot be taught about the adult behavior of marriage when it comes to divorce; this is the most confusing act to a child, because they only see their family dissolve without sound reason; "try explaining that to a three year old." In the words of Jesus Christ himself "It would be better to tie a stone around your neck and cast yourself into the sea, than defile one of these little ones." "Don't hate on me, I am only the messenger."

 Moreover, the sexual revolution of the 21st century has drastically changed the institution of marriage in one tempestuous swoop with the freedom of will and lack of self-control. The act of sex has ultimately become retarded in and of itself as we witness the bombardment of sexuality displayed at every turn in today's world, primarily through our technology. "What once began as a primal gesture for the advancement of technological progress, has taken on a life of it's own." Television, radio, magazines, the Internet, and every possible avenue available to the human mind are all in demand through desire and imagination.  

 Marriage is the first step in propagating the life continuum for an evolving species progressing in social consciousness. God sanctifies marriage for divine purpose; creating the first real institution in the evolutionary cause by humanity's own experience; thus, our experience is the premise of free will being used to make choices in the experience of life. God did not create the institution of marriage; however, He did sanctify it. Our recognizing this union between our species in the institution of marriage is what advances humanity out of "the stone age" (philosophically speaking) we are accepting the responsibility of civic obligation by moral choice. "This is all part of the evolutionary hand-book on page 3" (a little humor) we are in fact evolving through the experience of being a parent; children teach us how to be better parents and we teach children how to be better people, only a smaller version.

 Love will never dominate a society which has no spiritual cognition as a whole. The entire concept of a moral religious community is the recognition of love that is shared by humanity in the everyday act of selflessness. An opportunity of peace, in a gesture of goodwill, in service to one another in the art of benevolence; this would be the aspiration of true purpose. By taking on this nature of God as individuals, we are emulating His real character by the simplicity of one common goal, accepting and following His Will.

 Love will eventually displace the gross concept of life from a humanistic point of view, when accepted and exhibited as unconditional; this is called "Agape Love" and should never be confused with the term we use so vaguely "being in love or making love." This significant meaning in modern terminology has eradicated the essential value of the descriptive term "love," and all it truly represents in a divine context. The infrastructure of this world cannot survive the ineptness of this generation for the greater good of tomorrow's youth; thus, making the term "love" difficult to communicate on a worldly scale for the spiritual and transcending value of "God's Agape love" as a general term for our future youths. We have no choice in the matter of "Love" you cannot develop love on a game show, on a game pad, or any environmental stage to achieve positive results with a live situation... Life is in real time, not game time!

101. The reality of the aforementioned is within itself reason enough for a developed courtship between two interested parties who are contemplating marriage. Courtship has proven to be the essential guideline of mental preparation for the physical aspect of any real relationship. When any given pair of interested individuals realize the purpose in courtship, the onset of spiritual growth is the realistic outcome for a healthy relationship. Courtship was never the old fashion behavior of a society who scrutinized itself to set a class; it was a set culture who set the foundation in proper practice for the results of a positive outcome.

 What flourished in the last hundred years of the 19th-20th century was the act of proper courtship in its evolving stage as society developed ethics and moral values. Courtship was the pragmatic theme for human progress; social activity was now a social issue as religious sects became prominent in their views of social behavior, which placed a strain on the church due to the apparent hypocrisy with many of the clergies who cried out with these views on social standards, while hiding in the shadows of their true negative behavior. You cannot preach doctrine on a spiritual platform and uphold clandestine affairs within the confines of the church; people are smarter than they appear. Nothing is more distasteful than hiding behind God for the act of ones personal desires; especially the abuse of a child or a boy in the sensitive stage of life.

 Moreover, unless you are teaching about the relative cause between God and the individual and how that relationship translates into the transparency of human behavior, you are merely sidestepping God's Will and the proclamation of spiritual unity for the uplifting of the human race.

 Also, the reality of God's faithful love is the expression of Agape love to and for His children of destiny. Everything Jesus taught and lived by was in the form of Agape love, complying with the Will of the Father at all times. Agape love is the term used by Jesus to denote an entire state of mind in the existence of the term love, which is a transcending experience for the endurance of a genuine relationship; emulating God's nature and character to one another.

 Agape love is the opposite of Eros; Eros is a self-love which most of humanity shares as they are unconsciously expecting reciprocation for the love given. Agape love is how you learn the quality of forgiveness and mercy; Jesus taught the act of mercy by truly transcending the ego's state of Eros. Eros is the unconscious state of self-preservation within the ego of the individual. Marriage near the proximity of failure must acknowledge Agape love as an act of forgiveness that originates in the heart, or it is void of any real sense in forgiveness.

102. Real forgiveness is what Jesus taught humanity, which does not allow for any consideration of the act to be forgiven. An actual child of God will practice the art of selflessness and transcend to that level of God-consciousness because love is dominant in the life of that person. In the same sense a parent forgives their offspring, you should forgive one another. This is something to consider before marriage.

 The above mentioned should be considered before entering into a lifelong commitment. (again)When a Magistrate marries a couple, the power invested in him or her to marry you as a couple is the obligation to uphold God's truth as given to them when he or she swears into an oath (a commitment to honor their word). A couple married by church is taking an oath before God to accept and love one another in the contract of matrimony. This contract may very well be just a piece of paper, however, your signature is your word to God that you will honor your commitment to one another in the promise you two have made before Him. There are so many couples that are married by church, who seem to forget they are making a contract with God to honor their word to love and respect each other in all avenues of marriage; if you forget your vows, then you forgot about God; because the promise was made to Him and to each other, as He has a set residence in each of your hearts.

 Unfortunately, it takes no time at all to forget your promise to each other when the trials and tribulations that come with the territory of marriage take their course. Marriage is the decree of God for the institution of man and woman when joined in the sight of God to become as one. The Father's love abounds in every facet of creation where ever life exists; His energy transforms His destiny children to express Agape love to one another for this purpose.

 Couples who are committed to one another would gain more of an insight into the virtue of love from a divine sense if they would only understand the essence of God's love for humanity. Men and women indeed belong together (if only for the continuance of our species); however, young people should consider courtship as a form of mental foreplay, only, with definitive results.
 Learning to love is a big step in life when it concerns the attraction for someone special. Moreover, learning to love means being patient with yourself first. The walk of life is your life to walk, so, you must "tread lightly" when it concerns another individual in your space. Becoming friends with someone is the greatest gift you could allow yourself as you endeavor any relationship in life.

 Your priority should be you and the perfection of your spirit as you attain God-consciousness. With this said, if you feel you must share yourself, then do so with someone who shares your spiritual nature and love for God. Moreover, no matter what direction you choose to go, always remember the love God ultimately has for you as His child of destiny.

103. In the union of love and marriage, God's love will always prevail when you both partake in this mutual understanding. What is prevalent in the institution of marriage is the art of harmonious living. The art of living signifies a level of harmonic appropriation in family values and moral standards innovated through the actual experience of life.

 Marriage is the instigation of Michael (Jesus) for the propagation of life continuum in and through the divine efforts of the children of God for the ultimate goal of Light and Life for this planet and the host of them. If and when my brothers and sisters unify under one banner of truth, that is, the truth Jesus proclaimed during his mission on earth, we will to all intents discover that our journey begins within, rightfully ours by the decree of God as stated by Michael (Jesus) when he declared the possibility of son-ship with the Universal Father of life.
 Humanity is the reason for the propagation of life between man and woman for the life continuum of this planet. Marriage is the institution that brings the opposite sex together for life continuum; this is the Father's Will; Agape love is the value of that union which is shared by two.

 The inter-relation that is shared by two personalities is the intellectual pattern the brain will process as two individuals become acquainted; this is the commonality of human exchange in the state of human survival. It is when two young adults of spirit attainment come together for all the right reasons that God will fortify your relationship for His intended cause.
 Thus, love and marriage rise to the level of social consciousness, making it a top priority of life's purpose in the flesh, as it sets the standards for value, morality, and spiritual conviction. Hence, the blueprint for social awareness in spiritual realization and fraternal bonding in the realization of a true brotherhood as Jesus spoke of relentlessly, in a positive way.

 Always remember, the institution of marriage is the sacred task of procreating God's children in life's continuum for our species. In other words, you are co-creating with God for His expressive nature to live on through every new life in the flesh; this is purpose in every individual for the life continuum of this planet and the essence of Agape love as expressed by our Heavenly Father and our Creator Father (Jesus) Michael of Nebadon.




104.  The material worlds in the evolutionary systems advance according to their developmental stages in spiritual and moral direction  (evolutionary worlds only!). When evolutionary planets align with God's Will, all such achievement is ready for life to begin it's evolution on the true path to God; thus, humanity is ready to embrace the Will of God for divine alignment. In other words, all evolutionary worlds follow the carefully laid out plans substantiated by their Sovereign Creators and the inception of the Holy Spirit; in regards this universe, this would be Michael's spiritual companion. Hence, all evolutionary planets that follow the path of God's Will, eventually attain the divine plan of Light and Life synonymous to the constitution of the Paradise Isle, the complete expression of our Heavenly Father.

 All planets throughout the vast universe systems respond to the Father's Paradise Isle where His equalizing energy is coming in and going out from His core being. Paradise is self-contained; moreover, the Universal Father has always been; therefore, the Paradise Isle has always been. Moreover, His energy is and always will be consistent with His Divine Will.
 The over control of Paradise for the evolutionary planets that have attained the ultimate goal of Light and Life are consonant with
God's plan; the sequential events taking place on these planets of evolutionary status have proved themselves in keeping with God's perfect Will. The constitution of Paradise is the Master Blue Print for all subsequent worlds created complete and perfect or in their evolutionary stages i.e., Urantia (the planet #606=earth) "which is not currently following the perfect Will of God our Father."

 Urantia is among the latest evolutionary planets in our local universe with much history to expound on; tested, tried and true as gold; it's evolutionary position does not detract from a planet with so much history caused by external influence. We keep our heads high in the strategic sense, when most planets that have gone rouge would collapse from a strong outside influence that in fact exist when going against God's Will. Notwithstanding this is the world of the cross; sadly infamous for the crucifixion of our Creator-Father "Michael" aka Jesus Christ, whose sole purpose was/is to bring about God-consciousness to an otherwise floundering planet of misconceived human occupants, digging a one-way hole to destruction, and, seemingly still on this negative trajectory. This was Michael's last and final bestowal, who was born of woman with his pre-existing spirit; in essence he had a dual nature with the knowledge of correcting the divine path for humankind, which he did and became the living example of truth attainment and the salvation of mankind; whose faith in God was/is unmatched by anyone to date.

 Urantia is young in the cosmic sense, as it has been through so much negative energy change. Yes, it may take a while of concise planning to extract our entire planet from the clutches of the evil one (it is only his influence which lives on in the minds of so many negative entities) God has never been in a position that He could not, would not, free our planet from cosmic dissident. He has complete rule over the Grand and Master Universe and all who are involved with any skirmish, that is caught in the dilemma of chaos for any such planet. God can destroy it all, because He created it all. However, God loves us first! So, if any cosmic interruption has caught the Father's eye, He will use the best solution to squish it (in a layman's term) before it becomes out of control and effects other planets. God's history is told by mankind in the Old Testament which was written by man in that period of history when his understanding was limited to his imagination and nothing more.

 As I have mentioned in other parts of this manuscript, we are moving at the speed of God's expression; there is nothing science-fiction or outlandish about God's performance without any cosmic foresight. Humanity may find themselves in a peculiar state, but God's associate subordinates are there every step of the way. We should always pray for the protection and Providence of our Heavenly Father's Home and center of all the Universes. Pray for the hand of Providence that keeps His Grand and Master universe in check and working according to His Will. Pray for the possibility of saving our planet from ourselves, even now while we stand on the brink of total collapse and self destruction!                   

 Paradise sets the pace for perfection; moreover, planetary function is individualistic for experiential cause and identity expression. God wants us to be perfect; however, it must be perfection of personal choice, which is why we have free will. You have an opportunity to choose eternal salvation as Jesus taught through your faith in God, or deny this salvation and become as though you never were. The relationship between God and the individual is personal and experiential and potentially perfect, based on your choice in doing God's Will and being "reborn of the spirit."

 All evolutionary planets with will creatures are designed to be in alignment with God's universal law (philosophically and metaphysically speaking). The symmetry of God's planetary system is in perfect sync with God's expressed perfection that begins in the center of the Grand and Master universe, the Paradise Isle. One could hardly pinpoint a geographical location for the beginning of creation; however, there is a geographical location where it all began, which is the Paradise Isle, static in position, yet alive with God's eminent energy expanding in universal direction; hence, God's Omnipresence and Ubiquitous nature are a universal constant. The reciprocal energy sent by Our Father from His Divine being, through every living entity and returned to Him after each personality has attained universe knowledge akin to God...

 The Paradise Isle of God is not a planet orbiting in the midst of space; it is the Original Blue Print Universe in the center of all that follows after it's existence. God is drawing all life unto Himself reciprocally, which is why the ascending children of God are ascending into God as they partake in the transformation of transcending cycles following the presence of God in totality known as fusion. Hence, the term in the Lord's prayer, "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, On earth As It Is In Heaven," Jesus described this to perfection. Bear in mind the Paradise Isle of God's Universe is an existence unto itself; it accommodates all the graduate students (those entities that have ascended to become fused with God) passing through the Paradise Isle along with the permanent residents who represent the Trinity. Consider the complex mathematical equation for the immense size of the Paradise Isle in it's totality of non-stop action as a permanent residency, passing visitors, and involved with all that's going on in the Master Universe within the totality of the Grand Universe. Now consider there are over a billion planets within the range of The Paradise Isle that make up the Isle of Paradise as an existing arrangement for a working universe system. Thus, a very large system of planets and dark matter between planets that exist to make up the totality of God's Paradise Isle i.e., the Master Universe. And, moreover, as a planet in our local universe within the Seventh Super Universe, we are one of the newest planets in the evolutionary scheme sitting on the periphery of our universe system for planetary 606 of Satania in Norlatiadek for the local universe of Nebadon; and Michael (aka Jesus) as our sovereign creator is responsible for the creation of this universe and all living occupants herein.

 The energy which flows through all life form with a spiritual nature is corresponding to the original energy pattern manifested in the Universal Father. His volition upholds all that was, all that is, and what is to be. We regard the Father as universal because of His ubiquitous nature concerning the universe of time and space even though the Father is independent of time and space. He is the only entity aside from the Eternal Son and Infinite Spirit who can be everywhere in the same time frame, or outside the same time frame. Keep in mind  the intelligence of our Heavenly Father, as He adjust the energy level through His subordinate actors being throughout the universes to accommodate every universe with just the right amount of energy to uphold any given universe and the planets therein; all contingent on the gravity equalization our Father deploys through predetermined intelligence. It is these applied attributes which give the Universal Father His credibility for His Absolute state.

105. The Universal Father, the Eternal Son, and Infinite Spirit are the only deities who share in the Omnipotent nature of God's ubiquity on a unity level. The Father is infinite in His presence and creative action; however, He shares His attributes of His creative nature with the Eternal Son and Infinite Spirit which constitute the first Trinity expression. He shares in the attenuated version of His innovative attributes with His Creator-Sons i.e., Michael (Jesus) our sovereign creator of this universe, along with other entities who are not mentioned in this manuscript. There is a need to consider the immensity of the overall Grand and Master Universe, which the Gods utilize subordinate assistance, to operate a system nonstop. These various divine entities are the necessary perfection to help a system run systematically and accordingly. Hence: their perfection!

 The Trinity foundation within the Universal Father, Eternal Son, and Infinite Spirit collaborate in thought form manifestation through a flash process in creation. God manipulates matter from thought form manifestation; in other words, He Will's it into existence, which is mind value correlating energy and matter into a manifested process. Stated: when God creates, He merely thinks it into a realistic flash of energy. Hence, all life forms have God's living energy to sustain them for whatever created purpose the Father so Wills.

 All life responds to the energy cycle that flows through space, transmitting the intelligent sequence of information that begins in the Universal Father or those personalities selected for this purpose. God's law is working throughout the cosmos as He reveals His ubiquity through His creation, we find a perfect symmetry in the universe system, God's creative law at work. Science now considers the cosmic lines thru space as "ley-lines" as so recently discovered within the past century. These same ley-lines have been used for eons on end Universe Standard Time.

 Our existence is relative to this planet in universe position for the evolutionary pattern of creation. However, we are free will creatures with a divine destiny by potential. The interaction of the mortal being is predetermined by disposition of design to coincide with our environment and the nature thereof; a perfect symmetry of existentialism for a self sustaining planet and species. All species are currently working in correlation with the nature of this planet in a perfect cycle inadvertently or otherwise; "it is happening."

 The cycle of life for the evolutionary species to coexist with the planet of it's birth is cosmic design. In other words, we are evolutionary species with trace elements of this planet in the biological anatomy of the human body and extract of RNA, DNA protocols which respond to the energy cycle of the Universal Father. We have a spirit of intelligent design within our souls and mind value, which comprise personality and is divinely predicated. The Father has provided the gift of life to find God; so take your new life and continue to follow God's precious law, and you will ascend quite naturally when it is time for you to time out (carbon exhaustion, and I mean this in the most decorous way) Or more colloquially stated: "energy burn out," temporarily speaking. This of course is all temporary, if you are following God's Will; you need to be prepared for your true destiny or you will miss the most important step in your (POTENTIAL future). I cannot stress enough about your potential part, because it is entirely up to you, whether you ascend or not, in regards your choice to accept or deny God's glorious offer.

 We are eventuating creatures of evolutionary status, however, we have purpose in our progressive state; we are eventual creatures with a definitive cause by spiritual realization and soul perfection, potentially heaven bound towards our true destiny. It is in the spiritual aspect of our created reason in which we find the purpose of destiny direction; moreover, spirit realization for ascension preparation of our souls is our real purpose in the flesh for our true destiny. And all of this is a complete potential by the makeup of your decision to act upon or neglect God's gift...

106. God's energy is a living cycle within each one of His destiny children who respond to divine direction. The laws of the cosmos are the laws that begin in the Universal Father. God's energy is projected throughout the universes to and through His receiving children and back to Him again; just as the living and combined universes that are expanding and contracting in totality; it is revealing the living energy of God's ubiquitous nature working in unison with His energy expression. We are working in a unified sense with God in perfecting our spirits once we have become God-conscious entities. God's law is a law of Agape love; God has completed His laws before He directed His cause to His evolutionary species. God's eternal being is qualified by His living spirit to move through all life forms with Will; the Father is UN-caused because He is Cause. Think of the complexity of this cosmic cycle of God's being; it takes the Grand Universe *one billion years to expand and one billion years to contract; this is an on going energy cycle in the eternal thread of life for the Living God.

 His volition is the Original and First Cause, making Him Absolute; nothing is before Him, all things precede Him in action, purpose and creation. Therefore, He is entirely self-realized, stands alone, is a static in-universe position, all revolves around Him. The supreme force of God fills all, pervading all points of space in all time factors through all dimensions.

 Our planet and it's inhabitants are affected by time and space, cause, and effect. Which exhibit time space restriction responding to our evolutionary status; and remains hypothetical and speculated as such, until the era of Light and Life; where all souls will be in perfect sync with the Will of God; when there after are unlimited possibilities for the evolutionary will creatures of God on this physical plane.

 Our world is in complete opposition of Light and Life because of our spiritual default dating back to Lucifer and the downfall of Adam and Eve. We remain in religious default until every individual on this planet accepts and lives by the Will of God, and not a moment sooner! Which may be a good reason why our planet has been under observation so that we don't destroy ourselves; again, those life forms not of earth are not too concerned with the occupants of this planet, as much as they are concerned with this planet. We are behaving like children with an erector set, destroying everything in our path as though we have nothing better to do, like find a way to heal our planet and use the hypothetical erector set to build a better world for all of the earth's occupants. As mentioned, our alien brothers and sisters are being as patient as possible with our ignorant behavior; waiting for us to figure out their reason for being here. If a civilization twenty-five thousand years more advanced than us, are here, it isn't to harm us or this planet. What if they are trying to help suppress our bellicose nature by cross-breeding with us? Something has to give, or we are going to implode from sheer stupidity, and greed; we have very little time left on our evolutionary clock. As global warming has proven it's path on earth; nothing is going to stop Mother Nature from protecting herself, nothing!

 The idea that we can foresee the eventual outcome of our chaotic behavior as we continue to wreak havoc upon nature through the instigation of ecological imbalance speaks volumes of humanity's potential. Humanity is responsible for their demise as they rape the planet of it's natural resources; all the while creating turmoil for our atmosphere. The planet's response to our ecological imbalance is due to cosmic disorder; the planet is fighting back, because it is an organic sphere, it is doing what it needs to do to survive. Humanity will never win when trying to overcome nature; all of this is God's work and the planet will do what is necessary to survive the inept behavior of mankind because the planet is alive and designed to survive just like it's inhabitants; and is by far more intelligent than it's occupants.

 Rest assures that Michael and his subordinates (celestial personalities) are looking upon this planet with much sorrow and wonder; after two thousand years, we have not changed in the least, as concerns human behavior in a primitive sense. All evolutionary planets are designed to eventually attain Light and Life; unfortunately, we haven't.

 Cosmic law is the conscious Will of the Father in how He does things following their outcome. God is changeless; moreover, He always does the same action the same way; why? Because God is perfect in all He does; Why? Because He knows the outcome of all activities in the histories of the Grand Universe. This planet may not be in alignment with God's cosmic law. However, it will respond to cosmic order; there is no displacement in cosmic order, only change in finite purpose.

107. The Will of God is the way of God; the way of God is the eternal Agape love of God. Moreover, cosmic order is the fixed symmetry in-universe order for the law of cause and effect. Time and space govern the evolution of worlds for the final state of God consciousness for all of God's will creatures. Time allows for continuous advancement while eventuating the will creature towards the Providence of God's eternal abode of the Paradise Isle while attaining the full capacity of spirit realization in the Universal Father.

 Cosmic law is necessitous in pervading space for the evolutionary planets of experiential cause, as well as those planets created perfect for their intended purpose; Cosmic order is the organic response from the Paradise Isle, all planets are subject to Cosmic law as they have, since inception. Cosmic order has kept the balance of worlds in check since the creation of all that is. Cosmic law is the application of God's Will until an evolved planet has fully complied in attaining Light and Life when every soul on the planet has become God-conscious in fruition and spirit led for the sake of life advancing spirit purpose. Cosmic law is applicable to planets with organic matter, plants, trees, all organic matter, inclusive of humanity.

 God's cosmic law displays purpose in and of itself; in case point, no sickness or discomfort for the will creature of God who is continually eventuating towards the Paradise Isle while realizing the tranquility of Gods perfect universe. When touching upon cosmic law, we understand the fragmented meaning of God's spirit in each of His will creatures that are born into a balanced universe for a definitive cause in spiritual harmony. The Father's vast creation is the complete cosmogony of His creation, revealing Himself in all points of His expression.

 Always and forever bear in mind, these universes of created order are for God's children of destiny cause, perfected, and evolving. The totality of this creature habitat is connected to one spirit, the spirit of our Heavenly Father, which in turn is connected to the entire Grand and Master universe.

 There is order in everything that is created by our Heavenly Father, perfected or otherwise. Law is what God offers to His children of destiny, in preparing their spirits towards perfection. Moreover, it is an assurance of a perfect future as you traverse through time and space in your adventure with God in becoming like Him; nothing shall ever disrupt the path of Father and child as they traverse through time and space to the Father's Paradise Isle.
 Our evolution is the destiny fiat of God's creative ensemble; moreover, for the soul's participation in the growth of it's perfection, the soul never stops evolving in the process of attaining God and His eternal yet constant knowledge. This is what you have span the systems for, this is your totality in emulating God the Father of perfection.

* This time reference would be relative to Universe Standard Time; The Universe of the Paradise Isle has no time standard, as the universes that surround the Paradise Isle are measured through the duration of motion and as such, the Isle of Paradise has no motion, therefore no time-stamp. Inasmuch as the universes which follow their orbiting path, the Universal Father in expression, again, no beginning, no end, no history or record of God's perfected being, only the effect of His cause; His cause our effect.


  The so called LEGALITY of RELIGION              

108.  There are very few religions in this day and age that are concerned with the legal aspect of the Gospels in the Old Testament. Jesus Christ, through his admission stated: "he came to fulfill the books written about him." In fulfilling these gospel accounts, he turned away from the legal standpoint practiced by such devout followers of the Old Scriptures, as he taught his Apostles, disciples, and followers about the importance of faith, and faith alone in following the Will of God.

 True religion incorporates the character and nature of God for the application of His divine purpose towards your brethren in your lifestyle. In the Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ, Jesus eagerly expressed this character of God to his followers and the like when offering testimony to the many who listened. Jesus never taught legalism, which is currently practiced by few religious institutions in this day and age.

 Legalism side steps the reality of truth, as expressed by our Creator-Father Jesus of Nazareth; the exact truth God revealed through Jesus. Legalism was/is the enslavement of the human will that surrenders itself to the practice of traditionalism, dogmatism, and ritual nonsense that makes the personal experience of your religion with God impersonal.

 The imperious attitude of the Sanhedrin, Scribes, and pharisees did not help matters much in the early development of religion as is translated from the Old Testament. The dictatorship and dogma of various religions limit your room or time for the spirit of an individual to transcend the level of purpose for the individual child of God. In other words, if you are focusing on the legal issues set forth by man as interpreted in his mind to be the request of God, there is little time to place your complete attention on the full scope of God's real and true purpose for you while you are temporarily here in the flesh.

 Jesus Christ taught the art of living through the act of faith in his daily affairs for spiritual harmony. How you treat your neighbor here on earth in the flesh is a clear indication to God as to how you would relate to all of God's creatures, perfected or evolving, and of course, you're true standing with God after your physical cessation (death). "Legalism is man's idea of working towards God's salvation through dogma, rituals, and man's traditional nonsense."
 Jesus stated: "To first love God with all your heart and soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself." In essence; love is the central theme of God's existence and our purpose throughout our spiritual growth with the Heavenly Father.
 It should be brought forth with attention regarding the second commandment; "to love your neighbor as you would yourself" does not imply of a narcissistic act of loving yourself in a vain manner. Moreover, it is how you would like people to treat you in a respective manner, likewise you should show respect, so that you may receive respect.
 All of the Commandments fall under the umbrella of mutual respect in general, a simplicity for the precept of love.

109. God is love and love transcends all legalism. What was once a typical way to win God's favor became the blunder of history. The Hebrew, during their emancipation from Egyptian bondage with Moses, tried with a sincere effort to gain favor with God by devising new laws to honor Him. Moreover were the laws which they created after Moses descended from Mt. Sinai with the Ten Commandments given to humanity for the purpose of structure.

 Practically all of the laws set up by the Hebrew were promises made to a God they never really understood; aside from the few facts of knowledge they retained in regards to God's ubiquitous nature and Father figure. Realistically, the Hebrews (Jews) during their emancipation from Egyptian bondage in following Moses through the desert, had perhaps more knowledge about God than anyone else on this planet at the time of their plight to find the "land of milk and honey." Moreover, the noble task of spreading the word of God to the world was in their hands. This is fact! An action they were exclusively selected for, or if you prefer the term, "chosen for."

 However, they took that knowledge and created an agenda that would later backfire in every sense of the term. Moreover, they took their understanding of God and created a plan to rewrite "being chosen by God to carry God's word to the world" into "we are God's chosen people" this is a simple example of what took place in that part of omitted history. It was their confused state of mind in attributing human attributes to God, which was their first mistake- their second mistake- was taking their knowledge and rewriting it to suit their cause. The teachings of Melchizedek to Abraham was the real and advanced word of God that was in oral form, that would later become so attenuated, that it confused many as it was handed down from generation to generation until it became an ideal of their practice through formulated rituals or if you prefer the term sacrifices.

 The general laws the Hebrew devised in those so-called forty years in the desert, were a string of traditional rules and enhanced sacrifices formulated into the laws of Moses, which Moses himself had nothing to do with, which became the legal and only approach to God according to their conclusive act.
 The confusing state of the Jews being God's chosen people was no overnight process. As the years progressed, so did the Hebrews in promoting new laws to honor God; the Hebrew also became the Jewish nation during their emancipation; thus, every non-Jew was a Gentile or Heathen according to the Jewish mindset.

 There were perhaps thousands of Canons of scrolls in the library of Alexandria that shed some original insight to the Fatherhood of God for all humanity. It's no surprise that none of them found their way into the Holy Bible. The Hebrew's agenda lost to idealism, is the reason Jesus came to teach about faith and spiritual rebirth as the only avenue to God. "Unfortunately it cost him his life." However, it was the beginning of a new era, one that would change the course of religious history forever!

 Jesus of Nazareth, the true spiritual king of all Jews, was/is the law of God as the New Testament made flesh for all generations of time. His presence replaced legalism through the experience of knowing God through living faith and being reborn of the spirit as it's appropriate action towards your neighbor (your brethren). A living example of God's real personality was in the revelation of the Son. If you read the New Testament with true enthusiasm, you will find, according to the N.T. that Jesus' recorded words were somewhat limited in the overall scripture as written by the re-visor's; as most New Testaments will show his words in red ink for emphasis on Jesus' words.
 The consensus of this practice is how the writers turned the Teachings of Jesus into the life about Jesus, completely missing the overall reality of Jesus' truth as was his purpose in revealing God's nature and character from his personal experience with the Father in his spiritual pre-existed state. And in this act of diverting the attention away from the Life and Teaching's of Jesus, to the Life about Jesus, they took the ministry of Jesus to a whole different direction; Jesus came to reveal the Father in words and action; this new Life and Teaching's about Jesus, inadvertently took his ministry to the material life and subsequent death, which they focused on more than his life and what he originally came to do. Jesus did not come here for us to learn about death; "it was to learn about life!"

110. Legalism was never a deliberate practice meant for mankind by our Father; God knew us before our creation. Human frailty is not the inherent nature of God; it is a condition derived from weakness, "our human weakness." Human attributes given to a God by those personalities in history who were merely reflecting what they thought and knew about themselves. Every law attributed to human behavior was a clear indication of man understanding his own condition; it was a reflection of themselves, not God. Many stories in the Old Testament were plagiarized from many different cultures throughout Europe which predated these stories by thousands of years. It is important to understand the Bible was one of the first books to record man's thoughts into some kind of cohesive story-line in a book-form to be carried from one place to another, hence: the scrolls. Yes, there were much earlier works of human translation of history in cuneiform, but they were not in a book form to be taught to mankind. Again these stories in the Bible were of man's favorite subject matter "God."

 Ten Commandments are the sublime outline of principles set forth by our makers for human structure. The overview of these principle guidelines was/is the intention of the Gods to prepare the will creatures of God for the Providence of God. With the furtherance of our evolving souls, as they teach humanity about the simplicity of self and mutual respect for one another and most importantly the applicable lifestyle of Jesus for every generation throughout time. How he lived and taught about human nature, how he walked with God in respect for who God was/is in relation to all mankind and not one chosen class of people. Jesus never in any part of his written scripture, did he say or mention in anyway, the Jews are God's chosen people. He knew this because he was the one who selected the Jewish nation to carry God's word to the world, thousands of years before he would come to correct the insanity of those responsible for changing his words.

 Legalism should never be pondered, practiced, or even acknowledged! Moreover, it is an insult to the integrity and nature of the Universal Father in all He represents. Legalism takes you away from the real purpose of genuine worship. Legalism reverts to the common practice of ceremonial rituals to gain favor for the very key Jesus offered through the act of faith. Legalism is taking "two steps back after achieving one step forward" in spirit realization.

 Jesus came to profess a new way of living, excluding most of the ways in the Old Testament. His words were: "I came not to change, but to fulfill the law" (meaning) he came to show us how to live by the Will of God's law. Jesus was/is the embodiment of truth as portrayed in expressing the Will of the Father. So obviously, if he was representing the Will of God and fulfilling his purpose in the flesh, his truth is what it is, and should never be taken out of context...

 He expressed the Will of the Father accordingly in every act set forth before him; even so, the Scribes, Pharisees, and the Sanhedrin frown upon Jesus with contempt because "he practiced not according to our ways, and the laws of Moses." It was the breaking of their laws that brought about his demise as the "Son of Man." Because he thought himself to be equal with God, which was blasphemy according to the Sanhedrin Jewish court; by proclaiming to be the Son of God he sealed his fate with the truth of God, the Sanhedrin would or could never accept, to the point of the High Priest "rending his coat " (the Jews were/are rather extravagant that way). Blasphemy is placing yourself equally with or above God or using His name to create a new form of religion that is contrary to God's Will in a false doctrine. To say to another individual "I am equal if not greater than God" is committing the ultimate act of Blasphemy; Jesus came to teach us how to be as perfect as God, not to be as God.

 Jesus died for his truth and not for the sins of humanity as is taught by the insignificant minds that have confused this understanding for centuries through their dogmatic and almost childlike interpretations. How strange that an interpretive variable in history, would create such an impact to human understanding, as to change the course of religious history in our conception of God and His true nature. Even after Jesus sent "The Spirit of Truth" to God's awaiting children to come into their hearts (minds) upon his (Jesus') departure; many of the Jewish nations wanted nothing to do with this good-news the "Son of Man" brought to humanity for free; the Jews wouldn't have it, because it upset their monetary system of selling the word of God to the people who worshiped and were uneducated, which was pretty much 90% of the overall population of that religious mind set.

111. The truth which Jesus proclaimed was to break away from the bondage of traditional control and the enslavement of human dignity by the pompous attitude of those that regulated their laws to control God's children, which is spiritual bondage of the worst kind because you are hindering that soul from the right to spiritually progress.

 Jesus said: "The truth shall set you free." Spiritual freedom is the quest of every destiny child of God created with the right to ascend back to the Father, who thus gave you the indwelt spirit to search for Him. How dare the self-willed creature impose upon the child of God with their dubious laws and man-made traditions in the name of religious conviction; for the sole purpose of control with the belief in their pious attitude that our Heavenly Father is pleased with this ignorant practice; when in fact, the divine family of Michael (Jesus) can only look upon these souls with pity and divine forgiveness. (That is, only if they seek forgiveness) Which the Jews would never do!

 Jesus exemplified the possibility of son-ship as a potential for all of humanity; he never at any point in his ministry allow human confusion over the hope of ascending to the Father for the ultimate embrace of God (fusion). Since the beginning of his testimony to reveal God's true nature, Jesus always alluded to the Will of God as a gesture of choice; free will is the human affirmation of God's love that is received by choice. God is leaving it entirely up to you to choose between accepting or denying His Will.

 The simple action of service towards your brothers and sisters in the flesh is the love within your heart; and to emulate God's character towards your brethren as was/is intended for the God-conscious entity. When each child of God has risen above their ego and prescribes to the leading of the spirit, the Father's presence abrogates our human nature and transcends the human soul to it's rightful place in God's domain and true Providence.

 The framework of the Ten Commandments when considering their constitution in the spiritual aspect of their intention, are coinciding with the principle values set-forth for humanity as a foundation in their structure for living purpose. God undoubtedly knew humanity far before we come to know ourselves. The principal value of the Ten Commandments set the arena for the ultimate act of pure benevolence. These Commandments are thousands of years old, yet, the precept is simple. The interesting point of legalism and dogma are the religions built around these religious proclivities of human behavior for the key to salvation.

History has an uncanny way of revealing truths' you have to sort through them...



112. Prophecy has always been a controversial subject matter over the years of humanities searching spirit; moreover, it has been scrutinized more than any other subject in Bible history and for very good reason. Prophecy is the bilateral subject matter in our universal campfire (philosophically speaking) which humanity cannot seem to grasp historically in it's full meaning.

 On one side is the pragmatist: those who dissect the essence of faith as nothing more than the delusion of blind hope and streams of life's coincidence brought on by the studies of any human behavior quaint for human existence, and accepted by curious minds in your weekly tabloid.

 On the opposing side is the religionist: those who accept without question the validity of prophecy because it is the written word of God; or so it appears as the written word of God by those responsible for it's presentation.

 If we are to be fair in assessing both opinions, then we must take into account both sides of the argument.
 The pragmatic opinion on prophecy is a generality in which the laws of physics somehow play into the equation of a universal coincidence in the sequential timeline of events set off by cause and effect. Given the gravity of physics and the display of these events in their totality there is good argument for such speculation. Moreover, the events in prophecy generally follow the historical pathway in their character as pattern, as displayed in the events taking place throughout history.

 However, when the full gamut of prophecy is taken into consideration, the value in the events taking place is revealing intelligent foresight; somewhat incidental with a bit more practicality. Moreover, is not so much the how, but the why?
History is not without its ironies; just because a chain of events takes on a repetitive nature in it's value of time does not mean that we are on a blind course in time and space. Moreover, the redundant behavior in humanity's history has set the stage for prophecy; thus we come to the why?

 Human behavior throughout history has been more mechanistic than sensible, which is why the pragmatist so easily accepts the coincidental concept of prophecy. The juxtaposition of prophecy and history are key in revelation; moreover is the revelation of history the world is left to question. This is where religion comes in to play.
 Revelation follows the progressive nature of human involvement through time; moreover, as humanity evolves in it's progressive stages in evolution, there derives a significant change in religious and secular views; the components of history reveal religious value and the significance of that value in relation to God and humanity in its immediate state. As humanity continues to progress, or perhaps regress, whichever reveals it's truthful place in history? Your call. We witness history in the making as mankind continues to make stupendous choices on a planet that has no defense against our stupidity. We clearly create prophecy by the insipid choice we make in life to repeat the mistakes we know are detrimental to humanities survival. The Book of Revelation paints a clear picture of our final outcome; however, this outcome cannot dismiss the total act of human participation. How else can prophecy be explained without it's main characters? After all humanity is not only the main character in this painful ending, it is responsible for every act throughout our histories. Am I crazy or did not the last Cannon of the New Testament give us a way out of this ultimate madness? If two thousand years wasn't enough time to allow us to follow the Will of God to prevent man's stupidity from ending in our demise,"what will the next two thousand years bring to help us open our eyes?" That is, if we use this time wisely to prevent the inevitable...

 Our Creators and their subordinates are not sitting on their hands as they observe our mortal behavior. There has always been divine influence in one form or the other; the God's undoubtedly want us to succeed in our progressive nature, however, it is more of a spiritual guidance than a material one. I personally feel the visitations by extraterrestrials cause somewhat of a different viewpoint for humanity; as they (E.T.'s) are strictly a science based phenomena unrelated to world religions. However, there are extraterrestrials who are concerned with our spiritual void, though not allowed to interfere according to the Galactic Federation by-laws. Although there may be rouge extraterrestrials that have done certain things outside the same by-laws they are suppose to uphold; as in abductions, which they do, this is like the 21st century Wild West; like E.T.'s exchanging technology for abductees. It isn't too far fetched, humans have been expendable for the last 5,000 years (and war has been a perfect testament for this). There are at least 12 to 13 different types of extraterrestrials on this planet coming and going for thousands of years. Bear in mind this is all strictly scientific and has no bearing on spiritual activity; aliens are just as curious as we are, when it comes to God and the after life, which is why there was so much activity in Egypt during the Pharaoh's heyday with an afterlife. Many respect it's place and of course many are just like the humans living on this planet, who respect nothing but monetary value. Behavior is behavior, no matter where you come from. Spiritual evolution can only take on its completed action towards Light and Life when the planet has not been corrupted by outside negative influence; i.e., The Lucifer rebellion.

 It makes you wonder about Hitler and his involvement with E.T.'s; his scientist were just as crazy as the E.T.'s who needed bodies for experiments. Think of it, it was an even trade off for the Third Rich; look how far advanced Germany was by technical standards. I am not in anyway using the graphics of Hitler's insanity to detract from what went on in his camps; after all, " he was the devil with no disguise." I am merely stating what went on with the science of the Third Reich; and the U.S. should know, they acquired the majority of Hitler's brilliant minds for what they were worth (Operation Paperclip, wasn't it?).

113. When man became a conscious will creature with the recognition of mores, this clear indication of moral reception in the human mind of the evolutionary will creature inaugurated the potential to be Godlike with the inception of divine attributes as was/is intended by our Creator's.

 Thus, the potential man of God was now at liberty for spiritual inception and preparation for God's spiritual emulation. Moreover, the indwelt spirit was now receptive to divine ministry.
 The philosophic attitude of the evolutionary will creature is the direct result of divine ministry at work within the finite mind. Only a moral being of God can place value on the concept of deity purpose and expound on this purpose through philosophic interpretation.

 These concepts of morality and value in the histories of Biblical records were developed as part of humanity's ideals and placed into perspective after the fact. i.e., the Book of Psalms, Prophets, and Proverbs are masterpieces deriving from divine inspiration. Spiritual ministry is God's revelation to the evolving soul of humanity; which is why the Book of Revelation remains consistent with the history and progress of humanity when written. However, do not entertain the idea that God will with-hold wisdom from the God-conscious child who seeks His truth. The greatest act of God for humanity is allowing us to partake in the development of the Grand Universe. God's promise to His child of destiny who's potential to be Godlike in their endeavor, is for us to perfect and become a part of God's orchestration for the uplifting of our planet, to become part of the Light and Life as other perfected planets throughout the greater universes, to be inclusive in part of the Grand Universe.

 When the God-conscious personality decides to submit to the Will of God altogether, God will become a totality in the finite mind. Now all concepts of value are revealed through supreme ministry as a divine precept from God to humanity, i.e., creating a new path in revelation, "a new prophecy."

The Will of God is always the same, unchangeable! The Agape love of God is always the same, unchangeable! However, God is not a stagnant Creator; He will continue to create throughout eternity as part of His consistent character.

The soul is evolving in a reciprocal cause of you and God. This beloved is not a prophecy; this is your reality in "real time." Your experience in the flesh is God's experience in the spirit. He indwells the human mind (the soul) that center of consciousness where all moral consensus takes place. Moreover, your actions as a God-conscious child should reflect the Father's Will; what you say and do towards others, precisely as Jesus revealed to humanity. Jesus introduced mankind to the Heavenly Father; for God so loved the world,  He accepted the inherently weak and feeble man created in His potential spiritual image, that being: humanity, for the purpose of a mutual relationship.

114. The Heavenly Father's Paradise Isle is the Master Blue Print for every universe in existence. The revelation of the Universal Father's true nature and character in our human history has been impeded time upon time by the human ego and its unpredictable behavior. This comes from men throughout history who have never been able to accept something greater than themselves.

 The reality of revelation was/is God's warning to us. It does not mean God wants us to experience these written warnings. These are called predictions for a good reason; so we don't experience these warnings through our neglect and what may come about from our ignorant and neglectful behavior. Through our greed and ignorance, we are setting things in motion because of our insensible behavior in our primitive state. Why do you think Nostradamus made so few exact predictions; as a doctor of medicine and human behavior, most of his premonitions derived from the repeated actions of human behavior; he studied human behavior of humanity throughout his lifetime. He knew humanity well from his overall study of human behavior and mankind's repetitive actions, and most of his predictions weren't exactly on target but extremely close, all because he studied human behavior; we are the most predictable animals on the planet in the overall behavior of humanity, not necessarily individual predictive behavior, moreover, total behavior of mankind in general. For example; man's inability to think for himself. When the boss called for war, there was never any question as to why? Man's bellicose nature made it abundantly easy to recruit the mental midgets needed for such cause.

 The prophecy written in the Bible is not there because it is something that must come to pass. All of these things in the Bible are traits of humankind repeating their inept behavior over and over again. These are things that we are responsible for inadvertently or otherwise. There is no getting around it, when Jesus came to this planet, it was a mission set long before the creation of this planet. Remember, God knows and sees everything from the beginning to the end of our time because of His concern for us as His children. "The Paradise Isle is safe; 'as long as it has been in existence, which there is no record of it being created' There has never! And I repeat, there has never been a default, or anyone angel, or subordinate of God that has been led astray in or on Paradise, EVER!!!"

 This planet will never be in a position to attain Light and Life status among other planets which are settled if we continue on our destructive path. The process of Light and Life is a universal affair that takes place with the dawn of God-consciousness. Where every single soul on this planet eventually becomes God-conscious with the Will of God.

 Also, it is a process that begins with the dawn of human consciousness and the recognition of God's Will as a universal affair for the greater good of an entire Universe. Our planet started with the right intentions, unfortunately, "The Lucifer rebellion" put a severe damper on Michael's plan for our world to align itself with God's Will, and, we have been in a sinful stage of quarantine, since it's inception. However, we remain in this dreadful status from sheer reluctant ignorance. Why wouldn't we be in quarantine? It wouldn't be fair to expose our sister planets with our sinful nature, "backwards that we are."When we think of human hate, bigotry, mass hunger, wars of profit, destroying the very place we call home; would it be fair to expose our behavior to a planet living in perfect harmony?"I believe this falls under common sense; or for the pragmatic, "practical living."

 The revelation of prophecy for human behavior is redundant and fashioned for that period in our history. Revealing unchanged expression; our Creator's spend unnecessary time revealing our errors to a reluctant race of people, who by now know the difference between right from wrong. It is through reluctant behavior that we become the focus of attention for the entire Grand Universe to witness. We should be very much ashamed of ourselves for a planet that have come so far technically and yet falls short of spiritual realization as a whole. Morally and spiritually bankrupt! Crude as it sounds, this is a fact!

 The pragmatist is not to fault for our histories in prophecy or divine revelations. The pragmatist is merely a player in the game of life taking up space while trying to come up with practical solutions through their philosophical endeavors. Prophecies were always directed towards the religionist; the religionist accepts by faith all prophecies that are written because they are in the Bible; herein lies the dilemma. Although predictions have proven the validity of it's value in the past, it does not necessarily reveal all prophecy as coming from divine input.

115. God has indeed raised His prophets and for excellent reason. God's prophets, that is, the prophets given divine foresight were His elect in propagating truths for all generations of time. In other words, if you observe the coordinate actions of those prophets in the Old Testament; each prophet picked up where the other left off. Most likely because they kept getting taken out (murdered) by the people they were sent to warn of their short comings (namely the Hebrew Nation).

 These prophets were merely reflecting the light (knowledge) of their day, in light of their intelligence. There was never an exact timeline in prophecy; moreover, the message was always the same. Think of it as an S.O.S. in reverse that was never received, except, God was not calling for help. He was sending it?

 In all their vain efforts to decipher specific passages of the so-called Holy Bible, humanity has always precluded their common sense. How many suggestions does it take before you get the message?

 The prophets of yesteryear have done their jobs. God never made it impossible to understand human behavior; the message by each prophet was always straightforward. The significance of each prophet may have played into their time frame for their intended purpose; however, how many ways can you say, "Hey, brothers and sisters, you're screwing it up, get it together, before you hurt yourself through your reluctance?" Revelation derives from the word "reveal," God is doing this through His elect — revealing what will take place if you are not in alignment with His Will and love for one another. 

 That was the exact intention of the message (maybe not in these words, but you get the point) each prophet proved to proffer in the course of their delivery. However, not all prophecy was intended to expose humanities shortcomings. The birth, life, and death of Jesus Christ were prophesied in the Old Testament of the Bible. I'm speaking of those Canons that were in the original records before great, and many manifolds got the best of them.
 And with this knowledge comes the evidence of Jesus' real-life mission. The interpretations of prophecies suffered greatly in the hands of those who altered it's pure form; not only did the translations suffer, the various religious clergy also wrote in their sermons what they understood in their interpretation according to the light of their day. We have much confusion which abounds in world religions because of these actions.

  21st-century humanity must face the fact, our history has been re-written over and over until it suited those parties of interest. The interpretation of Scripture has always been wide open to scrutiny when it concerns religion and humanities tie to it.
  Prophecy is a very controversial topic in this time period when such appears to be happening in our world of hypocrisy. The prediction has always been controversial all down through history; which is very interesting considering most prophecies  occurred throughout the Old Testament of the Bible before Michael's (Jesus') arrival. Which within itself speaks volumes, because all prophecy pointed in one way or another to the impending arrival of Jesus Christ, aka the true Messiah. A particular which is necessary to read between the lines, literally!

116. The controversy that surrounds prophecy is never ending. Perhaps the most intriguing fact about prophecy is the mystery that follows each prophet in its wake. When studied with spiritual discernment, we see the prophets in the Old Testament were in fact given a direct mission to follow. Most of the prophets in the Old Testament had been raised to heed warnings to the Hebrew Nation (early Jews) about their misdirection of their original calling. However, every prophet suffered at the hands of those people they were sent to warn.
 Needless to say the Hebrew (early Jews) were slow to learn, considering they slew every prophet sent to warn them of their shortcomings. They honestly did not want to hear they weren't doing God's work; "why do you think Christ was crucified?" Truth is truth no matter who is delivering the message...

 Prophets were raised over centuries, not only for their premonitory power, but to reveal God's truth to the intended people of that time frame and subsequent generations. These were God's elect whom He chose to bring His wisdom of truth and message of divine importance. Rest assures Michael's (Jesus') hand was shadowed in each prophecy that foretold of his coming, after all, he was before the foundation of this planet earth. What better way to set up the panorama of history in prophesies and then come to fulfill them? We’re not these his words? "I came not to change, but to fulfill the books written of me” and "Before Abraham was, I am." Clearly indicating his presence before all that transpired.

 Prophets played their role throughout history; almost every prophet in the O.T. suffered at the hands of those who thought they knew more about God, than God knew of Himself. Unfortunately most prophets were viewed very skeptically, due to the infiltration of charmers, soothsayers, shaman, and the practitioners of the black arts; prophets were regarded with very little credence.

 It was generally after they were murdered they were looked upon as true prophets by those who disregarded their warnings. How credulous is human behavior? History speaks for it-self. Let's be honest with our selves; how else would we know about each prophet in the Old Testament, unless their was someone in that time period to write about them? The irony of the entire episode of slewed prophets, were the writers of the Canons for each prophet was written after they were murdered, not before; written by those who slew them, how crazy is that?

 Before the incarnation of Michael as Jesus, most prophets either appear to have been instructed by an angel, or divinely guided by a celestial personality; the writers of the Old Testament call these voices God.
 The writers of Biblical Canons which recorded their interpretations of the prophets always alluded to God as personally speaking to each prophet, as evidenced in scriptural interpretations. It must be considered if only for clarification, the time period in the history of human evolution when various learned men wrote about their ideals; there were even fewer who actually knew how to read about them. Which is why most interpretation was in oratory form from generation to generation until man became adept in constructing a method of writing, teaching, and learning, to pass on knowledge.

 Many people in the day of Jesus' mission on earth hungered for truth, because so few were educated; education in that time period was for the wealthy and considered a privilege for some cultures who could afford to be taught (almost as it is today with the elite and our educational system in the
U.S.A?). This is merely an example; the wealthier you are, the better class of education you receive (this is fact!). However, the Jewish homes in that period of time were pretty proficient in home schooling as well as the schools for the Jewish youth who were mostly taught about God's law after they learned to read, which the Jews truly shined in their method of home schooling.

117. If these prophets were instructed and divinely guided, they were done so by celestial associates and or subordinates of Michael (Jesus). Divine personalities in our universe are under the sovereignty of Michael (Jesus); so all mandates are decreed by Michael before enactment by any such angel or celestial entity. God-fearing people neglected their prophetic warnings and most prophets were honored long after their death; it was the validation of their prophecy that revealed them as prophets; this is in the Old Testament all down through it's history and for every prophet in its wake.

 More importantly was the aftermath which history failed to omit; the relentless killings of these prophets, were the same prophets who would foretell of the seed of David, (which of course Jesus wasn't) who would establish the throne of Jerusalem; which was to be a material establishment according to their belief; as a true bewilderment, the Jews would utterly confuse the establishment of a material stronghold, which would never come to pass. Interestingly enough is none of the murders of each prophet had been omitted by the writers of either Testament. To this day, the Jews are still waiting for the coming of their Messiah to establish a material stronghold. This failed foresight would cause the Hebrew Nation to question their actions with the crucifixion of Jesus after the fact. They, the Jews may have missed this notice because neither of Jesus' parents were from the direct bloodline or house of King David. The interesting fact of all this crazy action, is the writers who revised God's request for the Hebrew to carry God's words to all people, was never done; had they left well enough alone, their descendants would have never made the mistake of thinking they were God's chosen people, and they probably would have had a better reception down through history...

 The Jews were in mixed emotion as they began to question their so-called coming of the Messiah that would establish Jerusalem as a powerful kingdom that would prevail from the lordship of the Roman government rule. This fallacy was nothing more than wishful thinking for the establishment of the throne in Jerusalem. The Jews lost their momentum with the ministry of Jesus Christ because it caused dissension amongst the Sadducee's and Pharisees, and other Jewish sects who were at a division with the prophecies in scriptures. The wonderful news Jesus proclaimed was that of "everyone being a child of God for God's salvation," and occurred through the simple act of faith and a rebirth of the spirit; as well as bringing mankind together through the act of a true brotherhood to validate the Fatherhood of God.

 The Sanhedrin finally came to the point of ignoring their sacred laws to dispatch Jesus Christ. Those who were willing to do whatever it took to rid the Master and his divine truth of God, now a complete threat to the Jewish nation and all their beliefs, traditions, petty laws, and more importantly their monetary establishment, which to them was the most important threat. You do not mess with the Hebrew bank!

 Prophecy in Biblical history has been so altered the Jews honestly believed they were doing the work of God, being His "chosen people" and exempt from the world. This particular is what caused their persecution all down through their history. In point, they put themselves in the position to be exempt from the world through their convictions; they caused their own oppression and persecution. It is not strange that humanity questions behavior, when people act no different today than they did two thousand years ago; history has changed; the world has changed; the human ego remains the same as it did two thousand years ago, "it has not changed." You cannot go around shouting to the world your God's chosen people, when in fact, God never had chosen people, then or now! More-so, when you write your own doctrine to verify the words you push upon people with simple minds who never questioned this great hypocrisy, it leaves very little to be desired.

 The prophecies in the Old Testament were pretty clear despite the altering that took place to embellish certain factors that have never been verified to be the word of God. The birth, life, as well the cruel nature of Jesus' death was foretold. One need only read with spiritual discernment for the full effect of these prophecies decreed by Michael and the Spirit of Truth that will assist you in your search of truth.   However, it would suffice for you to read a Bible printed before 1914 for a look at a little less dogma colored to suit its cause. "The Twenty Four Holy Scriptures" (the Masoretic text) will give you a bit more truth and a little less dogma. (Reading the forward of this Bible will provide you with a clear indication that it had been colored to suit Christian Dogma) "written in the forward verbatim." This is a fact! However, the Canons from the 24 Scriptures read from Kings to Malachi. The Old Testament as the KJV had been written to embody the "chosen people concept" that was in fact, a prelude to the "living word"  Jesus, which became the New Testament of God.

Jesus Christ was/is the New Testament of God as is expressed by his presence as the Light of the world (again, "light had come into the world, but the darkness comprehended it not" John 1:5). Although some religions would view Jesus as a prophet; this, of course, would be the cause of limited comprehension, and lack of spiritual realization. The Bible reveals the Master's reason for his revelation of God as the New Testament; however, there is a lack of lucid interpretation for such cause due to so much alteration and coloring to suit Christian dogma.

118. No prophet in the history of the written Bible or anyone on this planet has portrayed the characteristic trait, nature, and power of Jesus; no one to date has accomplished what Jesus did during his life on earth. In his actions and passages are the underlying mysteries of God in the flesh, his ministry simple to comprehend, as his wisdom left all with a thirst for more.

 In contrast; if the prophets in the Old Testament with the ability to foretell of God's words in the coming of His Son Jesus; then to what effect is Jesus, who spoke with divine wisdom, healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, raised the dead, who, ultimately laid down his life, only to take it up again, as promised by his own admission...
 The life of Jesus Christ is the living testimony of God the Father as expressed in the Son of God, who fulfilled the Will of God as written by the prophets who were given these divine truths to prepare new generations for this New Testimony of God in the flesh.

 Prophecy is an example of God's ability to use His children for the greater good of spiritual attainment. In other words, today's prophets are children of God who's spirits are in alignment with the Spirit of Truth. When aligned with the Spirit of Truth (the Spirit of Christ) God will reveal truths as they are; you will discern truth as truth, as it was in the presence of His son Jesus during his mission on earth to represent the Father in every aspect of emulated cause, a perfect representation of God the Father's perfect Will.

 The Book of Revelation has had humanity in its grips throughout history foretelling end times as interpreted by various scholars who interpret their profound comprehension in the fashion they understand.

 However, in the Book of Revelation in the New Testament; it is evident this compilation of information was written for the comprehension of mankind in that period, and what followed in sequential events. The interesting fact about the Book of Revelation is the contents revealed by the writers who incorporated John's so-called visions to fit into a neat kaleidoscope of events we readily accept as prophecy. However, if you read the entire Book of Enoch, you will find an uncanny resemblance of the prophecy in Enoch's book, and the book of Revelation in the New Testament. (In consideration) The Book of Enoch was written thousands of years before the writing of Revelation in the New Testament. Something to consider...

 In the New Testament book of Revelation, except for the encrypted passages written by undocumented writers, what is written are prophetic warnings about human behavior in the day of their visual signs. John may have written about his stay and experience on the Isle of Patmos, but, there is clear evidence of embellishment by subsequent writers, as third party inscriptions prevailed in their interpretations.

119. Bear in mind, the Book of Revelation was written way after the departure of Jesus. Jesus lived a religious life to perfection; his message was always clear with no confusing words, only truth.
After the crucifixion of Jesus, upon his resurrection, thousands of believers saw him within months.
Why would he allow himself to be crucified after his divine ministry to a listening world, only to send a revelatory message to John in an encrypted form of garbled mystery to John's imprisonment; to later be deciphered by modern scholars? Does any of this make any practical sense? How would this serve a purpose to anyone in any time time frame? "This is for the pragmatist..."

 Moreover, according to most scholars, this revelation is from the Lord Jesus; the same Jesus who preached a very clear and profound truth in every message in which he spoke; the same Jesus who as Michael would send forth prophets with a very clear message directed towards the Hebrews and the people in that time period. Jesus spent his last remaining years with his Apostles and disciples teaching them many truths not revealed to the typical person during his ministry, many facts that weren't revealed to the public; or written in scriptures.

 As most who read the Book of Revelations make the honest attempt to decipher the mixed message and hidden meaning of the Canon itself, they miss the entire point of its context. The exposition of revelation on which Jesus expounded upon (not to be confused with the last book of the New Testament) was/is the culmination of events that would transpire in the end times with his potential return. It would be of no surprise if John took the information Jesus imparted to all of his Apostles and pondered on the return of Jesus while John was on the Isle of Patmos; after all he was exiled and alone, and he, Jesus did promise to return at some point when these trials and tribulations would occur in the last days of man.

 Jesus, when asked when he would return, again explained to his Apostles as though they were children; "Look for the sign of the times, signs of war; nation against nation, sons turning on their fathers, fathers turning on their sons, brother against brother." "When the world is in turmoil 'as a woman giving birth in her last moments of delivery with the growing pangs of pain' look for the Son of Man." They took his words out of context, because they assumed he would return shortly after leaving, as many of these things may have been happening already; which is why he said, I must go so that I may send the Teacher, that Comforter who will come in my place, the Spirit of Truth; which in fact he did on the day of Pentecost (one of the most important days in the history of this planet).

 John was the youngest of the Apostles and one of Jesus' first chosen as an Apostle along with Andrew and Simon, thus, John was very close to Jesus, (and although John may have had reason to believe Jesus loved him exclusively as is written in the Book of John, I can assure you Jesus loved all of his Apostles equally). With the incorporation of what Jesus taught about the end times and his promise to return, one must consider John was on the Isle of Patmos for around four years during the reign of Emperor Domitian (there are no original records of his stay) he certainly had Jesus on his mind the entire stay of his sentence, as well as the time spent with Jesus; John's release came after a new emperor was put into play. Pay close attention to what is here expressed; Jesus as our Creator-Father knows what goes on in his created universe. He sees the beginning till the end of all planets in his sovereign universe. Reading everything Jesus spoke is left with no mystery as to why there is no contradictions in his words, nor anything that he backtracked from. He knew what would transpire after his departure from this planet; he knew there would be world religions before and after the fact. He knows all i.e., an attribute of God who is able to see the future and past simultaneously, just as the Universal Father. It wasn't exact science knowing Jesus would speak of end times "unless he saw what had transpired in his mind before hand." Think of what I am saying in regards Jesus' words, and how he phrased them knowing what is happening to his creation at all times...

 Perhaps John had visions and they may have been dreams; however, one thing is sure, Jesus would have never sent a quagmire of a riddle to his youngest Apostle to write so the world would later solve, when he clearly revealed his truth during his earthly ministry to present God's nature and character to the world for all generations of time. What is written in the Book of Revelation pertains to that time period as evidenced in the letters to the 7 churches of Asia; which definitely appear as though there was significant animosity directed to the seven churches in Asia, because the Churches were being conducted by certain Apostles, disciples and followers of Jesus, whose teachings were not in line with Jesus' original teaching's as John would remember. "Losing your first love" was an indication of Jesus' true teaching's while his followers were with him in the beginning. Hence: "First love."

120.  A unique parable used by Jesus to express the analogy of end times was the comparison of a woman in labor; whose pain would increase until her point of delivery; this parable was an analogy, not an encrypted message. Jesus merely compounded all our trials and tribulations so that we may be aware of his potential return. He never set an hour or date of his return, only that we should be prepared "as a bride for the groom." This analogy represents "happiness" as the engagement of two people coming together for life. The return of Jesus may be more complicated than humanity is led to believe, but his promise to return isn't.

 If you are preparing for your ascension, it should not matter what happens on this planet. If you are in good standing with the Will of God, then you have no worry. Jesus used this analogy to all people for all generations of time. And can only be affected by your actions towards your neighbors; there is no other way to prepare yourself in "girding up your loins;" you should always be ready for God as Jesus instructed with the Christ mind he so valiantly revealed.

 Theologians spend countless hours of research trying to pinpoint a timeline of Revelation while losing focus on the true meaning. Revelation is a timeline of histories taking place throughout time in our backward little world. All that is needed to understand the present is to see the past. The letters written to the seven churches in Asia in the Book of Revelation were letters to the churches in that day they were written; back then, when Jesus' followers were thus creating a new doctrine without even realizing it

There was much turmoil after the departure of Jesus, as to how Jesus' affairs were to take place. Jesus' Apostles by now had gone their separate ways, to establish their own following; which is how the quarrels began between churches in the Book of Revelation. In reference to "Losing your first love" directed at one of the Apostles who paired up with an Apostate Jew to create a new understanding of the words of Christ. The meaning behind the Apostle losing his first love was forgetting the original Testimony of Christ to be used as a standard in practical ministry; which is how the the animosity began between the Apostles; who began taking shots at each other through their letters, in the original language, in the original text.

 There is, in fact, no indication as to when the Book of Revelation was written. Not in the original scriptures. And, notwithstanding, there is very little information about the relationship between John and Jesus, which brings to mind the apparent factor of third party inscriptions. John or any of the Apostles never wrote a single word of the New Testament; these books were all written by third parties; this is a fact!

 John may have inspired the Book of Revelation, but I can assure you, Michael (Jesus) did not participate in such a revelation that would put humanity in such a state of questionable state with all the riddles which are typical of mankind to enshroud God with such mystery.

 It must be brought to light, Jesus used parables when in a mixed company during his preaching. He never taught his disciples or Apostles to use parables. The use of parables by the Master was for the enlightenment of those who hungered for spiritual liberty; while creating confusion for those who were present opposing the teachings of Jesus. You cannot possibly have the spirit of knowledge without your faith in God; God will only reveal Himself through His child of destiny promise when their belief is a solid conviction of spiritual realization and true faith.

 Jesus never left any writings on anything that would have been permanent because he knew the fickle mentality of human behavior to worship anything and everything they consider holy; after all, he created us, so who would know better about human behavior? This may be why his Apostles being with him all the time refrain from doing the same, out of emulation; not because they knew Jesus' reason for this action; Jesus at no time did he ever reveal to his Apostles why he left no writings behind, nor did they ask him; Jesus' Apostles were only following after his example in not writing on anything that would be connected with Jesus, which may be why none of the Apostles wrote about their account with Jesus while they were with him. Moreover, there is some scripture in the New Testament, where Jesus said to a few of his Apostles to "tell no man" about certain events that had taken place "until after I am gone" which they took to heart about writing as well.

 Therefore, with what John wrote while in exile has no doubt been distorted by subsequent writers who embellished John's expose (if in fact, he wrote any or all of the Book of Revelation). John was the youngest Apostle and a fisherman by trade, whose older brother James Zebedee was also a fisherman by trade; both Zebedee brothers were limited in education despite their religious convictions both growing up in Jewish homes and having the boat building trade in a family business, receiving instructions from Jesus in oratory fashion. The Gospel of John was written by one Nathan a disciple of John Zebedee, who John instructed in the writing of this Gospel before John died, John was in his nineties at the time of his passing.

121. There is indeed a prophetic message in the Book of Revelation when viewed in a perfect medium, and that is, unless there is a complete spiritual awakening in our confused and backward planet, we will, without doubt, fulfill prophecy and all it's impending doom because history has verified this fact.

 Of course, there is no exact date or time factor for the Book of Revelation, but there is one compelling fact of wisdom to consider, for the overall picture it indeed paints, when discussed in depth; devastation is devastation, regardless of who is responsible. Revelation is an enlarged warning of our ultimate demise if we continue on our course of self-destruction as is now noted for all that is currently happening. Also keep in mind, it makes no difference where you are when it comes to fruition, here or on Mars; you will be held accountable for all in your life. Look around you my beloved? This is no prophecy, this is a fact!

 This is only a hypothetical speculation; if I came to you fifty years ago, and explained to you that I had a vision about the war in the Middle East, and saw the twin towers being struck down years before the fact; would you consider my visions after they came to light, or would you look into them? How about my explaining to you I had visions about the collapse of Wall Street before it happened, would you listen to me or write me off as some kook? This is in fact what prophecy is in regards to what has been written in Scripture. By telling you before the fact of what I had seen in my visions, would you not consider them as warnings? As I have previously stated, these prophecies were warnings and should only be accepted as such; if taken lightly, then you are to blame for these actions you so blindly deny.

 Note: The culmination of total events should be heeded; this is what Jesus was talking about, again, Jesus never lingered on end times, he merely used it as a reference for his potential return, and what would occur if humanity went contrary to the Father's Will. The Book of Revelation is a clear representation of those writers who loved to create mystic in cryptic form; as is indicated in the last book of the New Testament. Consider the source, and then ask God to open your spiritual eyes; you may be surprised at what you will then understand after you consider those mentioned above.
This is the revelation of Jesus; this is the Will of the Father.
 I am curious to know, is it possible that mankind can make prophecy to fit today's current affairs, as oppose to affairs befitting prophecy? Yes! Of course they can; it only requires the study of scripture to fit the ideal occasion. This proves the ignorance of man to follow the folly of what they consider truth. Again, all prophecy is, are the warnings of what took place in the past. It's called human behavior. Again, who wrote the original Bible? Consider the source, as old as human behavior. It's in man's nature to kill one another; wars have been going on for years, thousands of years... Again, there is no chosen people. All people are the children of God; Jesus thus said so!!!

 Footnote: For those who are entirely interested in the Book of Revelation from the New Testament: Read the Book of Enoch in its entire content, more so, if it is a copy from Ethiopia, and there you will find how the book of Revelation possibly came about for its structure; as the Book of Enoch was excommunicated from the church before the completion of the KJV. As mentioned beforehand, "when it comes to man's credulous nature, he has all the answers." Credulous (accepting and believing anything without sound proof).


    "The reflection of God in service to your brethren"  

122.   Service to and for humanity is nothing less than described; however, it is a form of glory for God in which it becomes a condition once purpose reveals maturation of God's children to serve one another, as it should be in the act of providing a need to someone who can benefit from your service (serving the spirit of God within). Purpose is the crucial factor in creating service towards your brethren as you are emulating God's true nature in the cycle of life in serving one another.

 The air consumed by the living creatures and inhabitants of earth serves the life function of this planet, which in turn reciprocates the carbon dioxide needed for the trees that provide us with oxygen; this interchange of gases by the earth vegetation and life forms that breath this much-needed air is a perfect cycle of reciprocal service, which was/is intelligent foresight by our Creator's. All life on this planet and our oceans use the reciprocated method going on for millions of years. This should be a supreme reason for protecting our planets Eco-system, so it may continue to provide what all species have used from its vitalized implementation for all of our sustaining years; "so we may continue on with our survival." This is the right of every species on this planet, if only to survive the life we have been given for a continuation of all species in every generation...

 The cycle of life is also evident in the rain that serves the soil, the soil then serves the seed, the seed then serves the plant or tree, the tree or plant in-turn serves the fruit or vegetable, the fruit or vegetable which serves mammal for sustenance; again, a perfect cycle of service revealed by intelligent design; a predetermined function of service in the cycle of life. The earth's vegetation is the most prominent feature of reciprocation; the rain forest is the perfect example for the cycle of life in action. Also we must not forget a big part of the oceans plankton and other marine microbes and plant life which continue to work in reciprocated action providing our planet with 50% of our oxygen. So much intelligent foresight in the reciprocation of earth and humanity that we take for granted, without so much as a why? Or a thank you to the Gods for their glorious gesture in keeping humanity alive, through this wonderful foresight in the creation of a planet with self-sustaining abilities. It wasn't a punishment for man to till the ground, it has always been for self sustaining purpose.
 Although we as a species have done nothing to continue on with the earths cycle of reciprocation, we are no doubt regretting not listening to all of those who tried fervently to warn us of global warming. This is called "reluctance & denial" which humanity has always precluded for a lack of intelligence, it is easier than a practical solution to fix the problem; however, in this case we are now facing an impending doom that is irreversible. (Fact!) This action in today's world is an obvious feature of mankind's greed to act out without so much as a thought for every other entity...

  Jesus Christ came to serve humanity with the expressed truth of the Father's divine Will, and in his truth, he taught most importantly of our coexistence in brotherhood through the act of service and love for one another.
 It was/is the intention of Michael (Jesus) to express God's Will in showing us how to live by the example he set forth while in the flesh; this he did accordingly and is unsurpassed by anyone to date. By his living standard "we can change" the entire planet of human beings to live in purpose for such cause in serving one another as was/is intended by our Creators for the continuation of life.

 The sacrifice Jesus made was never a relinquishment; he gave of himself as a loving sacrifice motivated out of pure Agape love. Jesus revealed true Agape love and the realistic attitude of selflessness in his acts. A true benevolent service that begins in the heart of Gods child of destiny, with a love and desire to uplift your brethren (neighbor) in every sense of the term. Jesus was/is our divine example, a living example to be emulated throughout every generation of God's children in the making of our spiritual history.

 Every act expressed by Jesus was the desire to perform God's Will in the form of service, this is irrefutable! Jesus revealed God's character through his undeniable act of love in the service of teaching, healing, aiding in any way possible to everyone he served. More importantly, he expressed service in his most humble attitude, even as the infallible Creator of this universe. He expressed the virtue of Our Father in the form of Agape love, as if God were physically here Himself; Michael in the expression of Jesus, stated in his own words: "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father; for the Father and I are one." Again, a sound justification for who the Father was/is through the benevolent act of His son in the flesh. The Father revealing Himself through the Son.

123.  Jesus' motive was/is supernal and selfless in every way because he lived by the Will of the Father; God's supreme nature conditions this divine act in the perfect fashion of Agape love, which is unconditional in a supernal state. Jesus sacrificed his heavenly position of sovereignty to live amongst his creation as a living example as God, for God, and his (Jesus') own creation.

 Humanity is at the top of the animal kingdom on this evolutionary sphere of ours, yet, animals which are studied in their natural habitat, instinctively shelter, protect, and serve their offspring until survival adaptation takes precedence.
 All animals share this inherent value, including homo sapiens. What separates the line between human beings and the lower animal species is the nature of nurturing offspring after initial delivery. All mammals prepare for the birth of their family in different ways; however, they all share the collective behavior of preparation. Again, the difference between animals (lower species) and humans, is the unpredictable behavior of human beings after initial delivery of a new born.
 Morality is a specific behavior we hopefully teach our young at an early stage in life, as we prepare them for the real test of survival. In this test of survival comes the obstacle course of life that help human attributes in the forming of character, perception, mental value and the true test of compliance.

 Society in today's world is far surpassed even by Biblical standards what morality and value genuinely stand for. Moreover, the action of serving each other has fallen by the wayside in our unconscious world as witnessed in the current state of affairs. Social consciousness will always be in grave danger when society as a whole cannot discern the demoralization of its borders as they crumble amid it's infrastructure. "Social degradation stems from the neglect of self-respect." The human ego, leaving no room for spiritual inception, is in a state of constant self. Human desire has run amok in a society beset by it's dark propensities in the want of more; social adult behavior has now surpassed the average child who seeks excess, only to discard the effects of their desire through boredom; creating more problems for our planets pollution, from this neurotic behavior in human excess. This my brothers and sisters is not quaint behavior; it is anything but self-respect for our planets survival; allowing our planet to suffer in light of what we know as a progressive species what is wrong at every turn...

 Each generation has proven to be faithful to its environmental montage of technological progress (Garbage). If a child is given technology before the introduction of values and spiritual purpose in the receptive stages of life, how is it possible to instill service and spirit purpose after the fact? How do you compete with this? How can you instill a spiritual (positive) affirmation in your child after you have presented a negative one to the same child? My new phrase for "negative enlightenment" the definition of confusion in the tolerant mind of a child.
 Society must take responsibility for the repercussion of it's actions. Every generation is a behavioral product of it's predecessors. To ignore this factor equates to the antagonistic behavior society accepts as normal in social growth. Social antagonism is viewed with very little skepticism because it is not the individual's problem. The fact is, it is a collective problem which stems from individual neglect. The current cause of global warming is everyone's problem; to neglect a problem is equal to the contribution of another. This is fact! (The applicable "broken window theory")

 We have now come upon the age where God has become a reality in our lives because we know. Serving humanity is an ongoing contribution throughout your life and should be regarded as part of a necessary condition in human growth. Service is a necessity we unfortunately take for granted. "You don't know until you know." In other words, why wait for your spiritual wake-up call, when you know in your heart God wants to be in your life, to work through you, to connect with you and all of His children.

 Society continues on the verge of implosion from the simple act of neglect. Individuals who faithfully attend their church ceremonies  making sure all eyes are fixed on their tithing practice, are the same individuals who proceed through the rest of their week with their busy days, walking past the homeless, shunning the poor, frowning on the less fortunate and destitute (about 10% of the earths population) when in fact you are the solution to the problem you refuse to accept all around you. You pretend all is fine in your perfect world because you attend church on whatever day you believe feels right for you, as the world continually turns with every potential problem in waiting. Keep in mind while you sit in church in your favorite dress up; people are dying from wars, sickness, starvation, tornadoes, hurricanes, flash floods, tsunami's "oh yes" lets not forget our pandemic! Believe me when I say, we are far from over with our so-called pandemics, that we assume derive from animals because we are told; "the animal in question is MAN."

 Heed well my brothers and sisters! It was you whom the Master referenced when he cleansed the temple of its viper's and "money changer's" in the synagogue when he mentioned God's house being used for trade "As a den of thieves and hypocrites." How different are you when you attend church only to release yourself from the automated personality you've become by the propensity to participate in church for your ascetic purpose, only to continue on your quest of being you when you have left the house of God? Hypocrisy at it's best...

124. The"Brotherhood of humanity" is a fallacy when the lifestyle of the individual contradicts the life Jesus lived during his mission on earth. As a living example of God he served his creation in all he said and done for human emulation. It was for humanity Jesus came to reveal the true living God. Service for one another will always be the ultimate reason for life where-ever it so exists!

 Do not entertain yourself for one moment in thinking God is overjoyed with your 10% tithe to the church of your choice, while you walk away with your attitude thinking you have done something that warrants His attention. You are delusional to think tithing is a replacement for service. Serving one another was/is God's intended plan for you; this action should begin right here in the flesh, where you are becoming you; your personality and character are forming and expressing who you are as a person; you are serving God by serving one another. Moreover, remember you are serving the spirit of God that is in each child of God that is like (you).

 In serving one another, you are doing God's Will as you prepare yourself for spiritual ascension. Nonetheless, you will always be serving in God's domain; this was a finite proclamation of Jesus while in the flesh. The Hebrew developed the tithing practice before they changed to a monitory exchange system hundreds of years later that would defeat the entire purpose of tithing as a practice.

 The practice of tithing is completely out of control. Tithing was the first of cattle, harvest, and it also included the firstborn son of man that was given to God in a spiritual gesture for the life He has provided you and your family. As usual, somewhere down the line it became a monetary practice that had nothing to do with God; and many manifolds took hold of the people's pockets, and forgot about their spirits. It is indeed true the preacher is worthy of his hire, but where does it begin, and where does it truly end?

 It is essential you understand, if you choose to serve in the kingdom of God, you must severe yourself from the material values that surround you. Our Father's kingdom is a spiritual domain He fills on every level of total-existence! Which is where you begin your journey of service for God here on earth in service to your brethren; as you serve in the material realm in preparation for the spiritual realm, it becomes your true aspiration for the benefit of your ascension goal.

 When you sacrifice the material for the spiritual, you must first understand what constitutes a sacrifice, and what is your sacrifice? And, is your sacrifice a sacrifice, or a relinquishment? Relinquishment is a reciprocal gesture in which the recipient receives something for what they have given up (hypothetically). However, sacrifice, a true sacrifice, is motivated out of love in which nothing is expected in return for what you have given up. In the divine sense you are sacrificing the material for the spiritual in your gain for eternal life. Suffice to say this would be the most worthwhile sacrifice of any sacrifice you will ever make for yourself. This would be between you and God in the understanding of your solemn sacrifice for your gain in spirituality.

 The unseen force which indwells every child of God is the extension of the Father's spirit. God-consciousness is the value of divine cognizance in recognition of your spiritual affirmation for your position in the Father's Universe Domain. You have now become conscious of God's divine Will and its applicable purpose in the flesh as you learn the virtue of service and its universal meaning. You will continue to serve God through the course of your ascension in attaining God the Father for that ultimate stage of fusion (the final embrace of the Father) at the end of your ascension; the beginning of your adventure in service for God and all of your spiritual brethren.

 The only approach for the Will of God is faith. (as an example) The simplicity of faith is in a child's love. A child's dependence on their parent is grounds for sheer acceptance in the action of the child's love without motive; however, the child is unaware of this faith they have in the purity of their actions. Jesus said: (as stated before) "You must receive the kingdom of God with the faith of a child." It is through your total faith in God in which you reflect a child's innocent gesture of receiving God as Jesus instructed. The bottom line, you must become like a child in thought, not as a child (in terms of their innocence) if you truly want to enter the Kingdom of God. This is precisely what Jesus meant! As in the kingdom within the construct of your soul; where you initially begin to work with the Spirit of  Truth to join with the spirit of God who indwells you.

 Today's child is tomorrow's treasure of God; which is why it is of the utmost importance you instill the art of service in the child's attentive lifestyle you are raising. Service to humanity should begin in the child of destiny, as in teaching them to serve their brothers and sisters in the flesh. To help one another is to express God's purpose in the Grand and Master Universe He serves as our Creator; thus, you are teaching your child to emulate God's nature and character.

125.  Service should express the sincere desire to enrich the human soul with God-consciousness. In serving the human need to excel, you must first serve the spirits need to transcend. A model for the entire universe since the beginning of creation and the law of God's Will applied to His creation.
 The evolution of the soul should grow with the inception of the spirit's drive; this is dedicated purpose for the child of God to serve the spirit in God's spiritual kingdom; in helping one another you are evolving the soul towards it's state of eventuating, a specified, yet, slow and perfect process in God's Grand Universe.

 When Jesus served human affliction, the act of healing displayed by Jesus was not as important as the faith the afflicted held in their conviction. It was never about the power he possessed; far be it he was trying to reveal his divine authority when he attempted to keep everyone from talking about his miracles. Did he know people would go about proclaiming they received his healing? Of course he did; his reason for telling them to tell no one was to keep them focused on their personal faith in God which was the actual healing process. Jesus forever stated: "go your way, your faith has made you whole." Which was exactly that; without their faith, they would not have received the healing, which is why Jesus would never attempt to heal anyone who did not have faith in God, as he taught them to have through his ministry. "The woman with the issue who tried to buy her healing with Jesus; Jesus saw into her soul, this woman was without any faith in God." The issue was that of her continual bleeding.  Jesus knew what her precise problem was when she made the attempt of offering Jesus money, and continued to offer him more when he expressed "he couldn't" Jesus had the same attributes of all the Gods who could read anyone by simply looking within their souls.

 Jesus was a man among men; his humble attitude left nothing to the imagination; every action was in the form of service to his "own creation." "How much clarity is needed to define the cause of this God-Man Jesus?" He did what he set out to do; plans that went into effect before the foundation of this planet. "Why is there so much confusion about his revelations and cause in the flesh?" Notwithstanding so many religions which disregard his truth! Jesus never pointed to himself for self aggrandizement; his proclamation was "If you see me you have seen the Father, for the Father and I are one" meaning: his presence negotiated the Father's word in Jesus as the New Testament of God for the reality of God's true self in relation to His creation.

 Jesus made it abundantly clear for his purpose on earth; it was not for redeeming humanity at the behest of some angry God; it was not for any ransom; it was not to die for the sins of humanity at the behest of our Father for the sins of two individual's! It was about revealing God's true nature and character as a Father to all of His creation; it was to show us how to live by the example he set forth as a Son of God. Again Jesus said: "The Father gave mankind to me as a gift; and no one shall pluck them from His hands" (God's hands) It was/is for the Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ; and more importantly, the rebirth of your spirit and your true faith in God as your Father! So we would recognize our true brotherhood through the Fatherhood of God...
 Brothers and Sisters our Jesus came to reveal to his creation, that being you and I, how to live according to God's Will so we may learn to treat one-another with the same faith we have in God. Remember, what is written in the Bible regarding the words of Jesus Christ; reading his words will give you much more clarity in God's plans for you and the Master and Grand Universe He upholds, especially if the words have been printed in red ink; these would be the words Jesus Christ spoke verbatim.

 My beloved, think with your heart (mind), with what I'm about to tell you. The writer's in the context of the ancient manuscripts have selected Canons from the pervasive Scrolls of history for their version of the Bible with their purpose and control over their fellow human beings, all in the name of religion and it's underlying agenda. And forever bear in mind that, the entire Bible was written by man!

 Self-service has nothing to do with the enlightenment and edification of God's children. When led astray and contrary to the Life and Teaching's of the Master, Jesus. There is only confusion and discord amongst God's children and for excellent reason.  This is one of the reasons why Michael (Jesus) elected to come to this planet of profound confusion; not because of the so-called sins of two individuals, that had no effect on an entire world of people as we are led to believe, but rather, to reveal to the human race that we are all children of the Heavenly Father through creative intent and our faith attainment, with the employment of service to one another as he taught humanity.

126. When submitting to the
Will of God for ascension status, we in fact are secured for our soul survival; this is our realistic goal for soul transcendence within our short life span. Jesus came to reveal the possibility of a "new heart (consciousness) and body" of which we attain upon ascension. He spoke in a future timeline when he was present here speaking to his children of destiny promise. "I go to prepare a place for you, where I will receive you unto myself." However, this message was for all generations of humanity, for all ages of time. Which is why Jesus said, when your time is through here and you are secure in God's love, Jesus will be there awaiting for you upon world dispensation; for the time this planet and all evolutionary worlds within Jesus' sovereign universe, will be resurrected as Jesus promised, and the sleeping survivors of each evolutionary world will come-forth. These sleeping survivors are the those who revealed faith before their final sleep (cessation) death.

 How could it not be? Coming from a Creator Son of God who rules this universe, who knows humanity from beginning to end. God's foresight is unquestionable; rest assure the exact words of Jesus Christ (that is, his words spoken verbatim) when spoken, was/is nothing less than the Will of God expressed to His children of destiny promise; Jesus was always about the Father's business; and after-all, this was His business, as our Father who kept His universe in perfect order.

 In serving his creation, Jesus taught the possibility of son-ship with the Father by the union of a true brotherhood, in that we are all brothers and sisters in the family of God the Father; there is no other way to justify our being a family other than to serve one another through the art of a selfless brotherhood.

 In essence, Jesus' performance was the example of service; service in his selfless act of God's perfect Will. Service is the cosmic cycle in the realm of the Father's universe; reflecting the cohesive value of God's love to His entire universe of will creatures, perfected and evolving.
 The entire universe of the Father's domain is a form of service in the face of the Father's divine plan; it is harmonic equipoise orchestrated for such cause as the Father so Wills.

                                                             "So Be It"


                                  SEVENTH REVELATION

                                       The True Religion of our Creator-Father:

                                                                Jesus the Christ-Man of God Part                      

127.  Humanity need only do one thing to succumb to the understanding of a true brotherhood, and that is coming together as a Single Spirit of God in spiritual unity. Jesus forever taught about the potential of son-ship status for the child of destiny through the art of a living faith in God and being reborn of the spirit. Moreover, Jesus was/is the author and finisher of a real living faith in God; every act of Jesus was/is based on the trustful faith and power of God's Will. Jesus is now there to receive and guide you towards your ascension status and the re-birth of your spirit in preparation for ascension.

 Jesus expounds on truth by revealing his faith in the Father's Will for all to witness. His journey in life was/is a testament of the Father's reality in the flesh; a formula predetermined before his physical bestowal (arrival). It is unfortunate that many writers later embellished the New Testament with so much confusion; defeating Jesus' cause of revealing God's true nature and character to this world as well as the universe which surrounds it; revealing his true purpose for his bestowal upon this planet.

 In other words, the religion of Jesus almost overnight became a religion about Jesus. He was diverting the attention away from traditions and negative doctrine; he truly established himself as the New Testament of his living example, in revealing a religious lifestyle along with his living testimony. Jesus created a religion that enhanced one's spiritual purpose in serving God here on earth — breaking away from traditional ways and Biblical laws. The flesh of Jesus being made the New Law of God was analogy for the purpose of human understanding; Jesus became the New Living Testament of God's expressed word.

 The religion of Jesus was/is a stark contrast to the doctrines that were created by the Hebrew nation and those writers of subsequent generations before the arrival of Jesus. God was given human characteristics according to the understanding of mankind in the period in which the Scriptures were first presented, because of man's inability to know God spiritually. Man had just cracked the Genesis of spiritual relativity; in searching for the Universal Father outwardly man stumbled upon his creators search inwardly as was meant to be, which should be accredited to one Melchizedek the High Priest of Salem, later called Jerusalem.

 Jesus' mission was misconstrued, as he revealed God; and the more he tried to express the true nature of God, the more he was worshiped as God. Jesus is a God; however, he is not "The God" as in the Universal Father of the Grand and Master Universe. He became a religion overnight (hypothetically speaking) representing God in truth and acts performed to perfection; many of his followers began to think of him as the Messiah. In a spiritual sense, yes he was/is the Messiah; in the physical sense, no he was not the Messiah who came to sit upon the throne of King David as expected by the Jews; which is how the confusion of Jesus came about; certain Jews thought he might be the long awaited Messiah who was to establish the throne of King David, to rule over all as the Old Testament implies. However, it was sheer misconception for the Hebrew a thousand years before the arrival of Jesus, who became the source to upstage their race, because God had nothing to do with making the Jews His chosen people; yes, they were in fact chosen, but they were chosen to carry God's word to the world; unfortunately they stop short of the world and concentrated on the phrase God's chosen people. Always consider the source of your information before you go flying off into some vortex.

 Also, those who knew Jesus during his professed testimony were focused on his divine being and forgot about his human presence as he went about teaching in the realm of the living for this reason. Had those in attendance paid attention to his lifestyle in his religious venue, they would have realized he in fact taught and preached from his human perspective; going about as a living example for God in God's true character, always about the Father's business as expressed through His son. God literally spoke through the mind and spirit of Jesus; reiterating the words, "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father, for the Father and I are one." Again, "The least you have done unto your brethren, you have done unto me." Everyone has the spirit of God within them, this is how you affect God when you are going against your brethren.

 In perusing the Old Testament we find most of the written doctrine pointing to the coming of the Messiah; and Jesus as the Spiritual Messiah, points to the Father; expressing "the Father and I are one." So in essence, when Jesus said "I am the bread of life" "the living water" "the desire of all ages" this was/is God (hypothetically) speaking through Jesus, who is the actual "Bread of life." In other words, Jesus represented God to perfection. Jesus, after all, is the only gateway to the Father as is stated by his own words: "No one shall get to the Father except through me."Jesus did not attempt to dogmatize God's word with this statement; he merely placed into perspective, a true fact! He came as the New Living Word of God's testimony. "The Word made flesh." So, this statement made by Jesus was referring to his testimony in his truth to reveal the Father's nature and character in expressed words to God's children. Revealing again, God is an experience; in alliance with your spirit here and all through your destiny to attain perfection. As God is spirit, there is no other way to attain this perfection other than what Jesus confirmed in his testimony; following the Will of God...

 The seed of David is what the Jews were/are expecting; a conquer of the Roman rule, who will sit on the throne of David. A large portion of the Jews were clueless, completely forgetting the Old Testament was written by their forefathers; moreover, had the Hebrew done their research they would have come to find neither of Jesus' parents were from the house of David's bloodline. Some Jews after the death of Jesus were frantically searching their sacred writings for a clue as to who the true Messiah could possibly be. And how he, this new Messiah, would effectively bring in the inauguration of a New Age, in the spiritual sense Jesus laid to follow in the example of his life, which they completely missed. Bear in mind, the Old Testament was written by men as the inspired works of God. It was a group of men who wrote the Messiah would come to sit on the throne of David and remove the Roman authority from the Jewish neck. These men were of Hebrew descent; so anything written in that period of time would have been accepted because it was in the doctrine of the scrolls written by man. Notwithstanding, the word of God was first expressed through oratory fashion; as man had no way of writing his ideas down as a form of their history until they gained enough traction for such action.

128. Jesus illustrated a profound lifestyle in the example he set forth. The depth of his teaching's is in the Spirit of Truth. The Spirit of Truth is the spirit of Christ poured out to his receiving children on the day of Pentecost. This was the promise he made of being with you in spirit upon his departure. God's ubiquitous nature allows Him to be everywhere in time and space at once; Jesus, on the other hand, must use the Spirit of Truth to connect with his creation. This intricate mystery can never be understood by a non-spiritual person. This is why we pray unto Jesus for our supplications, as you would be using his spirit to communicate with the Father.

 The reality of individuals rooted in Biblical knowledge is limited by the writing of man in the light of his day when he understood God to have human attributes and a physical nature which the Jews applied to God's character. The Bible's Old Testament is a compilation of writers over time, who, some inspired, some not, wrote for the edification of their ego. Which is not a complex understanding; the Spirit of Truth (Jesus' spirit) will lead you always to the truth of God. 

 The Jews were the only culture that clung to their delusion of a Messiah that would rescue them from the persecution of the world which they brought upon themselves. Jesus had come and gone; the New Testament now becomes overlapped with the traditions of the O.T.  If you invite the spirit of Jesus for spiritual discernment, God will reveal what you are capable of understanding. Think of all the analogies Jesus made in reference to his words being altered i.e., "new wine into an old skin, which would burst," the way old religion is now completely causing the new word of God to burst.

 The only Canons that have any significant foresight would be: The Book of Psalms, The Book of Proverbs (a masterpiece) and the books of the Prophets. These books were for the intended soul of humanity and for the Jews who were having a hard time trying to be "God's chosen people." The Books of the Prophets written in the light of their day and later embellished by man's agenda are very revealing. Every time you revise something religious, written over a two thousand years ago, you are going to have "great and many manifolds;" (changes) that is colored to suit particular dogma; no doubt it was the agenda which intended to change the perception of God's children. By any means necessary.

 The Book of Psalms, Proverbs, and the Prophets are the only Canons that make any Biblical sense in man's spiritual relationship with God. In spite of man's evolving attitude of God.

 There are many Canons in the Old Testament that have spiritual luminosity, but, enhanced with human propensities, evident of the period in which they were established. The Torah (first five books of the Bible) paints a picture of the Hebrews attempting to develop a direct bloodline from Adam and Eve to King David. The Hebrews were notorious for agenda's; nothing was left to chance when it came to establishing a connection to God as a race of chosen people or "His chosen people." Notwithstanding, this was the first race of people who used God as a real estate agent to procure their land. He didn't rent, lease, or loan it to them; He gave them their land of milk and honey, according to the Torah. (again, consider the source) And what must be taken into consideration is the fact of the Old Testament being established by oral communication first and foremost. Moreover, because of the aforementioned, a two thousand year war (give or take a day) has been raging on over real estate and idealism.

 The revelation of information in the book of Genesis 1:1 is the first real clue that reflects man's creative ability to reflect his concept of creation. In retrospect, any child from the 21st century would have a similar imagination i.e. the writers who tried to piece together the act of creation. One of the reasons the Old Testament is so readily accepted by people of this current age is because it is one of the first or earliest transcripts to tell a story. The fact that it is a story about God and man is even more compelling. However, if you consider the source, is it any wonder why so many religions have spawned their doctrines of God's truth throughout time?

129. Michael (Jesus) used prophets like Elijah, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and Malachi to profess God's truth and enlighten His children to the best of their ability, in the light of their day. One of the many factors considered in the "O.T." is the time table for the Canons conveniently used as well as the scrolls selected from the library of Alexandria, or the scrolls that were carted off to the Vatican; which are the scrolls that did not burn in the Alexandrian fire; "go figure."

 It is no coincidence Jesus was born a Jew; this was all part of a larger picture in preparation for what God would be presenting to the world; In the new form to take place in the world as His New Testament; God's word being made flesh to reveal God's eternal truth. Think of the complexity involved in the time table for all that transpired?

 The Hebrew in the days of Abraham had the highest ideals of God in the light of their day. They understood Him to be more than just a Creator. They knew Him to be the Father of all creation; as well as Him creating all in the Grand Universe; truth taught to them by Melchizedek the High Priest of Salem (the towns name later changed to Jerusalem). Their teachings imbued the first reality of God-consciousness to the inner spirit that awakened their long slumbering spirit.

 However, with the knowledge of being chosen for this beautiful mission to carry God's truth to an awaiting world, somewhere down the line, egos were deployed with each passing generation. Before anyone knew what happened, the attenuation of these teachings became scripted to suit a cause; one that had been very convincing. Which is the story of being "God's chosen people" or at least that is the lie perpetuated throughout history. Especially if the Hebrew wanted to procure a large piece of land, which would be part of their agenda to homestead the "land of milk and honey."Who would question this major move, if it is a written doctrine and more importantly it is in the pages of the Bible; If it's written in the Bible, then it must be true, right? Uh huh...

 Or maybe it was one way of creating a tradition that would follow history? Think of how easy it would have been to homestead land in that period, and having a backup co-signer from the church would have made it all the easier. The Vatican had no problem with it, they homestead a city, built a wall around it, and proclaimed it in the name of God... To this day they are exempt from the world! And they are a sovereign nation. According to them, this was all God's doing. Europeans did it throughout Europe setting up kings and queens which people followed because they were backed by the church, so people believed it was God making these clandestine moves and found its way to America " in the name of God." I'm so happy this little fiasco never worked out or we would traditionally be drinking tea three times a day... Strange how traditions create certain lifestyles? "One lump or two?"

  After all, isn't that happening right now in the Middle East? All through Europe in the ages past? One of the greatest past-times of Europe's self proclaimed kings and queens is how they used the name of God to procure their positions of such status and then continue with the so-called royal bloodlines. People were very gullible in that period of time, and pretty much this day and age when these men of so-called royalty took advantage of the small minds as the age was rife for the taking. I believe it was called the Dark Ages (humor) because so few were educated and easily led? Yes, "I know there was a different connotation to the dark ages, however I choose to believe the dark ages were the perfect fixation of the wealthy hanging on to their wealth by what ever means at hand." Ignorance was vast in  400 to 1300 A.D. as the dark ages truly lacked of intelligence. A period when England's anglo saxson made a point to rule England as they literally changed it's dialect and speech. Of course this is the period when Christianity had it's darkest hour throughout Europe and one would think we still are in the "Dark Ages" because of what people believe in regards their history.

 One of the reasons Michael (Jesus) chose this planet was to inaugurate God's true personality. Moreover to correct the misconceptions taught about God in that time period when Jesus bestowed himself on this planet. Jesus was presented to this world as a helpless babe, and would learn all about humanity from the experience of being as one of his creations. As Jesus or Joshua Ben-Joseph, Michael would get first-hand experience as a human being. And learn what makes humankind behave the way they do/did in that day when they were still searching for God.

 Bear in mind, Jesus first went to the Jews to bring this new doctrine of truth because he was born a Jew. The Jews were waiting for their Messiah to come and sit upon the throne of David and destroy the oppressive Roman Government who had their power over the Jewish province. Because this was in the Old Testament and they were following it to the word! Which they called the Letter of the Law. However, it was the letter of their law; not the law of the land or God's law for that matter. This conflict of interest has always been between church and state...

 Jesus' own family and town's people where Jesus grew up had somewhat distanced themselves from Jesus because they could not comprehend his cause in the flesh; they were hoping he would be the deliverer promised in the O.T. However, they were confused about what God had planned for them as a spiritual delivery for the whole planet; not one race of people. The people from Nazareth thought Jesus was beside himself because of his advanced teachings; "A prophet is never without honor save his own home."His mother recited her experience of Gabriel's visit who expressed to her about the child she was to deliver as the savior of the world, which she held on to throughout Jesus' young adulthood.

 Before Jesus was bestowed on this planet, he would continually send prophets hoping they would spiritually enlighten the Jewish people they came to warn. In the hundreds of years of misdirection the Jews underwent, it is of no wonder they genuinely believed in what they thought. Jesus had his work cut out for him trying to convince the Jews of their misunderstanding of God as a Father to every person on the planet, and not only the Jews.

 When the prophets brought God's insight to the people they were sent to warn, did they listen? No, it was easier to kill the messenger; however, the message always remained safe, safe enough to be recorded in scriptures, the true irony of human history. One would think to omit the killing of the Prophets all through the Jewish history as it would be told. I guess any publicity is good publicity as long as it is written for history. As I have mentioned: "No foresight whatsoever."

130. After the departure of Melchizedek, the High Priest of Salem, the Jews decided it was time to slowly crystallize, and fossilize God's truth into what they considered the word of God. Bear in mind, this was a long process throughout Jewish history, long after the life and death of Abraham. The majority of all their early teachings, being oral, created much confusion with unanswered questions for the later generations who perused the Old Testament and its continued contradictions the Vatican swore were nowhere to be found...

 Jesus, in his former spiritual life as Michael, symbolically chose the Jews. In his spiritual preexistence, Jesus made a point to select a race of people who truly worshiped God as a Father figure, to carry the word of God to the world (which they failed to do). Melchizedek would teach Abram (Abraham) about the one true God and Father of all life. Of course, this was all an afterthought due to the default of Adam and Eve and the Lucifer rebellion. With all of this in mind, you may have somewhat of a window into our early religious years.

 Jesus was born a Jew as most would understand, however, he had a dual nature (not like ours). He was born of the flesh, a real mother, a real father, from an actual conception; which is why in his later years he would take on one of the titles of "The Son of Man." However, it was his spiritual side, the indwelt spirit that preexisted in the life of our Creator-Father Michael. Jesus never really knew of his preexistence until about the age of twelve when the Arch Angel Gabriel announced to Jesus that he was a child of destiny. Jesus' parents knew of this destiny from the same announcement made to Mary after she conceived. Jesus' earthly parents were preparing him for his future until Jesus became conscious of his true destiny. 

 Joseph's death, Jesus' earthly father, died before Jesus became a man. There was no father to influence the destiny of Jesus as his parents would have believed when Jesus was a child. Joseph died in an accident during his occupation as a carpenter while working on the palace of one Herod Antipas.

 When Jesus became aware of his divinity, his consciousness was now in direct commune with God the Universal Father, the same Father Jesus knew in his spiritual preexistence; thus, Jesus was now ready to prepare himself as a Son of God to preach good tidings to all of God's children.

 Always and forever remember, the Spirit of Jesus has been around for billions of years. His personality, once recognized by the inner mind (spirit) of Jesus, was becoming conscious of his purpose for coming to this planet. Jesus, throughout his lifetime on earth, had legions of angels watching over him; no human could ever see them; however, they were there. One of the reasons Jesus would go off by himself to the mountains was to communicate with The Universal Father and Gabriel, the commander in charge of Michael's Angels. Gabriel would keep abreast with Jesus the goings-on of his created universe. Jesus would speak with his Heavenly Father, making sure that he was abiding by God's Will at all times? Being about the Father's business.

 As a Creator-Son of God, it was Jesus' previous experience as a Son of God, that qualified him to express the Father's true nature and character. Not only creating and managing a universe of his own but becoming one of his creations. His mission started with the Jews because these were his earth parent's people by bloodline.

 So what began with Michael's decree through Melchizedek was brought right back around to Jesus as a fulfillment. Think of the complexity involved here? When Jesus was in position as Sovereign Ruler of this universe; he sent his angels to the prophets of that day to warn the Jews of their misdirection. All the while he was setting himself up to "fulfill the books written about him" in his own words through his admission he stated: "I came not to change but to fulfill" and "before Abraham was, I am." The two-fold mystery here was Jesus leaving his sovereignty (the mystery of God giving His Creator-Son to the world) to become one of his creations. Jesus earned his undisputed title as a Creator Son. He corrected the confusion humanity had brought on themselves with their many gods and other unfortunate factors Jesus had to contend with.

 You may have difficulty in comprehending this, but, Jesus never revealed these truths to the layman of that period in time. When the average human being was trying to figure out if there was more to life than what existed at that time. It wasn't necessary for the people in the western hemisphere to know of Jesus. His doctrine of truth would eventually find its way all over the world as it has to date. Jesus was already aware of this two thousand years ago. Which is why people all over the earth believe in Christ, because of his simple message of his one true theme "love" for the true brotherhood of man that was missing from humanity. Jesus never in his whole ministering life ever declared anything other than truth and brotherly love for everyone on this planet.

131. Jesus was not a prophet; but, he was closer to God than you or I could ever be. Jesus knew eventually his word would find its way world-wide. Jesus understood human behavior like no other, after all, he created us; but, more importantly, he came to experience being human, to live amongst his creation, to share in our experience of living, our emotions, our desires, our temptations. God forgives humanity through His Son, who thus prayed for the forgiveness of our actions because Jesus understood the fickle state and condition of humanity.

 All of the souls on this planet were/are the created children of Michael (Jesus). However, they would never comprehend this same Jesus was/is the Creator Father of our universe. Jesus could not possibly profess such advanced claims to the people of that time frame for several reasons:

   1. The Lucifer rebellion abolished the possibility of Light and Life for this planet through disharmony and chaos.

   2. The attitude of selfish sin and the human ego had set its course through humanity and displaced spiritual discernment and spirit realization.

   3. The pompous attitude of the Hebrew sects with the Sanhedrin courts, the Pharisees along with the Jewish nation, were already deluded with grandeur of a material kingdom and a Messiah to fulfill their concept of prophecy for an earthly king to deliver them from the very place they put themselves. Just because the Jews blew the chance of being the world saviors, they should not have gone throughout history shouting "we are God's chosen people" because they weren't. So in their clouded minds for their continual announcement to the world; well, use your clever imagination. You would not go around saying this in that time period; why do you think they were persecuted? It's called a self inflicted wound. Many a Jew finally woke up and caught up with the world, which they now have a new spiritual attitude which includes all of God's children. They continue to be in my eyes, a very consistent people in terms of giving God praise, and live and always have lived a very religious lifestyle; without the peculiar traditions (and animal sacrifice).

   4. The layman of that time frame who were spiritually hungry accepted Jesus as the Son of God because of their spiritual discernment. They would have hardly understood him to be the actual Creator of this universe, much less this planet; which is why he never mentioned it to them. He did phrase particular meanings to the indication of his true identity. However, none received this information by the intellect of that time; "The Lord God has given mankind to me as a gift, and no one shall pluck them from His hand" "Before Abraham was, I am" "The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath." Jesus phrased this during the mission of his ministry. Again Jesus adopted the title "The Son of Man" from the "Book of Enoch" a cannon excluded from the very extensive Bible, along with hundreds of other scrolls that did not make their way into the So-called "Holy Bible."I say so-called not to demean the book, moreover, the writers who took what they needed and discarded the rest from hundreds of scrolls that existed at that time, were the writers who pushed for the Jews as being God's people which made everyone else a gentile or a dog. The Jews didn't care for anyone outside their people. They taught there children the same blind ethics and bigotry. As I have mentioned about children who learn from the ones they revere; if you are not teaching them the right way of life, they will perpetuate the understanding of their adult counters in their home environment, which is the hate and prejudicial behavior adults seem to carry with them throughout their lifetime.

 Jesus spent much of his time trying to instruct his Apostles with truth, knowing full well they would struggle with his interpretation of the word. Jesus never crystallized a belief in one truth; it was never to augment one reality over another. He taught of the living experience of truth revealed in the Father. He expounded on the art of living these truths through the altruistic certainties of a true brotherhood.

 The true religion of Jesus abrogates any slavish law or mental bondage perpetrated by those who refused the word of God's Son; as so it is written, "if you cannot accept the word of the Son, you do not accept the word of the Father who thus sent His son for this purpose." He taught freedom of living through the act of faith in the Father by merely following the Will of God. In this action alone, you are securing your spiritual future by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the living word of the "Eternal Father."


 The Old Testament has six hundred thirteen man made laws to abide by; this was to honor God? Jesus certainly paid no mind to the many so-called rules of the Hebrew, which were practiced by the Jews accordingly. It was/is his contention to forfeit these laws that enslaved the believer; he would instead fulfill the Will of God by freeing the spirit with divine truth and a living faith.

 The Old Testament took its origin in that period in which each writer proved to enlighten the God-seeking soul. These Canons do provide some form of chronology to the extent they reveal the progressive nature of the evolving soul (consciousness) of man.

 In other words; if you study the chronological order of the Old Testament, you will discern the progressive nature of man's attitude in understanding God. Despite the teaching's of Melchizedek; who taught Abram the knowledge of God as the Father and source of all creation. Which is why some of what Melchizedek taught, the Jews retained, thanks be to Abraham.

132. However, The Old Testament offers an excellent clue to the writer's imagination and attitude in their understanding of God. As time proceeded, so did many of the translations that were embellished or omitted when presented.

 The Old Testament is one huge question mark. I, for one, can assure you that our Heavenly Father, or our Creator-Father Michael, or any divine personality would never sanction the destruction of any city, nation, people, or person! So, inasmuch that is written in the O.T. about wars or destruction, God had absolutely nothing to do with such nonsense that contradicts any action of His Agape love. To suggest God had a preference of people on this planet is foolish. An individual with spiritual insight would understand otherwise. One reason a layman of today believes the Jews were the chosen people of God, is because that is what the Jews want you to think. As I said before, consider the source of these written stories and present your own conclusions.

 God through Michael chose the Jews, but, they missed the point of their chosen mission. The plan was simple; the knowledge the Hebrew was given was the divine wisdom of God to be given to all nations, people, and tongues; which would have been the prelude to the beginning of something very good and divinely positive which they failed to do. In the larger picture, Jesus did fulfill the prophecy and the books written about him. So, since the Jews may have failed in their mission, Jesus the King of all Jews did not! When reading with spiritual discernment, you will find the latter to be the exact truth of our Creator-Father Jesus.

 The Old Testament provides a glimpse of truth in its provision of stories in the light of their day when written. Actual relations of God and the individual as a Father figure, as opposed to some barbaric controller enjoying a panoramic view of His creation destroying one another in the name of personal convictions. How simple minded any one person can be to think God would punish, ban, or sanction the death of someone; this is all man's behavior because of his free will and nothing more; it is man that creates wars, famine, hate, bigotry, and the worst act of all "climate change" which no one on the planet can complain about; as innocent families die in third-world countries; who will accept responsibility? that's easy, " it's everyone's fault;" if your not the solution then your the problem. SIMPLE!

 The writers, in their most imaginative minds, could not have picked a better subject to write about. All of these writings are of those who earnestly searched for God, inclusive of the Books of Prophets. Most of the Canons are of strong Biblical content concerning man's concept of God in that period in which written. Moreover, we should never discount the Canons that were either destroyed in the Alexandrian fire or omitted by those in ecclesiastical power, which killed the accurate interpretation of the real and true Bible. "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth," which could have been a good acronym for the title.

 God has never been a stumbling block for anyone with the aspiration to seek Him out and do His Will. The endeavor of man to find God's truth, reveals the spiritual trait within the mind and soul of humanity to search for their Creators who created you for this purpose! Jesus came to build on the hearts of humanity that already existed within their searching souls. Jesus merely expounds on the possibility of son-ship with God through his new doctrine of truth. In his most humble attitude, Jesus exclaimed: "No one shall get to the Father except through me" This was not an appeal for self-aggrandizement; this was/is an exact truth! It was about him coming here as the "New Word of God's True Testament."

 The presence of Jesus in his time frame merely coincides with the divine plan of the Universal Father. Jesus came to reveal the nature and character of God, nothing less, and everything more. The evidence of his reluctance to be made a king in the feeding of the five thousand x 2 speaks volumes for his existingcause.

133. If ever there was a man who professed a repetitive statement of a spiritual kingdom, it was/is Jesus Christ. However, his Apostles who manage to misinterpret most of what he taught, recorded only some memories remembered collectively. Of course, the Apostles never sat to comprise any information about their experience with their Master as a collaborative story that could be used somewhere down through history (which would have made the reality of Jesus, much clearer). Think of what it would currently be like regarding the Life of Jesus had his Apostles wrote about their affairs while they were with Jesus, all during their time with him. Moreover, after Jesus' last showing of his self before his final departure, the Apostles split up and went about creating their own church of followers; which became a whole lot of animosity as these Apostles started insulting each other instead of coming together to write a collective thought about their experience with Jesus, which is clearly evident in the Book of Revelations. (7 churches in Asia)

 Bear in mind first and foremost (again) Jesus never left any writings behind of any sort, and for an excellent reason. To leave any scripts by Jesus, would cause humankind to continue in the wrong direction. Mankind with his fickle state of mind in worshiping the unknown, as they do now with the so-called Holy Shroud and other artifacts that are believed to be holy. This would confirm why the Apostles never compiled anything in writing in following their Master's example during his short lifetime. Jesus had a reason for not leaving anything in writing behind; the Apostles didn't. Moreover, Jesus could not ever express to his Apostles how the future of mankind would play into view with the worship of inanimate objects, like they do today, go figure?

 Moreover, Jesus would continuously move away from traditional behavior and incorporate his new teachings for the current lifestyle of the Apostles. However, Jesus had many problems with their inability to absorb such advanced lessons. His Apostles manage to overlap the old traditional ways of the laws of the scriptures which they held on to and incorporate them into what Jesus taught. The New Testament was written by third parties, including the book of John, which appears as though he wrote it, he didn't.

 It didn't help much with third-hand parties writing the New Testament. The Apostles relied on other individuals for help in trying to relate their experience with the Master and what he taught them individually and collectively. All of the Apostles trained from the Old Testament. Except for Matthew Levi, the only non-Jew who had his experience translated to one "Isador" who wrote the book of Matthew from Matthew's encounter with Jesus.

 John the Baptist parents were devout Jews trained from the Masoretic Text of the Masora tradition of the Hebrews. John was trained from this text for his lifelong commitment to the priest-hood of Jewish tradition. Elizabeth, John's mother, was a first cousin to Mary, the mother of Jesus. John became the forerunner of Jesus in proclaiming the coming kingdom at hand. John knew in his spirit that his cousin Jesus was the long-awaited Man of Salvation. This fact would become exclusive when John baptized Jesus in the river Jordan, and heard, "this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, pay him heed."

 John, the forerunner for the Son of Man's ministry, would coincide with what Jesus was about to introduce to humanity. Jesus never spread his ministry until after the death of John the Baptist. John only questioned the divinity of Jesus once. However, the message  Jesus sent to his cousin John was all he needed to hear, to affirm his belief in his cousin the true spiritual Messiah. John's incarceration had to do with his strong personality and his ineffective way of dealing with Gov. Status. Jesus knew John was going to die; John knew he was going to die. Which is why John told his followers "I must decrease so that he may increase." John told his disciples this, because it was important they understand why Jesus did nothing to free John from imprisonment and eventual death.

Jesus was more than capable of freeing his cousin from his predicament; however, it was the Will of God which kept John from freedom, as every act of God is precise in divine context, and unquestionable by anyone.

Footnote: I must profess again as a reminder of the light I am attempting to shed on human history. The Jews after the death of Jesus had many problems because of the Sanhedrin and those in Jewish authority. They are truly the cause of their downfall.



               The True Religion of our Creator-Father: Jesus the Christ-Man of God    
                                                    Part 2 Continued...

134. One of the most significant gestures ever made by Jesus was to ordain twelve ordinary men (all being layman in God's truth) into the spiritual kingdom of God as his Apostles. In doing this, everyone and anyone had the potential of being a disciple (student) of God. Jesus not only chose these twelve because of his need for the help he foresaw, also helping these hungry souls understand there is no division amongst God's children. In some way, this may have caused a problem with the Jewish authority, who accepted only learned men of the Torah to teach the word of God in a open forum (outside the Temple). Learned men of the Torah should only minister God's word according to Jewish law. Jesus knew what he was doing; one of his greatest attributes was his keen sense of reading people; literally seeing through the core of their consciousness. I believe his choice in recruiting ordinary men was a slap in the face to the Sanhedrin, who believed no one but learned men of the Torah could preach God's word; not even women! Perhaps the Jews believed no one but those who studied the Torah were easier to control overall.

Women were also within these groups who helped Jesus serve, which was a questionable act in those days. Many of the ministry acts of service by women were omitted from the Bible, as the Jews believed no woman should ever minister God's words in a public or non-public forum. Because, according to Jewish tradition, "women weren't good enough to help minister the word of God." If ever there was a culture who held women down, it was the Jews; of course Jewish women would never understand this if these laws written by man, applied to them; men never had a problem controlling their women; it was easier to perpetuate the lie. Notwithstanding the Middle Eastern traditions of men in this current day, its a wonder they believe they are doing God's Will with how they treat their women. I will not disparage Middle Eastern women; however, through no fault of their own they are slightly 2500 years behind the times in a general sense. Moreover, Jesus never had a problem relating God's truth to the women's corps; this may be the sensitivity of women who believed in Jesus without question.

 The Apostles of Jesus were very dear to him, which is why he had so many problems repeating himself with the patience he employed. Trying to teach them a new way of living without incorporating the Old on to the New Doctrine he used with his Apostles. The Apostles were devout men of God who feared God more than they loved Him, which was due to the traditional ways of the O.T. Moreover, they still hadn't quite grasped the concepts of the Master who tried so hard to teach them about the all-loving, all forgiving Father in a reality, they would comprehend, much less grasp in that period in which they honestly tried to understand their Master, their Leader, their Teacher, their only connection to God.
 When you think of this moment in the lives of the Apostles, they were the only human beings to spend most of the remainder of Jesus' life with him (Jesus) in the flesh. I'm speaking on behalf of his conscious experience as the Son of Man and a Son of God.
When Jesus presented God to the Jews, to Gentile, and to every living will creature who existed in that period, he was presenting divine truth to an awaiting world, but also to a very traditional world locked into a crystallized format of exasperated Biblical attenuated truth.

 The concept of Jesus being the "lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world" was an afterthought by the 3rd or 4th century A.D. for religious Christians who followed a belief Jesus was, in fact, a sacrifice, because "this is how they perceived him." The Apostles held on to their old beliefs and incorporated them into their new understanding of God. There are many aspects of Jesus' words for his Apostles intermingled with the Old Testament. Peculiar habits; embedded traditions; which lay over the New Doctrine of Jesus. They have created much confusion for those who seek divine truths from the Bible as a whole. "Exactly what Jesus was trying to prevent." This may very well be one of the main reasons for breaking up the band, as they all had their own interpretations of Jesus' livelihood when going their own ways after the departure of Jesus...

 Remember, the term Testament is derived from the word "testimony;" which is how Jesus became the New Living Testimony of God for a New Age; in retrospect: "we weren't going anywhere with the confusion of the Old Testament before the arrival of Jesus." A stone-cold hard fact! The Old Testament was slowly added to the New because of the spiritual inability of those who tried to comprehend Jesus' cause in the flesh. As well as the restructuring of Jesus' words that somewhat defeated what Jesus taught to his Apostles. These revisions were made by the ecclesiastical powers that be...
135. As you peruse through the New Testament, you may vaguely hear Jesus and his testimony with God, for God, as God. In the Old Testament, the lamb represented unblemished perfection, which the Jews practiced all through their sacrificial lifestyle. Let's face it, the occupants of the Jewish temple did very well for themselves as evidenced in the charges against Jesus who called them on it. Whence, he cleansed the house of God, the day that went into recorded Biblical history. As I have said, there was little foresight in rewriting the Old and New Testament. Simply put, the writers who revised the Old and New Testaments never omitted half of the crazy acts they were responsible for, as they were hardly comprehensive in writing truths, and staying in line with half truths; humanity need understand, when you create a lie, you must follow up with a continual lie, or you will somehow foul it up; it's in our nature to do such things. The writers were only interested in relating their concept of God according to their beliefs. In as much as any real foresight is concerned, the writers truly believed in their ignorant acts, as proof positive written throughout the Bible? This is the great part of revising, no one's name is on the revision to be questioned. Simply put, it was every idiot without restraint responsible for the inept aforementioned...

 Jesus grew up in a very religious home; his focus at a very young age entailed him discovering his higher consciousness, that direct connection to God, which brought into play his true identity.
 Every action of Jesus was a perfect gesture; which brings to mind the non-blemished lamb for sacrificial rites. The Hebrews, as stated before: "Always sought a non-blemished lamb for the blood sacrifice." It was never a goat; the goats were used for the sacrifice of the people outside the court where the Jewish congregation would pray and listen to the passage of that day. The baby lamb was sacrificed for it's innocent blood for God on behalf of the high priest. The symbolic nature of the early Hebrews is phenomenal in comparison to what you may find in today's Jewish symbolism.

 If you know your Bible, then you know about the two sacrifices made at the altar of the Tabernacle for the people and the priest who held the sermon; the priest was the only one allowed behind the veil (The veil between the priest and the Ark of the Covenant). The Jews professed to the layman in that period of time that God was on the other side of this veil, and if you crossed over, unless you were a Rabbi or High Priest and taught through Judaic teachings, you could not possibly survive, and you would be burned alive. Needless to say none tested this theory.

 The baby lamb was for the blood sacrifice of the high priest performed for God, the goat sacrifice for the people outside the court of the Tabernacle. Two goats were in play for this ritual; the blemished goat on which the High Priest placed his hands on the horns, the horns signify the sins of the people; this goat would be set free to carry the sins of the people away; and the other goat with no horns, was a blood- sacrifice on behalf of the people for God? There were up to four different types of sacrifice, depending on the transgression for the people of Israel's congregation. Also, if you killed an animal for consumption, and did not bring that animal to the house of God for a sacrifice first, you were in contempt according to the laws of Moses. Think of how many people went starving to appease the Jewish law?

 With some of this in mind, you can see how the story of Jesus being the Lamb of God played into the original sin when you consider the writer(s). The Leviticus book of the Bible reveals the reality of man's imagination concerning God's personality. From the viewpoint of that time frame in their history, in how they continually approached God, as if He were a person and not a Divine Living Energy of Spiritual Intelligence. The Leviticus book of the Old Testament is miles and miles of blood sacrifices; so much blood, and so little time to focus on God's true nature and character. "If you can keep your congregation busy looking up, they will never see the truth beneath their nose."

 The revision writers of the New Testament incorporated Jesus as this sacrifice because they believed his crucifixion was symbolic as the lamb of God; the Jews were always on the look out for a symbolic meaning having to do with their prophecy. Jesus told his Apostles and disciples when his hour came, he would die and rise on the third day. However, only one or two of his Apostles along with Mary, the sister of Lazarus understood Jesus' words when he spoke in future reference about it. This only goes to show the extent of their intelligence. Notwithstanding, this act of Jesus being the "lamb of God" was created years later as an after thought for the crucifixion of Jesus; man's mind fast at work creating mystic for a religion gone wild...

 It was God's Will in which Jesus should finish out his career here on earth in attaining full sovereignty of this universe. To live and die here; the fashion of his death was that of man! Jesus' last words on the cross were, "It is finished." Meaning, his full bestowal of living and dying on this planet for full attainment of his created universe was "finished."His (Jesus) entire ordeal as a pre-existing spirit in a human body, was for the bestowal of Jesus' earth life to fulfill the Will of God, to attain full sovereignty of this created universe which Jesus as Michael created. God's Will was for Jesus to earn his status as a Creator-Father by living amongst his own creation to learn what it was that made human beings behave the way they did, and of course to put mankind on the right path to their Creator. This was the reason why Jesus left the Spirit of Truth for the world on the day of Pentecost, after his departure, as part of his bestowal plan.

136. By overlapping the Old Testament teaching's on to the Teaching of Jesus as the New Testament; the misrepresentation didn't take long to set in. Jesus taught all of his followers about God as our Heavenly Father and forgiver of sins and much more. Jesus wrote the Lord's prayer, "The Our Father" as a gesture of goodwill to humanity. Knowing God would forgive you, by you learning to forgive your neighbor in the same fashion of God's forgiveness. Pay particular attention to the phrase "forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtor." In other words, if you would like God to forgive you of any wrong, you must first learn to forgive your brothers and sisters in the flesh, or it is all meaningless; not only for the wrong that may have been done to you, but the way humanity is treating each other and the world in which we live on.

 Some of the New Testament teaches you Jesus was sent as a sacrifice to atone for the sins of Adam and Eve at the behest of an angry God. This teaching contradicts Jesus who was trying to teach the world about God as a loving and forgiving Father. In spite of what Jesus preached or how he lived among the people as a God-loving not God-fearing man. This is one of the primary reasons for his being here as a living example among his people; to live the exemplification of a true religious lifestyle as Jesus had done so flawlessly; it was the way he went about doing God's Will as the perfect example, as he revealed the Father's true character and mainstay of God's presence among His children; who better than Jesus who provided an excellent performance of God in his role as God? To state these words: "If you see me, then you have seen the Father, for the Father and I are one" his meaning behind these words were to show us who God is by the example of Jesus life in the flesh; Jesus lived a perfect life as an example of God in the flesh...

 Jesus (once again) was not sent here to appease an angry God in the form of some sacrifice. These words contradict what Jesus taught about the Father, and it would make Jesus a liar, wouldn't it? The writers of the Old Testament envision a God of wrath who demanded sacrifice and retribution for man's sinful nature. Thus, Jesus came to displace this behavior which beset man from God, from the ignorance of man's mindset. Consider the following: The great flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, The destruction of the Garden of Eden, The parting of the Red Sea; all through man's history in Biblical reference there is some form of punishment from God, written by the hand and mind of man; all coming from his warped concepts of what he thought of God; this was man thinking and acting for God, go figure?

Gen: 1:26 "Let us make man in our image after our likeness." The writers entertained the idea God had human attributes in that period of man's evolution. In point: "A jealous God" "a God of vengeance" "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; for vengeance shall be mine saith the Lord." Really? So God recited this to who? The Hebrew's God required a blood sacrifice according to their beliefs; the Leviticus book reads like one long blood bath of sacrifices that took part in a period when the Hebrew expressed their belief in their practice of God knows what? It is as though they practiced some form of "black magic" according to the intricate description of the sacrificial rites they performed. Notwithstanding the time frame in which these writers tried their best to relate their description of a God, they, and only they could understand. My question is "who was God speaking to when creating the world in 7 days along with mankind as a finishing touch?" And who was listening to be able to transcribe the word's of God?

 These writers attributed every human attribute to God's state of being from the propensity of human behavior. You need only read with spiritual discernment to understand the fickle nature of humanity; inclusive of their primitive and bellicose nature all down through history.
 The religion of Jesus clearly illustrates the Father's nature by the lifestyle Jesus lived, as an example to reveal the God he knew. The Father has no physical property; His ubiquitous nature is fully evident of this. The entire Grand Universe is God as the expression of Himself, God fills all, and He is in all, all revolves around Him and the Paradise Isle.

137. The Father has personality and volition of character; His love and acts of creation is evidence of this. The religion of Jesus paints an accurate portrait of the personality of the Father in his representation of God's nature and character as a loving Father to all creation in the Grand Universe. This particular is the crucial factor in his admission whence he stated: "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father, for the Father and I are one." His entire life on earth revolves around this passage. Jesus portrayed God's character to perfection, all the while being subject to the Father's Divine Will. If you read with spiritual clarity, you will see how God is expressing Himself through His will creatures throughout the planet, through human conviction. In truth, if you believe as Jesus believed, you would perform as Jesus performed, if only to emulate God's character value as Jesus taught while here acting like the God he was/is. His truth can never be anymore perfect than it was; as God did in fact speak through His son.

 True, there are many passages of enlightenment in the Old Testament which reveal certain qualities of the Father. However, the histories are mixed with the contrary nature of the Father's true personality. They are showing man's effort in relating his ideals that represent his searching spirit. This is why man has talked about contradictions in the Bible, because it is so! Of course these contradictions are nothing more than the simple mind of man, all the while writing about his own nature in every sense available to his expressive simple mind.

 Jesus chose his Apostles as representatives of the Father's spiritual kingdom; unfortunately, they misconstrued Jesus' teaching's in a fixation about him and not God. Jesus never intended for this to happen, but it did. They meant well, however, Jesus was trying to teach them a new way to approach our Heavenly Father, in the example of his lifestyle. Everything Jesus expressed to his Apostles and followers alike was within the parameter of God's Will and your faith in this Will as well as your rebirth of the spirit, because God is spirit and your spirit is your qualification to the Paradise Isle.

 Moreover, the Apostles took most of what they remembered from their teachings of the Old Testament and overlapped them on to the New Testament. This understanding is why they continually alluded to the rebuilding of Jerusalem with Jesus on the throne of David from the pressure of the Jewish prophecy (they couldn't let it go). After he had resurrected, they believed he was going to return to establish the throne of David, from under the Roman yolk; which of course never happen. Because it had nothing to do with the spiritual kingdom Jesus was trying to empress upon them. Jesus must have exhausted himself explaining to his Apostles that his kingdom was a "spiritual one, not a material one."

 Again, the reason why Jesus left no writings or markings or anything with his signature touch, is because he knew the fickle condition of man to worship that which is beyond his grasp. Look around you and you will find someone venerating inanimate objects because they  consider them holy. "The Wailing Wall" in Old Jerusalem which the Jews believed to be holy because it was not destroyed by the Romans. "The Shroud of Turin" is a perfect example of what I am saying about the fickle intelligence of humankind, go figure? The so-called "Spear of Destiny" that was supposed to have been the lance that pierced the side of Jesus by the Roman guard, as if they really had the foresight to hang on to this relic. As well as the birth of *Jesus Christ. Need I say more about the peculiarity of human behavior?

 Jesus' entire life and teachings have been stifled through sheer misconception. Christianity has taken the Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ and redirected it to the life about Jesus Christ. As they continue to revere his divine presence; all the while missing his cause to represent God's truth. As well as being a living example in the flesh for all generations of time to consider and comprehend about God's existence for true character emulation.

 Your potential son-ship with God, is predicated on how you treat your brothers and sisters in the flesh (your neighbor) in the fashion of Agape love. "If you are not living according to the testimony of Jesus in how we should be treating one another, then you are living in total contradiction of Jesus' words."

138. In the reality of true religion, that is, the doctrine of Jesus' words verbatim; take heed not to fall into the intellectual bondage of traditional poverty (human credulity). Your personal experience with God justifies your nature with the Father in purpose for His plan with you and all His children slated towards ascension and following His Will for the finality of Fusion.

 When religion becomes crystallized in format for intellectual stimulation, truth is obscured and enslaved to conformity; this is not a spiritual experience. The essence of the True religion of Jesus is the personal experience derived in your relationship with the Heavenly Father. Once son-ship is established, your experience becomes expressed in your relationship towards your brethren.
 Although organized religions who continue to embellish their control through self-proclaimed titles have a lucrative interest in their congregation, they certainly have no concern for their soul survival.

 In the Life and Teachings of Jesus you will find Jesus is only interested in your spiritual survival and of course your relation towards your brethren here on earth. To acknowledge the words of Christ is to recognize the words of God Himself, who is the actual "Bread of life." The Father was incarnate in the Son, more accurately, for this reason, to reveal Himself through His Creator Son Michael (Jesus). The living word was/is the supreme manifestation of the Father in a literal sense. In other words, Jesus was/is the living word of God; God spoke through Jesus; it was the spiritual word of God incarnate in the spiritual mind and soul of Jesus.

 Thus, Jesus as a God, is the mediator of the Father. Jesus always and forever pointed to the Father's Will in word and deed. The prophets wrote about this God-Man in the Old Testament; Jesus as the New Testament, fulfilled this prophecy in revealing God in nature and character to the world.

 What humanity must come to understand, is all prophets were/are messengers of God. Jesus is a Creator Son of God, and these two natures should never be confused. Whereas all prophets come to proclaim the truth of the living God. Michael (Jesus) is the embodiment of God's living truth. Jesus is revealing the possibility of son-ship with the Heavenly Father for all of God's will creatures in and of the experience of your Son-Ship.

 No prophet has ever had the possible reality of this experience. A prophet may have a revelation of potential son-ship with God, as an ideal. However, this idea should be the aspiration of everyone; but, it is still idealism without the hard evidence of a personal experience Jesus and only Jesus revealed and shared through his lifestyle.

139. Our Creator-Father Michael (Jesus) revealed to us by the Will of God, we all have potential son-ship status if we so choose. The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ is the full embodiment of truth revealed to you as a child of God, so you may experience God as your Father. Jesus glorified God in every word and action so we could become conscious of our connection to the Father.

 Jesus proclaimed spiritual freedom to his followers; this was/is the Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ; " The truth shall set you free." The reality of a spirit acquisition is in the inception of the Spirit of Truth. A gift of our Creator-Father Michael (Jesus of Nazareth) who promised this Comforter upon his departure; which in fact he kept, by sending the Spirit of Truth to all of God's children.
  His excellent foresight in God's plan for bringing humanity together as intended through the Spirit of Truth was a true revelation. However, this is only the spiritual aspect of God's being. We, as a human collective, must take the free will we are born with and use it to come together as one spirit for our purpose in God's Will.

 Humanity must acknowledge this brotherhood as a whole, just as Jesus portrayed in his teachings. We understand the potential of son-ship status on a singular basis, as we should accept on a universal basis. However, Jesus taught about your individual experience with God as your Father; this is entirely up to you by the degree of spiritual inception you receive. Jesus never taught a unified system of belief, only unity of the spirit.

 In other words, our evolutionary factor is the premise of our goal. We will always be evolving spiritually with the Father in spiritual perfection; this is what we were created to do. Since the Father is constant, His volition is testimony to the pattern of creation in a continual transition. God never stops creating! There will always be the expression of life in the Father's vast universe. We were/are designed individually to evolve with God reciprocally; it is an interactive experience. God is experiencing every life with will in His Grand Universe; thus, it is imperative to follow the Will of God. To perfect our spirits, to be perfect, as perfect as our Universal Father, as Jesus taught.

 It should be considered, at least for argument's sake, the True Religion of Jesus was never meant to impede social consciousness. Jesus represents the Father's truth, and the only thing that does not change in history, is truth! So, in regards to the Pentecost, it wasn't just for the Judea National Church, but for the Apostles of Jesus and the whole world, from that point on for every generation throughout time for this planet and the host of them. (other planets in our universe)

 Therefore, the precedence in truth evolves with humankind as in the experience of God's nature to reveal Himself through you, which is ascertained by the God-seeking soul. Never think for one moment God wants you to dwell in some historical archive for the replacement of this specialized experience of God and you.
 The religion of Jesus is a growing experience for the benevolent purpose of a true brotherhood, for every and all generations of time; it is our purpose to become a cohesive in one spirit, the spirit of God the Father.

 Moses asked God Exodus 1:14-15 "What should I tell the Israelite's your name when they ask? God replied: Tell Them I AM WHO I AM" I personally believe as Jesus was/is God's emissary, God can now be called; "The Universal Father" "The Desire Of  All Ages" "The Light Of The World" "The Bread Of Life""The Living Water" "The True Shepard" "The Infinite Path To Existence" "The Finite Door"     As there is now in our current timeline, history and Dimension, a well defined energy field which seems to keep everything in check...

* Please keep an open mind for the information I am about to shed upon you the reader. December 25 is one of the coldest months of the year in any part of the world; more-so, in the Middle East as in Jerusalem Israel. The average weather temp being 45 to 47 degrees Fahrenheit at night in Dec. If per say a woman who was pregnant of nine months in preparation to deliver a child, this weather  condition would not be favorable for travel in that climate and or for delivery, especially in a manger where animals are kept. Christmas is a pagan holiday and has absolutely nothing to do with the birth of Christ, and this should be considered when addressing the birth of Jesus. Nor were the weather conditions favorable for Mary to be traveling for the purpose of being added to the annual census count in mid winter. Jesus was an August baby being born on the cusp of Leo and Virgo. I have always been fascinated with Greek mythology concerning the Egyptian sphinx with the body of a lion and head of a woman, Leo-Virgo.



.  The much-admired works of the Master's revelations were slowly debased after his physical life on earth; this is to say, many misconceptions of his real mission as the Son of Man and a Son of God has caused many questions concerning religious history according to those in religious power; or the ecclesiastical structure of those who do not like being questioned.

 Had his Apostles and disciples followed after his example, that is, his living example, we would have a different frame of work in the scriptures that we now understand to be exhausted throughout their interpretations. The presentation Jesus laid to follow was/is for all generations of time during his time here, and long after his departure.

 However, the further incorporation of Greek philosophy along with the Alexandrian and Vatican scholars whose vague critique only added to the many misconceptions embedded in the New Testament was the beginning of the end of Christianity as Jesus would have it. This mass conspiracy to delve into the ordinary mind during the period when the ecclesiastical powers that be were going to have the last word in changing the Gospel of Jesus into the Gospel about Jesus, was part of their misdirected agenda; it is by far easier to confuse the issue as oppose to rewriting it.

 Although humanity has much history of extolling the earlier transcripts of the Bible, it is profoundly evident and inevitable that Christianity is finally taking a stronghold in a world where the uplifting of humanity is much needed. Jesus Christ is responsible for the "Christ mind" I have embraced with the full recognition of Jesus' real and true mission to reveal God as he knew Him to be in his prior spiritual pre-existence. Moreover, reading from the pervasive *"Blue Book" and many other spiritual avenues these past 6.6 decades have helped shape my direction. Like the Bible, the *"Blue Book" is by far more profound than any other spiritual literature in the history of human revelation 1,814 pages in the overall book. I am very partial  to the Life and Teaching's of Jesus, the last and fourth part of a four part book; 683 pages of divine truth; only the experience of reading this book everyday for 45 years, has brought me where God has intended. God-consciousness is the only avenue everyone should aspire to acquire; becoming at one with, is your mind value unifying with that of God's being, while incorporating the Christ Mind

 The crucifixion of Jesus was for his truth and nothing more. His alleged crimes were, according to the Sanhedrin Courts, blasphemy, because he thought himself to be equal to God, and for breaking the Sabbath, by healing on the Sabbath day. In essence, Jesus' "New Doctrine" was a threat to the Jewish system, which was afraid of losing what it took well over two hundred years to accomplish and perfect, which was robbing the people blind by misdirected clergy and a tithing system perfectly designed to mis-lead the people with eyes wide shut. Who said guilt was apathetically lost, I'm sure there was some sentiment while lying to the people who lined their pockets...

 Jesus, while he hung on the cross said something that should have been a clue for the world to comprehend about God; Jesus said: "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Jesus was asking his Father to forgive mankind, Jesus knew in his heart, even while quoting scripture in a half-delirious state of mind, the Jews wanted him crucified because they believed they were doing what God wanted; not because they understood His divine Will. They never understood what God's divine Will was or is in the general sense or general living in relation to the Grand Universe He upholds.

 The paradox in this heinous act of crucifying Jesus, was the wrong man was on trial for a crime he never committed. Jesus died for truth, not for a ransom, or as "the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world." Your sins belong to you, not Jesus, not God, just you. If you performed it, do not make the mistake that was made two thousand years ago, if you have something to confess, confess it to the only personality who can blot it out for you, our Heavenly Father.

141. It is evident the Leviticus practice of sacrifices slowly dogmatized the actual life of Jesus as he truly lived it; overshadowing his real purpose in the mission to inaugurate God's truth to a much needed people. Jesus never in his entire life practiced or acknowledged sacrifice; however, he did attempt the understanding of the primal behavior of man to seek God's glory through such barbaric rituals.

 John the Baptist preached "repent and be saved" Jesus preached and taught "believe and be saved" the contrast in this message is powerful and apparent; John was bound by the Old Testament, while Jesus introduced a New Doctrine of God's word through the living practice of faith. Teaching the world and the universe of his making, that God is love, and everything created is fashioned after His passion and divine act of Agape love alone.

 How primal can the human imagination be to believe that an Omnipotent power with the love of a Father, would send His Son to a sinful planet to be crucified in a gesture that would wash away the sins of the world because of two people? That is the exact mindset of the Hebrews when they developed their sacrificial fiasco. 

 The writers of the New Testament embellished this act of sacrament from the Old Testament, as they overlapped the old onto the new; Jesus spoke of the example of placing new wine into a mature skin or older bag, causing the bag to rupture; this analogy reveals science of evidence, by overlapping scripture from the Old Testament on to the New Testament of God's reality creates confusion. The writers of the New Testament honestly believed that God wanted to use Jesus as a sacrificial stand-in for the whole planet. This is a complete misconception and the "rupturing of the bag," truth; Jesus used a perfect analogy in regarding the Old Doctrine on to the New Doctrine of God's words through the presentation Jesus laid to bare.

 Let me make this as clear as possible; God is LOVE; His Son Jesus came to represent God and His relation to this planet and the inhabitants thereon. God, as a Father, would never destroy life because it is contrary to His divine and creative nature.

 The unity of humanity is the only intention Jesus wanted for humankind in the cohesion of one spirit. He didn't want us to have the same belief, only one in spiritual mind, the mind and spirit of God. Your unity in the spiritual energy of God will automatically present you with the truth of God. Religion within itself, is the experience between you and God, in the total reality of a personal relationship.

 Jesus' life on earth was to set an example for subsequent generations to accept and follow, and it is entirely accurate, that, "No one shall get to the Father except through Jesus." His words, not mine.

 To become a family in the spirit of God can only be justified by the brotherhood of humanity. We must succumb to the spirit of God by serving one another as Jesus taught in his example of serving. There is no other way to please God other than to love your brethren here on earth as God loves you, in the fashion of Agape love. And this has nothing to do with Jesus' blood and death, but it does have everything to do with the life he lived in representing God's true nature and character in the example he forever made available for you to understand.

.  My beloved, Jesus stated very clearly; we need only have faith and follow the Will of God, to become salvaged by our acts as the children of the living God. In doing His Will, the potential of ascending is entirely up to you. Jesus taught the art of faith for this  reason, so that in abiding by the Will of God, and being reborn of the spirit you have accepted Jesus as the New Testament of God's word expressed to perfection by His son Jesus.

 There is divine foresight within the Father's plan; this is part of His supreme character spiritually implanted in the soul of every child of destiny promise. The genus of God's work is in the evolving soul of humanity; you need only be still and know that ye are a child of the Eternal Father of Light and Life.

* The Blue Book is none other than The Urantia Book

        I pray you come to know Him as I do... Your brother in love and spirit:   Messenger
Final Version: 2025

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